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Singaporean Educa9on System

Victorian Educa9on System

Teachers are responsible for
developing quality assessments that
link to the standards stated in
AusVELS. The assessments can be
used to establish ability level, drive
improvements and inform future

Required framework for assessments comes

from these two governing bodies

Outlines Singapores
educa9on system and its
inclusion of Holis&c
Assessment in Primary school

Na9onal examina9ons:
Primary School Leaving Exam (PSLE)
General Cer9cate Exams (GCE O level, GCE
N level, GCE A level.
Use: -to decide on students placement in the
next stage of their educa9on
-Designed in close alignment with na9onal
curriculum (MOE, 2013).

Teachers are responsible for

con9nual classroom assessment
Teach Less, Learn More (2004) ini9a9ve is
changing the vision of educa9on and
assessment. Less rote learning and more
focus on the quality of learning
(increased crea9vity, deeper thinking)
Video move the focus from quan9ty to
quality (Pak Tee Ng, 2014).
Assessment Philosophy:
- Assessment is integral to the learning
- Assessment begins with clarity of purpose
- Assessment should gather informa9on to
inform prac9ce (MOE Singapore, 2013).

School-based assessments are

mainly diagnos9c or forma9ve in
nature and are an integral part of the
teaching-learning process (Lim & Tan
1999, p. 393).
Focus of assessments has changed. In
past was about preparing students
for end-of-semester and na9onal high
stakes examina9ons (Hogan, 2014).
Now greater focus on quality of
learning and process.

The Thinking Schools, Learning Na&on

(TSLN) imita9ve was developed in an eort
to abain a beber balance between
assessing recall of factual informa9on and
high order thinking skills (Chong, 2009).

As the system is developing
assessment for learning is
increasing and assessment of
learning is decreasing.

Assessment is the ongoing process

of gathering, analysing and reec9ng
on evidence to make informed and
consistent judgments to improve
future student learning (DET, 2013)

The 3 purposes of assessment:

Na9onal high stakes tes9ng of yr 3,

5, 7 & 9 students annually.
In Victoria, assessment in government schools is
considered within the context of major
government ini9a9ves in educa9on, current
interna9onal research and community
expecta9ons (DET 2005, p. 5).
Change to assessment in Vic-
a shig from decontextualized to authen9c,
contextualized assessment prac9ces; from
using one single measure to using mul9ple
measures. from isolated assessment to
integra9ng assessment within the learning
and teaching prac9ces; and from teacher
directed assessment to increasing student
responsibility in the assessment
process (DET 2005, p. 3).

Examples of assessment:
SECONDARY: -VCE (Victorian Cer9cate of
Educa9on), receive an ATAR.

-Con9nual classroom based assessments
(diagnos9c, forma9ve and summa9ve)

The 10 principles of assessment embody

the characteris9cs of good prac9ce for
assessing students

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