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Marshall Islands Vs. Sudan

Created by: Lynette Pierce and Todd Trudo


The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are eight international
development goals that address the extreme poverty that can be
found in virtually every third world/developing country. The goals are
broken down into categories that include: hunger, education,
promotion of gender equality, improving child mortality rates and
health of pregnant mothers, disease, environmental sustainability, and
lack of adequate shelter. These goals were meant to be obtained in
2015 with plans to continue working on them in the years to come.



Even though poverty rates were cut in half, 1.2

billion people still live below the poverty line.

About 700 million fewer people lived in conditions of

extreme poverty in 2010 than in 1990.

The economic and financial crisis has widened the global

jobs gap by 67 million people.

1 in 8 people worldwide still go to bed with an empty


Almost 1 in 6 children age 5 and under are under their

expected weight. 1 in every 4 of those children have their
growth restrained because of this.

Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of

people whose income is less than $1.25 a day

Marshall Islands
GDP per capita is 3,556.3 USD,
calculates growth of economy
(Gross Domestic Product)
50% of population are under age 14
live on less than $1 a day

The incidence of poverty in Sudan
stood at 46.5%. This means that
almost one out of two Sudanese
does not have the necessary means
to purchase the value of a minimum
food and non-food bundle.
Employment-to-population rate stood
at 31.06% and unemployment rate
stood at 17%. Youth (15-24)
unemployment rate stood at 25.4%

Only about 20% of the population of Sudan live on less than $1.25 a day so in comparison Sudan is leading the
Marshall Islands in this regard. Thanks should be given to the recent push of agriculture and the jobs that it


Unless something changes the world is not set to
meet the goal of universal primary education, too
many children are still not receiving the primary
education required.
The number of primary school drop outs went from
102 million in 2000, to 57 million in 2011.
Over half of those primary school drop outs are
in sub-Saharan Africa.
Worldwide 123 million youth ranging from age
5-24 are lacking in basic writing and reading abilities.
Over 61% of the

Marshall Islands

Literacy rate of 94%


The net primary school enrolment rate

for the population 6-13 years old in
Sudan is 67%.

The net secondary school enrollment

rate for the population 14-16 years old
in Sudan is 22%.

62% of the population 15 years old or

more in Sudan is literate. Urban
literacy reached 79% of the population
in this age group compared to 51% of
the rural population

Marshall islands not only tops Sudan in literacy rate but also in school enrollment rates.
Marshall Islands have a 72% net secondary school enrollment rate for both men and


The Gender equality goal is only being achieved in 2
out of 130 countries at all levels but is almost fully
achieved at the primary level in all countries.
Gender parity is closest to being achieved at the
primary level; however, only 2 out of 130 countries
have achieved that target at all levels of education.
World wide 40 out of 100 non-farming jobs are held by
As of 2013 the average woman to man ratio in
government globally was 20% women to 80% men.


Marshall Islands

GPIA Gender Equality Rating Rate 3

GPIA Gender Equality rating of 2.5

In terms of labor force participation,

males constitute 38.3% while the
share of females stood at 14.1%.
unemployment among men stood at
13 % compared to 20% for women.

CPIA gender equality rating goes from one, being low, to six, being high. The Marshall Islands
have a higher rating, meaning there is more gender equality there. In the Marshall Islands, gender
parity has been achieved but they are still working on getting more women involved in economics
and being represented in parliament.


Reduce by two thirds, between 1990
and 2015, the under-five mortality
Great advancements in child survival
rate have been achieved but in order
to meet the goal the efforts would
have to be doubled
The completion of this goal would
mean only 31 of every 1000 children
under five would die as opposed to
93 out of every 1000.

Marshall Islands

38 per 1,000 children, under the age

of five died from 2009 to 2013.


The result of Sudan Household Survey

(2010) showed clear decline in Infant
Mortality Rate (IMR) in Sudan, where IMR
had declined from nearly 80/1000 LB in mid
1990s to 57/1000 LB in 2010

Under five Mortality Rate in Sudan was

estimated at 130/1000 L.B in mid 1990s, it
declined to 102/1000 L.B in 2006 (SHHS
2006), and finally stood at 78/1000 L.B in
2010 (SHHS 2010)

The Marshall Islands are on track with getting their child mortality being reduced by two-thirds,
their infant mortality has decreased, and their immunizations has increased. Sudan has drastically
reduced there mortality rate over the years but Marshall Islands is about half of what Sudan is

The Maternal mortality rate has halved since 1990, yet

it is still short of the millennial development goal.

Improving maternal health includes reducing the

maternal mortality ratio and having access to
reproductive health.

With there being a lack of funding in family planning

creates a major failure in improving womens
reproductive health.

Maternal mortality has decreased by two-thirds in

Eastern Asia, Northern Africa, and Southern Asia.

