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Teacher Candidate:

Macy Deskiewicz

Cooperating Teacher:
Group Size:


Subject or Topic:

Natalie Smith
Allotted Time
Stone Fox day 3



Coop. Initials
1 hour Grade Level


R4.A.1.1.1: Identify and/or interpret meaning of multiple-meaning words used in text.
R4.A.1.3.1: Make inferences and/or draw conclusions based on information from text.
R4.A.1.4.1: Identify and/or explain stated or implied main ideas and relevant supporting
details from text.
R4.A.1.5.1: Summarize the key details and events of a fictional text as a whole.
I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):
A. Students will be able to identify character traits by citing evidence from the
story on chart paper.
B. Students will be able to summarize and predict throughout the story.
II. Instructional Materials
A. Stone Fox books and papers (students should have from previous day)
B. Chart paper
C. Markers
III. Subject Matter/Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea)
A. Students should be able to infer vocabulary meaning from a sentence
B. Students should be familiar with predictions in storytelling
IV. Implementation
A. Introduction
i. Ask class to take out their sheets and books and to recap what has
already happened in the story.
ii. Ask them to share with their groups what their last prediction was.

B. Development


Discuss the concept of character traits with the class. Create an

example on the board with the Big Bad Wolf from Red Riding hood.
(mischievous, trickster, clever, determined, dedicated).
Pass out chart paper to each group and assign them a character.
Ask students to discuss traits that character has and write them on
the sheet. Then tape them around the room. Each group should have
at least 4 character traits and a supporting reason with page number.
Ask the groups to stand up and share their character traits and
Hang up posters and continue reading chapter 4 silently and

C. Closure
i. Remind students to continue to fill out their summary and prediction
ii. Ask that the students not read ahead this time but we will continue to
read tomorrow!
D. Accommodations/Differentiation
E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan
1. Formative
i. Students will be evaluated based on appropriate character traits and
evidence on their posters.
ii. Students will be assessed on their final completed prediction and
summary chart.
2. Summative

V. Reflective Response
A. Report of Students Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (after lesson is
Remediation Plan
B. Personal Reflection
i. Were the students able to identify appropriate character traits?
1. I thought the students did a great job at this. I was not really
sure what to expect when I asked for 4 per character but the
students really worked together and tried hard to produce
evidence. The class agreed with their peers choices. I think
having to find the page numbers was to their greatest benefit
because they were really looking for reasons.
ii. Were the students engaged?


1. Yes, the students are more invested in the book as we make

more progress. They are eager to participate and raise their
hands. They were getting very loud once I put them in their
groups and I could not get their attention to tell them their
groups. Optimistically, I am calling this excitement for being
out of their seats. After I put a checkmark on the board they
quieted down and they worked together to find the evidence. I
could see that the students were all participating and invested
in their groups.
How could this lesson be improved?
1. I enjoyed making the example of the Big Bad Wolf to practice
creating the charts for character traits. I chose this character
because it is one that is well known to everyone, but after
doing the lesson I wish that I had pulled up a short story
version of it for us to read and actually practice pulling the
evidence directly out of the text, rather than from memory of
the story, which is a little less consistent amongst the group and
also could support drawing conclusions without proof.

VI. Resources
A. Stone Fox- John Reynolds Gardiner

Rubric- Stone Fox character traits (1)

Character trait chart contains:
At least 4 character traits

____ (4 points)

Supporting reasons for each trait ____ (4 points)

Identified page numbers
Proper grammar usage
Proper spelling

____ (2 points)
____ (2 points)
____ (2 points)



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