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Montevideo Middle School FCCLA

March 24, 2015 3-4:30 PM
Room 210
Meeting called to order
Opening Ceremony FCCLA Creed
President (Rachel):
Gives a rap with the gavel signaling the officers and members to stand, then begins the meeting by
stating, We are members of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. Our mission is
to promote personal growth and leadership development through Family and Consumer Sciences
Officers (ALL OFFICERS):
Focusing on the multiple roles of family member, wage earner, and community leader, members
develop skills for life through character development, creative and critical thinking, interpersonal
communication, practical knowledge, and career preparation.
Members: As we work toward the accomplishment of our goals, we learn cooperation, take
responsibility, develop leadership, and give service.
President (Rachel): This meeting of the Montevideo Middle School Chapter of Family, Career
and Community Leaders of America is now in session. You may be seated..
Welcome (Rachel) and Roll Call (Hannah) Attendance
Welcome, I am Rachel Jenkins, your president. Hannah Kerr, our Vice-President of
Membership will call role. (Hannah calls role) Ms. Ramsey will now review the minutes of
our last meeting.
Secretarys Report (Sarah)Minutes from last meeting read and approved
Treasurers Report (Araya)--current balance of FCCLA account
Araya: The current balance of our FCCLA account is $860.12. The current balance of the
FCCLA Fundraising Account is $2,581.61. $1794. 54 is member credits.
New Business (Rachel: We will now talk about new business
o Bethany: Thank you to everyone who helped out at the Frozen dance back in
February. It was a huge success. We raised $205.51. If you worked the dance you
earned $4.00 in credits.
o Hannah: Our field trip has been rescheduled for April 21st. If you have already paid to
go, you are still on the list. Make sure you make a note of this new date and tell your
parents/teachers. You will be in first block until 9:15. We will be back in time for lab.
Remember to wear comfortable shoes and clothes, NO flip flops!
o Araya: I will be represented our chapter at the State Leadership Conference next
month. I am also going to be competing in STAR Events (talk about project and
Pancake Breakfast)
o Ms. Ramsey: Final Community Service Project: Cake Mix/Icing Collection/Lab
Competition, sign up to collect. Collections will be on Mondays. We will start after we
get back from Spring Break and will go through May 28th.
o Posters for project
AdjournmentNext meeting is May 28th After school (FINAL MEETING AND END
Closing Ceremony
President: (Rachel) Members, please stand. FCCLA members are challenged to make
a difference in the world by making decisions daily to assume responsibilities in their
personal growth, family life, community involvement, and career and technical
education. This meeting of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America is
now adjourned. (Raps gavel.)

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