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1.1 El Modelo de las Naciones Unidas
1.2 Importancia y objetivos del proyecto
1.3 Beneficios
2.1 Organigrama del grupo
2.2 Captulo I: Trabajo en Equipo
2.2.1 Toma de decisiones
2.2.2 Comunicacin
2.3 Captulo II: Models United Nations (MUNs)
2.3.1 Modelos permitidos por ao escolar
2.3.2 Proceso para ir a un modelo
2.3.3 Proceso de escogencia de puestos para la participacin

2.3.4 Reglamento general

2.4 Captulo III: Preparacin para eventos
2.4.1 Das para quedarse en el colegio
2.4.2 Das extra de reunin
2.4.3 Entrega y correccin de documentos
2.5 Captulo IV: Modelos Simulacros
2.6 Captulo V: Entrada de nuevos miembros al equipo de MUN
2.7 Captulo VI: Recompensas y ventajas escolares para quienes participen
en MUN
2.8 Captulo VII: delegacin de funciones
2.8.1 Sponsor
2.8.2 Secretarios y/o voceros
2.8.3 Delegados
3.1 Basic Concepts and Parliamentary Procedure inside MUN
3.1.1 Participants in a Model United Nations
3.1.2 Procedures
3.1.3 Types of Debates
3.1.4 Important Points and Motions
3.1.5 Papers

3.1.6 Preambulatory and Operative Clauses

3.2 Committees
3.2.1 World Bank
3.2.2 ECOSOC
3.2.3 Organization
3.2.4 Historical
3.2.5 Security
3.2.6 International
3.2.7 UNICEF
3.2.8 World
3.2.9 General
3.3 Press




What does it mean to be a Fontana MUN delegate?

By Juan Hernndez, Model United Nations Sponsor for Gimnasio Fontana

After over six years of participating in different Model United Nations of prestigious
schools from Colombia, the Model United Nations Team of Gimnasio Fontana is
faced with a serious decision: defining a new north in the values, goals and
challenges that this group of intrepid students wants to face in the upcoming
years. Many opportunities, invitations and options from different parts of Colombia
and the world are being offered to us, which can only be an indicator of how
careful we must be in the different paths that we, as political and diplomatic
researchers and spokesman, must walk. I firmly believe that the directions to
follow must come from two different perspectives; the one that has made us
delegates of the MUN Fontana, but also that which has made us a team.
The United Nations was founded in 1948 to guarantee the self determination of the
countries of the world. Once the organization had constructed its foundations and
was fully functional, it proposed a series of policies in order to provide instruments
for this self determination, also known as the ability of one country to have
sovereignty and autonomy over a certain territory defined by boundaries. These
instruments were universality and legitimacy. It is these two premises that must
also guide our Fontana delegate into this new period of our MUN group. We must
be universal in all our manners: language, rhetoric, manners and thought.
Globalization is inevitable, and it is present in every aspect of our lives and every
corner of our school. The more connected we are with global politics and global
diplomacy, the greater our success in the different MUN that we represent on
behalf of Gimnasio Fontana. Just as the UN had its good will goals for the
millennium, I truly hope that in the next couple of years we are able to define the
ones that will make us a universally competitive group. Im sure that this will give
us legitimacy in the eyes of the Fontana community and us.
With the end of the Cold War, the United Nations was able to have a partial break
from military confrontations and focus, in a greater degree, on the worlds
problems. The Economical and Social Council of the United Nations came out of
the basement and started gaining leadership amongst the other commissions.
Education in Human Rights, fundamental liberties for all the world citizens were

proposed as motions in the dawn of the councils activities. The UN is making a

huge effort to guarantee a global social contract and it this commission that
promotes awareness in every part of the globe about these duties and rights that
we all have, independent of nationality, color of skin, gender and/or sexual
preference. I believe the MUN Fontana Team has also ended an initial period of
foundation and opening experiences. We can no longer only worry about
participating in MUNs and developing our debate skills: we must start teaching the
rest of the Fontana community all that we have learn. I, for certain, become
appalled every time I watch one of my delegates in action at one of the MUNs we
participate in. No wonder we are considered a MUN power amongst the schools
of Bogot and Colombia. We will start working on trying to make an MUN delegate
out of everyone inside our community.
More than showing what a MUN Fontana delegate is, I hope that this brief
introduction shows this reader what are our goals in the following years. Our north
must be the United Nations and its good intentions. Our path has to be lead by our
universally and legitimacy thirsty instincts. Our goals must be beneficial for all the
Fontana community.

Juan Hernndez Serrano

May 19th, 2009


Seguridad Democrtica?
Uno de los ms grandes progresos que trajo para el pas la Constitucin de
1991 fue la gran posibilidad que le abri a todos los ciudadanos de tener
una democracia ms abierta, directa y participativa. La Constitucin, que
adems instituy en el pas la forma de un Estado Social de Derecho, se
encargo de abrirle a todos los colombianos una pluralidad de mtodos
participativos que en pocas partes del mundo se dan el lujo de tener. A
travs del artculo 40, la Constitucin del 91 permiti una amplia
participacin poltica para los nacionales colombianos, adems de que
dispuso diversos medios de participacin ciudadana como el plebiscito, las
consultas populares y el referendo. Todo esto, le permiti al pas empezar a
construir una democracia relativamente fuerte, donde los colombianos y
colombianas tienen la oportunidad de ejercer el poder a travs del voto y la
opinin sobre cualquier asunto del estado, as como tambin pueden optar
por participar de cargos electorales, si bien son elegidos por el pueblo. Sin
embargo, desde que se erigi en el poder el presidente lvaro Uribe Vlez,
parece que los mtodos democrticos establecidos por la Constitucin
estn cada vez ms lejos del progreso y ms cerca del colapso.
La Constitucin no ha cumplido siquiera una veintena de aos, y ya se
empiezan a realizar constantes reformas sobre sta, sin darle por lo menos
el tiempo adecuado para que funcione y se acople correctamente a lo que
necesita el pas. Ya se entregaron las instituciones de salud a las empresas
privadas, se vendieron (aunque parecan regaladas) empresas nacionales
importantes como el caso de Ecopetrol, y cada da que pasa se hace ms
cercano un cataclismo para la democracia con la posibilidad de un tercer
periodo del actual mandatario. Todo, partiendo de que no se respetan los
intereses nacionales, en especial la Constitucin. Y si bien el asunto puede
pasar por quien apoya o no las polticas del actual Presidente de la
Repblica, el problema constitucional va mucho ms all de eso. El Estado
debe estar capacitado para garantizar la seguridad jurdica que
evidentemente se va desplomando cuando los sistemas se van
modificando constantemente, como se est haciendo en este momento.
Adems, el sistema democrtico est hecho para limitar el ejercicio del
poder, para salvaguardar la integridad de los ciudadanos y garantizarles la
proteccin de sus derechos a travs de la regulacin de los tiempos en el
mandato y de la estructura de ramas del poder pblico. La Constitucin de
1991, era (o es) eso, un ejemplo para el mundo de fundamentacin
democrtica nica y donde el ejercicio del poder est plenamente

controlado por el pueblo y las instituciones que componen el Estado. Hoy,

una eventual (casi segura por cierto) aprobacin del referendo
reeleccionista, traera consigo un golpe demasiado fuerte para la
democracia colombiana, que quedara endeble y accesible para un
gobierno de corte dictatorial o antidemocrtico. Un golpe del que despus
ser difcil reponerse.
Es evidente que el presidente est buscando un tercer periodo en el poder,
puesto que al parecer considera que lo que importa no es la calidad de sus
ideas y programas si no las cualidades de quien los ejecuta, cosa que es
totalmente incoherente. Si un programa de gobierno es suficientemente
bueno y est destinado a permanecer largo plazo produciendo frutos
positivos es indudable que cualquiera lo podra continuar, ya que el
programa debe ser lo suficientemente bueno como para mantenerse por s
solo. Por ejemplo, los grandes equipos de ftbol en ligas europeas se han
mantenido en la cima sin importar los cambios en la dirigencia, pues las
instituciones prevalecen por encima de los hombres, eso est claro. An
as, parece ser que aqu la cosa es diferente, la Constitucin, que debera
erigirse por encima de los colombianos como la ley de leyes, es tan slo un
texto con el que el gobierno retoza al cambiar las reglas de juego para auto
favorecerse y derrumbar sin querer queriendo la democracia colombiana.
Ahora, es momento de tomar conciencia, de saber haca donde nos
dirigimos con estos cambios, es momento de recuperar el pas y evitar que
sigamos cayendo en una inseguridad jurdica que sacrifica la democracia y
propone un sistema cuasi monrquico en el poder. Colombianos: es hora
de actuar, arropemos la Constitucin para salvar las instituciones
democrticas y construir un mejor pas!
Experiencias son muchas durante nuestro recorrido como estudiantes y como
eternos aprendices. Desde mi visin particular, el Modelo de las Naciones Unidas
signific un gran paso en mi vida, el cual dej un legado que hasta hoy perdura y
que seguramente perdurar. Esta actividad es capaz de desarrollar habilidades
que no se haban descubierto o que no se haban llevado a su mxima expresin.
Oratoria, poder de convencimiento, capacidad de sntesis, autoridad frente a una
gran audiencia son, entre otras, las habilidades que se llegan a desarrollar,
adems de claramente aprender acerca de las problemticas alrededor del
mundo y ser consciente del entorno social y poltico en el que vivimos.

