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Dyslexia Intervention: Reading

Comprehension/Spelling + Technology

Developed by Megan Taylor

September 2013

Job Aid

In Dyslexia Intervention, while it is necessary for the teacher to be the leader of
instruction, it does not serve students well to be fed information and act as passive
learners. Instead students need to be active, they need to experience the information
they are learning and build skills, knowledge, and connections while they learning. For
this reason, this instruction will employ a constructivist theory of learning.
Students will need sufficient guidance, but they will also embark on independent
learning activities that help them to apply the knowledge and skills they need to develop.
It will be important for these activities to be authentic, have an element of fun, and
include proper teacher feedback and support. The purpose of this instruction is to
bridge the gap resulting from an absence of formal, established curriculum. Focus will
be on (a) improving students reading comprehension through the integration of
technology resources and learning strategies, and (b) increasing students independent
learning, spelling, and writing with the use of technology.
Before the class
There are several supplies and resources that should be gathered before
beginning instruction. Additionally, plans should be made to occupy (check out if
necessary) a computer lab for Day 4 of the instruction. Read through the Job Aid to
become familiar with the lesson ahead of time and allow a day or two if you have any
questions. Complete these tasks 2-3 days before beginning Day One. Each morning (or
the day before) I would recommend reading over the Job Aid section for that (or the
next) day once again.
Checklists, Rubrics, and Organizers
You will need to print the handouts included in Appendices A, B, & C of this
-Graphic Organizer (A.1): class set (x2) & extra copies for teaching
-Book Review (A.2): class set & extra copy for teaching
-Summary Rubric (B.1): class set
-Puppet Pals Rubric (B.2): class set
-Spelling Checklist (B.3): one copy for each word set (appr. 20 words)

Job Aid

-Student Surveys (C.1): class set

-Instructor Survey (C.2): one copy
After printing, you should review the grading rubrics and consider how a students work
will look for each requirement. Prepare the Spelling checklist by filling in Students
names and the word list you will be using; become familiar with the code to ease
documentation process during activity.
Goals and Objectives
(Review the goals/objectives 2-3 days before instruction begins)
These learning expectations aim to meet the needs of the students who need extra
instruction in the areas of reading comprehension and spelling. They also incorporate
effective technology tools, as well as independent use of these tools. With minimal to
medium assistance from the teacher, the students are expected to meet these objectives
with the first attempt/first story; and they are expected to meet them with minimal to
no assistance from the teacher on second (and 3rd, 4th,...) attempts/stories.
G.1 Students will increase their reading comprehension skills.
1.1 While reading book as a group, the student will recognize information
requested by a graphic organizer. (cognitive)
1.2 Given pencil and a graphic organizer, the student will record
information in graphic organizers to increase comprehension. (cognitive
and psychomotor)
1.3 Using a graphic organizer, the student will recall information and
verbally tell what a story is about. (cognitive)
1.4 Using pencil and paper, the student will summarize story by writing
one to four sentences. (cognitive and psychomotor)
1.5 In collaborative groups, students will discuss a book (read together).
1.6 During discussions and reading aloud, students will support
classmates and exercise good etiquette, with the goal of constructing a safe,
collaborative learning environment. (affective)
1.7 Students will evaluate a book/passage, and share reasons for
liking/disliking. (cognitive)
1.8 Using iPad/computer app, the student will retell a story by creating an
animated video to exhibit comprehension. (cognitive)
G.2 Students will use technology tools to support their reading and writing.

