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Neal Ackerman, Linda Henderson, Crystin Irwin, Jessica Webb

Statement of individual contribution to the project
Neal Ackerman
Gagnes Nine Events
Assessment of technology readiness
Plan for the development of readiness
Communication component
Linda Henderson
Gagnes Nine Events
Relationship to Larger Unit
Learning Theory
Set up the Google Hangouts for our meetings
Crystin Irwin
Explanation of Environment
Inclusion and explanation of technology
Explanation of scaffolding
Attention to aesthetics
Jessica Webb
Explanation of Content
Merrills Component Display Theory
Guided Practice
Independent Practice
Created the Google Doc for collaboration/brainstorming
Organized the various parts of our submitted project
A clear explanation of the content
This lesson is designed to teach students how to graph equations that are written in
slope-intercept form. Gagnes nine events of instruction and Merrills component display
theory have been used to shape detailed explanations of what processes will be used to
provide the instruction to learners, and how learning will be assessed. Teachers will
introduce the objectives and the content, the procedure of graphing in slope-intercept
form, using the Desmos graphing calculator, in the classroom. There will then be
opportunities for guided practice accompanied by immediate feedback from instructors.
Students will also be expected to independently recall what they have learned,
compiling a digital portfolio, taking quizzes, and completing work online and outside the
classroom which they will share with peers and submit to their instructors.
Gain attention

Following a brief introduction by the teacher of the concept using a Kahn Academy
video about a typical Slope-Intercept Form equation, students will be shown, via
projection equipment, a graph made using the Desmos graphing calculator app.
Students will be asked to share what they observe about the relation between the
equation of the graph (y = ()x + 3) and the graph itself.
Stimulating recall of relevant prior learning
Prerequisite knowledge for a students successful mastery of this lesson on graphing
linear equations includes the following:
What is slope?
How do you use slope to find one point from another given point on a line?
Where is the y-intercept of a line located?
The night before the presentation of this lesson on graphing linear equations, students
would review how to generate the graph of a linear equation by substituting x-values
into the equation, calculating the y-value, plotting the points, and finally connecting the
dots. Class discussion the next day would focus on how tedious a process this method
for graphing a line is and would hopefully pique the students curiosity for a faster
method. Discussion would turn to how slope and the y-intercept of a line can be used to
generate the graph of a linear equation. This would provide opportunity for students to
then review how to plot subsequent points from a given (starting) point by using the
slope. This then segues into this lesson on graphing linear equations in Slope-Intercept
A statement of the relationship of this lesson to a larger unit of study
The graphing of linear functions, and working with them, is considered by most to be
one of the very key topics in a first year Algebra course. This lesson is situated within a
unit on Linear Equations and Systems of Linear Equations, as would be indicated by the
course syllabus or curriculum outline. At the start of the unit, students would learn and
subsequently demonstrate knowledge of
plotting plot points in the coordinate plane,
generating the graph of a line by substitution of x-values into its equation,
calculate slope of the line passing through two points, and
use a specified slope to generate a point on a line from a given point.
Our lesson on graphing linear equations would be presented after these skills were
mastered by the students.
A students ability to graph linear equations and verbalize the effect of the slope and the
y-intercept on the lines graph opens the door to other applications of linear functions.
Students would move on to interpret slope as a rate of change in application problems,
interpret a y-intercept as an initial point in a time-based application, and solve systems

of linear equations by graphing. These important skills as they relate specifically to

linear functions lay the groundwork for the students study of other types of functions
(polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric) in Algebra 2, Pre-Calculus, and
Inform learner of the objective(s)
Subsequent to the introduction and Desmos demonstration, the teacher will share with
the students what skills they will have mastered by the end of this lesson.
The objectives, then, are as follows:

The student correctly will state the definition of a SlopeIntercept Form of a linear equation as being of the form y = mx + b where m
is the slope of the line and b is the y-intercept of the line.

Given a linear equation in Standard Form (Ax + By = C), the

student correctly will express that equation in Slope-Intercept Form y = mx +

Given a linear equation in Slope-Intercept Form, the student

correctly will identify the slope and y-intercept of the line.

