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By: Hopelynn Carter

1: Scientific name

2: mustangs locomotion

3: the mustangs appearance

4: diet

5: habit and rage

6: mustang foals

7: adaptations

8: behavior

9: defense

10: survival

11: enemies

12: fun facts

13: websites


The scientific name for a mustang horse is

that the term mustang refers to the wild
horses that roam the ranges of the western
United States

The Mustang horse three gaits unlike other

horses they do the same the walk the trot
and the gallop, but some breeds have
additional gaits for example some ice land
horses can pace.
These are ice land horses.
The mustang will be able to gallop
At speeds of between 18 to 37 mph
To get away from predators such as
a lion.

Mustang horses are sometimes mangy looking critters, with unkempt

manes and tails, burs, scars, and encrusted dust and dirt . But
Mustangs are not at all that different from other horses; they are just
not trained domestic . Mustangs are a medium sized breed of horse.
They measure around 14 to 15 hands. Hands are a common
standard of measurement for horses . This equals 56 inches to 60
inches, and they weigh around 800 pounds.
The average Mustang weighs 1,100 pounds. There are about 400
breeds of horses and their weights vary from 120 to 2,200 pounds.
According to the National Geographic weight is a good indicator of
horse health and should be cheeked often to make sure the horse is
not gaining or losing weight.

The mustangs main source is grass . Grass is

the main source of American Mustangs
diet . The mustang is a herbivore . Instead
of eating a large meal once every few
days like carnivores do herbivores eat small
meals for majority of their day.

Mustangs like wide open spaces and a blanket

of grass is what prefer to have around them .
Though after associated with stables for live
space and oats for food , horses prefer a very
specific type of environment based on how
they evolved.

Where does it live?

Mustangs in north America live on islands off
the coast of the Atlantic as well as in
Western states : Nevada, Wyoming, Utah,
organ, California, Idaho, Arizona,
Montana, North Dakota, and New Mexico.

Like other mammals, mustangs have live

births. their babies are called foals. Mares
carry their foal for an 11- month gestates
period. Mustangs typically give birth to
their foal in April, May, or early June. This
gives the young horse time to grow before
the cold months of the year.

Because the mustang live in a rough habitat the

mustang relies on its adaptations greatly to survive .
The mustang grows thick fur in the winter to keep it
warm in the frigid habitat that the mustang calls its
home . The mustangs legs are long and powerful. This
helps them run from predators. The mustang hooves
have become very hard and they dont need shoes
to protect there feet. There ears are large and finely
turned so that it can hear the smallest sound. The
mustang has large nostril so that it can smell a
predator form a long way off.

Mustangs live in herds that have a clear

social hierarchy. Young males that are no
longer under the care of their mother but
have not reached breeding age to run in
a herd together. Between 2 years and 3
years of age attracting fillies from other
herds to join them. Most herds have 2 to 8
mares with their foals.

Mustang horses defend themselves in a

couple ways as horses are prey animals
there first defense is fleet of foot. They run
when threatened there seaward defense is
to kick with its back legs.

So are there any mustang horses left? Well

sort of! The answer is not a simple one. The
mustang is a specific species called Equus
ferus. Within this species, there are a few
sub species including the modern
domesticated horse and the
domesticated tarpon horse

Natural enemies of a mustang include

bears, wolves, big wild cats like mountain
lions ,coyotes, foxes, vultures, stray dogs,
humans, parasites, biting insects like horse
flies ,and abiotic things like water floods,
thunderstorms, fires, and wind (horses hate
wind),and even the sun especially on really
hot days when a horse has to spend its
time in the shade and not out grazing.

Mustangs are descendants of Spanish ,or

Iberian horses that were brought to the
Americans by Spanish explorers in the 16th
century. The name was derived from the
Spanish word mustango ,which means
ownerless beast or stray horse . many
people think that mustangs are simply just
wild horses rather than a specific breed.
These horses , including quarter horses , to
create the breed we know today

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