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Book Title: Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday

Author: Judith Viorst

Your Name: Hannah King
Lesson Overview

Issue Confronted: Variety of things connected to a choice

o In a given scenario, students will make a choice and understand the
opportunity cost (anytime a choice is made there are alternatives not chosen).
o Standard: 2.SL.2.1: Participate in collaborative conversations about gradeappropriate topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
2.4.6 Define opportunity cost and explain that because resources are limited
in relation to peoples wants (scarcity), people must make choices as to how
to use resources.
o Assessments
Formative: I will be observing students throughout discussion to make
sure they are grasping the concept. I will also be walking around while
students are in pairs.
Summative: Student will be turning in their filled out notecard. I will be
able to look over the notecard to see if student have understood the
concept. They will be tested

Differentiation and Culturally-Responsive Practices

o The lesson should be relatable for every student as each student spends some
of their time in the same setting (school). The discussion will allow for every
student to find a connection to the lesson.
o The lesson will include visual and auditory learning.
o The discussion and reading aloud will allow students of all learning levels to
capture the understanding of the book and lesson.

Management of:
o Time 30 minutes
o Materials Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday by: Judith Viorst
o Space The read aloud and discussion will take place on the carpet in a circle.
When student are put in the groups, they can move around the room to work.
o Behavior We will quickly review the correct carpet procedure before moving
there. Once on the carpet, students will be reminded to raise hands to talk
and be respectful. I will verbally praise students for good behavior and
thoughts. If needed, I will have students flip their cards and then return to the

Building Background Knowledge

Students will know or currently be learning about coins/dollar values

Students will understand time, know their school schedule.
All students will be able to connect to the process of making a decision whether large
or small.

Activating Background Knowledge: I will relate time to money by discussing that we only
have a certain amount.
We only have 24 hours in a day. No matter what, that is all the time we have. That
time is split up into certain activities. You sleep for so much time, spend a certain amount of
time eating, you spend some of your hours of time here at school. You may choose to play
outside or watch tv at home. No matter the activity once you spend the time, you cannot get
that time back.
Purpose: I am going to read a story today. As I read, please pay attention to the choices
Alexander makes.
Essential Questions: Does every choice have alternative choices? What effect does that
Constructing Understanding

Read aloud the Story Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday
Summarize the story
What did Alexander spend his money on?
How did he feel about his purchases at the end of the book?
He ended up only having bus tokens left and (return to the page in the book)
a dopey deck of cards, one-eyed bear, and a melted candle.
Alexander had money but he chose to spend it. Once Alexander spent his
money, he could not spend it another way. He made a choice of what to spend his
money on. The same way that you chose to spend time, you may play outside
instead of doing your homework. You made a choice and cant change it once it has
Alexander chose to spend his money on a deck of cards, one-eyed bear, and
a melted candle. Today, we are going to learn about opportunity cost (write on the
board). Anytime a choice is made there are alternatives not chosen. Alexander could
have bought a walkie-talkie but instead he chose to spend his money. So a
consequence of spending his money is that he was unable to buy the walkietalkies.He gave up the opportunity to own the walkie-talkie because he chose buy a
deck of cards, one-eyed bear, and a melted candle.
Every day we make choices and give up the opportunity for other things.
What are some choices you recently made?
Examples: Breakfast, time in the morning, what you will have for lunch, how
youll spend your Bravo Bucks
When you make these choices, there is an alternative choice, another choice
that you chose not to pick. Alexander chose to buy his small toys instead of saving up
for a walkie talkie.

Using New Understanding

Students will be broken up into pairs and given a scenario. Based off that scenario,
the students will make a choice. They will continue on to list the alternative choices.
Students will be placed in partners based on a grouping strategy already in place.

Now in pairs you will be given a card. This card tells the story of a scenario.
You and your partner will need to make a choice. On your card, you will continue to
write what you chose and the alternatives that were not selected.
Do any example with a student walking through the scenario, keep the class
informed of your decision making process and how you filled out the card
Break students up into pairs; allow to move around the room
Today we talked about choices and the alternatives that are not chosen. We learned
about Opportunity Cost anytime a choice is made there are alternatives not chosen.
In our story, Alexander chose to spend his money. You and your partner made a
choice in your scenario. Lets take a few moments a share some of our notecards.
Some of you had the same notecard but made different choices. No matter what
choice you made, there is an alternative that was not chosen. Every choice you make
has an alternative that was not chosen. Part of the process of making a decision is
being aware of all the options and what the consequences of your choice could be.
Example Notecard Scenario:

You have twenty minutes before bedtime. Your

favorite show is about to come on TV but you also
know you have not finished your math homework.
Your decision: __________________________________
Other Choices You Didnt Pick:
Is there a consequence?
You have $5. You want to save up for a bike helmet
but your brother will sell you a board game for $3.
Your decision: __________________________________
Other Choices You Didnt Pick:
Is there a consequence?

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