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Grade Math Terms - Semester 1

1. Total: A number that represents the combined amount of all items added. The whole number or
amount of something.
2. Addition: a mathematical operation that combines two or more numbers
3. Subtraction: To take one quantity away from another. A mathematical operation on a sum and an
addend, which can be called the difference.
4. Addend (partner): a number to be added
5. Equation: a mathematical sentence that uses an equal sign to show that two expressions are
6. Teen Number: An addition or subtraction strategy in which children begin with one partner and
count on to the total. This strategy can be used to find an unknown partner or an unknown total.
7. Teen Total: Numbers made up of one ten and some ones. The numbers 11 through 19 are
referred to as teen numbers.
8. Value: Numerical worth or amount
In Money: how much is something worth. Example: A nice house may have a value of many
hundreds of thousands of dollars.
In Mathematics: the result or output of a calculation. Example: 3x4 gives the value of 12.
9. Commutative property: Is the law that says you can swap numbers around and still get the same
answer when you add. Or when you multiply.
10. Equal: Exactly the same amount or value. The symbol is =
11. Number line: A diagram that represents numbers as lengths on a line.
12. Difference: The answer to a subtraction problem
13. Change minus story problem: a problem that begins with a given quantity, which is then
modified by a change-something that results in a new quantity.
14. Change plus story problem: A problem that begins with a given quantity which is then modified
by a change- something that is added-that results in a new quantity.
15. Situation equation: An equation children write to represent a story problem.
16. Comparison Story Problem: A problem that involves someone or something that has more or
less than someone or something else.
17. Compare: Telling how two or more things are alike and different.
18. More: A greater amount
19. Fewer: A less amount
20. Two-step story problem: A story problem requiring two steps to arrive at the solution
21. Double: Two of the same addend
22. Odd- A number that is not a multiple of 2. Odd numbers cannot be divided into two equal groups.
23. Even- A number that is a multiple of 2. These can be divided into 2 equal groups.
24. Doubles Plus 1: An addition strategy using doubles; one addend is increased by 1
25. Doubles Minus 1: An addition strategy using doubles; one addend is decreased by 1.
26. Two-step story problem: A story problem requiring two steps to arrive at the solution.
27. Pair: Two things that belong together.
28. Group: a number of people or things that are located close together or are considered or classed
29. Double: Multiplied by 2. Twice as much.
30. Pattern: A way in which numbers or drawings are related to one another that allows predictions
about the next number or drawing.
31. Standard Form: The name of a number written using digits. For example, 329
32. Word name (number word)- a number represented as a word; the word name for 19 is nineteen.
33. Expanded form- numbers written in a form that shows place value of the digits. 254= 200+50+4
or 254=2 hundreds+5 tens+ 4 ones

34. Pictorial representation: A number represented in picture form

35. Ones-The name given to the first position from the right when describing whole number place
value. In the number 312, 2 is in the ones position
36. Tens- The name given to the second position from the right when describing whole number place
value. In the number 312, 1 is in the tens position
37. Hundreds: The name given to the third position from the right when describing whole number
place value. In the number 312, 3 is in the hundreds position
38. Number: Describes a value
39. Digit: A symbol used to represent a number
40. Skip Counting: "Skip Counting" is counting by a number that is not 1.
41. Counting multiples of 2, 5 or 10
42. Expanded numbers: Numbers written in a form that shows the place value of digits. Ex: 254 = 2
hundreds + 5 tens + 4 ones or
43. 254 = 200 + 50 + 4
44. One thousand: Ten hundreds
45. Greater than: More than. Shows relationships between numbers.
46. Less than: Not as many as. Shows relationships between numbers.
47. Place Value: The number of a digit depending on its place in a number
48. Number path- A display of numbers 1 through 100 in groups of ten, found on the outside of the

Other Vocabulary:
Math Mountain
missing addend (partner), math mountain
Equation chain
Is not equal to
Math mountain
Vertical form
Counting On
Counting Down
value (quantity/amount)
Number Path
Quick Tens
Quick Hundreds
Decade Numbers
Change problem
Collection problem
Comparison problem
Hidden information
Number line, greater than, less than
place value drawings,
Collection Story Problem (definition on TE p. 208)
Math Mountain
Hundreds Chart
200 Chart

Decade number

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