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Bilet nr.

I. Hello. My name is .........
I am ...... years old.
I am from Slobozia and I live in ....(Slobozia).
I am married. /I am not married.
I have 1, 2 children./ I dont have children.
II. Traducei
1.Ce faci tu? 2. Bine, mulumesc. Dar tu? 3. Care este numele tu? 4. Pe mine m
cheam David.
5. Ce este aceasta/acesta?

Bilet nr. 2
I. 1. My name is........
2. Ce faci tu?
3. De unde eti tu?
4. Unde locuieti tu?
5. Ci ani ai tu?
II. Bun. Numele meu este Rita. Care este numele tu? Eu sunt Tina i aceasta este
Mary. Bun Tina. Bun Mary. Bun Rita. Ce mai faci?

Bilet nr. 3
I. My name is ...... I am from Slobozia city, Romania . I live in ......(Slobozia). I
am ....... years old.
II. 1. Eu sunt din Brazilia. 2. De unde este Eduardo? 3. El este din Spania.
4. Ei sunt din Statele Unite. 5. Numele ei este Susan. Numele lui este Mike.

Bilet nr.4

I. 1. Eu sunt din Manchester, Anglia. 2. Eti tu student? 3. Prinii mei nu sunt din
Londra. Ei sunt din Brighton. 4. Jane nu este doctori. Ea este profesoar. 5. Vinul
nu este din Portugalia.Este din Spania.
II. 1. I am a hardworking student. 2. He is my best friend. 3. They are at work during
the day.
4. You arent from Poland. You are from Romania. 5. He watches TV in the afternoon.

Bilet nr. 5
I. 1. My names ......
2. I am from Romania.
3. My phone number is 07xxxxxxxx.
4. I am a(book-keeper=contabil;office worker=funcionar,engineer=inginer)
5. Yes, I am./ No, Im not.
II. Bun. Numele meu este Gianna i sunt din Roma, Italia. Prietenul meu, Franco,
este vnztor. Magazinul este n centrul Romei.

Bilet nr. 6
I. Este numele tu Jean-Pierre?/ Da, este./ Eti tu din Frana Jean-Pierre?/ Nu, nu sunt
din Frana. Eu sunt din Birmingham, Anglia.
II. My name is....../ I am from Bucharest./ I am ...... years old./ I am a book-keeper./ I
live on Mihai Eminescu street.

Bilet nr. 7
I.1. My name is ....../2. Yes, I am.- No, Im not./3. Her name is........-His name is....../4.
He is a policeman-She is a nurse./5. Hes .......years old.- She is ...... years old.
II. 1. Sally este soia lui Tom./ 2. Tom este soul lui Sally./3. Kirsty esta fiica lui Sally i
a lui Tom./ 4. Nick este fiul lor./ 5. Nick este fratele lui Kirsty.

Bilet nr. 8

I. 1. Eu am doi frai i o sor./ 2. Prinii mei au o cas la ar./ 3. Soia mea are o
main japonez./ 4. Sora mea i cu mine avem un cine./ 5. Tu ai o familie foarte
II. My best friend is......./ His-Her name is ......./ He-She is from Slobozia./ He-She
is ...... years old./ He-She is a ( nurse, doctor, teacher, businessman)

Bilet nr. 9
I. 1. I live in a flat- house./ 2. I work as a bank manager./ 3. I have my office in the
centre of Slobozia city./ 4. I like tennis and chess.I dont like football./ 5. I like fresh
juice, Coke and wine but I dont like beer and coffee.
II. 1. Vorbesc ei spaniola?/ 2. Le plac lor tenisul i nnotul?/ 3. Lor le plac fotbalul i
schiatul./ 4. Lor nu le place ahul./ 5. Mie mi plac: nnotul, hamburgerii, pizza, CocaCola i vinul.

Bilet nr. 10
I. 1. Ai tu o main american?/ 2. Bei tu bere german?/ 3. i place ie mncarea
mexican?/ 4. i place ie vinul franuzesc?/ 5. Mnnc ea portocale din Spania?
II. 1. Ilike pizza but I dont like hamburgers./ 2. My favourite drink is lemonade./ 3.
Yes, I like Italian food very much./ 4. I like my job a lot./ 5. I speak a little German but
I dont speak Spanish at all.