Given a linear equation in Slope-Intercept Form, the student

will use the slope and y-intercept to correctly graph the line.
Following the introduction, stimulation of prior knowledge, and review of prerequisite
skills, the teacher will introduce the specific knowledge/skills to be learned: Graphing
equations in slope intercept form using Desmos. The teacher will provide a statement,
experience, or example that provides students with a reason or explanation of why
these particular objectives are important, such as showing students an example of a
graph done on a TI-83 calculator and then the same graph created on Desmos,
prompting a class discussion of which looks easier to read and manipulate. The
teacher will then provide a clear explanation of the knowledge/skills to be learned from
this lesson: Using Desmos as a graphing calculator as opposed to more traditional
graphing calculators. Then, using overhead projection equipment, the teacher will
demonstrate how to use Desmos, showing students how to access the program on their
own computers, watching the Desmos overview video (
as a class, then demonstrating how to input an equation into Desmos. In presenting
new content the teacher will ask for volunteers to practice using Desmos on the
teachers computer, providing an opportunity for students to demonstrate their initial
understandings in response to teacher probes.
After the Desmos demonstration, and the students sharing of their observations about
the relationship between the equation of a graph and the graph itself, the students will
watch the Kahn Academy video, Graphing a Line in Slope-Intercept Form. As the

students watch the video, the teacher will pause the video in places so that students
can verbalize the process being used. This will enable the students to construct the
process on their own from what they see demonstrated to them.
Explanation of the environment in which this instruction will be presented
(blended classroom or fully online classroom)
Instruction will be presented in a blended classroom. The teacher instruction and
guided practice will be done in a physical classroom, with technology integrated to
support instruction. The students will then compile a portfolio using Desmos for
independent practice using distance education. Through the distance education, it is
still important to have contact with classmates and instructors. The instructor will be
available to provide feedback via email, sharing graphs using Desmos, and Google
Hangout. After completion of the portfolio, the instructor and students can use the same
collaborative tools to assess performance and participate in discussions. The final
discussion will aid in retention of mathematical concepts.
Clear evidence as to which learning theory the lesson is aligned. Learning theory
should be appropriate for the audience and overall goals of the lesson; thus, a
statement should be present to explain the choice.
The purpose of integrating this technology would be to enable the students to be
actively involved in discovering new learning, which is constructed by comparison of
new information with existing knowledge (Mohanna & Waters, 2008, p. 565). The goals
of the instruction were stated at the beginning of this document; Desmos would be
utilized as a means for helping the students achieve those goals. The instruction would
thus subscribe to a constructivist theory as new knowledge would be created from the
students current knowledge of slope and linear equations. At the same time, with
deeper integration of Desmos into a teachers lesson, opportunity would present itself to
push students to the upper end of Blooms (Revised) Taxonomy spectrum -- Apply,
Analyze, and Evaluate. Our prototype developed here enables students to arrive at
these cognitive levels by
noticing patterns in the graphs of equations,
coming to conclusions as to what the constant in the linear equation as
well as the coefficient in the linear term tells us about the equations line,
realizing the impact of a negative linear coefficient as opposed to a
positive coefficient, and
pulling these pieces together to enable the student to graph a linear
equation by hand him/herself.
Given the cognitive basis for this instructional design, the elements of ID2 were utilized
in the development of this prototype. As identified by Merrill (1991), ID2 insists on an
active learner and that this activity be meaningful, not just response for response sake

(p. 48). The integration of Desmos into this lesson enables us to do just as Merrill
states. This tool enables the instruction to be personalized to meet each students
needs and provide each student with the examples necessary for him/her to come to
the proper conclusions which are the goals of this lesson. Integration of this tool, then,
creates a meaningful learning activity for the students through which they can
internalize and master the key components of this lesson.
Presentation of new content is accurately presented according to Merrills
Component Display Theory
The content presented in this lesson primarily consists of the procedure for graphing
equations in Slope-Intercept Form. The procedure is outlined below:
1. Assure the equation is in Slope-Intercept Form
2. Use the equation to determine the y-intercept
3. Plot the y-intercept on the graph
4. Use the equation to determine the slope
5. From the y-intercept, use the slope (change in y/change in x) to graph the
next point
6. Connect the two points
According to Merrill (2002), Learning is promoted when new knowledge is applied by
the learner (p. 43). Student performance, the manner in which the learner can apply
the content, will be assessed based on the following:
Students will be required to recall from memory the equation for SlopeIntercept Form and the steps to graph an equation written in this form.
The students will be given examples of real-world problems where they
have to apply the procedure to a specific case, graph the equation using
Desmos, and share their graphs with others for review.
The students will attempt to derive a new abstraction (concepts, principles,
etc.) such as what happens when they are given an equation with no y-intercept
and how would that look on a graph.
The first of the guidance opportunities lies in the Kahn Academy video. That
will be one of a very typical Slope-Intercept Form of a linear equation. The teacher will
then move into the atypical examples of linear equations horizontal and vertical lines.
Finally, an application example will be presented to show students how linear equations
can be used to model real-life scenarios.
Guided Practice is consistent with Presentation of New Content and is aligned
with objective
Students will be shown (using projection equipment) a graph made (using

