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Math Summative Project

Jennifer Hutchison
Elementary Mathematics
Dr. Wood

Table of Contents:
Math manipulative Review .. 2
Critical Review of 3 NCTM articles: Geometry 4
An annotated bibliography: The integration of Art in Mathematics 7
Technology used in Mathematics.. 10
Areas of interest in Mathematics13

A review of 5 math manipulatives:

Base- Ten Blocks
The Base Ten blocks come in four different sizes that
indicate their place values. Units indicate the ones place,
Longs the tens place, Flats indicate the hundreds place and
Blocks for the thousands place. These manipulative are great
tools for your classroom because students can manipulate
them to create different numbers and patterns such as fractions
and decimals. They can also help students learn basic
mathematical concepts such as addition, subtraction, number
sense, place value and counting. They are useful in helping
students develop a deeper understanding of place value while
building their computation skills with multi-digit numbers.They
can be used from grade one all the way to Grade Eight. The
Base Ten blocks are excellent because they allow for students
to touch and manipulate something real while still learning important skills that translate well
onto pencil and paper.

This mathematical manipulative is made up of grids of
pegs that can hold rubber bands in position. Geoboards can be
used to explore many mathematical concepts such as geometry,
fractions, 2-D shapes, angles, area/perimeter, decimal, percent,
spatial sense, symmetry, transformational geometry, plotting
ordered pairs on a grid, dilatations/ similar figures and
Pythagorean Relationship. Geoboards can be used from
Kindergarten all the way to Grade 8. Transparent geoboards can
also be found that can be placed on an overhead projector so
students can share observations and conclusions. Students can
also use Geoboards in pairs so they can share ideas and
strategies. There are also many virtual geoboards available
online if none are available in your school.

Fraction Factory Pieces/Fraction Pieces

These math manipulatives can be used from Grade Three
to Grade Eight and they can include fraction circles, fractions
bars, fraction tiles, fraction squares, fraction stax and fraction
tower cubes. Fraction manipulatives can be used to work with
fractional parts of a circle or a square. Fraction Pieces will
support Grade 8 provincial Math Assessment, fractions, the four
operations, comparing/ordering, equivalent fractions and aid in
many types of problem solving activities.

Number Chart
Number charts can be used from Grade One to Six and even later as well. They are an
essential part to any math classroom as they can support
various mathematical concepts such as: Patterns,
Numeration: rounding numbers, prime/composite numbers,
compare numbers, Four operation, Mental Math Strategies,
Probability. Number charts can be printed and placed at the
front of the class for all the students to use and/or each
student could have a individual number chart on their desk to
aid with concepts such as addition. Number charts are
available online and on the Smartboard which allows them to
be interactive. Hundred Chart mystery pictures are a fun way
for students to learn about and practice place value.

Pattern Blocks
These manipulates can be used from Kindergarten to
Grade 8.Pattern blocks will support: Patterns, Fractions,
Area/Perimeter, Tessellation, Transformational Geometry,
Properties of 2-D shapes, Spatial Sense, Angles, Composite
Figures. Pattern block sets come with 8 Yellow Hexagons, 8
Red Trapezoids, 12 Green Equilateral triangles, 12 Blue
rhombus, 9 Orange squares, 9 Beige small rhombus. These
plastic or wooden pattern blocks are used in classrooms to
allow children to see how shapes can be made into other
shapes and it also introduces them to tessellations. When
introducing pattern blocks to students for the first time
students could build a picture with the blocks to get use to
them first.

A critical in-depth review of 3 NCTM articles in

the area and concept of Geometry.