El grupo del Gimnasio Fontana tiene un corto trayecto en comparacin con otros
colegios que llevan casi tres dcadas participando en estos eventos. Sin embargo
y al mismo tiempo, logramos consolidar una fuerte posicin dentro del crculo de
los Modelos de las Naciones Unidas en Colombia. Ahora el grupo no es
solamente reconocido nacionalmente como un grupo unido y fuerte, pero tambin
es invitado a hacer parte de eventos internacionales. Claramente todo esto fue
logrado con un arduo trabajo. Miles de sesiones y reuniones, preparacin para los
eventos e incluso preparacin de eventos mismos, fueron las cosas que a pesar
de hacernos querer invertir nuestro tiempo, lograron desarrollar lo que hoy es el
grupo del Modelo dentro del Gimnasio Fontana.
Durante mi experiencia me di cuenta de la gran importancia de la dedicacin y la
pasin para poder llegar a desenvolverse de forma efectiva en esta actividad. Y
en los momentos en los que la pasin pareca muy lejos del alcance, el trabajo en
equipo de volva clave en la recuperacin de sta. Siendo motivado por los
compaeros del equipo y reavivando la pasin por lo que se haca, fue que el
grupo sali adelante: a partir de esfuerzos individuales consumados en una
colectividad apasionada y con ganas de ayudar y trabajar.
Puede que en este momento, cuando escribo esta carta, diga que el Modelo de
las Naciones Unidas como actividad ya concluy su etapa en mi vida. Creo que ya
exprim toda la sustancia posible a esta actividad en mi vida, teniendo el privilegio
de participar en varios eventos asumiendo diferentes posiciones. Y puede que
ahora, yo como individuo no est de acuerdo con mil y un cosas de las que las
Naciones Unidas hacen o de cmo funciona este mundo globalizado que parece
estarnos guiando a una deshumanizacin y destruccin de lo que somos. Pero
sustento con toda firmeza que sin haber participado en el Modelo, no tendra ni la
mitad de los instrumentos que tengo ahora para emitir juicios pertinentes y
crticos. Sigo creyendo que el Modelo influy de importante manera en mi vida y
que me hizo una persona ms crtica, con habilidades de investigacin, pero ms
que todo me permiti llevar a un punto clmax en lo que es mi pasin y esperanza
por el mundo.
Ahora, dejndolo al final pero sin nimos de restarle importancia, quiero motivar a
cada uno de los integrantes del grupo y a aquellos que desean serlo, a seguir
desarrollando esta actividad que tantos beneficios trae a la persona acadmica y
humanamente. Se necesita, como deca anteriormente, mucha pasin y
compromiso. Siempre con el espacio abierto al dialogo, se debe tener un grupo
que sea capaz de trabajar unido bajo ciertos parmetros, apoyndose unos entre

otros. Vale la pena seguir con el proyecto y no privar a nadie de los inmensos
beneficios que este trae.
Juan Pablo Pacheco
12 de junio de 2009



El Modelo de las Naciones Unidas

El Modelo de las Naciones Unidas (MUN por sus siglas en ingles, Model United
Nations) tiene una larga historia en Colombia. En un principio, fue implementado
como un recurso acadmico por parte del Colegio Nueva Granada hace
aproximadamente 26 aos, teniendo una gran acogida y un gran xito tanto
internacional como nacionalmente. En este momento, las conferencias realizadas
en Colombia son reconocidas internacionalmente y tiene un gran xito a nivel
acadmico. Algunas de estas son la del Colegio Anglo Colombiano, la del Colegio
San Carlos, la del Colegio Rochester y algunas otras.
Esta actividad enriquece tanto a estudiantes como a profesores que participan, ya
que se exige el uso de altas competencias en el rea del conocimiento tanto
personal como grupal y desarrolla habilidades de expresin escrita y oral.
Un Modelo de las Naciones Unidas consiste en simular las diferentes funciones
que cumple el Organismo Internacional de las Naciones Unidas (ONU). Al inicio
de un modelo se asignan diferentes pases a cada colegio participante y los
estudiantes que sean escogidos para representar a dichos pases asumen el rol
de diplomticos ante diferentes comisiones de la ONU. Los temas que se discuten
en las comisiones son previamente escogidos y al debatirlos, cada representante
debe obedecer las leyes econmicas, polticas, sociales e internacionales del pas
al que representa. Estas condiciones llevan a un alto nivel de compromiso y
seriedad por parte de los estudiantes. Las temticas que se tratan en estas
conferencias varan desde conflictos como la guerra dentro de Colombia hasta el
logro de la paz en el Medio Oriente.
El Modelo de las Naciones Unidas en el Gimnasio Fontana se implement como
un proyecto acadmico hace 4 aos, con la ayuda de la profesora Edna Medina
junto con pocos estudiantes entre los cuales se encontraban Vernica Elcure,
Isabel Gaviria y Laura Prez. Luego, Aura Mara Gualdrn, se hizo cargo del
proyecto hasta el ao 2006 cuando Carolina Tutiva lleg para hacerse cargo del
grupo. Cuando Carolina entr, el grupo estaba consolidado y se tena un
cronograma establecido con anterioridad y todo estaba muy bien organizado.
Para este periodo, el grupo contaba con aproximadamente 15 participantes que
se destacaron innumerables veces por sus excelentes participaciones. En el ao
2007, en el mes de octubre, Beatriz Prez se hizo cargo de la organizacin del

grupo de MUN, y ya para finales del mismo ao, el grupo contaba con
aproximadamente 30 participantes. Hoy en da, final del ao lectivo 2008-2009, el
profesor Juan Hernndez est a cargo del grupo de MUN. Este es un grupo en
constante crecimiento con estudiantes desde grado quinto (5) hasta grado once
(11), los cuales son personas comprometidas y que se caracterizan por su alto
inters en los asuntos polticos del mundo y sus posibles soluciones. Los
integrantes de esta actividad se destacan por su inquietud intelectual y sus
habilidades que son altamente fomentadas en este grupo.
Para el ao 2010- 2011 y 2011-2012 se constituy el presente manual como carta
de navegacin del grupo y se ha delegado un integrante del rea de Ciencias
Sociales como sponsor de estas actividades, quien cuenta con el apoyo del
equipo completo de los profesores de Ciencias Sociales.
Importancia y objetivos
El Modelo de las Naciones Unidas es una herramienta pedaggica innovadora de
aprendizaje, en la cual se fomentan e integran distintas reas del conocimiento
como la investigacin, la oratoria y la elaboracin de textos. Los participantes de
estos eventos tienen la posibilidad de poner en prctica sus conocimientos y
habilidades y adquirir destrezas como el manejo de voz, expresin oral, expresin
corporal, argumentacin, redaccin, resolucin de conflictos, pensamiento lgico,
coherencia y crtica, los cuales se encuentran totalmente alineados a la filosofa
institucional que propende por la formacin de sujetos crticos y creativos con el
desarrollo de valores como el respeto, la tolerancia y la coherencia.
El Gimnasio Fontana ha considerado sumamente relevante brindar a los
estudiantes espacios por los cuales se llegue a desarrollar los talentos y
habilidades, as como el pensamiento crtico y la opinin. Por lo tanto, el colegio
ha venido apoyando constantemente a este grupo.
Algunos de los objetivos que busca esta actividad son:

Formar lderes
Potencializar y fortalecer las habilidades argumentativas, escritas y
orales de los estudiantes participantes
Ampliar los niveles de investigacin de cada estudiante para fortalecer
sus capacidades cognitivas
Lograr que el equipo de MUN sea nacional e internacionalmente
reconocido por su excelencia en la preparacin de los participantes, la
calidad de los debates y la excelencia de los documentos redactados.
Reflexionar y ejecutar acciones de dialogo como estrategia para la
resolucin de conflictos.


Analizar diversas problemticas de orden local, nacional y global con el

fin de transformar la realidad a partir de aportes individuales y grupales.