the Desmos Graphing Calculator app from the Chrome store) of y = x + 3

As seen on the graph, the slope of the line is
The y-intercept of the line is 3
The equation y = mx + b is the Slope-Intercept Form, where m is the
slope and b is the y-intercept of the line
If not given a graph, one can be created using the slope and the yintercept using the steps outlined above.
Guided Practice
Examples of using procedure. During these 3 examples, the teacher will lead the
students through the first one, going through the entire example together as a class.
Through following examples, the teacher will slowly remove involvement and guidance,
so that by the 3rd example students can employ the procedure with minimal support.
1. Class will watch Khan academy video Graphing a Line in Slope-Intercept
Form. As the students watch the video, it will be paused intermittently so
students can identify the step and attempt the step along with the video. In the
video, the equation y= 1/3x - 2 is given. Teacher will pause and ask class to
perform steps 1, 2 and 4 by comparing the equation in the video to y = mx + b
and to use the equation in the video to identify the y-intercept and the slope.
Before the video resumes, a student will be asked to do step 3 for the class, and
identify where on the screen the line will cross the y axis. The video will resume
for a few moments to assess the classs progress. Finally, the teacher will pause
the video and ask for another volunteer to use step 5 and the slope to determine
where the line will go from the y-intercept.
a. This is an example because it is a visualization illustrating
how to perform the procedure. In this example, students are practicing the
steps of the procedure as outlined above and as demonstrated in the
2. Graphing a horizontal line (when there is no slope): Given the equation, y
= 4, can you graph it? The instructor will guide students by asking the class to do
step 1 and decide if the equation is still in slope-intercept form. If so, Is there a
slope given in the equation? The class will come to the conclusion that there is
no slope. Then they will be asked If there is no slope, what will the graph of this
line look like? From that point, students will use steps 2-6 to graph the line
individually on graph paper (no graphing calculators will be allowed here) while
the teacher moves about the room checking progress.
a. This is a more complex demonstration showing students
how to perform the process when the equation is non-typical (not in
obvious y = mx + b form).

3. Cell phone example. In this example, students will see how graphing
equations in linear form is useful in real life. Two equations will be given, which
represent two different cell phone plans: y = 40x + 200 (a phone costs 200$ to
purchase and 40$/month to use) and y = 50x + 100 (a phone costs 100$ to
purchase and 50$/month to use). In pairs, students will be asked to graph the
two different equations using the 6 steps. At what point to the lines for the 2
equations cross?
a. This is an example because it is a demonstration of how the
procedure can be applied to real-life scenarios. By this point in the lesson,
students should be more comfortable graphing slope-intercept equations
and reading the graph of a slope-intercept equation.
After the students have had an opportunity to complete all of the practice questions, the
teacher will provide the answers to the students for the practice questions by going
through each question step by step on an overhead projector. This will allow students to
have immediate feedback on their practice questions and allow them to understand and
correct their mistakes. After the students have been given step by step solutions from
the teacher, they will be required to turn in their completed practice questions on
graphing linear equations so the teacher and provide feedback on their work. Once the
students have submitted their guided practice, the teacher will assess for 80% mastery
by the students. Students who are not meeting the minimum 80% standard will be
paired with the higher achieving students for additional practice.
Independent Practice is consistent with objectives
Students will be expected to save their graphs in Desmos, creating an online portfolio to
share with others. Teachers will use these portfolios to assess students performance.
The students will also be given quizzes where they will be required to use the Desmos
graphing calculator and graph linear equations. The portfolio and quizzes will assess:
Whether the students can correctly state the definition of a Slope-Intercept
Form of a linear equation as being of the form y = mx + b where m is the slope
of the line and b is the y-intercept of the line.
Given a linear equation in Standard Form (Ax + By = C), the student
correctly expresses that equation in Slope-Intercept Form y = mx + b.
Given a linear equation in Slope-Intercept Form, the student identifies the
slope and y-intercept of the line.
Given a linear equation in Slope-Intercept Form, students use the slope
and y-intercept to correctly graph the line.
The quizzes will be turned into the teacher and graded. The teacher will keep close
records of how the students are progressing and determine if the lesson is being
adequately learned. Once the students have submitted their quizzes and portfolios, the

