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Bun. (Hello)
Bun. (Hello)
Eu sunt Ionu. (I am Ionu)
Tu eti Iulian? (Are you Iulian?)
Nu, nu sunt Iulian. Eu sunt Ionu (No, Im not Iulian. I am Ionut)
mi pare ru, nu neleg. Poi s vorbeti mai rar, te rog? (Im sorry, I dont
understand. Can you speak more slowly, please?)
Eu sunt Ionu. (I am Ionut)
mi pare ru, nu neleg. Poi s spui pe litere cum te cheam?(Im sorry, I
dont understand. Can you spell your name?)
I o n u t.
Ooo, Ionu. mi pare bine s te cunosc. (Ooo, Ionut. Nice to meet you)
Eu sunt Radu. (I am Radu)
i mie mi pare bine s te cunosc. El cine este? (Nice to meet you, too. Who is
El este Mihai. Noi suntem prieteni. (He is Mihai. We are friends)
Bun, Mihai. (Hello, Mihai)
Bun, Ionu. Cine sunt ei? (Hello, Ionut. Who are they?)
Ei sunt prietenii mei, Alex i Victor. (They are my friends, Alex and Victor)
Ce facei? (How are you?)
Suntem bine, mulumim. (We are fine, thanks)

Eu i Maria suntem la un restaurant. (Me and Maria are at a restaurant)

mi poi da o cafea, te rog? (Can I have a coffee, please?)
mi pare ru, poi s repei? (Im sorry, can you say that again?)
mi poi da o cafea, te rog? (Can I have a coffee, please?)
Da, desigur. (Yes, of course)
Ct cost? (How much is it?)
Cost 3 euro, te rog. (Its 3 euros, please)
3 euro. Mulumesc (3 euros. Thank you)
Mulumesc. La revedere. (Thank you. Goodbye)

Bun seara. (Good evening)

Bun seara. (Good evening)
Ct este ceasul? (What time is it?)
Este 6 fr un sfert. (its a quarter to six)
Ceasul tu o ia nainte cu 20 minute. Este 5 si 25. (Your watch is twenty
minutes fast. It is twenty-five past five)
Ai dreptate. Este trziu. (You are right. It is late.)
La revedere. (goodbye)
La revedere. (goodbye)

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