Como se ha venido mencionando, los beneficios se hacen cada vez ms

evidentes. Algunos de estos son:


Interaccin tanto de estudiantes como de docentes que permiten

enriquecer las experiencias pedaggicas.
Generar condiciones donde los estudiantes logren introducir un nivel de
anlisis profundo acerca de los temas que son debatidos en la realidad
nacional e internacional.
La formacin de estudiantes crticos y propositivos frente a conflictos o
Desarrollar y fomentar la habilidad de la utilizacin de un lenguaje
formal y/o parlamentario frente a un grupo de varias personas.
Generar espacios de construccin de conocimientos inter, multi y
transdisciplinares que le permitan a los estudiantes darle contexto,
significado y utilidad a los conocimientos adquiridos en las diversas
Reconocer a los estudiantes por sus esfuerzos acadmicos y de esta
forma incentivarlos para que logren dar el mximo de cada uno en los
debates en los que participen.
Ayuda a crear personas con altas capacidades de liderazgo que
beneficiarn tanto al colegio como al pas en un futuro cercano.
Fortalecer la imagen institucional e individual no slo en el pas sino en
el exterior.


Tomando como base los valores institucionales presentados en el Captulo I del

Manual de Convivencia del Gimnasio Fontana; guindonos por el Captulo VI del
mismo manual que da los pasos a seguir en el organigrama institucional y
teniendo en cuenta la prioridad que el Gimnasio Fontana le otorga al ejercicio de
la democracia, el siguiente ser el manual que guiar al grupo de MUN en su
designacin de funciones, en establecimiento de parmetros, recompensas,
castigos y dems aspectos relevantes para el buen funcionamiento del grupo.

Antes de nombrar los aspectos, se dejar claro que el proyecto de Modelo de

Naciones Unidas del Gimnasio Fontana, es un proyecto del rea de sociales.


Organigrama del equipo de MUN:

rea de Sociales

Grupo de MUN


ias y


El objetivo de este organigrama es mostrar al grupo de MUN como parte del rea
de sociales. Adems visualizar la importancia de estudiantes y sponsor dentro del
grupo al organizar las participaciones a las conferencias y distintas actividades.



Captulo I: Trabajo en equipo

El equipo de MUN, debe siempre estar unido. Todos son parte fundamental, todos
estn en el mismo nivel de importancia, y por esto, todo se debe hacer
conjuntamente. Todos tienen voz en el equipo y las opiniones de cada miembro
son importantes. Sin embargo se debe tener en cuenta la prioridad de tener una
comunicacin efectiva y asertiva desde el respeto y la empata.

2.2.1 Toma de decisiones

La toma de decisiones debe ser en equipo. Como se dijo anteriormente, la opinin
de cada miembro es vlida y debe ser tomada en cuenta. Cada quien ser libre
de expresar sus pensamientos hacia las decisiones que se vayan a tomar, y en lo
posible, estos pensamientos debern tener relevancia dentro de la decisin que
tomen los encargados. Si es necesario, se harn reuniones extracurriculares para
tomar decisiones en caso de que sean de gran importancia. Reuniones en las
cuales cada miembro expresar su punto de vista y en las cuales se tratar de
llegar a un consenso. Sin embargo, es necesario aclarar que el grupo debe
regirse por los parmetros que cobijan a toda la comunidad fontana y en ciertos
casos el rea de ciencias sociales estar encarga de algunas decisiones y tiene la
obligacin de informar oportunamente de las mismas a todos los miembros del
grupo, buscando mantener efectivamente los canales de comunicacin.


Redes de Comunicacin

La comunicacin dentro del grupo de MUN nunca debe ser limitada. La

informacin debe ser conocida por todo el grupo, sin exclusin alguna. Todos
deben estar enterados de lo que se est llevando a cabo, y adems todos deben
tener una lista con telfonos y mails de los miembros del equipo para facilitar la
comunicacin. Cuando hayan cosas por discutir en el equipo que tengan un alto
grado de relevancia, se debern hacer reuniones ya sea en el colegio como por
fuera de este, para lograr facilitar la comunicacin dentro del equipo.



Los Model United Nations (MUN) son los eventos que se organizan por ciudad o
por institucin. En estos participan personas de colegios de diferentes ciudades

del pas e incluso de diferentes pases de Latinoamrica, Amrica y el mundo


2.3.1 Modelos permitidos por ao escolar

Existen varios eventos que se realizan tanto dentro del pas como fuera de ste.
Las invitaciones normalmente llegan por fax al colegio o en mail al sponsor del
grupo o a alguno de los delegados. Cuando alguna invitacin formal para asistir a
un evento llega al colegio, esta debe ser pasada al sponsor del grupo, quien se
ver encargado de consultar la propuesta con el rea de sociales y con la junta
directiva del Gimnasio Fontana. Algunas veces, estas invitaciones traen fechas
lmites por lo cual el proceso debe hacerse con suma rapidez y eficacia. En el
momento en el cual se sepa la decisin de los encargados, se deber hacer saber
la decisin a todo el grupo para empezar la preparacin. No se establecer un
lmite constante por ao, pero esto se decidir tanto al principio de cada ao
escolar, como en la medida en la cual el colegio sea invitado a participar en ms
eventos y se tenga presupuesto para la asistencia, o los eventos no coincidan con
fechas importantes del calendario de actividades interno del colegio. Se deber
llevar una carpeta con el registro de todas las invitaciones para la participacin en
los eventos, la cual estar a cargo del sponsor. Es necesario establecer que se
debe avisar al final de cada ao escolar a qu modelos se pretende asistir al
prximo ao por lo que el colegio haga un presupuesto en las vacaciones de
junio, tarea a cargo del sponsor y coordinador(a) de rea de Ciencias Sociales. Es
imprescindible aclarar que se tiene como meta asistir a modelos locales,
regionales, nacionales e internacionales.

2.3.2 Proceso para ir a un evento

Cuando se escoja el modelo al cual se asistir, se deber proceder
inmediatamente en la organizacin para asistir al evento. El sponsor deber
ponerse en la tarea de averiguar precios, inscribir al colegio y asegurarse de que
todo aspecto quede resuelto. Se deber tener en cuenta que en los modelos que
requieran salir de la ciudad, teniendo en cuenta que el costo para los padres de
familia ser bastante elevado, la informacin acerca de pasajes, hospedaje y
dems, deber ser enviada a los padres de familia con mnimo un mes de
anticipacin. En caso de que la invitacin a algn modelo sea hecha poco tiempo

antes de viajar, se deber enviar a los padres la informacin lo ms rpido posible

teniendo en cuenta que los pasajes y dems son bastante difciles de pagar con
una semana de plazo debido al alto costo. Es importante sealar que los
estudiantes del Gimnasio Fontana slo podrn asistir a un Modelo con la explicita
autorizacin de sus coordinadores de nivel y bajo la supervisin del sponsor o
algn otro profesor del rea de sociales o del colegio. Es vlido aclarar que por
motivos disciplinares, suspensiones o dems situaciones acadmicas o
pedaggicas se puede decidir que un estudiante no asista a dichas actividades.
Se tendr la posibilidad de acordar una reunin previa con el estudiante,
director(a) de nivel y el sponsor, para informar de la situacin y llegar a acuerdos
en caso de faltas leves, que hayan acarreado boletines verdes. Si es necesario
asistir a dicho encuentro el coordinador(a) del rea de ciencias de sociales.
2.3.3 Proceso de la escogencia de puestos para la participacin
Cuando se determine el modelo al cual se asistir, si es posible desde el inicio del
ao, los delegados debern reunirse junto con el sponsor para designar los
puestos que ocupar cada delegado en el evento. Los pases a los cuales se
representar sern otorgados por el colegio organizador as como los comits. Se
tendr primero el nmero de personas que podrn asistir y luego, el grupo entero
junto con el sponsor, deber escoger quines irn a representar al colegio,
quines irn a qu comit y con qu pas. Este proceso se har
democrticamente, es decir por medio de una votacin, teniendo en cuenta el
cumplimiento con la asistencia de las diferentes reuniones del grupo, previa
preparacin y compromiso. Se tendr en cuenta el criterio del sponsor, quien
representar al rea de Sociales, y se tendrn en cuenta las opiniones de los
miembros del equipo. De igual forma, quienes no sean escogidos para participar
en algn modelo, debern seguir comprometidos con el grupo y ayudar a los
integrantes que s asistirn en su proceso de preparacin.
Nota: vase apartado de simulacros de modelo como estrategia para este

2.3.4 Reglamento general

Reglamento de Estudiantes:

Inasistencia a las sesiones de trabajo extracurriculares:

Dos fallas, llamado de atencin

Tres fallas, suspensin temporal
Cuatro fallas, expulsin

Estas faltas no sern contadas si previamente el estudiante realiza un aviso

explicando el porqu de su falta, justificando su ausencia por medio de una
excusa escrita y comprometindose a adelantarse en lo que se realice en la
sesin a la que falte. Adems sern acumulativas por ao escolar.
Cdigo del vestido:

Una falla, expulsin del modelo en el que est participando

Para los modelos internos del colegio una falla en el cdigo del vestido
generar la derogacin de su funcin en el siguiente modelo, teniendo en
cuenta la importancia de ser ejemplo con el cumplimiento del reglamento
de modelo para los dems estudiantes y personas participantes.

