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February 15, 2015

To whom it may concern:

It is my pleasure to recommend Ashleigh Boettger for a position in the Lansing School District. I am
working with Ashleigh this semester at Pattengill Middle Years, a fourth through sixth grade program.
Ashleigh is completing her special education placement for her internship year. She works with sixth
graders as a special education teacher that provides instruction and interventions in a resource room
and pushes in to assist and adapt curriculum for students in the general education setting.
Ashleigh works well with a variety of students with different needs, IEP goals and accommodations.
She understands the importance of creating a positive classroom culture, building relationships with
students, and discovering their likes and dislikes. When speaking to students, she is calm, respectful,
gives specific praise, and redirects them in a polite manner when necessary. Ashleigh has created
class wide and individual structures to monitor behaviors. Ashleigh values ongoing parent
communication for students having a great or challenging day.
Ashleigh does a great job at understanding and teaching the curriculum to her students. She
approaches instruction with various strategies to meet students diverse needs, goals and
intelligences. On a daily basis, students often receive whole class, small group, guided, or
individualized instruction and witness modeling and coaching. Ashleigh has had specific experience
with planning for guided reading and writing units and math interventions. She holds one-on-one
conferences with her students and maintains up- to- date assessment data to monitor student growth
toward goals and the understanding of content through various formative or summative assessments.
Ashleigh would be an asset to any school community. She always displays professionalism, works
well with other staff members and welcomes opportunities presented to her. Currently, Ashleigh
meets with General Education teachers as needed to offer interventions and accommodations to
support their students. She attends and contributes to IEPs, professional development meetings,
PBIS meetings, SIT meetings, C3 (Community, Culture &Climate Anti Bullying Committee) and
assists with administering assessments required by the district to the entire school.
I highly recommend Ashleigh Boettger for a teaching position in our school district. She is dedicated
to educating students in an urban setting and helping them reach their full potential. Ashleighs ideas
and suggestions are well received and she will be sure to bring positive growth for all of the children
she works with in the future.

Nichole VanDellen
6th Grade Special Education teacher
Pattengill Mi ddl e Year s
6 26 Marshall St
Lansi ng , MI 48 91 2

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