1. Battista, M. (2002). Learning Geometry in a Dynamic Computer Environment.

Teaching Children Mathematics, 8(6), 333-339. Retrieved March 1, 2015, from ttp://
Michael Battista is on the on faulty at Kent State University. Battista conducts
school based research on students in mathematics and with that develops instructional
tools. In his article Learning Geometry in a Dynamic Computer Environment, Battista
focuses on interactive geometry software. Battista focuses on this topic because he
states that students should be actively involved in making personal connections with
geometric concepts.
Traditionally in school students are just expected to memorize lists of definitions
and properties of shapes instead of genially understanding, appreciating and using the
concepts. Battista tells the reader that true mathematical understanding only comes
about when students progress through phases or actions: abstraction and reflection.
The article goes on to talk about the van Hiele levels which Battista describes as
the best desertion of student thinking about two- dimensional shapes. Student move
though the different levels of geometric thinking to meaningfully learn the property
based conceptual system for two dimensional shapes. The levels are laid out in the
article and brief paragraphs are laid out to show what student would be at each level.
Shape Makers interactive geometry microworld is the computer software
Basttista focuses on. The software does not just include shape makers but it also
include various instructional activities. Beginning activities are to make pictures with the
software to get the student comfortable. The actives then get more specific and detailed
asking the students to formulate describe properties of said shapes.
The reader is then taken thorough five episodes in how Grade 5 students used
the Shape Maker Microworld software. The five episodes illustrate how students
geometric thinking involves and grows while using the program. Inserted into each
episodes are short conversations that were had in the classroom between the students
and teachers. The episodes also include what the teacher thought, did, and modelled to
the students. There are also various figures included in the article visually show the
program and the activities within the program.
In conclusion Battista states that the interactive geometry instructional
environment he described in his article meets the NCTM standards and modern
research of mathematic student learning. He wraps up by telling us this program allows
students to develop high order geometrical thinking rather then just memorizing and it
also allow students to become active participants in their own learning.

2. Shokey, T., Snyder, K. (2007) Engaging Pre-Service Teachers and Elementary Age
Children in Transformational Geometry: Tessellating T-shirts. Teaching Children
Mathematics. 82-87. Retrieved March 1, 2015, from
The authors Tod Shockey, previously a high school mathematics teacher, is now
an assistant professor of mathematics education at the University of Maine. Karen
Snyder, teaches mathematics at Nokomis Regional High School.
The authors, Shokey and Snyder, wrote this article to inform pre-service or
student teachers of an fun way teach transformational geometry. The intended
audience of the activities outlined in the article is for elementary aged school children.
The article focuses on using transformational geometry in the classroom by creating
tessellating t-shirts. The authors state that lessons and curricular activities should be fun
but also not lose sight of the mathematical underpinnings. Tessellating t-shirts is a
positive and engaging classroom activity while also meeting the desired outcomes.
Shokey and Snyder begin by suggesting that a teacher introduce the idea of
tessellation art by encouraging students to look for tessellations within the classroom,
within things like floor tiles, ceiling tiles and cement block walls. This will allow students
to make connections between mathematics and transformational geometry. Another
activity the author suggest before starting is using pattern blocks. Pattern blocks are
readily avertible in most elementary classroom and Shokey and Snder suggest they
may be a good tool in motivating students to learn tessellations by giving them a hands
on experience.
There are many great examples and exemplars throughout the article of steps
towards creating tessellations. Shokey and Snyde provide the reader with common
student errors and how a teacher could turn these areas into a learning experience. In
the article it is recommended that teacher show the students some examples of
tessellation art so the students have an example to work from. The authors reference
the artwork of M.C. Escher and Jim McNeill as great examples of tessellation art.
The article provides step-by- step instructions for pre-service teachers to use
when creating tessellating t-shirts in their classrooms. Though Shokey and Snyder
suggest allowing the students to create their own designs and prior to creating the tshirts. The article provide good foundation activities to try with your students before
starting the t-shirts. The authors suggest cutting square from old folders to model and
allow the students to play with the idea of translating. Another great activity the author
suggest is to get the students to use physical motions to demonstrate translation and
reflections to help them internalize the concepts.
Shokey and Snyde suggest that before starting the t-shirts allowing the students
to enlarge their designs on the pavement with chalk will prove useful in preparing them
to work with their design for the t-shirt. At this point teachers can provided guidance and
help the student problem solve through some common errors that might occur.
Shokey and Snyder conclude by emphasizing that the purpose of this activity goes
beyond a basic understanding of tessellations; moreover, this lesson provides students
with a foundation and opens them up to the understanding that geometry can be fun!

