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Perception and


What is perception?
Perception (from the Latin
perceptio, percipio) is the
organization, identification, and
interpretation of sensory information
in order to represent and understand
the environment

Message and Perception

Eye based perception

Ear-based perception
Find at least 5 meanings of this
I made her duck

Find at least 5 meanings of this

I made her duck

I cooked waterfowl for her benefit (to

I cooked waterfowl belonging to her
I created the (plaster?) duck she owns
I caused her to quickly lower her head
or body
I waved my magic wand and turned her
into undifferentiated waterfowl
At least one other meaning thats
inappropriate for gentle company.

I caused her to quickly lower her head

or body
Grammar: duck can be a noun
(waterfowl) or a verb (move body)

I cooked waterfowl belonging to her.

Grammar: her can be a possessive (of
her) or dative (for her) pronoun

I made the (plaster) duck statue she

Meaning: make can mean create or

I mate or duck
Im eight or duck
Eye maid; her duck
Aye mate, her duck
I maid her duck
Im aid her duck
I mate her duck
Im ate her duck
Im ate or duck
I mate or duck

Tongue based perception

Odour based perception

Perception and Reality

The message based on perception
does not communicate the most
trustworthy circumstance
The knowledge based on perception
is imperfect
In communication, we need to use
always impartial words to preserve
the reality of the message

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