Job Aid

2.1 The student will manipulate symbolic figures to demonstrate their

ability to spell a given word. (psychomotor and cognitive)
2.2 The student will verbalize his or her spelling of the word and explain
the specific strategies used. (cognitive)
2.3 After learning to apply strategies and technology tools, student will
display openness toward writing and reading independently with the new
strategies. (affective)
2.4 Using pencil, paper, and assistive tools, students will implement
spelling strategies to correctly spell and write words. (cognitive and
2.5 Students will verbally describe how they can use technology outside
the classroom to improve their reading and spelling. (cognitive)
2.6 Using applications and/or audiobooks, students will track the text and
practice their own reading. (cognitive and psychomotor)
(Review the timeline before 2-3 days before beginning instruction)

Day 1

Reading comprehension
set-up & welcome (3 minutes)
graphic organizer overview (2 minutes)
read book and record informaCon on graphic organizer (15 minutes) [1.1, 1.2, 1.6]
discuss G.O. and informaCon from story, and verbally summarize (10 minutes) [1.3, 1.5, 1.6]
Repeat with story #2 (30 minutes)

Day 2

Reading comprehension
set-up & welcome (3 minutes)
reread story #1 (10 minutes) [1.6]
write short summary (10 minutes) [1.4]
evaluate and share (5-10 minutes) [1.6, 1.7]
repeat for story #2 (25-30 minutes)

Day 3
Day 4

Reading comprehension
set-up & welcome (3 minutes)
make puppet pals video with summary of story (45 minutes) [1.8]
read independently (45 minutes) [2.5]
watch videos (10 minutes) [1.6]

Spelling/wriCng & Technology

set-up & welcome (3 minutes)
acCvity introducCon (2 minutes)
SmartBoard spelling acCvity (30 minutes) [2.1, 2.2, 2.3]
technology educaCon and pracCce (20 minutes) [2.3, 2.4]
discussion (5 minutes) [1.6, 2.5]

Job Aid

iPad preparation
Purchase the Puppet Pals 2 application via the App Store.
Step 1: Click on App Store Icon

Step 2: Type Puppet Pals 2 into search bar

Step 3: Select All Access version by

Step 4: Input your Apple ID password and

tapping Buy and Install

tap OK to begin download

After you install Puppet Pals 2, explore the app and practice making your own video so
you can assist the students. Make sure you know how to save a video and send via Email.
(Refer the Puppet Pals 2 Instructions sub-heading, page**, for a detailed guide of how
to make and save a video.)
Gather the following supplies (2-3 days before) to be available for students:
-notebook paper
-class set of books/passages for reading comprehension activities (2 sources)
-magnetic alphabet letters

Job Aid

-magnetic color blocks

-magnetic boards
Day One: Story Details Introduction
The first lesson component will focus on using graphic organizers to help
students sort and recall information, with the goal of increasing overall comprehension.
This instructional design employs constructivist learning theories and approaches. For
your teaching this means that you are helping students construct knowledge for
themselves, as opposed to simply telling them. The graphic organizer assists you in
doing this, by giving students an outline or model to help them pick out important
information. Also, it is a great tool to encourage students to use outside of class when
reading independently. Instead of telling students the information to write down, wordfor-word, guide them to important details using prompts and questions (an example
might be the 5Ws, a remembrance tool to help students find the Who (1) did What (2),
When (3) & Where (4), and Why (5) they did it), as well as scaffolding. Scaffolding
means giving students some information to lead them to the target knowledge, as
student begins to understand and progresses, gradually provide less scaffolding or
support. This allows the student to become more independent. Constructivist theory
emphasizes building knowledge by utilizing prior knowledge, ideas, and skills. Help
students make connections between the more formal story elements (i.e. character,
setting, etc.) and what they already know and are familiar with (i.e. who, where, etc.).
Todays instruction is focusing on teaching students how to use the graphic
organizer, how to extract information from the reading and how to recall information.
The important ideas are GUIDING students and SCAFFOLDING instruction. The
students will enter into instruction with some previous knowledge and skills. Therefore
you should take advantage of what they know and build on that with more in depth and
explicit instruction. If you guide students instead of telling them, they will take more
ownership or responsibility and pride in what they accomplish, resulting in more
independence in the future.

