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Music Notes

Andrew H. Wilson Charter School Music Department Newsletter

Hello Parents,
The year is going great for your children in music. They are engaged and actively participating in
music class. We have been moving more towards independent instrument performance and I am
excited with the results. The Andrew H. Wilson Music Ensemble has begun for the 6th, 7th and 8th
Graders. Look for a performance coming soon to a music event near you. And remember you may
contact me at anytime with any questions or concerns at

Unit Goals - September 23 - November 4th

Pre-Kindergarten - The Pre-K students will still be exploring pitch, call and response,
movement and beat motions in this unit, but will begin playing more
Kindergarten - In class this unit, the children will be exploring body awareness and more
unpitched percussion.
1st Grade - The 1st graders will be investigation the idea of speaking vs. singing. They will
also explore more interesting methods of playing the instruments.
2nd Grade - 2nd Grade music students will be differentiating between assorted
unpitched percussion instruments while learning proper technique.
They will also be adding La to their solfege notes and preparing
to play and recognize half notes.
3rd Grade - We will be exploring the use of canons in music and adding to our
already expansive rhythm vocabulary with whole notes. The 3rd Grade
will also be labeling forte and piano as dynamic terms.
4th Grade - We are still aiming to start learning the first few notes on the soprano recorder.
The class will also be recognizing and singing the major pentatonic scale.
5th Grade - The 5th grade class will also be learning to play the soprano recorder this
year. In addition, they will be exploring part-singing and Question and
Answer technique in music. They will also be completing their mallet technique.

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