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The Reproductive System

Produce and deliver gametes to produce an
Allow gametes to join and form a zygote
which eventual develops into a baby.

The Male Reproductive System

Produce sperm
Deliver sperm
Sperm are produced in the
main organs of the male
reproductive system, the

The Female Reproductive System

Produce eggs or ovum and to prepare the females body to
nourish a developing embryo.
The main parts of the female reproductive system are the
eggs, ovaries, Fallopian tubes, and uterus.

The Endocrine System

Control the production of sperm and ovum
Testosterone- controls sperm production
Estrogen (Estradiol): stimulates egg development,
stimulates the thickening of the lining of the uterus, if
pregnancy occurs stimulates the production of the
LH (Lutenizing Hormone): stimulates ovulation
FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone): stimulates
Progesterone: stimulates the thickening of the lining of
the uterus, if pregnancy occurs stimulates the
production of the placenta.
If fertilization does not occur, estrogen and
progesterone levels drop and menstruation occurs.

Hormonal Levels During The Menstrual Cycle

Fertilization and Development

Fertilization usually happens in the Fallopian Tube.
Once the sperm and egg combine the cell produced is called
a zygote.
The zygote travels to the uterus in about 5 days, during that
time it increases in number of cells.
This group of cells attach to the thicken bloody wall of the
uterus and becomes an embryo.

Fetal Development

The embryo develops inside a fluid-filled sac which protects the embryo
while its in the uterus.
A a thick membrane forms between the mother and developing embryo.
This organ is called the placenta.
The placenta allows food, oxygen, and wastes to pass between the
embryo and the mother. However, the blood of the mother and the
embryo never mix. The umbilical cord connects the baby to the

Pregnancy usually lasts about 9 months, 40 weeks from the last menstrual period.
During the first 8 weeks the embryo grows and forms the major organ systems. This is the
most important time in development, damage during this period would most likely result in
major birth defects of miscarriage.
After 8 weeks it is now a fetus.
During the next 32 weeks the fetus will grow in size and complexity. Malnutrition and smoking
can lead to low birth wait because development during this period is restricted.
The lungs are the last organs to form, usually after the 22 nd week of pregnancy. Typically livebirth before the 22nd week is not possible.
Labor begins by the pituitary gland releasing hormones causing the uterus wall muscles to
contract and relax rhythmic, which forces the baby out of the body.

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