teacher will assess for 80% mastery by the students. Students who are not meeting the
minimum 80% standard, the students will receive feedback from the teacher with
additional resources for reference and the students will perform the corrections to their
A communication component that fosters collaboration among learners
In order for our lesson to be most effective, we utilized elements of the journalistic
model to enhance communication within our class. According to Spector (2012), in the
Journalistic model, The relevant components are the source, the message itself, the
destination, the medium or media, and the desired outcomes (p. 81). Spector goes on
to outline that the purpose of the journalist communication model can be to guide
practice in order to do things like report facts and make presentations (Spector, 2012).
Desmos graphing calculator facilitates this type of communication. Teachers will display
Desmos on a projector and can easily guide students through practice graphing linear
equations. In addition, students will work together in groups to complete practice
questions graphing linear equations using Desmos. Once the students have completed
their graphed linear equations, they will utilize Desmos share feature to share their
graph with the teacher who will provide feedback on how they did. The organization of
the student groups will also be a tool we will utilize to enhance student success. We will
put students who are struggling with more successful students to help build positive
relationships. According to Christakis, the network that students have make an
enormous impact on their outcomes (Christakis, 2012).
Students will be given several practice problems which will include the following
problems: State the definition of a Slope-Intercept Form of a linear equation as being of
the form y = mx + b, convert an equation from Standard Form to Slope-Intercept Form,
correctly identify the slope and y-intercept of the line and correctly graph a line using the
Desmos graphing calculator using the slope and y-intercept.
The students will be given daily quizzes where they will be required to use the Desmos
graphing calculator and solve linear equations. The quiz will be turned into the teacher
and graded. Students will also create and share a digital portfolio of their graphs made
in Desmos. The teacher will keep close records of how the students are progressing
and determine if the lesson is being adequately learned.
Evaluation is appropriate and well aligned to the content, environment and
Students will be evaluated based off the lesson objectives aligned with the Common
Core Standards. The technology used in the lesson is specifically designed with

students in mind as they are simple tools that are engaging and useful in graphing. The
teacher will use formative assessment strategies such as anecdotal notes and
performance assessments during the lesson to monitor student progress and providing
appropriate levels of scaffolding when necessary. The teacher will also use the
technology to assist in scaffolding with the use of instructional videos from Khan
Academy. Students can also assist each other in the learning process through
collaboration using Desmos, an online graphing calculator. Desmos allows users the
ability to share graphs so students and/or instructors can collaborate on problems. By
incorporating collaboration into the lesson, students can monitor their own learning and
engage in content area vocabulary. Student can also save graphs using Desmos
therefore creating a portfolio that can then be shared with the instructor. Portfolios
enable faculty to judge the interim steps and draft products that were involved in the
completion of a task or course of study (Reeves, 2000, p. 108). The teachers can view
the entire learning process and be able to provide students with remediation if
Enhance retention and transfer
After the students have completed a lesson, the teacher will move on to more advanced
and complex linear equations. Students will be required to successfully complete and
graph more complex linear equations in practice and quizzes. This will help teachers
determine if retention and high road transfer are occurring.
Inclusion and explanation of technology utilized and rationale for the choice
The technology used in this lesson is necessary for meeting the Common Core
Standards which state that students must be able to graph using a graphing calculator.
Since graphing calculators are expensive for schools and students, it is profitable to use
an online graphing calculator like Desmos. The technology incorporated into the lesson
should not be a separate entity but should be considered as an integral part of
instructional delivery (Okojie, 2006, p. 67). We want our students to be able
understand the properties of slope-intercept form. By allowing students to experiment
with the graphing calculator and experience the changes made to the graph when you
change the slope, students gain more of an understanding of the formula than just being
able to recall it on a test. The technology also addresses the needs of the students,
discovered in the needs survey. Not every student in the class learns the same way
therefore, it is important to use different types of technologies to address the learning
needs. The students begin the lesson by viewing an instructional video from Kahn
Academy that engages students while at the same time reviewing the basics of
graphing. This video can be viewed multiple times while at school and/or at home to
help reduce the cognitive load. Through the use of Desmos, modeling, and group
collaboration, students develop an understanding of slope-intercept form. Students also
appreciate the relativity of slope-intercept through the use of real-world problems

