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CIV521: Advanced Foundation Eng

Due: 24/6 /2014

HW # 1

O. S. Mughieda
Summer A 2014

1. A rectangular combined footing is to be designed to carry two column loads of 120 and 180
kips. The columns are 16x16 in and are spaced 12 ft apart, center to center. The base of the
foundation is placed at a depth of 4 ft. The foundation soil is clay with cohesive strength of 1.0
ksf, angle of friction 0 deg and unit weight = 100 pcf.
a. Design the plan dimensions of the footing so that the soil reaction is uniform. Length of
footing is 20 ft.
b. Design the thickness of the footing and the necessary reinforcement as per ACI code. fc =
4000 psi, fy = 60000 psi.
20 ft

120 k

180 k

12 ft

2. In the above problem, it is specified that the footing should not project beyond the face of the
columns. Design the plan dimensions of a trapezoidal footing for a uniform soil reaction.

3. A building 28 x 12 m in plan is to be supported by 8x5 columns (40 in number) as shown.

Each column carries a total load of 60 tons. The allowable bearing capacity is 10 t/m2.
What type of foundation is preferable for the conditions?

28 m

12 m

a. Individual spread footings

b. Continuous footings under each row (both directions)
c. Raft (mat) foundation

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