140,000,000 women who are married or in a union say

they want to delay or avoid pregnancy yet they are not
using contraceptives.

Marshall Islands


The most recent survey (Sudan House

Hold Survey SSHS 2010) estimated
maternal mortality rate (216/100.000)

Delivery by trained personnel in

Sudan stood at 72% (89% urban & 66
rural) in 2010 compared with 57% in

140 deaths per 1000 live births.

The Marshall Islands are on track to achieving the goal to reduce mothers deaths during child
labor by three-fourths, but they still have low contraceptive use and high teen pregnancies. Sudan
has over 25% die at delivery which has continued to get better since 2006.


Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the spread of
Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the incidence
of malaria and other major diseases
230,000 fewer children were infected with HIV under
the age of fifteen in 2011 than in 2001.
At the end of 2011, 8,000,000 people were receiving
therapy for HIV.
1.1 million deaths caused by malaria have been averted
from 2000 to 2010.
Tuberculosis treatments have saved over 20,000,000
lives from 1995 to 2011.

Marshall Islands

From 1980 to 2011 there has been a

total of 25 HIV cases recorded.

They have an HIV incident rate of .



The estimated HIV prevalence among

the general population 15-49 years in
North Sudan is 0.67%.

Only 4% of the respondents knew all

the three ways to prevent HIV
transmission in Sudan

Malaria is a leading cause of morbidity

and mortality in Sudan.

The Marshall Islands are far from meeting their goal with high HIV risk factors, low knowledge of
HIV and AIDS, and their TB cases has actually increased. Sudan HIV rate is extremely high
because of poor understanding and more than half die of malaria.


Integrate the principles of sustainable development
into country policies and programs and reverse the loss
of environmental resources
Halve, by 2015, the proportion of the population
without sustainable access to safe drinking water and
basic sanitation
Forests are disappearing at high rates and the global
greenhouse gas emissions are increasing.
There has been a 46% increase of carbon dioxide since
Marine fish stock have been overexploited.
Species risking extinction even though there are
protected areas.
Since 1990, there has been an increase in those who
have access to improved water sources and sanitation

Marshall Islands

A 9.38% change in proportion of the

population using improved drinking
water sources. Since 1990.

A 10.81% change in proportion of the

population using improved sanitation
facilities since 1990.


According to Sudan Household

Survey SHHS 2010, almost 60.1% of
the households in Sudan have access
to improved drinking water sources

According to SHHS 2010, shares of

27.1% of the households in Sudan
have access to improved sanitation

Marshall Islands has done better overall with having a sustainable environment.
They have improved in water sources, sanitary facilities, forest areas, and
protected places, but they are still far from achieving this goal because they still
need a better quality of drinking water and sanitation. Unlike Sadan where the majority have
access to drinking water and one-third have access to good sanitation.


Develop further an open, rule-based, predictable, non-discriminatory trading and financial


Address the special needs of least developed countries, and address the special needs of
landlocked developing countries and small island developing States

Deal comprehensively with the debt problems of developing countries

In cooperation with pharmaceutical companies, provide access to affordable essential drugs

in developing countries, and deal comprehensively with the debt problems of developing

In cooperation with the private sector, make available benefits of new technologies,
especially information and communications

Marshall Islands
Access to Technology
Internet users per 100 people: 3.55
Telephone lines and cellular
subscribers per 100 people: 9.38
GDP per capita is 3,556.3 USD,
calculates growth of economy
(Gross Domestic Product)

Sudan's Official Development
Assistance (ODA) declined from
7.2% in 2005 to 4.8% in 2008, with a
sharp decline in the growth rate from
44.7% in 2005 to -16% in 2007 to
5.6% in 2008.
The service sector contributed 40
percent to GDP, surpassing
agriculture as the leading sector in
the economy.

Marshall Islands have limited access to data and technology usage. Sudan has a huge decrease
and has continued to get worse. Both countries will never prosper until education and knowledge
can be valued. Sudan has seen a decrease in aid received but have been unable to make up the
difference of the decline.



Marshall Islands


The Marshall Islands are on track with

goals four and five in reducing child
mortality and improving maternal health.
By 2015, they will have to work very hard
to reach goals one, two, three, six, and
seven which include extreme poverty and
hunger, primary education, gender
equality, diseases, and environmental
stability. They are also behind in goal
eight, global partnership, but there is very
little access to data on this goal.

Sudan is not on track to complete the

goals by the end of the project date
because of the negative traditional, social
and cultural attitudes, values and
stereotypes that hinder girls from
education especially in rural areas. On top
of that low literacy levels hamper training
of skilled medical workers, particularly
midwives. WIth education being the
baseline to helping a developing country
actually develop and become selfsufficient Sudan really needs help in this

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