Agresin verbal o fsica a otro compaero o al profesor:

Primera falla verbal, llamado de atencin verbal o escrita.

Segunda falla verbal, expulsin o medida pedaggica tomada por el
sponsor, rea de ciencias sociales y directora de nivel.
Agresin fsica, expulsin automtica.
Nota: Es necesario aclarar que se tendr en cuenta el manual de
convivencia del colegio para analizar y tomar medidas frente a faltas
leves, graves y muy graves.

Entregas de informacin y dems escritos necesarios (acumulado por semestre):

Primer retardo, llamado de atencin verbal

Segundo retardo, llamado de atencin por escrito
Tercero retardo, expulsin

Consumo de alcohol y cigarrillo:


Totalmente prohibido, si se da hay expulsin automtica

Fallas por la hora de llegada en modelos externos (acumuladas por Modelos):

Dos fallas, llamado de atencin

Tres fallas, suspensin temporal
Cuatro fallas, expulsin

Reglamento del Sponsor:

El encargado debe estar siempre a la disposicin de los estudiantes ya que sobre

esta persona recae la responsabilidad que el colegio adquiere hacia los padres.
La comunicacin entre estudiantes y encargado debe ser continua, efectiva y
respetuosa para asegurar que no surjan malentendidos, confusiones ni errores.
Los estudiantes estarn en su derecho de expresar cualquier incomodidad hacia
el trabajo del encargado de manera respetuosa, primero directamente con l/ella y
despus con el coordinar(a) del rea de ciencias sociales quien buscara
soluciones, sino es posible llevar la informacin a las directivas del colegio. El
sponsor tambin deber cumplir el mismo procedimiento para referirse al
comportamiento de un estudiante.



2.4.1 Das para quedarse en el colegio

Los das de preparacin son bastante importantes para el desempeo del grupo
en un evento. En estos das, se compartir informacin, se harn preguntas y se
corregirn documentos. Los das para quedarse no se predeterminarn en este
manual, pero sern determinados con tiempo por los mismos integrantes del
grupo dependiendo de los compromisos que cada quien tenga o las diversas
actividades planeadas en el cronograma interno del colegio. Se debe llegar a un

acuerdo acerca de un da para quedarse, al menos una semana antes del da


2.4.2 Das extra de reunin

Cuando el evento exija ms das de preparacin, se podrn hacer reuniones extra
en la casa de algn integrante del grupo. Estas reuniones extra debern ser
coordinadas con una semana de anterioridad y se les debe mandar una circular a
los padres para autorizar la ida de sus hijos a la casa de quien se disponga.
Adems, estas reuniones debern contar con la aprobacin del encargado del
rea de Sociales.

2.4.3 Entrega y correccin de documentos

En cada evento, se deben entregar documentos a los presidentes del modelo.
Documentos como discursos, papeles de posicin y dems. Se debe trabajar en
estos documentos a medida que se investigue acerca de los temas que sern
tratados en los debates. Estos documentos no necesariamente deben ser
corregidos en totalidad por el encargado, pero si debe tener conocimiento del
trabajo de los miembros del equipo. Igualmente, entre los mismos miembros, se
pueden corregir documentos y dems. Cuando estn finalizados los documentos,
el encargado debe tener una copia de cada documento el da en el cual empiece
el evento.



Los modelos simulacros son un mecanismo que tiene tres funciones


Mejorar la experiencia de los miembros del equipo

Mejorar la experiencia del encargado del equipo
Utilizarlos como mecanismo de admisin

En estos modelos, dos de los miembros toman el papel de presidentes y los

dems toman el papel de delegados. Se trata un tema en especfico y cada

delegado tendr un pas y todos tendrn tiempo suficiente para la preparacin.

Los delegados que ya tienen experiencia debatirn junto a los nuevos y ayudarn
a guiarlos en su proceso de formacin.
Estos modelos se realizaran en dos das de extracurriculares los cuales no tienen
que ser necesariamente consecutivos. Al finalizar cada modelo simulacro los
presidentes, junto con el encargado, darn recomendaciones a los delegados y se
escogern los dos mejores. Las dos personas que hayan sido mejores delegados,
sern quienes asumirn la presidencia del prximo modelo simulacro. Esta
estrategia puede ser utilizada para la designacin de participantes a algunos




Este aspecto es bastante importante, ya que el equipo tiene que estar

renovndose cada ao. En primer lugar, si algn estudiante desea entrar en el
grupo, debe acercarse a algn miembro ya existente para que este le comunique
la peticin al grupo entero. Luego se empieza el proceso de admisin que tendr
en cuenta los siguientes aspectos:

Se le pedir a quien haya solicitado la entrada al grupo, que escriba

un corto ensayo (de una hoja mximo) explicando el porqu de su
motivacin para entrar al modelo,
Acto seguido, esta persona deber asistir a un modelo simulacro en
el cual el grupo podr ver las capacidades de la persona y analizar
su comportamiento frente a los aspectos concernientes a los
El grupo discutir conjuntamente para decidir quines seran aptos
para entrar al grupo y esto se pasar al rea de sociales, la cual
deber analizar la propuesta teniendo en cuenta principalmente el
desempeo acadmico de la persona.

Luego de este proceso, se decidir quienes pueden entrar a hacer parte del grupo
del modelo. Al decidirse esto, el nuevo participante deber firmar un compromiso
en el cual decide seguir comprometido con su rendimiento acadmico a pesar de
participar en los eventos. Luego de esto, la persona, entrar a hacer parte del
equipo de MUN. El Anexo 1 hace referencia a la rbrica que ha de utilizarse para
la evaluacin de los estudiantes durante el proceso de seleccin.


Adems, al principio de cada ao lectivo se revisar la carta de compromiso

(Anexo 2) que debe ser firmada por cada estudiante al entrar a hacer parte del
Nota: este proceso ser tambin utilizado para realizar procesos de
actualizacin, formacin y acompaamiento del grupo. Quedar a
determinacin del grupo y el sponsor cuantas veces al ao se realiza.




El trabajo en el proceso de preparacin para asistir a un evento del modelo es

grande y voluntario. Se debe tener en cuenta que los estudiantes estn dando
una parte valiosa de su tiempo extra, para poder leer y prepararse para el modelo.
Adems, muchas veces, es necesario que quienes sean parte del grupo, falten a
clases debido a talleres, eventos y dems. Por esto a medida que los estudiantes
no estn en ciertas clases debido al modelo, se deber llega a un acuerdo con el
profesor y el encargado del equipo para reponer las prdidas durante el tiempo en
el cual se falt a clase. Adems, tambin se puede llegar a un acuerdo entre el
rea de Sociales (Sociales, Ciencias Polticas, tica y Filosofa) y los profesores,
para dar crdito extra en la nota a quienes participan en estos eventos. Sin
embargo todos los integrantes del grupo deben tener claridad que el hacer parte
del grupo del Modelo de Naciones Unidas no los exime de cumplir con sus
obligaciones escolares.
2.8.1 Sponsor
El sponsor es quien est encargado del buen funcionamiento del equipo. Este
debe estar siempre enterado de todo lo que se est haciendo en el grupo y
adems debe ser cumplido y comprometido con su trabajo. Esta persona, al
adquirir la responsabilidad de dirigir el grupo, tiene que hacer todo a tiempo y
mantener a todos los dems miembros del equipo de MUN enterados de lo que
suceda concierne al modelo. Debe organizar todo lo que est relacionado con la
organizacin de los eventos a los que se asista. Debe coordinar en general la
logstica para la asistencia de los eventos (costos de pasajes, hoteles, transporte

etc.). De la misma forma, debe enviar circulares a los padres de familia para
que estos estn enterados de todo lo que se va a hacer que incluya gastos y
Igualmente, el sponsor debe tener un mail desde el cual enve toda la informacin
a los miembros del equipo para mantenerlos informados. De igual forma, el
sponsor debe ser quien coordine las fechas de los das para quedarse en el
colegio, y debe informarlos con tiempo. Adems debe ser quien tenga un contacto
con los sponsors de los otros colegios para tener informacin acerca de los
Por ltimo, el sponsor debe estar pendiente de que los dems miembros trabajen
y debe revisar este trabajo y en lo posible corregirlo, ya sea con la ayuda de otro
miembro del rea de Sociales. Adems de no permitir faltas de respeto entre los
integrantes del grupo o con otro miembro de la comunidad Fontana o de los
diversos participantes de los Modelos a los que se asista. Tambin debe informar
del incumplimiento con el manual de convivencia al coordinador(a) del rea de
Ciencias Sociales o director(a) de nivel correspondiente y a los miembros de la
junta directiva por parte de algn miembro del equipo en actividades del Modelo.