Bilet nr. 11
I. 1. El se trezete la ora 6 i face un du./ 2. El mnnc micul dejun la 6.45./ 3. Ea
pleac de acas la ora 7.15 i merge la serviciu cu taxiul./ 4. Noi mncm masa de
prnz n biroul nostru la ora 1./ 5. El lucreaz pe calculatorul lui de la 9 la 11.30.
II. 1. I go to bed at 11.45 pm./ 2. I get up at 6.45 am./ 3. I go to work at 8.00./ 4 .
I dont have lunch in a restaurant because I eat a sandwich./ 5. Yes, I go out
in the evening with my family.

Bilet nr.12
I. 1. I get up at 7 oclock in the morning. I brush my teeth and have a shower. At 7.30
I have breakfast. Then at 8 oclock I go to work. At 4.30 pm I get home and watch

TV. At 6 pm I go shopping and at 7.30 I have dinner with my family. Then I surf the
net or watch TV and after that I go to bed.
II. 1. Ea locuiete la ar./ 2. El nu are un cine./ 3. El se trezete foarte devreme
dimineaa./ 4. Ea nu lucreaz ntr-un birou./ 5. La ce or se trezete el?
Bilet nr. 13
I. 1. i place ie ngheata? Da, o iubesc./ 2. i plac ie cinii? Nu, i ursc./ 3. i
place ie de mine? Bineneles c mi place de tine./ 4. V nva profesorul vostru
francez? Nu, el ne nva englez./ 5. V place vou maina voastr? Ne place
maina noastr.
II.1. I come to work by car/ by bus/ on foot./ 2. At breakfast I have: eggs, ham toast
and tea or coffee./ 3. I dont have a favourite pop group.- My favourite pop group
is.........../ 4. I want to learn english because it is an international language and it is
useful./ 5. I speak German and a little English.

Bilet nr. 14
I. 1. Eu nu mnnc cina la ora7. Mnnc cina la 6.30./ 2. Sora mea se duce la servici
devreme. Eu nu o vd niciodat dimineaa./ 3. Mariei i place mncarea italian. Ea
gtete acas./ 4. Fratele meu, Simon, este doctor. Aceasta este o fotografie a lui./
5. i plac ie merele? Nu, le ursc.
II. 1. At weekend I visit my friends./ 2. My friend is........./ 3. He doesnt have money./
4. Idont drink beer because I dont like it.- Yes, I drink beer./ 5. No, our teacher
doesnt give us a lot of homework.

Bilet nr. 15
I. 1. Telefonul lui Nicole este pe pat./ 2. Revista este lng telefon./ 3. CD- playerul ei
este pe podea lng pat./ 4. Cheile ei de la main sunt n sertar./ 5. Geanta ei este
pe pardoseal, sub scaun.
II. 1.Yes, I have a sofa at home./ 2. Yes, there is a computer in my room./3. Yes, there
are many photographs in my house./ 4. Yes, there are two armchairs in my house./ 5.
I dont have a television in my room but I have one in the livingroom.

Bilet nr. 16

I. 1. Sufrageria mea nu este mare dar mie mi place./ 2. Exist o canapea i dou
fotolii./ 3. Este o mas mic cu un televizor pe ea i sunt multe cri./ 4. Este un CDplayer i sunt nite CD-uri./ 5. Sunt tablouri pe perei si doua lmpi.
II. 1. I live in a house/ flat= apartament. /2. There are three bedrooms./ 3. There isnt
a telephone in the kitchen./ 4. Yes, there are lots of books in my bedroom./ 5. Yes,
there are some pictures on the walls.

Bilet nr. 17
I. 1. Sptmna trecut am fcut cumprturi n Londra./ 2. Pamela a vzut un film
ieri sear./ 3. Ea a spus c filmul a fost foarte bun./ 4. Frank i Anna au cumprat un
tablou frumos./ 5. Am fost ss mi vd bunicii miercurea trecut.
II. My name is ....../ I am from Slobozia and I live in Slobozia. I am married I am not
married./ I have ( one child, two children, three children)- I dont have children./I
have a boy and a girl./ The boy is six and the girl is nine. / The boys name is ..../ The
girls name is ..../ My husbands name is .....

Bilet nr. 18
I.1. Ei au vzut un tablou vechi, murdar de vnzare./ 2. Expertul a spus c tabloul
valora 500 milioane de franci./ 3. Trei prieteni au mers la cumprturi ntr-o pia din
Frana./ 4. Brbatul din pia era foarte suprat./ 5. Ei au dus tabloul la muzeu.
II. 1. My birthday is on May 27 th./ 2. I was born at 2.30 am./3. I like birthday parties
but I dont like my birthday party./ 4. My best presents were my children- my car- a
trip./ 5. My worst present was when I lost someone close to me.

