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In __________ both alleles are expressed in offspring.

a. Incomplete dominance
b. Sex-linked genes
c. Genetic engineering
d. Complete dominance
2. Every organism has a specific number of ___________.
a. Mutations
b. Chromosomes
c. Embryos
d. Meiosis
3. One pair of chromosomes determines sex of an organism. XY means the
offspring will be _________.
a. Normal
b. Mutant
c. Male
d. Female
4. ________is the way an organism looks and behaves as a result of its genotype.
a. Prototype
b. Phenotype
c. Punnettype
d. Hereditype
5. A type of inheritance where more than one gene controls a trait is ________.
a. Heterozygous
b. Homogenous
c. Polygenic
d. Homozygous
6. _______ is used to help produce large volumes of medicine.
a. Polygenics
b. Cryogenics
c. Photogenic engineering
d. Genetic engineering
7. A tool used to predict the possible offspring of a mating is called a __________.
a. Polygenic square
b. Hereditic square
c. Phonetic square
d. Punnett square
8. __________influences on genes can be internal or external.
a. Environmental
b. Maternal
c. Paternal
d. Cryogenic
9. A _____________ trait covers up other traits.
a. Homozygous
b. Heterozygous
c. Dominant
d. Recessive
10.In a Punnett square, a small letter (t) or (e) for examples; stands for a
__________ allele.
a. Homozygous
b. Dominant

c. Recessive
d. Heterozygous
11.A organism whose two alleles for a trait are exactly the same is ___________.
a. Homogenous
b. Polygenic
c. Heterozygous
d. Homozygous
12.________is the passing of traits from one generation to another.
a. Heredity
b. Genotype
c. Hybridization
d. Genetic engineering
13.____________occurs when a group of gene pairs acts together to produce a
single trait.
a. Genetic engineering
b. Polygenic inheritance
c. Incomplete dominance
d. Genotyping
14.The genetic makeup of an organism is called its ___________.
a. Phenotype
b. Inheritance
c. Genotype
d. Allele
15.An organism with two alleles that are exactly the same is _______________.
a. Homozygous
b. Dominant
c. Recessive
d. Heterozygous
16.When a pair of chromosomes separates during __________, the different alleles
move into separate sex cells.
a. Mitosis
b. Oasis
c. Meiosis
d. Halitosis
17.An organism that has two different alleles for a trait is ____________.
a. Dominant
b. Recessive
c. Heterozygous
d. Homozygous
18.A plant that receives different genetic information from each parent is
a. Hybrid
b. Phenotype
c. Allele
d. Sex-linked gene
19.The study of how traits are inherited through the interactions of alleles is
a. Psychology
b. Genetics
c. Genetic engineering

d. Biology
20.The different forms a gene may have for a trait are called___________.
a. Phenotype
b. Polygenic inheritance
c. Hybrids
d. Alleles
21.Through ___________ scientists are experimenting to change the arrangement
of DNA in a gene.
a. Genetic engineering
b. Hybridization
c. Recessive manipulation
d. Polygenic inheritance
22.All ___________protists contain chlorophyll.
a. Animal-like
b. Funguslike
c. Plantlike
d. Human-like
23.One-celled protists usually reproduce___________.
a. Asexually
b. Through photosynthesis
c. Through cloning
d. Sexually
24.The organism shown below is ___________.

a. An amoeba
b. A Euglena
c. A Paramecium
d. Slime mold
e. A diatom
25.The organism shown below is ____________.

a. A diatom
b. A paramecium
c. An amoeba
d. Slime mold
e. A euglena
__________-one-celled, animal-like protest that can live in water, soil, and
living and dead organisms.
a. Pseudopod
b. Protozoan
c. Ascus
d. Basidium
27.Most species of fungi__________.
a. Are single-celled
b. Contain chlorophyll
c. Are extinct
d. Are many-celled
_________-one-or many-celled eukarytic organism that can be plantlike,
animal-like, or funguslike.
a. Pseudopod
b. Saprophyte
c. Lichen
d. Protist
29.Yeast is a _________used for baking.
a. Fungus
b. Protozoan
c. Bacterium
d. Protist
___________-a type of reproduction---fission, budding, and regeneration---in
which a new organism is produced from one organism and has DNA identical
to the parent organism.
a. Asexual reproduction
b. Mutation
c. Sexual reproduction
d. Intervention
31.Which of the following are classifications of protists?
Check all that apply.
32.__________protists usually reproduce asexually.
a. Anemic
b. Eukaryotic
c. Multi-celled
d. One-celled
33._________are plantlike protists.
a. Lichens

b. Basidia
c. Algae
d. Diatoms
34.Which term includes all animal-like protists?
a. Fungi
b. Saprophytes
c. Protozoans
d. Algae
35.All of these can be inherited by people EXCEPT:
a. Eye color
b. Language
c. Height
d. Blood type

a. Habitats
b. Systems
c. Organisms
d. Organelles
37.Which of these is due entirely to inheritance in humans?
a. Eye color
b. Reading skill
c. Endurance
d. Broke bones

a. Lay eggs.
b. Are fish
c. Are warm-blooded
d. Live in the water
39.Which of these could cause a decrease in the number of squirrels in a
a. An increase in the squirrels food supply
b. An increase in competition with other nut-eating animals
c. An increase in the squirrels territory
d. An increase in cooperation with birds in the area

40.Which level of organization below is the most basic or primary level of

a. Organ system
b. Organ
c. Tissue
d. Cell
41.Ellen noticed that she often sneezes, when she visits her friend Robert, who
has a cat and a parrot. Ellen wonders if she may have allergies to Roberts
pets and decides to conduct a scientific investigation. What should Ellen do
a. Ellen should visit Sue who has a horse, a dog, a goldfish, and a
b. Ellen should visit a friend who has only cats and one who has only
c. Ellen should tell Robert that she cannot visit him until he gives away
his pets
d. Ellen should call her doctor and insist that she needs shots for allergies
42.Mendels early work with pea plants demonstrated a significant genetic
discovery. The crossing of homozygous tall pea plants always resulted in tall
plants and demonstrated that tallness in pea plants is a trait that is:
a. Blended
b. Dominant
c. Mutated
d. Recessive
43.Most of the hereditary information within the cell is carried in the:
a. Chromosomes
b. Vacuoles
c. Ribosomes
d. Golgi bodies

a. 8
b. 64
c. 16
d. 32
45.All of the populations of species in an area make up a _____.
a. Region
b. Family
c. Niche
d. Community
46.Which of these organisms has cells with cell walls?
a. A fox squirrel
b. A pine tree
c. A ladybug
d. A bluebird
47._____________ proposed that geological change occurs gradually by the
accumulation of small changes over long periods of time.
a. James Hutton
b. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
c. Charles Lyell
d. Georges-Louis Leclerc Comte de Buffon
48.___________ is the change in the genetic composition of a population over
successive generations.
a. Selective breeding
b. Evolution

c. Natural selection
d. Dominant alleles
49.__________ a process in which individual organisms or phenotypes that
possess favorable traits are more likely to survive and reproduce.
a. Selective breeding
b. Evolution
c. Natural selection
d. Dominant alleles
50.___________ within a population is a result of mutations and sexual
a. Genetic variation
b. Mutation
c. Adaptation
d. Divergent evolution

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