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INQUIRY/ Dynamic Social Studies LESSON PLAN

Choice Lesson: Physical Education

I. Goal(s)/Objective(s)/Standard(s)
A. Goal(s) Students will work together to complete the obstacle courses.
B. Objective(s)
With support from their classmates/teammates, students will successfully conquer different obstacle courses
varying in difficulty.
C. Standard(s)
IDOE: 3.5.3 Work cooperatively with others to obtain common goals in a game situation.
IDOE: 3.6.3 Participate in cooperative problem-solving physical activity challenges.
D. Materials:
1. Mats from the gym
2. Hula-hoops
3. Cones from the gym

Management: time, space, behavior

Time 35 minutes total
Space Gymnasium
Behavior I will review with the class proper behavior for being in the gym. I will tell
them that anyone who is not following rules for being in the gym will have to sit out
for the rest of the time we are there. If anyone is being reckless and endangering others
during the lesson, he/she will be sent immediately to the office to speak with the

II. Anticipatory Set (5 minutes)

How many of you have participated in an obstacle course before? Students will raise their hands. Sometimes obstacle
courses can be pretty easy, but other times they can be really difficult to get through! The obstacle course here in the
gym will seem easy at first. But throughout our time here, I am going to be adding obstacles and changing things
around so that it will become more and more difficult for you to do alone.
III. Purpose
Today we are going to do an obstacle course, and we will eventually work together in order to conquer the course.
IV. Lesson Presentation: Presentation of Concept
I have set up this obstacle course. Each of you will go through the course individually, one after the other. The goal is
to get through this course by yourselves. After everyone has gotten through this course, I am going to switch things
up a little bit to make the course more difficult. I will also be giving you a different means of getting through the
obstacle course. Some of you will have to hop on one leg, some will have to crawl, and some will have to do it
blindfolded. Okay lets begin!
After students complete the obstacle course individually, I will add more mats, cones, and hula-hoops to the course. I
will take volunteers to go through this more difficult course; Ill tell students they have to hop on one leg through the
whole thing, be blindfolded, or crawl through the entirety of the course. This will prove to be difficult for the
students, so I will tell one person who is not going through the course to help the other student in the obstacle course.

The original student will still have to hop on one leg, crawl, or be blindfolded, but the helping student can do
whatever he needs to get the other student through the course.
Once a few students have struggled through the course and had partners help them, I will change up the course one
more time. This time I will make two similar circular courses, so they end and start in the same place. I will form
teams with the students, and now they will be expected to encourage each other as each one goes through the obstacle
course. If someone needs help, one person is allowed to assist the student in need. The team who has gotten all its
members through the obstacle course first will receive a prize.
a. Going through the obstacle course alone twice each a little different the other.
a. Going through the obstacle course with a partner.
b. Racing through the course as two different teams.

VI. Closure/Conclusion
Okay, class, what kinds of things were hard for you all in the first to obstacle courses? I will take different answers
from the students. Did it help when there was someone there to help you and encourage you through it?
VII. Practice (2 minutes)
I am going to give you each a sticky note. I want you to write different things people can do to help others through
obstacles they are facing. I will give you two minutes, and this is your exit slip to lunch.
VIII. Assessment
A. Formative: I will watch students as they go through the obstacle courses to make sure they are working together.
B. Summative: Exit slip.
IX. Adaptation:
Remediation Review the exit slips, and deliberate with a small group of students who didnt quite get it.
Enrichment I will make the obstacle course more challenging for the more athletic students.
Exceptional Needs If there are students with a physical disability, I will make the obstacle course more accessible
and feasible.
X. Technology Inclusion
No technology is used in this lesson.
Self-Answer Questions
1. How many students achieved the objective? For those that did not, why not?
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
3. How should I alter this lesson?
4. How would I pace it differently?
5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?
a. Blooms Taxonomy
b. Gardners Multiple Intelligences

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