embedded in the lesson. The technology integrated in the lesson is not an afterthought,
it is purposely designed to support and enhance instruction and student achievement.
An explanation of how scaffolding will be incorporated to enhance learning
outcomes and manage change that may occur with the introduction of
technology that is new to the audience
Desmos helps teachers meet the Common Core Standard that states students should
be able to graph complex functions using technology (HSF-IF.C.7). However, to be able
to meet the standard, students must have access to technology. Not every student can
afford to buy a graphing calculator as they are expensive. Graphing calculators are
costly for a school and students. These calculators are small and easily lost or
damaged which requires even more money to be spent. Desmos is a free web or app
based program that allows everyone access to the technology of using a graphing
calculator. With this type of access, students can use the program at home and at
school without the worry of misplacement during the commute.
Desmos also helps address multiple learning styles as we discovered during our needs
assessment of our students. Desmos allows students to use spatial, kinesthetic, verbal,
logical, and social types of learning styles. Students can graph equations in many
different colors using spatial and kinesthetic learning styles. Student also have the
capability to share and discuss graphs which taps into the verbal, logical and social
learning styles. The addition of sharing graphs is an area that is important as students
are encouraged to critique and analyze graphs and use math vocabulary in context.
Desmos also addresses the needs of the teachers as they struggle to show students
clear graphs using a technology from the TI graphing calculator. Teachers now put
Desmos in projector mode and students can clearly see the graphs being created and
the formulas with no extra cords or cables.
Inclusion of attention to designing for the senses Attention to Aesthetics:
Desmos is user-friendly, easy to learn, and allows for exploration
and discovery.
Graphs can be designed in a variety of styles, allowing users to
personalize their work and express themselves.
As opposed to more traditional graphing calculators, Desmos is
more multisensory.
Users can create colorful graphs as well as manipulate graphs
using sliders.
Aesthetic principles are present from course readings and resources:
Desmos incorporates multisensory design principles including sight

and touch. As explained by Lee (2013), the more each of the five senses are
incorporated into a design, the more enjoyable users will find the experience.
Unlike with traditional graphing calculators, Desmos allows users to
create colorful graphs. As explained in the DNews video, color psychology
affects users whether they realize it or not. Therefore, a colorful graph would
likely be more appealing and stimulating than a TI-83 graph without color.
According to edtechdigest, The calculator enables students to
easily input hundreds of expressions that graph instantaneously, save and
share their work, and create matherpieces blurring the line between math
and art.
Desmos offers multiple graphing functions but maintains
consistency throughout. According to Spector (2012), Issues of alignment and
consistency among and across the various components are important for
effective design (p. 144).
An explanation of how readiness for the technology will be assessed and how
readiness will be developed, should the need be present.
In order to assess the readiness for the integration of the Desmos graphing calculator,
we will utilize the Technology Readiness Index created by Parasuraman and Colby.
According to Rhee, Verma, Plaschka and Kickul (2007), The term technology
readiness, as introduced by Parasuraman and Colby (2001), describes the behavior
process behind the adoption of technological products and services (p. 128). One way
to measure readiness is by using the Technology Readiness Index Technology
readiness can be broken up into four main constructs, two of which are positive:
Optimism and Innovativeness, while the other two deal with concerns users might have:
Discomfort and Insecurity (Rhee, Verma, Plaschka & Kickul, 2007).
Rhee, Verma, Plaschka & Kickul (2007), describe how to determine the Technology
Readiness Index. They write, To determine a persons Technology Readiness Index
(TRI) he or she would have to answer a number of questions, each related to one of
these constructs (p. 128). We would determine the Technology Readiness Index by
creating a questionnaire for both teachers and students which included questions
regarding personalities, attitudes towards online math tools and general attitudes
towards technology in the classroom. Each question would allow those being surveyed
to answer as follows: Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree, Neither Agree nor Disagree,
Somewhat Disagree or Strongly Disagree. The purpose of this survey would be to
determine student and teacher optimism, innovativeness, discomfort and insecurity
regarding technology in general and specifically online math tools. After the Survey is
taken we will compile the data and produce a Desmos Graphing Calculator Readiness
Index for the school.

