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English 30-1

King Lear Act IV Guided Notes


Name: _________________

Listen to your classmates summary and Readers Theatre performance of each scene. Use this
information to fill-in-the-blanks and answer the questions. We will also go over each scene as a
Act IV, si
Edgar, still disguised as ________________, stands in the wind. Decides it is best to be lowly
because then things can only get better.
Sees his ___________________ father, and realizes that it is impossible to know when you
are at your worst, because things can always get worst: unjust power suffering and

Gloucester laments his misjudgment of Edgar, and has given up

on ________________, except to see his true son once more.
The Old Man tells Gloucester they have found Poor Tom.
Gloucester used to think Poor Tom was as low as a
worm, but now he realizes all men are like worms in
the eyes of the gods.
Still doesnt recognize him as his son, but sends the
Old Man to fetch him clothes for Poor Tom.

Gloucester offers Poor Tom all the money he has to take him to the cliffs at Dover

What does Gloucester intend to do when he arrives in Dover?

Act IV, sii

English 30-1


Goneril and Edmund arrive at Gonerils palace

Oswald reports that Albany is changed (everything that should upset him pleases him)
Goneril is irritated kisses Edmund, who swears to remain faithful to her until death (GASP!
Theyre having a(n) ______________. Add this to your character maps!)

Albany denounces Goneril and Regan in scathing terms for their mistreatment of Lear (fully
recognizes his wifes cruelty)

Servants bring news of two important events. What are they?

Albany sees Cornwalls death as justice from the gods

Goneril is worried Regan will now try to _____________ Edmund away from her (selfish and
lustful) and hurries to answer the messengers letter

Who are the three characters involved in the emerging love triange? Fill in their names on the
diagram below.

Albany asks the messenger if Edmund is with Gloucester and the messenger explains that
Edmund turned his father in

English 30-1


Albany vows to thank Gloucester for his love towards Lear, and will avenge his lost eyes (is now
willing to risk himself to restore political order and justice)

Whose side of the war is Albany now on?

Act IV, siii


the French war camp, Kent asks about Cordelias

reaction to his letter
Cordelia was moved to deep pity for her father and
angry at her sisters

Lear is in
Lear refuses

the camp, and is occasionally sane

to see Cordelia out of _____________ for his unkindness Like
Gloucester, insight required madness, this time the
metaphorical blindness of madness

Act IV, siv

Cordelia, attended by a Gentleman and a Doctor sends out a search party for her father who,
she has heard, is mad
Cordelia says that whoever cures Lear can have everything she _____________ (willing to give
up everything for him: proves that she place the utmost importance of her duties as a child
before wealth or power)
Doctor: cure for madness is ____________
Messenger brings news that the British are approaching
Cordelia is aware: purpose of the war is to avenge this mistreatment of ______________

English 30-1


The two plots come together in a

face-off between the self-interested
children (____________,
__________________, and
_______________) and the selfless

Act IV, sv
Regan desires Edmund sexually and
as a protector of her political power

Explains that Edmund has gone to kill Gloucester

Gloucesters pitiful appearance (blind and wandering) is turning people against the British
Regan wants to read Gonerils letter, but Oswald refuses to hand it over
Regan instructs Oswald to take news to Goneril: Edmund and Regan have decided that he will
marry Regan (her selfishness will erode bonds again, this time with her sister)

Regan will show favor to whomever kills Gloucester brutality is evident

If Oswald sees Gloucester, what is he supposed to do?

Act IV, svi

Edgar (dressed as a peasant) pretends to help Gloucester find a cliff that doesnt actually
_________(flat ground)
Gloucester believes Edgars description, and gives him a purse
Edgar: playing with Gloucesters despair only to cure him

English 30-1


Gloucester speaks to the

gods, and jumps, and
Edgar pretends to be a new
spectator, and describe the

Lear raving and mad, but Gloucester recognizes his voice, and asks to kiss his hand
Edgar sees Lears madness as a _____________ for the current state of Britain (Recognizes
the idea of The ______ _____________!)
Lear flees and is pursued by Cordelias men
Battle is about to _____________

What does Gloucester beg the gods to forgive him for?

Oswald appears, eager to kill Gloucester as Regan instructed in Act IV, s v

Edgar intercedes (still dressed as a peasant) brave and ready to defend his father, despite
Gloucesters misjudgment and mistreatment of him

Which of Lears daughters does Edgar parallel here?

Oswald is puzzled what peasant would risk their life for a traitor? (self-absorbed)
They fight Oswald dies and asks Edgar to take the letters in his purse and deliver them to
Edmund, and to take his money and bury him

English 30-1


Edgar reads the letter in Oswalds purse Its from Goneril to Edmund, attempting to persuade
him to ___________ Albany and marry her

Edgar shocked by this new insight into the dynamics taking place
between Lears children; vows to head off and find the,
murderous lechers (Edmund and Goneril) and reveal all to
Edgar calls Gloucester father, restoring the
____________ family bond

Act IV,

s vii

Cordelia thanks Kent for everything he has done for Lear (shows decency and a sense of
justice) asks his to come out of disguise
Kent refuses must stay in disguise for a short while longer
Doctor Lear is sleeping
Cordelia asks the gods to, cure this great breach in his abused nature (restore him to normal)
What wakes up Lear?

Cordelia kisses her father and, like Lear, marvels at the unkindness of her sisters (she would
have treated her enemys ____ kinder than her sisters treated Lear)

Fantastic work! Only one more scene to go

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