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Myra Wells

EDU 225

Assessment Technology


1. 15, 2. 30, 3. 24, 4. 30, 5. 28, 6. 2, 7.32, 8.81, 9. 6, 10. 6

Teachers are able to use certain technology to collect and assess data from their
students to help them in the classroom setting. These programs or assessments allow the teacher
to see the results and make them aware if it is formative or summative. This helps the teacher to
adjust or accommodate the lessons for the students so they will be able to understand the lesson.
The integration of technologies into the assessment process provides opportunities to enhance
students experiences of learning through assessment as well as diversify the range of options
available for them to lean (Macquire University, n.d). Some of the tools that help assess the
students are, Learning Center, Socrative, and much more all of these software tools allow our
students to be able to work in groups. However there are some pros and cons to using
technology for assessments which leads all of the decision based on a computer or website that
are human.
In order for assessment to enhance teaching and learning, it needs to be an ongoing
process to which everyone in involved stays committed. It is important that all students are
familiar with computers and tablets to be successful. Teachers that use formative assessments can
have their students to play games and challenge each other using the smart board. This
opportunity for online assessment can bring many new and creative ways of teaching. Online
assessment process should be viewed as a system because there are many components to
measure (Delta Pi Epsilon, 2002).

The key for effective assessment is for teachers to continue improving their lessons by
bringing new ideas in the classroom and having teaching strategies that apply to all learning
styles so that each student will learn more. The assessments should also provide the teacher with
the right solution to measure data so that they know whether or not to continue reviewing or to
move on. Good assessments need to be more than just a series of standardized tests or end of the
quarter tests; they need to be a continual process that the teacher uses to get as much information
possible on the knowledge and understanding of the students (Delta Pi Epsilon, 2009).
Learning Center:
The learning centers are assessments that can be giving to a student to assess a web-based
assessment tool that supports blended leaning in a typical classroom. With these tools teachers
can post lesson materials and create assessments that can be used to evaluate student learning
and progress. Responses to the tests and quizzes are scored and recorded automatically for
instant feedback to improve the students feedback (Tucker, 2009).
Socrative is a formative assessment tool that allows for online student responses to
questions and quizzes and other educational exercises. This tool helps the teacher monitor their
class which allows the students to respond to tests and quizzes in real-time mode. Students have
the option to respond to a teachers question. Space race is a competitive format giving the
students a fun and easy way to test their knowledge either in a group setting or an individually
(Education Broadcast Corporation, 2004).
Edmodo is a web-based program that is safe and easy way for teachers to communicate
with their students. This program allows teachers to share content about an assignment, students

will have access to their homework, grades and school notices and gives them the opportunity to
communicate with other classmates in a safe environment. Teachers can also use Edmodo to
create polls, have their students write short summaries about a lesson and give tests and quizzes
with immediate feedback (A handy guide to everything.,2014).
Formative and Summative Assessments:
Assessments can measures if and how students are learning and if the teaching methods
are effectively relaying the content being taught. There are two popular assessments used in
education is Formative and Summative, both of these tools help teachers assess where their
students are academically for instant feedback or comparison for future information. Formative
assessment is gathering feedback that can be used by the instructor and the students to guide
improvements in the ongoing teaching and learning context (Roble, Braathen, 2002. Summative
assessment is more product-oriented and assesses the final product, used as more of an endsurvey assessing knowledge learned at the end of an instructional unit or semester. Teachers can
use both of these assessments in the tools mentioned above assessment.
Pros and Cons of using Technology to Facilitate Assessment
There are pros and cons of using technology for assessment anywhere especially in the
classroom. Teachers are able to analyze the data of the assessments right away which allows the
educator to adjust their method of instruction if needed. Technology can be very expensive for
some schools leaving them at a disadvantage over other wealthier districts that can afford these
new advancements (Matheson, 2014). Regardless whether or not a school district is using these
new technology assessments, it is very important for both the teachers and the students that some
form of assessing is being completed for a successful school year.
Should a teacher only use technology to assess student learning? Why or why not?

Teachers should use technology to assess student learning. The use of technology helps
teachers to know their students learning ability much better. For example, small group or
individual reading with a teacher or educational assistant is still a great way to gage a students
accuracy and fluency and standardized testing is still required in most states to help evaluate the
schools and students learning in that district (Tucker, 2009).

What is the importance of assessment technology in connection with the ISTE standards?
The ISTE standards are important because they go hand and hand to evaluate skills and
knowledge needed to learn effectively in this digital world and because of this assessment
technology is important. The ISTE standards focus on teaching students critical thinking skills,
problem solving, creativity and helps prepare them academically for their future. Technology
Assessment is very similar in that is changes the way students are learning and it improves the
way they are being taught (ISTE, 2014).
Concluding Paragraph for Software to Support Assessment
Technology has so many wonderful new advancements that allow our students to learn.
This software is allowing teachers the capability of receiving real-time feedback on their students
allowing them to modify or adjust their lessons if needed. Many software tools are now
available for teachers and students to use together to promote more independent work from the
students and provide information to the teachers needed to evaluate and help monitor students
progress academic knowledge.

A handy guide to everything teachers need to know about Edmodo. (2014). Retrieved from

Education Broadcast Corporation. (2004). Concept to classroom. Retrieved from

International Society for technology in Education. (2014). Retrieved from

Matheson, R. (2014). Tracking what students grasp. Retrieved from

Online Assessment. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Robles, M., & Braathen, S. (2002). Online Assessment Techniques. A tool for learning and
assessment, 44(1). Retrieved from

Tucker, B. (2009, Feb. 13). Beyond the Bubble: Technology and the future of student
assessment. Education Sector at American Institute for research. Retrieved from

Macquarie University. (n.d.). Using Technology to support Assessment. Retrieved from

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