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Brainstorm What are some
initial ideas you want to
include in your game?
Guided notes from initial
lecture PowerPoint.
Diagram draft Rough draft of
game dynamics.
Flashcards Groups create their
own set of flashcards of
important terms or concepts
related to students specific
Quiz On important elements
that need to be included in your
Create-A-Game presentation.


Presentation Students will

present their work to the class
in their groups.Rubric
Assessment Students games
will be assessed using a rubric
to see if all elements were
included in design.
Performance Assessment
Students will write an
assessment of other members
of the group claiming what
they did to contribute to the
unit, so that a fair grade can be
given to each student.

Assessment Timeline

Assessment Summary
Students have a lot going on in this unit. To accurately give feedback in multiple areas of
the assignment, Entry-level, Progress-monitoring, and Summative assessments will be utilized.
Students will form small groups that they will work together in for the entire unit. Once they
have briefly been described the scope of the assignment (but before viewing the initial lecture
PowerPoint), students will individually brainstorm on some ideas they have in mind. This will be
turned in later for a grade based on effort and creativity.
Once entry-level assessment is completed, students will engage in Mr. Hemmatis lecture
PowerPoint and take guided notes on key questions at different points in the presentation. These
notes will be graded on accuracy and effort in answering the questions provided during Mr.
Hemmatis lecture. Students will also create a rough draft of their game after being given a few
days to collaboratively work on the assignment, this will graded on fulfilling the criteria for the
game as well as creativity. Students will create flashcards for their game that have important
terms or concepts related specifically to their game. This will aid in emphasizing these points
during their presentations later on and these will be graded on quality as well as quantity of
concepts included. Lastly, students create a quiz that will be handed out after their presentations
to the rest of the class to quiz the class on how well they were paying attention to the concepts of
their game. These quizzes will be graded on how aligned they are to the students presentation of
the material.
Students summative assessments include their presentation of their games with their
groups to the rest of the class. These will be graded on participation in the presentation / how
much effort students put in in presenting. Students will also be graded via rubric on all the
elements they included in their Create-A-Game. Before students turn in their
projects/presentations, they will be given a copy of the rubric so they will know what to include.
Lastly, students will individually write about how others performed in their group and turn it in
anonymously so Mr. Hemmati can also give an individual grade to students based on their
participation in the unit.

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