2.8.2 Secretarios y/o voceros

Los secretarios son quienes estn encargados de ayudar al sponsor con su
trabajo. Toda accin realizada por los secretarios deber ser sabida por el sponsor
para evitar confusiones. Se deber dar un trabajo conjunto entre secretarios y
sponsor para lograr un buen funcionamiento. El nmero de secretarios es de
mximo 2. Adems se podrn asignar voceros del equipo para ser representados
ante algn comit, o alguna persona. Estos se escogern a medida que valla
surgiendo la necesidad y dependiendo de la situacin.
2.8.3 Delegados
Los delegados son la parte fundamental del equipo: son quienes lo conforman y
hacen que el equipo en s realice su trabajo. Por esto, siempre deben expresar
sus inquietudes, quejas y recomendaciones hacia el manejo del grupo o cualquier
otro factor. Igualmente, su compromiso debe ser inmenso ya que deben cumplir
con las fechas de entrega, las fechas para los eventos y dems compromisos. Por

esto, la responsabilidad debe ser tomada con seriedad y responder por los
trabajos asignados. Los delegados sern representados por los secretarios y
voceros para poder determinar acuerdos acerca de cualquier aspecto.
Por ltimo, lo ms deseable e importante es que el ambiente entre los delegados
sea de amistad, cooperacin y tolerancia.

Este manual de convivencia podr ser modificado por los miembros del grupo si
se cree necesario, y esta modificacin especifica, debe pasar por todos quienes
tengan que ver con el modelo para aprobar la misma e incluirla dentro del



These descriptions concerning the committees and their functioning, along with
the general description of the rules within a MUN, should be the ones taken into
account when organizing internal conferences. The following document was
written by the members of the MUN group during the academic year of 2008-2009.


Basic Concepts and Parliamentary Procedure inside MUN

3.1.1 Participants in a Model United Nations:

Delegate: A delegate
State/Organization/Political or Ethnical Group inside a Model of the United
Nations. If the delegate is the representative of any Member State has the


right of vote in each and every commission (except when being an observer
country inside one) that shall never be denied.
Observer: It is the name received by a delegation that has been invited to a
debate in a committee inside the United Nations which it is not actually
member. This delegation will be able to speak and debate over the
convenient topics but will not be able to vote. Another type of observer
inside the Model United Nations is the observer that has no delegation
assigned and has only the right to see and learn from the discussions inside
all committees.
Delegation: It is the group of all the delegates of a
State/Organization/Political or Ethnical Group representing it during the
Model United Nations.
Sponsors: The teachers that has the obligation to guide a determined group
of students before, during and after a Model United Nations.
Secretary General: The maximum authority inside the United Nations.
Inside the Model United Nations the Secretary General is the one
organizing and supervising the academic and logistic development of the
Presidents: The maximum authorities inside a committee. Presidents shall
organize and supervise the academic and logistic development inside a
determined committee.
Press: The organism that shall take and transmit the information of what
has happened during the Model United Nations.
Floor Secretaries: Control and supervise the communication by floor
messages inside delegates. They shall also supervise that no personal
messages are being written between delegates.

3.1.2 Procedure:

Roll Call: Before starting each period of the session, presidents shall make
a roll call in order to determine which countries are present inside the room.
After hearing the name of their country each delegate shall announce
Present or Present and Voting (which means that the delegate will not
abstain in any voting procedure). Arriving late to any committee at any time
(Beginning, After Recess or After Lunch) is equal to an immediate warning.
Quorum: The amount of delegations that need to be present in order to start
the work of the committee. Usually the number shall be of minimum of a
Half plus One delegate inside the committee.
Open the Session: After Roll Call and quorum verification any delegate can
do a Motion to Start the Session in order to start with committee work.


Opening Speeches: Each delegate shall have a prepared opening speech

(time will be determined in every MUN Conference) that will be presented to
the committee after being called by the Chair. The Chair (Presidents) will
make a Roll Call in order to determine who is going to speak.
Establish the Agenda: After reading opening speeches, a delegate could
raise his/her placard in order to promote a motion to determine the Order of
the Agenda (determine which topic is to be debated first).
Warnings: If a delegate does not follow dress code, is being disrespectful
with other people or is having constant failures to parliamentary procedure
and the conference rules the delegate will automatically receive a warning.
Accumulating warnings can result in the expulsion of the conference.
Amendments: The modifications that delegates can make to a working
paper. Those amendments are voted in first instance by the Sponsors of a
working paper. If one sponsor votes against the amendment it will
automatically be unfriendly and the whole committee will have to vote the
Voting Procedure: No talking is allowed between delegates; no one can
enter or exit the room. The Presidents shall entertain a motion to start the
voting procedure, after the motion passes president will make a roll call in
which delegates can vote In Favor, Against or Abstain from voting the Draft
Resolution/Working Paper. Delegates can also vote with reasons in order
to explain the reasons of the vote for against or in favor. After the Roll Call
the Presidents shall entertain the reasons of the unexpected votes from the
delegates, and after this, delegates will call for any delegates that will like to
reconsider their vote (reconsideration can only be done from Abstain to In
favor or Against, from In favor to Abstain or from Against to Abstain.). The
paper will pass when having Simple Majority (51%) or a Two Thirds Majority
(66%). When the voting procedure is full of mistakes or when the
Presidents consider it necessary the delegates can make a motion to
reconsider the Voting Procedure.

3.1.3 Type of Debates:

Speakers List: Establishing agenda or during the development of the

Committee delegates can make a motion to open a Speaker List
(determining time per Speaker and number of Speakers). The chair will
have a list of the speakers and will call in the written order to each speaker
in order for the speaker to pass to the podium and speak. If a speaker does
not completes the time required he/she can yield the time to the chair, yield
the time to another delegate (that will have extra time to speak) or open to
points of information (questions from the other delegates).

Moderated Caucus: It is established by a motion during the Committee

work. The motion shall specify the time of the Moderated Caucus. It allows
the delegates to raise their placards and talk when the chair recognizes
them during the time that they consider necessary.
Unmoderated Caucus (Lobby Time): It is establish by a motion that
determines the time of the lobby. This time is used for delegate to write
working papers or draft resolutions or also to clear positions during a crisis
or a debate problem. Delegates shall not exit the room during this time.

3.1.4 Important Points and Motion:

Right of Reply: When a delegation or delegate is being directly offended by

another delegate the delegate can interrupt him/her in order to clarify that
the delegate shall not disrespect a fellow and to ask for apologies. The first
Right of Reply is interruptible but the second shall be made by a written
petition to the chair.
Point of Relevance: When a delegate is talking of something that has
nothing to do or has no relevance inside the topic that is being discussed in
a committee another delegate can call out point of relevance (interrupt the
other delegate) to assure that the debate is not being turned into another
type of discussion.
Point of Personal Privilege: It is an interruptible point that allows a delegate
to ask for personal privileges as can be for example room temperature or
voice tone from other delegate.
Point of Information to the Chair (Inquiry): It is not interruptible. It is used by
the delegates inside a committee in order to ask the chair anything that has
to do with the Conference and the development of the Committee Work.
Challenge the Competence: When a delegate does not follow the position
of a country inside the committee, a delegate can challenge him. The
delegate will immediately debate with a minimum established number of
proofs in order to prove which of them is wrong. After the debate and
depending of the conference there is an established method in order to
determine which of the delegate has won the challenge. The delegate that
looses the challenge will lose the right of vote inside the commission.
Table a Working Paper/Draft Resolution/Resolution: It is a motion made in
order for the commission to not consider a determined document that will
normally be voted. When the paper has many mistakes, it has nothing to do
with the topic in discussion, nothing to do with the commissions duties or it
is very similar to another paper that already passed it can be tabled by the
delegates. When doing these motions, the delegate who is proposing it has
to pass to the podium and specify the reasons for this paper to be tabled.

After this motions is recognized there is the possibility to establish a small

speakers list (delegate in favor and against) in order to determine if the
paper can be tabled or not. The motion will finally be voted and if it passes
the paper will be tabled. Another way to table a working paper is when it
does not have the complete number of operative and perambulatory
phrases needed; it shall be automatically tabled by the chair.
Divide the Question: It enables the voting procedure to vote each and every
operative phrase by roll call and separately.

