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Names: Rattanak

Date: 27th March, 2015

Research question: (How does changing X affect Y? OR what will happen to Y if I change X?)
How does calcium and chloride affect temperature?
Independent variable (X): Calcium chloride.
Dependent variable (Y): Temperature.
Fixed variables: 50ml of Water.
It is predicted that its endothermic reaction and solution's temperature will decrease.
I think this because calcium chloride act like salt and people sometimes freeze water with salt so it's quicker.
List of materials:
(And amounts)
Beaker (3)
Graduated cylinder (1)
Thermometer (1)
Calculator (1)
Water (50ml)
Calcium Chloride (5g)
Watch glass (1)

Diagram of apparatus:
(2D, carefully labeled diagram drawn using a ruler and sharp pencil)

Graduated Cylinder




Watch glass

Calcium Chloride

Give instructions about how and when to control variables, take measurements, repeat tests and make calculations. Instructions should be numbered and begin with
an imperative verb like add, stir or measure.
1. Filled 3beakers with 50ml of water.
2. Add 2g of calcium chloride into the first beaker.
3. Put the thermometer in the beaker and stir it until it fully dissolved.
4. Record the temperature of the solution from the thermometer.
5. Add another 4g of calcium chloride into the second beaker.
6. Put the thermometer in the beaker and stir it until it fully dissolved.
7. Record the temperature of the solution from the thermometer.
8. For the third beaker add 6g of Calcium chloride into the beaker.
9. Stir the solution with the thermometer.
10. Record the temperature of the solution from the thermometer after it fully dissolved.
11. At last calculate the result and make a table with graph

Quantitative data: (design a table to record the measurements you have taken and calculations you have made)

Amount of Calcium
Chloride (g)

Amount of Water (ml)


Solution Chemical Water


Change in
Temperature (C)

Observations: (what did you see, hear, smell or taste while you were carrying out the experiment? Note down anything that might have affected or might explain
your results.)
During the experiment, the water turned a bit blurred on the second and the third trail. When the water changed color it's temperature increased.

Conclusion: What specific information from your results shows this?
It was found that the temperature increased and the water's color also changes a bit when I added the calcium chloride in the 5ml of water.

Scientific explanation: The temperature increased because it's an exothermic reaction takes less energy to break the bonds of the reactants than is released when the
new molecule is formed. When it touched water and one of the interesting facts about the calcium chloride in reality people use it to melt ice in those cold and icy
country because the properties of Calcium chloride is just like salt/sodium chloride when they dissolved in water they change into ions completely with tiny electrical
charges with is negative charge (sign. -).
This scientific explanation disagreed with my prediction because I thought that the solution would increase in temperature but after researching I found out that it's
the opposite of my prediction it turned warmer and it's an exothermic reaction when I added the calcium chloride.
Validity issues
The room temperature is not stable
Don't spill the solution
Should start at the same time

Related improvements
Turn of the AC and shut the windows and door tight
Have a flat surface to make the experiment
Need more people to help during the experiment

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