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World Cultures

Name: Kayla Brown

Unit Introduction to Globalization
Block: 1
The United Nations
Research sites on the internet to complete this assignment to gain background
knowledge on the United Nations.

1. Explain the meaning of the U.N. emblem.

The current U.N emblem was approved on December 7 th, 1946. The U.N emblem design is a
map of the world. The olive branches symbolize peace. The world map shows the area of
concern to the United Nations so it can achieve, their main purpose which is peace and
2. How many countries are members of the U.N. today? There are 192 countries that are
members of the U.N today.
3. How might you describe the U.N. General Assembly? What happens when it convenes? The
U.N General Assembly is the main deliberative, policymaking and representative of the United
Nations. The General Assembly approves the admission for new members of the U.N.
4. Does the General Assemblys vote matter? Why or why not?
Yes because the General Assembly makes the important decisions and makes the decision
about the new members for the U.N.
5. What is unique about the U.N.s headquarters?
The U.N headquarters is unique because its in the heart of New York City. This 18 acre site
has been declared internal territory that belongs to the 193 members of the United Nations.
6. What are the main goals of the U.N.?
The main goals of the U.N are to help nations work together to improve the lives of poor
people and encourage respect for each others rights/freedom. Also, to keep peace
throughout the world and develop friendly reactions and connections among other nations.
7. Identify at least two challenges that exist in following the U.N. principles.
Two challenges that exist in the U.N principles are coordination and mission integration. Not
all nations have the same opinions and principles which causes problems.

8. What was the League of Nations, and how does it relate to the U.N.?
The League of Nations was created after the 1 st World War to provide a form of resolving
international disputes. The League of Nations was an international organization and the
headquarters were in Geneva, Switzerland. The forerunner of the United Nations was the
League of Nations.
9. In what ways was the League of Nations an example of early globalization? Identify at least
The League of Nations is an example of early globalization because the League of Nations
forced different nations to work together to settle problems.

10.Why did the League of Nations fail? Identify at least two reasons.

The League of Nations failed because of their structure. Members could not agree, they
couldnt make decisions and when they did make decisions it had to be unanimous which
paralyzed the League of Nations. America never joined the League of Nations. Britain and
France were not strong enough to impose peace on their own. Since the League of Nations
was unsuccessful, no one trusted it. Lastly, the League of Nations was weak. The League of
Nations didnt have an army or sanctions.
11.In what year was the U.N. created? October 24 th, 1945 What was happening at that time?
World War 2 was happening at that time.
12.How many countries originally joined the U.N.? 51 countries originally joined the U.N.
13.Why might the League of Nations be considered the forerunner of the United Nations?
The League of Nations can be considered the forerunner of the United Nations because it
came before the United Nations and had similar concepts.
14.What is the U.N.s Security Council, and what countries are involved in it?
The five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council are China, France,
Russian Federation, The United Kingdom and the United States. The U.Ns Security Council is
responsible for international peace and security. The U.Ns Security Council also helps the
General Assembly with the decision for new members.
15.Why might the structure and operation of the Security Council be problematic? In other
words, what principle does it appear to violate? Identify two issues.
16.Who is the newest U.N. member, and what noteworthy nations are not members of the U.N.?
Why has U.N. membership grown? The newest member of the U.N is South Sudan and South
Sudan is the 193rd member.
17.How is the U.N. funded?
The U.N is funded from voluntary contributions from member states. Then the General
Assembly approves the regular budget. The two year budget 2012-13 was 5.512 billion
18.Identify and six organizational bodies of the U.N. Complete the chart with information about
their purpose as well as details you find interesting or important.
General Assembly

Interesting & Important Facts
Is the main deliberative, policymaking and representative organ of

Security Council

the United Nations.

Responsible for maintenance of international peace and security.
Also recommends to the General Assembly about new members for

Economic and
Social Council
International Court
of Justice (World

the United Nations.

Responsible for being the policymakers, parliamentarians,
academics, major groups, foundations international court of justice.
Also referred to as the World Court or ICJ. ICJ is the judicial branch of
the United Nations. It was established in June 1945. The role is to
settle legal disputes submitted by the states and to give advisory


opinions on legal questions.

It serves as a forum for member states to discuss and resolve
pressing issues in the international field through primarily


diplomatic resources.
Is authorized to examine or discuss reports from administering
authority on the political, economic, social and educational

1. The U.N. also has separate organizations that work to meet its goals. List four different
groups or goals these organizations work to help or promote (NOT the names of the
organizations). Four different groups or goals these organizations help is extreme poverty
and hunger, education, promote gender equality and empower women and reduce child
2. What is the title of the U.N.s leader, and who currently holds this position? How is this
position used to counterbalance the strength of some U.N. members? The title of the U.N
leader is Secretary General. The current Secretary General is Ban Ki-moon of South Korea. He
took office January 1st, 2007.
"UN, United Nations." UN News Center. UN. Web. 11 Feb. 2015. <>.
"UNOV." United Nations Information Service. Web. 11 Feb. 2015.

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