3.1.5 Papers:

Position Paper: It is the written papers that delegates do in order to clear

the position of their country in a determined commission.
Working Paper/Draft Resolution/Resolution: These are the solutions
proposed by the delegates at the end of the committee work that, before
being voted, are called Working Papers or Draft Resolutions and after being
voted and passed by the committee become Resolutions. This type of
solutions have to be done in a specific format that will be established in
each model, beginning with perambulatory phrases (that have italics and
end in comma, with the last in semicolon) and operative clauses (which are
underlined and end in semicolon, with the last in period.).

This is an example of a working paper:

Committee: Security Council

Topic: Cuban Missile Crisis

Draft Resolution 1.3

Sponsors: Rumania, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Union of Soviet Socialists Republics,
Kingdom of Afghanistan

The Security Council,


Expecting that the security of the Cuban government and of the Cuban people is
granted by the international community,
Grieved by the repercussions the Cuban Missile crisis made to the international
stability and security,
Convinced that the international community is going to work for a better world,
Conscious that the actual situation could lead to a massive belligerent problem,
Fully bearing in mind the United Nations Charter, the Havana Declaration, and
other documents respecting to the right of self determination of the peoples,
Seeking for a solution that goes along with the wills of international community,

1. Encourages the start of a negotiation table between the United States of
America, Cuba and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to discuss a
solution for the Cuban situation, within the context of the next conditions:
a. The presence of the United Nations, international law experts and other
competing international entities that have to do with the matter.
b. Stop of all soviet military activity in the island in order to prevent a
quarantine imposed by the United States.

Retire of the missiles in Turkey, Italy and Cuba within the time that the
United Nations Secretary General considers necessary after an
agreement between him and the parties in dispute.

d. .An agreement for not to invade Cuba made by the United States of
Suggests that the first issues to address in the Agenda of the negotiation
table shall be:
I. Cuban right of self determination.
II. Compromise of the United States to not intervene any more within
the Cuban government and its right to exist.

III. Withdrawal of every Soviet military personnel from Cuba and a

compromise to dont have any more military personnel in the island;
2. Authorizes the Secretary General to create a commission for the inspection of
Cuba, Italy and Turkey in order for the international community to acknowledge the
progress of the missile retirement process, in a series of reports made by this
commission. Under the consent of the Secretary General, any country could ask
for the permission to send a group of inspectors with the commission that would lie
under the United Nations command.
3. Invites former nuclear weapon states to start disarmament talks and
disarmament treaties as soon as possible;
4. Designates the General Assemblys first committee for Disarmament and
Security (DISEC) the job of creating a specialized organization in charge of the
regulation of Nuclear weapon proliferation. This organization shall obey work
under the United Nations Secretariat and shall commit with reports every
determined period to the United Nations Security Council
5. Designates the General Assemblys sixth committee Legal to create a clear law
constitution for the organization explained in the fourth article;
6. Confirms that any future installation of missiles from any country in a foreign
nation shall be specially revised by the United Nations Security Council as a threat
to international stability;
7. Condemns any future intent to attempt against the right of self determination of
the Cuban people;
8. Decides to remain actively seized on the matter.

3.1.6 Preambulatory and Operative Clauses

Preambulatory Clauses

Operative Clauses





Aware of,


Bearing in mind,



Calls upon;








Draws attention;

Deeply concerned,


Deeply regretting,







Expresses its apreciation;

Fully aware,

Further invites;

Further deploring,

Have resolved;

Having heard,


Keeping in mind,




Noting further,




Noting with regret,







Solemnly affirms;


Strongly condemns;






Takes note of;

Taking into account,





3.2.1 World Bank

The World Bank is basically a source of financial and technical assistance for
developing countries around the world. The World Bank helps governments in
these countries to reduce poverty by providing them with money and the technical
expertise they need for a wide range of projects in education, health,
infrastructure, communications, and government reforms, including many other
The World Bank is made up 2 development institutions owned by all the 185
member countries: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
(IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA).
The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) was
established in 1944. Its creation aimed to the poverty reduction in middle-income
countries. It promotes the sustainable development through loans, services of
analysis and advice, and risk management products.
The International Development Association (IDA) was established in 1960. It is the
part of the World Bank that provides help to the poorest countries. It aims to
reduce poverty by giving credits that have no interests, grants for economical

growth boost programs, inequalities reduction, and peoples living conditions

The World Bank is represented by the Board of Governors that is made up by the
member countries ministers of finance or ministers of development of the 185
countries who are part of it. The WB also has a president who serves as a
chairman; the current president is Robert B. Zoellick.
The presidency will always be taken by the highest shareholder, being this the
United States of America with over the 16% of the shares. The vice-presidency is
taken by the next 4 highest shareholders (United Kingdom, France, Japan, and
The member countries are divided by geographic blocks and each block has a
weighted voting power:





United States



United Kingdom








North America

Canada, Mexico



Bolivia, 9.81%
Haiti, and Venezuela


Congo, Ethiopia, Egypt, 7.18%



Marruecos, South-Africa,
Gabon, Argelia, Central
African Republic, Eritrea,
and Kenya
Middle East

United Arab Emirates, 7.98%

Iraq, Iran, and Syria


Luxemburg, Spain, Italy, 19.26%

Federation, and Norway


Saudi Arabia, China, 12%

Philippines, and Vietnam


Australia, New Zealand, 2.47%

and Indonesia

*Not all countries included.




Committee procedure:

1) The delegates must understand that in this committee the political debates
are out of order. The Board of Governors debates will be only on
economical issues.
2) Every single project must be sustainable for the World Bank; delegates
must remember that we are not a beneficence agency.

3) Limited resources: The Board of Governors must take into account that the
committee has limited resources (1.3 billion USD). This amount will be
distributed between all of the projects that the World Bank decides to
4) Delegates must specify if they are talking on their delegations name or in
the blocks name.
5) All delegations must have knowledge of all the programs that are or have
been developed on their territory.
6) Delegations must take into account their countrys economical relations.
7) Each block must present a loan proposal.
8) A loan proposal will be accepted with an 85% of the committees vote.
9) An informal debate will be accepted after the loans proposals lecture.
One proposal will be presented by block per subject. Two delegates of each block
will be in charge of the presentation and further answers to the committees
questions. This is not a forum for debate.

A lobby time of 15 minutes will be permitted in order for the delegations to send
amendments. Amendments pass with a simple majority vote. After changes are
made, the committee proceeds to the lecture of the next proposal.

After the lecture of all the proposals, an informal debate takes place and the vote
procedure follows it.

Bank Loans:

There are three different bank loans. Each delegation must chose and develop a
proposal for each subject.

Investment Bank Loans




Project name
Initiation date
Revision date
Finalization date (Stipulated)
Margin of error (Dates) Determines the time in which the Project
can be extended after the finalization date without being canceled.
Loan amount:
a. Technical outlay Costs of investigation and wages of the
project developers.
b. Physical outlay Construction and project development costs.
c. Banking outlay Estimated pay for the World Bank. (Consider
5% of the total loan amount).


Thematic axis (Sector) Defines the sector in which the loan will be
used. (Ex. Education, Healthfulness):
a. Millennium Goal to achieve Direct quotation of the
Millennium Goal.


Loan objective:
a. Theoretic objective Explains carefully the projects impact for
the Millennium Goal to achieve.
b. Physical objective Explains briefly what will be built at the
end of the project.


Justification The need of the project, the benefits for the debtor
country, and the need of the World Banks loan are established.
Loan distribution:
a. Percentages of loan delivery- A table organizing the
percentages of the loan that will be delivered should be made.
(Ex. September 2002 10% USD 10.000.000)
b. Delivery system Determines in which way the delivery will be
made (USD or specie)
c. Fund administration entity Delegates a governmental entity
that must be in charge of the administration and good use of
the loan (Ex. Ministry of Education, Mexico).


Physical Loan Application:

a. Detailed description of the loans physical application
Determines the structures that will be built, hired people
wages, and future economical support.
b. Cost per investment area- Approximates the physical cost per
square meter dividing the physical application costs by area of
influence of the Project.


Payment conditions:
a. Payment table dates and amount Establishes the dates
and amounts when the loan will be returned.
b. Interest Determines the interest plus inflation.
c. Payment Establishes the time in which the loan has to be
returned based on the IDA or the IBRD parameter.
d. Payment method Establishes the agency in charge of the
payment and clarifies if it will be made on USD or local
e. Fraud prevention What happens if the debtor does not
respect the established dates?

Technical Assistance Bank Loans:


Project name
Initiation date
Revision date
Finalization date (Stipulated)
Margin of error (Dates) Determines the time in which the Project
can be extended after the finalization date without being canceled.
Loan amount:


a. Technical outlay Costs of investigation and wages of the

project developers.
b. Physical outlay Construction and project development costs.
c. Banking outlay Estimated pay for the World Bank. (Consider
5% of the total loan amount).

