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The test must be done in blue or black ink. If you resubmit the test for the extra
credit, your new answers should be a different color ink. The test will cover
Lectures/Chapters 1-4. You are responsible for both material covered in lecture and
the text book. If it is in both the lecture and the text book it will more likely appear
on the test. If it is bold in the text it is vocabulary you should know. If there is a
picture chances are it is important, it is expensive to put pictures in textbooks so
authors do not do it willy nilly.
There will be nothing specific on this test from the lab but some basic concepts are
universal in biology. You will be given a Periodic Table.
From Lecture/Chapter 1 you should know
The 3 basic themes and examples of each.
The six characteristics of life and their definition.
The 10 levels of biological organization (Chemical, Cellular, Tissue, Organ, Organ
Systems, Organisms, Populations, Communities, Ecosystem, and Biosphere)
Definition of evolution
Taxonomic Classification (Dear King Philip Came Over From German States)
The 3 Domains (Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya)
The 6 Kingdoms (Bacteria, Archaea, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia)
The Scientific Process
How to Design an Experiment
Theory vs Hypothesis
The 4 Central Theories of Biology
From Lecture/Chapter 2 you should know
What an element, atom, and isotope is; the 3 subatomic particles; the major
elements in biology
Simplest formula, molecular formula, structural formula
What a mole is
Bohrs and Lewis Model
The 3 types of bonds and their strengths with respect to one another.
Polar vs Nonpolar
REDOX, reduction, oxidation, oxidizing agent, reducing agent, OIL RIG
Water and its special properties
Acids, Bases, pH, buffers, and salts
From Lecture/Chapter 3 you should know
Special Properties of Carbon
What a hydrocarbon is?
Isomers (Structural, Geometric, Enantiomers)
The 6 functional groups (hydroxyl, carbonyl, carboxyl, amino, phosphate, sulfhydryl)
Aldehyde vs Ketone
Monomer, Dimer, Polymer
Condensation Rxn and Hydrolysis Rxn
Monosaccharides (Trioses, Pentoses, and Hexoses; just the names and the molecular
formulas not structures) and their roles in the cell
Disaccherides and what they are used for
Starch (types,subunits, role, what produces starch)
Glycogen (subunits, role, what produces glycogen)
Cellulose (subunits, role, what produces/uses cellulose)

Chitin (subunits [modified glucose], role, what produces/uses chitin)

Triacylglycerol (Components and role)
Saturated vs monounsaturated vs polyunsaturated
Phospholipids (Components and role)
What amphipathic is?
Pigments (composition and roles)
Steroids (general structure [4 rings] and roles)
The various roles of Proteins
Amino Acid (general structure, central carbon, amino group, carboxyl group,
hydrogen, and r group)
The 4 types of AAs Peptide Bonds
The 4 levels of organizations of proteins and the bonds/interactions that occur at
each level.
What a domain is and what determines protein conformation
The components of a nucleic acid
The 5 nitrogenous bases (and which are found in DNA vs RNA and how the pair)
Purine vs Pyrimidine
The other roles of nucleic acids
How to differentiate between the 4 classes of macromolecules
From Lecture/Chapter 4 you should know
Cell Theory
Basic Organization of the Cell
Cell sizes and why they are small; Surface Area to Volume Ratio
Light Microscopes (Types, Magnification, Resolution)
Electron Microscopes (Types, Magnification, Resolution)
Cell Fractionation, Differential Centrifugation, Density Gradient Centrifugation
Prokaryote vs Eukaryote
Prokaryotic organelles
Archaea vs Bacteria
The Nucleus (role, location, nuclear envelope, nuclear pore, nucleolus)
Endomembrane System (the 5 components and their roles)
Endosymbiosis (What it is, the endosymbiotic organelles and their roles)
Animal vs Plant cells
The Cytoskeleton (3 components and their role)
For the essay section you will have to pick 2 of the 3 questions to answer. I
will only grade the 1st two that you answer; if you answer all three I will
not grade the third one.
Essay Topics
1. The Scientific Process and Experimental Design
2. The Macromolecules
3. Cell Types

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