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Year Level:

Yr 10

Time: 55 mins Date: TBA

Learning Area: Health and Physical Education

Strand/Topic from the Australian Curriculum:
Plan, rehearse and evaluate options
(including CPR and first aid) for managing situations where
their own or others health, safety and wellbeing may be at
risk (ACPPS091)
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Critical and


Students Prior Knowledge:

- Some knowledge of systems of the body in
Human Biology Science in Year 8 & 9. This will
assist in understanding of respiratory system, and
circulatory system.
- Theoretical knowledge of location of the heart and
lungs within the body

creative thinking


Personal and


Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
histories and cultures
Proficiencies:(Mathematics only)

Asia and Australias engagement with Asia


Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will:

Define the history of the Red Cross Symbol and how it relates to First Aid

Explain the meaning of the acronym DRSABCD and protection of self in the D

Investigate and write a blog about the famous Australian story of Simpson and his donkey
Teachers Prior Preparation/Organisation:
- Set-up class blog, with access for all students on kid
- Ensure all media in classroom is prepared eg; projector
- If using school computer lab, ensure there are enough
working computers for students
- Any other personal teaching aids as needed eg;
whiteboard and markers.

Provision for students at educational risk:

- Early finishers can write constructive comments
on other students blog posts
- Students that struggle with any given tasks can be
given website hints and clues to look up from
teacher. Eg;

LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson)

Assessment of Lesson Objective and Suggestions for Improvement:
- Did the students enjoy the activities? If not, how could they be improved?
- Were all the objectives met and all parts of the lesson covered?
- Could students of varying abilities all participate? If not, how could this be improved
Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:
- Did the students respond well to my teaching style?
- Was I effective in communicating instructions, roles and techniques for improvement to students?
- Was the lesson fun and informative?
- Did I have any bad habits that I need to consider eg; ums, excessive hand movements?

[OFFICIAL USE ONLY] Comments by classroom teacher, HOPP, supervisor:

LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as relevant)

5 mins

5 mins

7 mins

Motivation and Introduction:

- Students to log into their computer and pull up the weebly website lesson
- Students are shown four different symbols and have to then in pairs
discuss what each means to them.
- The last symbol being the red cross students should come up with key
words such as: first aid
Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):
- Students are told to log into kid blog. Teacher to provide url for them to
link up to.
- Students then advised to go to settings and upload a picture to represent
Task 1
- Their first task will be upload a tagxedo. Students to go to: and click
create. Students to write all things they can associate with First Aid.
- Once completed students will copy their tagxedo using the snipping tool
to put onto their kid blog.

7 mins

Task 2
- Students to go onto the following link and watch the linked video beyond
the Band-Aid.
- In short whole class discussion teacher to ask for students thoughts after
watching that video.
- If students have a smart device on them, they are encouraged to
download the free app from their app store.

15 mins

Task 3
Teacher to introduce the history of the Red Cross Symbol and how it relates to
current first aid.
- Students then prompted to research online the history of Simpson and
his Donkey.
Who he was? (eg; Australian solider involved in Gallipoli)
Why is he famous? (eg; WWI rescues)
What is his legacy? (eg; good smaraitan act)
- Students to then upload their findings onto their blog posts
Encourage creativity, doesnt just have to be straight essay style

10 mins

Task 4
In whole class discussion, teacher to introduce acronym DRSABCD and
prompt students to see what they already know.
- Students to watch video about the D
- Students to think pair share their ideas on the following two questions:


Kid blog classroom to be

created by teacher:

Why is the D so important in First Aid?
What is the difference between negligence and self-preservation
if you are a qualified first aider?
Then write their pairs thoughts into a blog each.

5 mins

2 mins

Lesson Closure:
- Students to ensure that all tasks are uploaded to their blog.
- Students to comment on at least one other students blog post of their
- Fast finishers can comment on more than one.
- Students given thoughtful question to consider before next class.
In current climate of litigation and political correctness, how
would you approach an unconscious casualty without putting
yourself in a compromising position?
- Were all lesson objectives met?
- Did the students upload all tasks onto their blog?
- How involved were they in their blogs? Did they show good research
skills, initiative and use unique content?

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