Job Aid

Job aid for therapist for Day One:

1. Begin by explaining how we use graphic organizers, the purpose they serve, and
overview the process of filling out a graphic organizer.
(Objective: Prepare students for mastering Obj. 1.1 & 1.2, by explaining and
modeling thoroughly.
2. Lead class in reading the text (from book/passage) aloud. This round will allow
time for you to stop reading and together find the information that will be
included on the graphic organizer. As students find information, model on your
graphic organizer where to put information. After completed reading, verbally
discuss the information recorded and ask students to share what they found and
remember. As doing this, check for understanding and when they are incorrect or
unsure, lead them to the right information. Ask students to tell you what the
story is all about (i.e. Summary: make this connection); once again use
prompting and scaffolding.
(Objective: Help students to recognize important details as they read, and guide
them through the process to increase independence in subsequent readings.)
Day Two: Story Details and Summaries
Day two involves the student taking skills learned in Day one and refining them.
This will involve more practice and significant feedback from you, the instructor;
however, you will also begin to take away the scaffolding and encourage/allow
students to be more independent. Students will be reading more stories, using the
graphic organizers once again, and discussing what they find. You want to ensure they
are finding and recording the appropriate information, which may require directing the
student or re-addressing the concepts and connections from day one. Utilize the same
strategies if necessary.
Job aid for therapist for Day Two:
1. Ask students to recall what they learned yesterday. This allows you to better build
on what you already taught.

Job Aid

(Objective: Prepare students to receive less assistance/scaffolding in todays

lesson by having them recall/restate concepts.)
2. After rereading story/book/passage and recording the information in graphic
organizer, ask students to use the information from the GO to write a short
summary of the story including the important details. Remind students that the
summary is the main idea of Who, did what.
(Objective: Guide students through writing summary using information extracted
from story. Allow students freedom to do their best work without direct
intervention/instruction from you. Provide assistance if needed, but do not
explicitly tell students what to write in their summary.)
3. Lead a discussion of what students thought about the story. First, have students
fill out the Book review sheet (found in Appendix A.2). Then ask students to
share if they liked/disliked story, why they liked/disliked, and their favorite part.
When evaluating/reviewing a story, students have to think about the specifics
of the story, characters, main idea, etc. This increases awareness of story
elements and reading comprehension.
(Objective: While students are filling out review and sharing, consider if they are
recalling specific details that they understood while reading. If not, try to extract
this information from students to assess if they have understood story elements.)
Day Three: Story Details and Summaries Synthesis
On day three students will take what they learned from days one and two and use
it to create a video in which they retell the story. This will assess students overall
reading comprehension, and determine if they can remember and recap the important
story elements. Because this will be the first time students have used the Puppet Pals
app they might struggle some with figuring it out. Utilize the Job Aid below that
details the steps to creating a Puppet Pals video.

Job Aid

Job aid for instructor (& students) for day three:

1. Students will take turns using the iPad, and other students will read
independently using your audiobook resources. Although students should try
their best to make a creative video, the essential objective for this activity is that
they are able to retell the story.
(Objective: Assist the students using the Job Aid by helping them to read and
interpret the directions, if needed.)
To create a video:
Step 1: Tap on Play to start your video Step 2: Select your Location by tapping on it

Step 3: Tap the icon

Next, select your character by

tapping it.

If you want to add more than one
character click on the
icon again.

Job Aid

To move your character tap, hold
down and drag.
You can move two characters at
one time by using two fingers to
tap on each character.

Step 4: Once you have the setting and
all characters in place, tap the

RECORD button
to begin your video.

*Retell the story while moving
your characters to create your

While you are recording there
will be a red box around the
screen. If you want to pause
while recording tap the

When you are finished with your
video tap the icon.


Job Aid

Step 5: Next, you need to SAVE your

video. Tap the

Step 6: Type your name as the title
and tap Save

To view a saved video:
Step 1: Tap Saved on title screen


Job Aid


Step 2: To view the video on the iPad,

tap on the icon

To email the video, tap on
the icon

Day Four: Spelling + Technology
Day four will change the focus of instruction to spelling and writing. Because your
students struggle with the spelling and specifically letter combinations and patterns, this
activity will enforce the spelling rules and strategies you have previously worked on with
your students. It will utilize technology to offer multi-sensory learning opportunities
for students. Students will use various modalities when expressing their spelling to
reinforce the rules/combinations.
Job aid for instructor for day four:
1. Students will spell words with the color blocks and then with magnetic letters
based on your prompting. Let students take turns verbalizing the spelling, then
repeat as a group. Ask students to determine if they know why a word is spelled a
certain way (i.e. an e on the end of a CVC word to make the vowel long.) Use the
Spelling Activity Checklist (found in B.3) to track students performance.
(Objective: Provide students with multiple opportunities to practice their spelling
using different methods. Make connections to the rules/letter
combinations/patterns they have already learned through authentic practice.)