After the TRI is determined, we will also assess the technical and organizational
readiness. Technical factors includes hardware, software, content internet access,
bandwidth and school space. Organizational factors include experts, organizational
rules, organizational culture and management permanence (Keramanti, Afshari-Mofrad
and Kamrani, 2011). To determine technical readiness for across the board integration
of the Desmos Graphing Calculator we would create an inventory to determine how
many computers were available to access the Desmos website and would analyze the
schools internet access and bandwidth. To determine the organizational readiness we
would conduct interviews of teachers and administrators to determine who could be
used as experts, what rules exist that would affect when and how the computers can be
used and what roles administrators currently play in the integration of technologies.
Plan for the development of readiness is present
According to Bleakley and Mangin (2013) several ideas were given as to how readiness
could be developed. One of the ideas given was to conduct several strategic planning
meetings. We would set up several of these planning meetings with all the math
teachers that would potentially use the graphing calculator tool. The first purpose of
these meetings would be to allow teachers and administrators to discuss possible
questions or concerns they may have about the Desmos graphing calculator website.
We would also use these meetings to explain and demonstrate the features and
benefits of the website in order help increase positive attitudes towards the new
technology. Finally we would use these meetings to develop strategies for the
implementation of the new tool.
Another strategy that we would use to develop readiness would be to organize several
teams of teachers that would work together to prepare each other for the integration.
These teams would meet on a regular basis to teach each other about the Desmos
graphing calculator. Bleakley and Mangin (2013) found, That a team-based approach
to technology integration was a useful means to provide teachers with opportunities to
support one anothers learning to facilitate technology integration (p. 22).
Strong leadership is key to developing readiness for any new technology. Jazzar and
Friedman (n.d.) talk about the role that leaders play in the implementation of new
technologies saying, Educational leaders need to provide the leadership and hold
teachers accountable for using technology to support instruction and increase student
achievement. Our implementation would include the use of strong leaders who had the
power to hold teachers accountable for the successful implementation of the new
technology. These leaders would make sure teachers were prepared for the
implementation, had positive attitudes towards Desmos, had the necessary support and
held people accountable if these things were not happening.

The last tool we would use to help develop readiness would be the use of incentives.
Jazzar and Friedman give a few examples of possible incentives, saying, Teachers
who participate in a certain number of hours of technology instruction (and submit a
description of how it is used in their teaching) could receive an extra personal day,
special recognition in a broadcast email, special privileges, or other free support. We
would offer incentives like extra days off in order to increase positive attitudes and to
encourage our teachers to learn about Desmos as quickly as possible
Bleakley, D. A., & Mangin, M. M. (2013). Easier said than done: Leading technology
integration.Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership, 16(1), 14-26. doi:
Christakis, N. (Performer) (2012). Harvard professor nicholas christakis discusses
networks [Web]. Retrieved from
Desmos, Inc. (2012). Desmos Graphing Calculator. Retrieved November 9, 2013, from (2012). Cool tool: Desmos online graphing calculator.
Retrieved from:
Jazzar, M., & Friedman, A. (n.d.). Highly effective it leadership that promotes student
achievement. Retrieved from
Keramati, A., Afshari-Mofrad, M., & Kamrani, A. (2011). The role of readiness factors in
e-learning outcomes: An empirical study. Computers & Education, 57, 19191929.
Lee, J. (2013). Design for all 5 senses [Video file]. Retrieved from
Merrill, M. D. (1991). Constructivism and instructional design. Educational Technology,
Merrill, M. D., (2002). First principles of instruction. ETR&D, 50(3), 2002, 43-59.
Retrieved from:
Mohanna, K., & Waters, M. (2008). Multiple perspectives on learning: but which way

for instructional design? Education for Primary Care, 19, 563-568.

Okojie, M. O., Olinzock, A. A., & Okojie-Boulder, T. C. (2006). The Pedagogy of
Technology Integration. Journal Of Technology Studies, 32(2), 66-71.
Rhee, B., Verma, R., Plaschka, G. R., & Kickul, J. R. (2007). Technology readiness,
learning goals, and elearning: Searching for synergy. Decision Sciences Journal
of Innovative Education, 5(1), 127-149.
Reeves, T. C. (2000). Alternative Assessment Approaches for Online Learning
Environments in Higher Education. Journal Of Educational Computing Research,
23(1), 101-11.
Spector, M.J. (Ed.). (2012). Foundations of educational technology: Integrative
Approaches and Interdisciplinary Perspectives. New York. Routledge

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