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Holy Family Catholic Church

830 Main Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96818

Telephone: 422-1135 Fax:423-0389
Email: and
2nd Sunday in Lent

Mass Schedule


Monday-Saturday: 7:15 AM
Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM

Our First Reading today, recalls to our mind, the sacrifice of Abraham. Abraham was ordered by God to sacrifice his son Isaac. God was pleased with Abrahams unconditional obedience and respect for Gods wishes.

Sunday: 8:30 AM, 11:00 AM &

7:00 PM
1st SundaySamoan Mass-4 PM
3rd Sunday-Pohnpeian Mass-4 PM
Confessions Saturday:
4:004:45 PM
and after daily Masses
First Friday of the Month

Come Follow me.
Matthew 4:19


March 01, 2015 & Cable133.3

In the second Reading, Saint Paul reminds the Romans

that God did not spare His Own Son. Christ was indeed
crucified and died for us, on the Cross. His Sacrifice has
freed us from the influence of the Devil.
In the Gospel, Peter, James and John went up with Jesus
to Mount Tabor where He was transfigured. The voice of
the Father was clear and loud: This is my beloved Son,
listen to Him.
We listen so very often to the wrong people. We listen
and follow politicians and pundits. We know better
through our Faith, that God is in charge. We MUST Listen to God, rather than men.
This Second Sunday of Advent, we are encouraged to
listen to God, as He has been revealed to us through Jesus Christ and His Gospel of Love and Forgiveness.
Our Lenten practices are to lead us to affirm with conviction that God is always walking before us in the Land
of the Living, as the psalmist tells today. He does not
lead from behind. He leads from the front and is willing
and has sacrificed Himself for our sake. This conviction should help us focus on obedience to Gods will,
which alone will bring us peace and prosperity in the
world, and eternal life in the next. Fr Sebastian


March 03

- Saint Katharine Drexel

Katharine Drexel was born in Philadelphia on November 26, 1858. It was in her home that Katharine and her two
sisters learned the lessons of love of God and neighbor, especially the poor. She devoted her life and fortune to serving the poor and the oppressed, especially African American and Native American people. In 1891, she founded the
missionary community of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament. She died on March 3, 1955 and was beatified by Pope
John Paul II on November 20, 1988 and canonized on October 1, 2000.

March 07Saint Perpetua and Felicity

These to Saints underwent martyrdom in Carthage (North Africa) in 203 during the persecution of Septimus Severus.
We have an excellent narrative of their sufferings, written partly by the martyrs themselves and partly by a contemporary. Look up and read more about these Saints.

Mark Your Calendar

Monday 3/2 - Novena/Bible Sharing 6 PM
Friday 3/6 - Benediction after Mass 7.15AM
Way of the Cross 7.00 PM

In our baptism,
God has given us
grace and power to
live as Gods own
sons and daughters,
to respond to the
call of Christ,
our Brother.

Our Weekly Offerings

February 21/22, 2015
Thank you for your generous
contribution for the past weekend.
5:00 PM
8:30 AM
11:00 AM
7:00 PM




Stations of the Cross.

The New Stations of the Cross will be installed
by next Friday. The Old Stations of the Cross
will not be thrown away, but will be used elsewhere.

About sixty children from the

Academy and Parish attended their Retreat
in Preparation for FIRST HOLY COMMUNION on Friday February 27. They will
have their Sacrament of Reconciliation Service on March 14th.
The evening for the children and parents began with fellowship and pizza. They was a
Skit about the Biblical Tax-collector
Zachaeus and a Video and discussion about
Reconciliation. The Students and Parents
discussed making good choices, repenting
for wrong choices (sins) and receiving
Gods Grace by asking for His Forgiveness
through Confession.
The evening ended with the children taking
up newly made crosses and departing with
a song. The Retreat Gathering provided everyone a special appreciation of how joyous it
is to seek forgiveness of our sins from God
through His representative the Priest, in the
Sacrament of Reconciliation.

We believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth. This means
that we acknowledge the following:
1. God is the Supreme Being, Who is His own existence and is infinitely perfect.
2. God can accomplish anything; nothing is impossible for Him
3. God made all things by Hos own power
4. There is only One God
5. There are Three Person in the One Godhead: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit;
THE HOLY TRINITY (One who denies God, is an atheist. An agnostic is one who
doubts Gods existence)
He was transformed before them and His clothes became dazzling whiteMk 9:2-3
Our culture exaggerates the importance of the body. Islamic terrorists disdain the sanctity of
life of those who disagree with them. Our culture seeks pleasure at all costs. The terrorists
seek to subdue people with cruelty and fear.
Our Catholic Christian understanding of life makes want to sacrifice the pleasures of the
body and even embrace death willingly, as Christ did, to purify oneself from attachment to
the earth and free the body of Adams sin and help liberate it for perfect happiness in
Heaven. People who do not believe in God, will laugh at this idea. We who believe in God,
know and understand well, that God so loved the world that He sent His only Son, that who
ever believes in Him will have eternal life.
Lent is a time to raise our conscious awareness of the soul. The body will perish. The soul
is eternal. So taking care of the body is required, but not at the expense of the soul. Saint
Dominic Savio once said: Death, rather than sin.
We fast and abstain from meat to relegate bodily needs to spiritual growth, and we give alms
and do acts of charity to fine tune the mind to love and practice justice.
Mary said: My soul magnifies the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my Savior. To be able
for us to affirm Marys hymn of praise, we need to control our bodily desires and through
prayer, fasting, abstinence and alms-giving exercise our wills and hearts to give up everything for the sake of the Gospel of Christ. Saint Paul puts this so well, when he said: To me
to live IS CHRIST....nothing else mattered.

NEW PARISHIONERS: Newcomers are encouraged to register with the parish and are welcome to participate in
all parish activities and ministries. Registration forms are available in the back of the Church.

Our Bishop has given us permission to explore the possibility of bidding and buying
the land and buildings at St Georges Episcopalian Church at 511 Main Street. The Land
is 2.77 acres. It has a Church (200+ seating
capacity) a Rectory, a Guest House and especially a Day-Care Center. If successful we
hope to move our ELC there. We plan to get
the papers works done in two weeks time.
Your prayers are earnestly requested.
More than 80 Delegates from the eight Parishes of
the Vicariate gathered at the Kamiano Center on
Thursday February 26 to access and prioritize the
needs and goals of the Diocese for the next five
years. The Parishes of the Vicariates are the following: Cathedral, Co-Cathedral, Blessed Sacrament, St.
Stephens, St Anthonys, St Johns, Our Lady of the
Mount, Saint Philomenas and Holy Family. Here
are the results of the Survey after the Discussions:
1. Faith Formation 2. Marriage & Family
2. Leadership Development 4. Stewardship
5. Youth & Young Adults 6. Evangelization

to Buy or Sell Real Estate
PHONE: 722-9678

On Valentines Day, the Pope blessed 20
new Cardinals. There are 227 Cardinals
now. 125 of them are below the age of 80
and are eligible to be Pope and elect a
new Pope. Towards the end of the Service,
every new Cardinal approached Pope Francis to receive their biretta (red hat) and ring
and the assignment of a titular church in
Rome, which made them part of the Roman Clergy.
The Pope advised the New Cardinals and
all present to exercise charity with justice
and to seek the truth at all times.
More than 250 Christians have been taken
prisoner in Northern Iraq. In the meantime
Turkey has closed its borders for all refugees from Iraq and Syria.
Like in Syria and Iraq, we have another Islamic Terrorist Group operating out of
Northern Nigeria. They have attacked, ransacked and killed many people. They have
also captured hundreds of school girls
many months ago and have yet to be rescued. Their menace is so great that six African Nations have joined together and
have started operations against them,
More and more young people have become
addicted to violence. The Message of
Christ, of love, forgiveness and reconciliation are the only way to bring about Peace
in this world. Lent is a time for us to suffer
together with the persecuted brothers and
sisters of the world!

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