Thematic axis (Sector) Defines the sector in which the loan will be
used. (Ex. Education, Healthfulness):
a. Millennium Goal to achieve Direct quotation of the
Millennium Goal.


Loan objective:
a. Theoretic objective Explains carefully the projects impact for
the Millennium Goal to achieve.
b. Physical objective Explains briefly what will be built at the
end of the project.


Justification The need of the project, the benefits for the debtor
country, and the need of the World Banks loan are established.
Loan distribution:
a. Percentages of loan delivery- A table organizing the
percentages of the loan that will be delivered should be made.
(Ex. September 2002 10% USD 10.000.000)
b. Delivery system Determines in which way the delivery will be
made (USD or specie)
c. Fund administration entity Delegates a governmental entity
that must be in charge of the administration and good use of
the loan (Ex. Ministry of Education, Mexico).


Physical Loan Application:

a. Detailed description of the loans physical application
Determines the structures that will be built, hired people
wages, and future economical support.


b. Cost per investment area- Approximates the physical cost per

square meter dividing the physical application costs by area of
influence of the Project.

Payment conditions:
a. Payment table dates and amount Establishes the dates
and amounts when the loan will be returned.
b. Interest Determines the interest plus inflation.
c. Payment Establishes the time in which the loan has to be
returned based on the IDA or the IBRD parameter.
d. Payment method Establishes the agency in charge of the
payment and clarifies if it will be made on USD or local
e. Fraud prevention What happens if the debtor does not
respect the established dates?

Legislative Adjustment Bank Loans


Project name
Initiation date
Revision date
Finalization date (Stipulated)
Margin of error (Dates) Determines the time in which the Project
can be extended after the finalization date without being canceled.
Loan amount:
a. Technical outlay Costs of investigation and wages of the
project developers.
b. Physical outlay Construction and project development costs.
c. Banking outlay Estimated pay for the World Bank. (Consider
5% of the total loan amount).


Thematic axis (Sector) Defines the sector in which the loan will be
used. (Ex. Education, Healthfulness):


a. Millennium Goal to achieve Direct quotation of the

Millennium Goal.

Loan objective:
a. Theoretic objective Explains carefully the projects impact for
the Millennium Goal to achieve.
b. Physical objective Explains briefly what will be built at the
end of the project.


Justification The need of the project, the benefits for the debtor
country, and the need of the World Banks loan are established.
Loan distribution:
a. Percentages of loan delivery- A table organizing the
percentages of the loan that will be delivered should be made.
(Ex. September 2002 10% USD 10.000.000)
b. Delivery system Determines in which way the delivery will
be made (USD or specie)
c. Fund administration entity Delegates a governmental entity
that must be in charge of the administration and good use of
the loan (Ex. Ministry of Education, Mexico).


Physical Loan Application:

a. Detailed description of the loans physical application
Determines the structures that will be built, hired people
wages, and future economical support.
b. Cost per investment area- Approximates the physical cost per
square meter dividing the physical application costs by area of
influence of the Project.


Payment conditions:
a. Payment table dates and amount Establishes the dates
and amounts when the loan will be returned.
b. Interest Determines the interest plus inflation.


c. Payment Establishes the time in which the loan has to be

returned based on the IDA or the IBRD parameter.
d. Payment method Establishes the agency in charge of the
payment and clarifies if it will be made on USD or local
e. Fraud prevention What happens if the debtor does not
respect the established dates?

IDA and IBRD parameters

International Development
Association (IDA)

Reconstruction and Development


Less tan the 2% plus the Between the 1.5% and the 4%
current inflation rate.
plus the current inflation rate.


Between 20 and 40 years

Fifteen years maximum


Fifteen years maximum

Two years maximum


Between 20 and 150 million Between 100 and 150 million


*To be part of the IDA, the country must be classified as a High Indebted Poor
Country (HIPC).

3.2.2 ECOSOC

ECOSOC stands for Economical and Social Council. Its mayor concern is to
analyze economical problems and issues in general that are related and have

social implications. But unlike the other social committees, this one requires an
expanded and critical view on the economical state of the world. Its participation
globally gained importance after the end of the Cold War, when the need for social
development created from economical basis had more importance than war or
control of weapons. As it is a council, ECOSOC does pass resolutions that are
immediately adopted and some smaller organizations work under its mandate.

3.2.3 Organization of American States

The OAS was founded in 1948 by 21 American countries. Its origins can be traced
to the 19th Century as the oldest regional organization in the world. The OAS
follows one main objective: To achieve an order of peace and justice, to promote
solidarity, to strengthen collaboration, and to defend sovereignty, territorial
integrity, and independence. That is Article 1 of the OAS Charter which came into
effect on 1951. Furthermore the OAS has adapted to 21 st Century politics by
declaring new goals: strengthening democracy, working for peace, defending
Human Rights, fostering free trade, fighting the drug trade and promoting
sustainable development. The OASs only and main organ is the General
Assembly. Currently the OAS has 35 members, with the addition of Canada in
1990 and the expulsion of Cuba in 1962. Cuba was expelled in 1962, shortly after
Fidel Castro gained power and declared Cuba a communist state but recently it
has been invited to come back. The OASs headquarters are located in
Washington DC in the USA. President Chavez of Venezuela has repeatedly
offered Caracas as the new headquarter of the OAS so as to not let American
greed and influence control the OAS. The OASs leader, similar to the UNs, is a
Secretary-General that is elected through Popular Vote at the General Assembly.
The current Secretary General is Jose Manuel Insulza, from the Republic of Chile.
The OAS has 4 official languages: English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.

3.2.4 Historical Security Council

The Historical Security Council (HSC) works in the exact same way as the
Security Council aforementioned does. Its only difference is that it treats historical
events that were in the agenda of the Security Council at that time. The HSCs
members are the five permanent members plus the ones that were members at
that historical moment. In this committee is very important to take into account that
the facts that can be brought to attention can only be dated before the date that
the organizers of the event give for the HSC. The other documents are to be

considered out of order as they would be futuristic for that time. The main goal is to
try to improve the decisions made by the Council at that time, or even to change
the course of history through dialogue and new proposals. Creativity is really
important as a solution, or something close to one, was already agreed upon. At
the same time, information about events that happened after the date can be used
in the investigation to try to avoid solutions that had a visible effect.

3.2.5 Security Council

The UNSC was founded back in 1946 shortly after the end of WWII. This organ
was designed specifically to handle all security issues the UN might have. Its first
meeting took place in London, UK, and its current headquarters are New York City,
USA. The UNSC has 15 members, five are the UN Permanent Members (USA;
UK, France, China, Russia), five are elected members, and the last 5 are chosen
randomly according to geographical region. The 5 UN Permanent Members have
Veto Power, this power allows them to block any resolution they dont dim
appropriate. Up to now the Russian (formerly known as the Soviet Union)
delegation is the one that has exercised this power the most with 123 Blocked
Resolutions, followed by the United States with 82 times. The UK has used Veto
Power 32 times, France 18 times and China 6 times. The UNSCs main objective
is, of course, to protect peace and maintain security but this may be further
expanded to include the following objectives; investigate any issue threatening
international peace; recommend solutions for any given dispute; call upon its
members to interrupt commercial, political, and communication relations with other
nations; enforce their decision military or by any way decide by the Council; avoid
conflict and prioritize cooperation. Furthermore, the UNSC has one very important
task; they recommend the new Secretary-General to the General Assembly for
voting. During MUN the SC becomes one of the most intense and complex
committees. The 15 SC delegates are always extremely well prepared and their
experience in MUN prior to the SC is always impressive. SC also has a derivative
called the Historical Security Council, were delegates discuss past events without
taking into consideration events after the specific issue. To conclude, the SC is in
the real world a tough committee and as you can see the security of the entire
world is debated there. The SC at MUN is not very different; almost always the
topic to discuss is extremely polemic.

