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Theology 201.08
Reading Reflection The Confessions Book II
Sins of the flesh the single desire that dominated my search for
delight was simply to love and be loved
It seems like Augustine was a very horny teenager. He was
obsessed with sex. He even wishes that his parents made get married
so that he would have only been using sex for the purpose that God
intended. The pursuit of sex definitely still exists today, but probably
not to this extent (for the average person). I also find that it very
interesting that his parents are okay with their son having sex as long
as he succeeds in school. For me, while I was in high school my
parents were pretty much cool with whatever I wanted to do as long
as I was getting good grades. As long as I maintained a good GPA, I
was pretty much free to do as I wished during the weekends. It seems
Augustine was in a similar position.

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