Additionally, it allows students to recognize tessellations and transformational geometry
within their classroom and lives.
3. Emenaker, C. (1999). Gingerbread-House GEOMETRY. Teaching Children
Mathematics, 6(4), 208-215. Retrieved March 1, 2015, from
Carter Emenaker is a teacher at Raymond Walters College and enjoys modelling
and problem solving in the grade K-2 mathematics curriculum. Emenaker also gives
credit in his article to two elementary school professionals, a teacher and a principle for
aiding him in completing his work.
Emenaker introduces Gingerbread-House geometry as part of an interdisciplinary
unit that should be used two weeks before students are off for Christmas break. The
interdisciplinary unit is a grade six geometry unit based on Charles Dickens A Christmas
Carol Though written from Grade 6 students the author makes it clear that this unit
could be adjusted for various age levels and abilities. Emenaker tells us the goal of this
unit activity is for students to not only meet the curriculum goals and NCTM standards
but also to make real life cross curricular connection so students may see mathematics
at work in their everyday lives.
The article not only provides step-by-step instructions and examples of
Gingerbread House geometry it also provides a basic outline of how to present the full
unit to the class. Emenaker suggests that weeks before christmas break might be a
difficult time for students to keep their minds on academics. That is why he has created
a unit that incorporates the Christmas holiday. The unit start by integrating Language
Arts by reading A Christmas Carol to the students. Then Social Studies was integrated
as the students built and planed a 1840s replica town. Media was then integrated as
the students watched the muppets version of A Christmas Carol and then they had a
chance to write a comparison of the book and movie.
The article provides recipes and examples of the Gingerbread houses. The
article also provides practical strategies to guide teachers in best practice by letting
them know what has been found to work best. Three example icing recipes are provided
which the students can be asked to make and test which one will work best. Example
questions and activity sheets for the students were attached to the article. There is even
example conversations inserted in the article to guide teaching.The article goes on to
explain how to build a prototype with the class while teaching them in guiding them in
developing their measurement skills.
The students were able to practice real life connection skills when Emenaker
gave each group a budget and a cost for materials. In conclusion Emenaker states that
his students enjoyed finding area, perimeter and volumes because they had something
real and revenant to work with.

An annotated bibliography with 6 entries in a

mathematical area, item, or issue you are
interested in:
The integration of Art in Mathematics
1. Farsi, C., & Craft, D. (2005). One in Two, Two in One: Mathematics and the Arts.
Math Horizons, 12(3), 12-15. Retrieved March 1, 2015, from
Carla Farsi and Doug Craft both teach at the University of Colorado. Their article
One in Two, Two in One: Mathematics and the Arts focuses on the smarts and
differences and similarities between Mathematics and Art. The article starts by stating
that most people see mathematics and art as completely different things, one being left
brain and one being right brain. Generally people see Mathematics as being analytical
and Art as being creative.
Farsi and Craft make the case that Mathematics and Art both have analytical and
creative components. They say that both disciplines are one in two and two in one. Both
math and art share creative components but the external expressions and techniques
are very different. An example the authors use where math and art are in harmony is the
artistic use of the Golden Section (ratio or proportion) called phi.
The authors state that numbers and mathematics are intrinsically present in
natural objects and that mathematicians and artists have both used those ideas. Both
artist and mathematicians aim to discover and represent the unknown. Farsi and Craft
conclude by showing a wide variety of mixed media paintings from mathematics and art
exhibitions. There is a small but expanding community of scientists, artists and math
mathematicians that are exploring and expressing the links between mathematics and
art and creating artwork.
2. Harasymowycz, M. (2007). Maths and Art Activities for Students. Mathematics in
School, 36(3), 22-27.
Mary Ann Harasymowycz is a High School teacher while also completing her
PhD in art, music and mathematics. Harasymowycz starts off with a really interesting
point about how students generally can enjoy art and music but claim not to be good at
it but on the other hand students who claim not to be good at math do not enjoy it.
Harasymymowycz come to the conclusion that it seems student shave to perceive that
they are good at mathematics before they can enjoy the subject.
Students often ask what they do with math outside the classroom. Students
usually know mathematicians use math but are unsure what mathematician do with
mathematics. Harasymymowycz says that the ideal way for students to see that