3.2.6 International Court of Justice


The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is the principal judicial organ of the United
Nations (UN). It was established in June 1945 by the Charter of the United Nations
and began work in April 1946.
The seat of the Court is at the Peace Palace in The Hague (Netherlands). Of the
six principal organs of the United Nations, it is the only one not located in New
York (United States of America).
The Courts role is to settle, in accordance with international law, legal disputes
submitted to it by States and to give advisory opinions on legal questions referred
to it by authorized United Nations organs and specialized agencies.
The Court is composed of 15 judges, who are elected for terms of office of nine
years by the United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council. It is
assisted by a Registry, its administrative organ. Its official languages are English
and French.
Members of the Court
The International Court of Justice is composed of 15 judges elected to nine-year
terms of office by the United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council.
These organs vote simultaneously but separately. In order to be elected, a
candidate must receive an absolute majority of the votes in both bodies. This
sometimes makes it necessary for a number of rounds of voting to be carried out.
The Court may not include more than one national of the same State. Moreover,
the Court as a whole must represent the main forms of civilization and the principal
legal systems of the world.
How the Court works
The Court may entertain two types of cases: legal disputes between States
submitted to it by them (contentious cases) and requests for advisory opinions on
legal questions referred to it by United Nations organs and specialized agencies
(advisory proceedings).
Contentious cases
Only States (States Members of the United Nations and other States which have
become parties to the Statute of the Court or which have accepted its jurisdiction
under certain conditions) may be parties to contentious cases.
The Court is competent to entertain a dispute only if the States concerned have
accepted its jurisdiction in one or more of the following ways:


By entering into a special agreement to submit the dispute to the Court;

By virtue of a jurisdictional clause, i.e., typically, when they are parties to a
treaty containing a provision whereby, in the event of a dispute of a given
type or disagreement over the interpretation or application of the treaty, one
of them may refer the dispute to the Court;

Through the reciprocal effect of declarations made by them under the

Statute whereby each has accepted the jurisdiction of the Court as
compulsory in the event of a dispute with another State having made a
similar declaration. A number of these declarations, which must be
deposited with the United Nations Secretary-General, contain reservations
excluding certain categories of dispute.

Order of procedure
1. Points which may interrupt a speaker

Points of personal privilege, Points of order and Objections (Dictated by the


2. Procedural motions which are not debatable.

-Recess to informal sessions, suspension of the meeting, and adjournment of
the meeting.
3. Procedural motions pertaining to the matter under consideration
-Suspension of rules, postponement of debate and closure of debate.

3.2.7 UNICEF
United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
United Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund is the force that promotes
the creation of a world where the rights of absolutely all the children are respected
and works worldwide for improving the quality of life in kids and the opportunities
for having a better development. International community has provided UNICEF
with special power to influence people in charge of making decisions and different
allies. Actually more than 7200 are working with UNICEF in 191 countries in the
world, including Colombia. UNICEF is based on The Convention on the Rights of

Children. It was created on December 11, 1946, to provide emergency food and
healthcare to children in countries that had been devastated by World War II. In
1953, UNICEF became a permanent part of the United Nations System. UNICEF
relies on contributions from governments and private donors and UNICEF's total
income for 2006 was $2,781,000,000. Governments contribute two thirds of the
organization's resources; private groups and some 6 million individuals contribute
the rest through the National Committees. Their essential priorities are: education,
immunization, child protection and well-being, HIV/AIDS and early childhood.

3.2.8 World Summit

The World Summit is a summit/meeting to the United Nations, led of the Millenium
Development Goals (MDGs). It is attended by the 192 member states of the UN,
represented by many leaders that take bold decisions in the areas of development,
security, and human rights. This makes it the worlds largest gathering of world
leaders in history.
Unlike other committees, the World Summit does not have the power of performing
neither mandatory nor passive resolutions; instead, it has the privilege of
performing reforms that will alter the structure of the UN.
The delegates will have to establish themselves among several ideological groups,
or blocks. These blocks will be formed by several delegations which have similar
ideas for the reforms needed in order to achieve the specific subject at hand. The
opening speeches are vital in order to easily establish the blocs among the
delegations. After the blocs are established, the delegations will democratically
choose a bloc leader, who will represent the bloc at the moment of exposing the
blocs reform.
Once all the reforms are presented, all the ideas of the different reforms will be
debated either by a speakers list of a moderated caucus. The objective of the
debate is to reach similar ideas and more general reforms that will represent as
most blocs as possible. After the debate is finished, new reforms should be drafted
and should be sponsored by at least two blocs.
After the final reforms are drafted, each draft will be exposed by a maximum of two
bloc leaders, debated by the whole committee and finally voted upon. In order for


a reform to become a UN Resolution it must pass by at least 2/3 of affirmative

votes of the delegations.
Although it was suggested by the former Secretary General that the World Summit
has the power to reform the structure of the UN, the idea was postponed. Now the
powers of the summit rely on its ability to CREATE NEW ORGANS dependant of
the UN as well as reorganizing past organs and goals. The Summits reforms are
considered immediately as mandatory as the resolutions of the General Assembly
The majority of those present addressed the U.N. General Assembly, and gave
speeches reflecting on the U.N.'s past successes and future challenges.
The World Summits out coming is brought before the United Nations General
Assembly for the adoption of a resolution where ambassadors made last minute
statements and reservations which are implemented in NGOs created by the
involved countries as well. The purposes and main intentions of this document are
basically: an agreement on the responsibility to protect populations suffering gross
human rights violations; a blueprint for the establishment of a Peace Building
Commission to prevent relapses into violence following the conclusion of peace
agreements; and finally, an agreement on equipping the UN with a new Human
Rights Council to strengthen its ability to promote and protect human rights around
the world.
It is important to remember, that in this committee you are not able to go to the
General Assembly, but you get to discuss any single subject that affects our world
at that exact moment, and it is a perfect space to learn how to unroll in any other
committee, in other words, if you are a beginner, do a try-out in the Word Summit.

3.2.9 General Assembly

Established in 1945 under the Charter of the United Nations, the General
Assembly occupies a central position as the chief deliberative, policymaking and
representative organ of the United Nations. Comprising all 192 Members of the
United Nations, it provides a unique forum for multilateral discussion of the full
spectrum of international issues covered by the Charter.
It also plays a significant role in the process of standard setting and the
codification of international law. The Assembly meets in regular session intensively
from September to December each year, and thereafter as required.

Functions and powers of the General Assembly

According to the Charter of the United Nations, the General Assembly may:

Consider and make recommendations on the general principles of

cooperation for maintaining international peace and security, including
Discuss any question relating to international peace and security and,
except where a dispute or situation is currently being discussed by the
Security Council, make recommendations on it;
Discuss, with the same exception, and make recommendations on any
questions within the scope of the Charter or affecting the powers and
functions of any organ of the United Nations;
Initiate studies and make recommendations to promote international
political cooperation, the development and codification of international law,
the realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and international
collaboration in the economic, social, humanitarian, cultural, educational
and health fields;
Make recommendations for the peaceful settlement of any situation that
might impair friendly relations among nations;
Receive and consider reports from the Security Council and other United
Nations organs;
Consider and approve the United Nations budget and establish the financial
assessments of Member States;
Elect the non-permanent members of the Security Council and the
members of other United Nations councils and organs and, on the
recommendation of the Security Council, appoint the Secretary-General.

The search for consensus

Each Member State in the Assembly has one vote. Votes taken on designated
important issues, such as recommendations on peace and security and the
election of Security Council members, require a two-thirds majority of Member
States, but simple majority decides other questions.
In recent years, a special effort has been made to achieve consensus on issues,
rather than deciding by a formal vote, thus strengthening support for the
Assemblys decisions. The President, after having consulted and reached
agreement with delegations, can propose that a resolution be adopted without a

In a Model of the United Nations

In a model of the United Nations the General Assembly is formed by three main
committees; SOCHUM, DISEC, and SPECPOL.
The main purpose of the General Assembly is to pass to the voting of the
resolution papers of each committee so they can become resolution projects,
which are the ones that are finally taken into account.
For the resolution to be approved it is required an absolute majority (two-thirds of
the commission) of votes in favor with the option of abstaining.
If the Security Council requires it, they can call for an Emergency General
Assembly, which would be assisted by the members of the committees previously
mentioned, and one representative of the Administrative and Budgetary
Committees for the validation of all the monetary movements.
In a General Assembly the permanent Members of Security Council are not able to
use the Veto Power in issues that constitute a risk for the maintenance of peace
and international security, as established in the 1954 resolution Uniting for Peace


Press and Logistics

In an MUN conference, Press and Logistics have many tasks to ensure the event
works. Press is in charge of documenting all the events that occur during the
conference. Also it is responsible for the making of a newspaper reporting on each
day of the conference. Information passes through this committee to be edited and
printed, including official communiqus, last minute news and so on. Usually there
is a press director with a whole team taking pictures, editing, printing, writing and
doing many other tasks necessary.
Logistics team is there to ensure that the event flows easily. Their responsibilities
include making sure technology works (microphones, lights), organizing meals,
keeping people in their respective rooms, and maintaining order during the
conference. Every problem that arises which is non-academic should be


addressed by the logistics group. This team usually also has a director. Both the
logistics and press teams should also work together to assure a better outcome

Anexo 1. Rubrica para la evaluacin de los estudiantes que entren en el proceso
de seleccin al grupo del Modelo de las Naciones Unidas.

Excelente 3 Buena

2 Aceptable 1 Mala


Entrevista Manejo del publico


Control de nervios


Originalidad de las
Capacidad para


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