Bilet nr. 19
I. Last Saturday I visited a friend. He lives in a house near the city. We had a
barbeque, the children played with the dog and the cats. We spoked and laught. It
was fun.
II. 1. Mike nu a pictat tabloul./ 2. Ea a ascultat radioul seara trecut./ 3. Noi am stat
acas n aceast diminea./ 4. Yannis i Olivia au gtit o mncare delicioas./ 5. Eu
am lucrat la birou ieri.

Bilet nr. 20

I. 1. This morning, at breakfast, I had boiled eggs, ham and lemonade./ 2. Yesterday,
at lunch, I had mushroom soup and for the main dish I had steak and fries./ 3. Last
weekend I saw my friends and their children./ 4. Yesterday I had lunch at work./ 5.
Last night, at dinner, we had fish and vegetables.
II. 1. George i cu mine suntem interesai de atletism./ 2. Maria este interesat de
antrenamentul de fitness dar eu nu sunt./ 3. Anul trecut Colin i Fran nu au mers n
vacan vara./ 4. Roberto nu joac tenis dar merge la ski./ 5. Ann a mers la nnot
vara trecut.

Bilet nr. 21
I.1. mi putei spune ct este ora, v rog?/ 2. Poi vorbi mai rar,te rog?/ 3. Poi veni la
petrecerea mea?/ 4. V pot ajuta?/ 5. mi putei da o butur rece, v rog?
II. 1. You can surf the net on a computer./ 2. You can play different sports in a sports
centre./ 3. You can eat and drink in a restaurant./ 4. You can find informations on the
internet./ 5. You can cook a meal in the kitchen.

Bilet nr.22
I.1. Colin nu poate s gteasc./ 2. George poate s ofeze dar Anna nu poate./ 3. Eu
pot s navighez pe net dar nu pot s joc jocuri on-line./ 4. Noi putem s nelegem
franceza dar nu putem vorbi n francez./ 5. Colin nu poate s gteasc dar
Samantha poate.
II.1 .I can wash the car but I cant drive./ 2. I can paint but I cant draw./ 3. I
understand Italian but I cant speak Italian./ 4. I cant cook but I can eat./ 5. I can
sing but I cant dance.

Bilet nr. 23
I. At breakfast I have toast and butter, a cheese sandwich and I drink milk, tea or
coffee. At ten oclock I eat a fruit. At lunch I eat soup and fish. At dinner I have a
salad, cereals or an youghurt.
II.1. i place s cltoreti?/ 2. Unde i-ar plcea s mergi?/ 3. i-ar plcea s
locuieti ntr-o alt ar?/ 4. i-ar plcea s locuieti n Statele Unite?/ 5. i face
plcere s nvei engleza?

Bilet nr.24

I. 1. Ai dori s mergi la o plimbare n parc?/ 2. Alex dorete s ias pentru cin./ 3. El

ar dori un dicionar spaniol- englez./ 4. A dori o ceac de cafea neagr, v rog./ 5.
V-ar deranja s deschidei fereastra, v rog.
II. My favourite colour is red. ( blue, green, yellow, black, brown). My favourite
clothes are sport clothes and casual clothes. I often wear shirt or T-shirt, jeans and

Bilet nr. 25
I. 1. mi putei da supa de roii, v rog?/ 2. A dori coktail-ul de fructe de mare./ 3.
mi putei da friptur, v rog?/ 4. Ce ai dori de but?/ 5. Noi am dori o sticl de ap
mineral i un suc de portocale.
II. 1. No, Im not wearing a jumper because its too hot./ 2. No, I am not learning
Chinese. Iam learning English./ 3. No, not all the students are speaking English.
Some of them are speaking German./ 4. Yes, I am wearing new shoes./ 5. In my free
time Im reading newspapers, magazines and travelling books.

Bilet nr. 26
I. 1. Ei i este frig deoarece i-a uitat jacheta./ 2. Lui i este foame pentru c nu a
avut timp s mnnce./ 3. Ei sunt somnoroi pentru c au fost la o petrecere./ 4. Lui
i este sete pentru c este cald afar./ 5. Ea este nervoas pentru c nu i-a terminat
II. After this test I am going home . I will eat a fruit or a quick snack and then Ill go
to walk in the park. Next holiday I am going to visit my friends from Maramure.

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