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Samantha Tunnell

ELD 375
Dr. Bulgar
13 March 2015

Working With A Number Line

Subject/ Topic:



1st Grade Mathematics: Addition and Subtraction

Represent and solve problems involving addition and
Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word
problems involving situations of adding to, taking from,
putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with
unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using objects,
drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown
number to represent the problem.
Students will be able to solve addition and subtraction
word problems under all conditions (adding to, taking
from, putting together, etc.) with numbers within 20 using
a number line for assistance.
Smart Board (PowerPoint)
Student worksheet for guided practice and independent
Exit Ticket

Anticipatory Set:


To begin students will be asked what they already know

about a number line. They will be asked questions to get
them thinking and talking about what a number line looks
like as well as talk about what happens to the numbers as
you move to the right and as you move to the left (Who
can tell/remind me what a number line looks like? Does
anything happen to the numbers as we move from left to
right?). The students will then be asked what they think
number lines can be used for. After I hear what the
students have to say about number lines and everyone
agrees on what was said, I will show the students what is
on the smart board about number lines.
I will then tell the students that for this lesson we will be
focusing on using the number lines to help us with
addition and subtraction as well as solving word problems
with addition and subtraction. I will then display a

Guided Practice:

Independent Practice:



problem on the board and ask the students how we might

go about solving this problem using the number line to
help us.
As a class we will work through one or two problems
together until the students seem to be able to try it out on
their own. It will be known that students are able to try on
their own based on how they do on the problems worked
through as a class as well as how they answer different
questions while working through these problems.
After one or two problems are done as a class the students
will be given another two problems to try on their own.
After about five minutes, I will ask for volunteers to work
the problems out on the smart board, we will then talk
through the problems as a class and make sure everyone
agrees on the answer that was put on the board.
To close the lesson the students will be given an exit ticket
to complete to demonstrate how well they understood the
material presented during the lesson. This exit ticket will
include two fill in the blank questions as well as one
problem for the students to work out on their own.
Students will be assessed on their work during the
independent practice. I will walk around the room to see
how students are working through the problems, I will
also be asking questions to understand their thinking in
solving the problems.
Students will also be assessed on their ability to complete
the exit ticket that will be handed in at the close of the

Exit Ticket


Draw a number line from 0 to 20.

2. As you move this way the numbers _______

a. Increase
b. Decrease
3. As you move this way the numbers _______
a. Increase
b. Decrease
4. Jessica and Rebecca are playing jacks. Together they have 18
jacks. If Rebecca has 7 jacks, how many jacks does Jessica
have? (use the number line to help you)

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