Job Aid


2. You and students will participate in a discussion of how technology can be used
to assist them when spelling/writing independently. Teach them about the
apps/programs, and then will students brainstorm occasions when they can use.
(Objective: Introduce students to new and helpful technology tools that will help
them become more successful, independent writers.)
3. Students will once again practice spelling words prompted by you, but this time
allow them to spell using technology tools, if needed. Once again reinforce the
strategies and rules.
(Objective: Facilitate students practice to become more independent by taking
advantage of available technology.)
Complete the Student Oral Survey (Appendix C.1) with each student as soon as
possible after Day Four. Ask students the questions and recording their answers on the
form; try to extract genuine, detailed answers from the students.
Complete the Instructor Survey (Appendix C.2) with your feedback. Please feel
free to offer constructive criticism and ways instruction could be improved. You are the
Subject Matter Expert and have a great deal of significant knowledge which can help me
design more effective instruction. Return your Survey, the Student Surveys, and a copy
of the assessment materials to me.
I believe that students learn by doing, by making connections, and by building
their own knowledge, and I think this is especially true for students in the Dyslexia
program. Hands-on and authentic activities are great ways to help your students
develop the skills they need in a realistic setting. Continue to utilize constructivist theory
to back your instruction if you saw that it benefited your students. If you have any
questions regarding how you can support students learning with constructivist ideas,
please contact me.

Job Aid


Appendix A: Learning Activity Resources

A.1 Graphic Organizer
Story Details Graphic Organizer
Title of story/book:

List and describe the characters:

Event 1:

Event 2:

Event 3:

Summary/main idea:

Describe the setting:

Job Aid

A.2 Book Review form

's Book Review

Title of Book:

What did you like?

What did you NOT like?

Who was your favorite character and why?

Draw a picture of your favorite scene:

What did you think?



Job Aid
Appendix B: Assessment Resources
B.1 Summary Rubric


Job Aid
B.2 Puppet Pals Rubric


Job Aid
B.3 Spelling Activity Checklist


Job Aid


Appendix C: Evaluation Resources

C.1 Student Survey

Student Post-Survey (Oral)

Ask the students the following questions and record/note the answers


Boy or Girl

Did you enjoy the activities this week?
Did you understand the instructions?

Do you want to do these activities again?

What was your favorite activity? ___________________________________________________________________

Why did you like it? _________________________________________________________________________________

What technology have you used before? (e.g. iPad, iPod)
Which technology tools did you like? And what will you use outside the classroom?
What did you learn this week?
What do you still want to learn?

Job Aid


C.2 Instructor Survey

Instructor Survey
Did you feel amply prepared to carry out this instruction? What helped prepare you?
How could you have been more prepared?
How were the Job Aid and Design/development documents helpful?
Were the learning activities effective?
What would you say about students engagement during activities?
If not, what prevented their engagement? And what might increase student interest?
What experience do you have with technology?
How comfortable did you feel with the technologies used in this instruction?
What is your perception of the technology chosen and integrated (i.e. effectiveness for
instruction, enhancement of learning, and student engagement and attitude)?

Job Aid


Did the technology used help students when attempting to read/write independently? If
not, what issues did the students have to prevent the technology from being beneficial?
Did the instruction correlate with the standard curriculum?
Did the instruction conflict with the standard curriculum? If so, please explain in what way.
Did this instructional design help to bridge the gap for students out of the standard
Did anything hinder your ability to carry out these lessons? If so, what?
What would you like to see changed in the lessons/instruction?
Overall, how effective do you think these lessons were?
Please provide any other comments, ideas, concerns, or requests you may have.

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