mathematicians do more then just math is to involve the students in interdisciplinary
projects involving mathematics and art. In this article Harasymyowycz provided student
activities that will make connections between mathematics and other subjects.
The two main articles that Harasymymowycz includes are to review and
introduce geometry. Both activities allow for students at different levels and abilities to
not only to participate but allow these students to succeed as well. The first activity is
for students aged 11-14 to review or introduce basic concepts of coordinate Geometry.
The activity provides objectives and a step by step with pictures of actual students
completing each step. A worksheet to go along with the activity is also attached. The
second activity has many pictures provided and allows students to explore a range of
transformational geometry.
Harasymymowycz concludes by saying even if using art in your math classroom
makes a positive impact on one students view of mathematics, it is well worth the effort.
3. Hintz, A., & Smith, A. T. (2013). Mathematizing Read-Alouds in Three Easy Steps.
Reading Teacher, 67(2), 103-108.
Allison Hintz and Anthony Smith are both professors at the University of
Washington. In the article Mathematizing Read-Alouds in Three Easy Steps the
authors show work from Kindergarten and First Grade teams at Lakeridge Elementary
School. The article focuses on how teachers can transform read-alouds into engaging
mathematical experiences. Hitntz and Smith have seen the Joy of mathematics that
literature cultivates so thought this article they give a step by step guide of how to
achieve the same joy with your students.
The article talks about why we should mathematize read-alouds. One reason
given is that it provides students with opportunities to learn mathematics in meaningful
contexts that they can connect to their own lives. The article provides an example of a
grade one teacher mathematizing The Very Hungry Caterpillar read-aloud.
Conversations between students and the teacher are provided to show examples of
how the book can be used in mathematical way. Also included is example pictures of
different strides grade one students used while tracking how much the caterpillar ate.
The article provided planning sheet for the teacher that helps select a read-aloud.
The authors also provide a great resource list of books that are easily mathematized for
each grade level, the mathematical concepts that are explored in each book are also
labeled. In conclusion the article is rich in ideas for extending a read-aloud into future
learning then just reading alone would accomplish.
4. Holly, K. (1998). The Art of Mathematics. Teaching Children Mathematics, 4(5),
266-267. Retrieved March 1, 2015, from

Karen Holly is a teacher at Robert Healy Elementary school in Chicago, IL. The
article The Art of Mathematics is full of relevant and appealing activities that would
certainly engage students. Holly states that all of the activities allow for open ended
questions and are flexible to allow students to work individually or in groups. She
suggests that teacher take these activities she provides and adapt them to different
grade levels and integrate them with various other subjects.
All the activities provided are based around exploring mathematics using art.
None of the activities have solutions as Hollys aim is for students to gain confidence to
validate their own work. Three sections of activities are provided: K-2, 3-4, and 5-6.
Each section has four activities for students that is short and concise. Each activity has
clear easy to follow instructions and provides follow up question to ask the students
once completed.
In conclusion Holly states that the natural integration between art and
mathematics is evident in the cultural art and artifacts created by many people of
different cultures. Integrating of these two subjects is nothing new but it is rewarding for
both the teacher and students.

5. Pumfrey, E., & Beardon, T. (2002). Art and Mathematics - Mutual Enrichment.
Micromath, 18(2), 21.
Elizabeth Pumfrey and Toni Beardon are professors at the University of
Cambridge and work together on the NRICH project. NRICH is team of qualified
teachers who are also practitioners in RICH mathematical thinking. The team offers
advice and support to both learners and teachers of mathematics though many different
In the article Art and Mathematics - Mutual Enrichment Pumfrey and Beardon
focus on tessellations by mathematician Roger Penrose and Artist M.C.Escher. The
authors go on to say M.C.Esher was inspired to create art by mathematical influences in
the Islamic art he saw while in Spain. The article is full of wonderful artistry that would
great examples to show students while working on tessellations. The authors even
provide links of websites to visit with your students to explore art and mathematics
further. The NRICH website provided activities and projects to complete on and off a
The article goes on to describe tessellations, semi tessellations and quasiperiodic tessellations. The article provides examples or each tessellation. The authors
also provide a link where students after viewing Penrose tessellations can make their
own. The authors state that the best way for students to explore these concepts is to
draw them themselves using a program called LOGO.
In conclusion the authors state that tessellations are a common feature of
decorative art and are a part of the natural world all around us. You can find regular and
irregular 3D tessellations in nature. Some examples being: scales on a fish, ears of
corn and even honey combs. Pumfrey and Beardon state that tessellations lend
themselves very well to student exploration.


