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Adapted Lesson Plans

H&PE Curriculum Support Resources

Battleship Challenge
Small-Group & Large-Group Activities Indoors

Learning Goals

Refer to students Individual Education Plan (IEP) to determine if modifications need to be made to the learning goals to achieve

If student has mobility issues, this lesson can be moved to an alternate location: outdoors- tarmac.

(*Equipment required for this lesson will depend on modifications that are selected.)
Light, Low impact ball

Audio visual materials (e.g., flash cards, posters)
Chart paper and marker

Nordic poles

Chart paper and marker

[CP]/ [W]
Scoop or lacrosse stick

Sound (beeping) equipment
Flexible, non-elastic rope
Large light balls that make sounds when thrown

Allow students to select their own locomotion style.
Allow students to select their own heartraising activity.
Encourage students to choose activities that are appropriate
for them individually (e.g., raise arms, pump arms, arm curls,
high knees etc).
Demonstrate activity for student and use check for
understanding signal (e.g., thumbs up).
Allow student to use walking sticks (Nordic Poles) for

Limit background noise during activity to allow student to

concentrate on task at hand.
Instruct student helper to use visual cues to signal start and
[I] / [V]
Announce or have a student helper announce and/or explain
each movement pattern so that the student can follow along
simultaneously with the others.
Frequently check for understanding.
Allow the student to join any group when numbers are called.

Use audio visual materials (e.g., flash cards, posters) for
instructions or to signal numbers and fitness activities.
Provide detailed cues when explaining fitness activities.
Use visual cues to signal the group (e.g., use raised arm to
Provide verbal feedback to the student.
signal stop, rolling wrists to signal continue or dropped flag to Allow a student helper to guide student around the playing
begin an activity).
area by joining hands, holding an elbow or attaching a
Flicker lights to indicate when an activity starts and/or stops. flexible, non-elastic rope.
(Check that there are no students with seizure disorders where
flicking the lights may trigger a seizure.)
Ophea 2011 Adapted Lesson Plans ISBN 978-1-926555-60-7 Page 1

de lunit
Large-Group Activities
de la leon
Leon x deChallenge

Warm-Up continued...

Instruct the student to wheel around the playing area, changing direction often.
Instruct the student to wheel around in the open space while instructions are given: marching (raising/lowering legs, arms,
or head lifts), skipping (weaving in and out), running (fast wheeling), sprint (turn twice and wheel fast), bum kicks (pivots).

Minds On

[D]/ [I]
Allow extra time for student response.
Display Success Criteria, discussion topics and student responses on chart paper.

Increase or decrease the number of students in the activity.
Demonstrate activity for student and use check for
understanding signal (e.g., thumbs up).
Avoid assigning student to positions where they will be
Allow student to use walking sticks (Nordic Poles) for

Use visual cues to signal the group (e.g., use raised arm to
stop signal, rolling wrists to signal continue or dropped flag to
begin an activity).
Repeat demonstration (either teacher directed or peer
directed) and allow peer support throughout activity.
Frequently check for understanding.
Increase the number of balls to increase opportunities for
success with the student is in the lookout position.

[CP]/ [W]
Allow student to remain in the lookout position for the
entire round. After each round, instruct students to form new Provide detailed cues when explaining the activity and
groups and allow the student to continue to remain as the position.
lookout for their new ship.
Use lighter ball with sound (e.g., beach ball with rice) to avoid
Allow the student to use a scoop or lacrosse stick to retrieve student being hit in head/face.
balls when they are the captain. Allow student to travel in
Use verbal prompts to assist student in retrieving objects.
front of the mat rather than assist in dragging the ship.
Provide sound (beeping) equipment to each group to assist
student in locating other ships.

Cool Down
[A]/ [CP]/ [W]
Instruct a student helper to inform student when their turn is
Invite the student to perform stretching exercises while sitting coming up.
on a mat.
Instruct students to line up from largest to smallest shoe size
Use audio visual materials (e.g., flash cards, posters) for
or by birthday rather than by height.
Instruct the student leading the stretch to announce and
explain the stretching exercise.

No modification is required for this section.

Ophea 2011

I Adapted Lesson Plans I ISBN 978-1-926555-60-7 I Page 2

Nom de lunit
Large-Group Activities
de la leon
Leon x deChallenge

Ideas for Extension

Increase or decrease the number of students in the activity.
Demonstrate activity for student and use check for
understanding signal (e.g., thumbs up).
Encourage students to work together utilizing the skills each
group member brings to the ship.

Utilize lead up games if the student is unable to participate in

the specific activity.
Allow students to select their own heartraising activity.
Encourage students to choose activities that are
individually appropriate (e.g., raise arms, pump arms, arm
curls, high knees etc).

Notes to Teacher
Assign a student helper to provide support during activities. Change student helpers often to allow student helper to
participate in the activity.

Ophea 2011

I Adapted Lesson Plans I ISBN 978-1-926555-60-7 I Page 3

Small-Group & Large-Group Activities

Battleship Challenge

Corresponding H&PE
Curriculum Support

Ophea 2011

I Adapted Lesson Plans I ISBN 978-1-926555-60-7 I Page 4

Small-Group & Large-Group Activities

Lesson 2 of 4
30 Minutes
Curriculum Expectations 1.4, A1.1, A2.1

Movement Competence,
Active Living
Battleship Challenge

Learning Goals
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
apply relationship and social skills to achieve a group goal
demonstrate behaviours of active participation.


Safety Requirements


Refer to the Ontario Physical Education Safety Guidelines - Elementary Curricular Module,
Dodgeball/Tag Games activity page.