Technology used in Mathematics

We See Shapes in Traffic geometry ibook

Colleague Bree Reinhart and I created a mathematics
ibook. It is an introductory narrative for children aged 4
to 7. The book describes a number of shapes to get
children thinking about where they might find shapes
outside of school. Children will begin to point out shapes
when they are out in their communities. A great learning
tool. If the teacher or student would prefer there is an
option to listen to children read the book. It is available
free on iTunes.


Technology used in Mathematics cont

YouTube tutorial: Teaching Fractions,
Decimals and percentages using
Colleague Bree Reinhart and I created a video
tutorial of a Skittles Lab that a teacher could
complete with his/her class. The video uses Skittles
to teach/review fractions, decimals and percentages.
Below is the Skittles Lab book to go along with the


Technology used in Mathematics cont

SmartBoard Making Letters

Animal Farm: A-Z is a Kindergarten Writing
Tool that I created that will aid students in
correctly printing upper- and lower-case
Students Should:
1.Take turns clicking on an animal
2.Then students should trace the first letter
the animal starts with

Example: If a child clicks on a Fox then they will have to trace a upper and lower case
F on the Smart Board
*** Watch to see how the students form the letters
The lower case f begins below the line, and it touches the top line. The stem is a
straight line. The cross stroke is made left to right.
The upper case F begins with the vertical straight line, top to bottom, the top
horizontal line is made next, and then the center horizontal line, both made left to


Elementary Mathematic Interests

Pinterest is a great tool to find new interactive
ways to teach mathematics. Using Pinterest
can make math more fun and engaging.
Activities that teachers can find on Pinterest
can take math from the traditional method of
copying answers out of the back of the book, to
instead interacting with the math and
discovering new things based on those
The following activities on fractions were all found on Pinterest:

Learning Fractions With Lego

The students in my grade 4 class really enjoyed Lego. Lego

was a fun easy way to introduce fractions to these students.
Lego is a great representation of what fractions can look like.
You can get the students to count the nubbles on the whole,
and then compare them with the other fractions. As the
teacher when you are calling out for pieces to build sets, you
can say "we're looking for a red quarter, or a green eighth" to
help the student understand what they look like and how they
fit together. The different colours help the students see the
separations of how parts come together to make a whole.


Making Fractions with Cards

Fraction Simplification
This game is an easy way for upper elementary students to learn
and have fun with mathematics at the same time. The students get
into groups and take turns flipping over two cards from the deck and
placing one below (denominator) and above (numerator) the fraction
line. The first team member to correct simplify the fraction gets a

Comparing Fractions
The class divides into groups and divides the deck of cards
between them. The players lay face down in a pile in front of
them. Then each player flips two cards over and decides what
fraction they would like to make. Players decide which card they
want to be the numerator and which card they want to be the
denominator. Then get the players to calculate who has the
largest fraction. There are several different ways to figure out
whose fraction is greater. One way is to multiply the numerator and
denominator of each fraction by the denominator of the other fraction. The teacher can
teach these different ways before the game and use the game as practice. The player
who has the largest fraction wins and gets all of the cards played in the round. When
the time is up the player with the most cards is the winner.
Fraction War
This game is along the same lines as the previous one.
The goal is to develop quick comparison of fraction value.
Except it follows the same rules as the traditional game
War. Student divide the cards up and flip two cards over
one denominator and one numerator. Whoever has the
larger fraction wins. If there is a tie then there is a fraction
war. Each player places two new cards face down and the
3rd and 4th card face up (one above the pencil and one
below). The student/player with the highest fraction gets all the cards.


At you
are able to download fraction war cards which the students
could use to help them figure equivalent fractions. There is
also a list of tips and tricks that the students could use,
learn and refer to.

Making Fractions with M&Ms

Every student loves candy. So why not
use candy to help students learn
fractions? Connecting fractions to
something real in students lives will only
help them. Students individually or
together receive a bag of M&Ms and work
through the steps to create fractions. At
the end students can eat their data!

Fractions Anchor Chart

I think anchor charts are an important part of most units in schools.
When a teacher is busy or unavailable anchor charts give students
an opportunity to find out the answer to their question all on their
own. Anchor charts should contain all the important key
information that the students have already learned about. Anchor
charts should be reviewed and clarified with the students and
placed on the wall. On Pinterest you can find an Anchor chart
template or idea for almost everything. Here are just a few I was
able to find for fractions.

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