Equipment List

4 6 mats (1 per group)

8 12 coloured sponge balls (2 per group)
Paper and writing materials (1 per group)
From Lesson 1:Teacher Resource 1: Active Living and Living Skills Anecdotal Recording Chart

Students will gradually increase their heart rate by participating in the following activity.
Number Run
Have students move around the activity area in different patterns using various locomotion styles (e.g., jogging, skipping,
Call out a number and one of Opheas 50 Fitness Activities (see Appendix).
The students quickly form a group with that number of members and perform the activity called. Extra students (if any) can join
any group.
End the activity with groups of five, so that teams are formed and ready for the Battleship activity.

Minds On


Using student-friendly language, share and clarify the lesson Learning Goals with the
students. Have students predict what they will be doing based on the Learning Goals.

Teacher observation of students responses

which demonstrate their knowledge related
to goal setting, active participation and
relationship and social skills

As a large group, have students brainstorm how selecting a goal as a member of a

group might be different than selecting an individual goal and why.
Teacher prompt: How is selecting a goal as a member of a group different than
selecting an individual goal and why?

Ophea 2010

I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource I ISBN no. 978-1-926555-32-4 I Page 4.CG.b.12

Small-Group & Large-Group Activities

Battleship Challenge
Lesson 2 of 4

Minds On - continued...
Responses may include:
group members have different personal goals
members of the group may want different things
goals can be accomplished more easily when the group comes together as a team.

Have students recall Success Criteria for Active Participation and Relationship and Social Skills from Lesson 1. Refer to Teacher
Resource 1: Active Living and Living Skills Anecdotal Recording Chart (from Lesson 1) for Success Criteria if necessary.
Have students reform their groups from the Warm-Up. Ask each group to come up with one characteristic of relationship and social
skills to focus on during the lessons activities. Have one member of the group record this goal on paper and display on the wall.
Teacher prompt: Which focus has your group chosen in order to be successful in the lesson?
Student response: Our group has decided to focus on giving each other positive feedback in order to achieve the team goal.



Students remain in the groups formed during the Warm-Up. Distribute one folding
mat and two sponge balls to each group.
Ensure that balls are brightly coloured to enable students to track them more
Each group must choose a captain. The captain helps drag the mat (ship) and is the
only team member who can leave the team to retrieve balls.
Each group has three rudders, who help drag the mat and manoeuvre it toward
the other ships. Each group has one lookout, who is on the mat and tries to tag
the lookouts of other ships by hitting them with a sponge ball.
The game begins with one ship in each corner of the gym and the two remaining
ships facing each other on opposite sides of the gym. The lookout sits or lies on the
mat while the captain and rudders hold the corners.
The challenge is for the rudders and captain to manoeuvre the ship in such a
manner as to allow the lookout to hit other lookouts without being hit.
Only the lookouts can throw balls, and only the captain can leave the ship to
retrieve balls.
Should a lookout be hit, the entire group returns to their starting position, chooses
new roles and continues to play.
A ship is destroyed when all players have taken turns being the lookout, and all
have been hit.
Remind students to work as a team and coordinate efforts.
If a ship is destroyed, the team does one of Opheas 50 Fitness Activities (see
Appendix). Then they can take a new ship into battle.

Teacher observation with anecdotal writing

of students application of active
participation and relationship and social
skills using Teacher Resource 1: Active Living
and Living Skills Anecdotal Recording Chart
(from Lesson 1)
Teacher observation of student

To accommodate all learners, consider the following adjustments:

Place two scooters (mini-subs) under the mats. This enables students to maneuver
ships quickly and with ease.
Increase or decrease the size of the playing area to further challenge students.
As a further challenge, have the captain use a scooter (mini-sub) to retrieve balls.
The mini-sub could be docked on the ship when not in use.

Ophea 2010

I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource I ISBN no. 978-1-926555-32-4 I Page 4.CG.b.13

Small-Group & Large-Group Activities

Battleship Challenge
Lesson 2 of 4

Action - continued...

Add a group of 3 5 students with a parachute to act as the coast guard or a tropical storm. This group must try to dry
dock one of the battleships due to safety concerns or rough seas by covering the entire battleship under the parachute for a
predetermined amount of time (e.g., 10 seconds).

Copied with permission from Daily Physical Activity: Handbook for Grades 1-9 Schools (2006), p.88, Alberta Education.

As a group, students perform a self-assessment of their ability to demonstrate their group cooperative goal using the Thumbs-Up
Strategy (see Appendix).

Students gradually decrease their heart rate to a resting rate by participating in the activity below. Students should also stretch the
body parts that have been active throughout the lesson. See Appendix for stretches.
Students line up from tallest to smallest without talking.
Once students are lined up, the tallest student starts a stretch.
The student next to the tallest person mimics the stretch and so on down the line until the stretch reaches the smallest person in
Once the stretch reaches the smallest person in the line, the tallest person starts the sequence again, stretching a different body
Continue until all of the major muscle groups have been stretched.



Using Jigsaw Strategy (see Appendix), students share one strength and one area of
improvement from their groups demonstration of their cooperative goal.

Teacher observation of students discussion

Ideas for Extension

The Titanic
Divide students into groups of 5 6.
Each group is aboard a sinking ship. The sinking ship is at one end of the playing area and players must use lifeboats (two mats per
group) to get their team to the other side of the playing area and off the ship before it sinks.
All members of the team are given a minute or two to strategize how they are going to get to the other side of the playing area
using only the two lifeboats. Encourage each member of the team to provide input to the strategy.
On the teachers signal, the groups all begin moving across the playing area, stepping only on their own lifeboats.
If any member of the team falls off the lifeboat, all members must perform 10 20 repetitions of one of Opheas 50 Fitness
Activities (see Appendix) on the spot before getting back onto their boat.

Ophea 2010

I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource I ISBN no. 978-1-926555-32-4 I Page 4.CG.b.14

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