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Telling Time with The Grouchy Ladybug

Gianna Parisi


1st Grade Math: Tell and Write Time


This lesson is being taught so students can learn how to tell

time. This lesson is important because the class will be
working together and following along with the story to
understand the time. Telling time is a crucial skill that
students will use every day for the rest of their life. This
concept can be hard to grasp, especially for first graders.
Students need to know how to read it on a clock and not just
a digital one. We will be reading The Grumpy Ladybug to
help the class with telling time. As different times are heard
in the story they will show me if they understand how to
make it, write it and show it. This lesson fits into the first
grade curriculum under tell and write time. This lesson is
very good for visual learners because there will be multiple
ways to learn how to tell and write time.


Tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and
digital clocks.



Tell and write the time in hours and half-hours by moving
the big hand and the little hand on their student clocks,
read orally, and write in digital form the time

Teacher model clock

Student clocks
The Grouchy Ladybug by Eric Carle.
Ladybug candies
Lined paper.
Different modes of telling time: clocks (analog and digital),
watches, stopwatches, calendar.
Dry erase boards for students with markers and erasers.
Independent practice worksheets.

Lesson Design Elements

Anticipatory Set

Guided Practice

Have on display in front of the students different modes for

telling time including: clocks (digital and analog),
stopwatches, alarm clocks, calendar, etc. Ask the students:
What do all of these objects have in common? Write their
responses on the chalkboard or on chart paper as they
respond. Then ask them, What are some of the differences
between these objects? Again record their responses. Let the
students manipulate the objects as they respond and interact
during this activity. The teacher is encouraged to engage the
students by helping them operate the different objects. To
close the trigger activity ask the students, What do you think
we are going to be learning today? Verbally acknowledge
their responses.

Review: The teacher explains to the students that in

order to tell the time correctly one must understand
the parts of a clock. Begin reviewing the parts of the
clock with the student using the teacher model clock.
(Big hand, little hand and the numbers on the clock
represent multiples of five.) Have the students use
their clocks as you model and explain the different
parts of the clock.
The teacher writes a time on the board (3:00) in big
font, and holds the time up on a flash card in large
font. On the teacher model find the 3 and explain how
the little hand points to the 3 and the big hand points
to the 12 to show 3:00. Have the students, working in
pairs and with teaching assistants circulating, use
their clocks to show the time as well. The teacher
should repeat this activity using 6:00, 2:00, 12:00,
3:00, 5:00, 1:00, 10:00, and 9:00, until the students
have demonstrated understanding by completing the
activity with 100% accuracy.
Then the teacher explains to the students that she will
be reading the story, The Grouchy Ladybug.
As a time is mentioned she explains that their job is to
work with a partner and write on their white boards
the time from the book the way it would be displayed
on a digital clock, and using their clocks the way it
would appear on an analog clock. Once they have
their answer they will hold their clocks up in the air to
show they are done.
The teacher will put the appropriate time in digital
form on the board and in analog form on the teacher

model clock so students can check to see if they were

correct. The students will rotate jobs of manipulating
the student clock and writing the time in digital form
on the white boards.


Once the class has finished the story, the teacher will hand
out the worksheet, which contains clocks in analog form on
the left displaying a time and the time written in digital form
on the right hand side. The students independently match the
correct analog time on the left with the digital time on the
right. The worksheets are provided to students and passed out
according to skill level. Students with special needs can use
the worksheet that has the analog time on the left and trace
the time that it represents digitally on the right.


To close the teacher will direct the students attention back to

the chart paper or list on the board that was generated about
the similarities and differences between the different objects
that tell time from the anticipatory set. Have the students
share any other ideas they may have. Have each student in
their partner groups use one of their clocks to display a time
to the hour and write that time down on their white boards.
Then have the pairs stand one a time and show their time for
the class to see. The class must guess the time and as a class
respond with the answer. The partner group then shows the
class if they are right by holding up the white board answer.
Go around the room till each group has a chance to share the
time they came up with. At the close of the lesson the
students will be given a ladybug treat!


I will know the students have successfully met the objectives

of this lesson if they can complete the worksheet, which will
be their assessment. For the worksheet to successfully
complete it the students must match clocks in analog form on
the left displaying a time and the time written in digital form
on the right hand side.
Formative assessment: This will be done through
observation. How well the student picks up on the material.
If they can create the time without looking at mine first.
Summative assessment: I will be collecting the worksheet
and seeing if the students successfully completed it.


If students have a hard time telling the time on the clock,

the teacher will be walking around for assistance.
If there are students that are visually or auditory impaired,
the times will be written nice and big on the board for all to
see at any time.
Kinesthetic or tactile learners learn best when they can use
manipulatives to solve the problem. In order to meet the
needs of my tactile learners, I decided to use personal
clocks. I gave each tactile learner a clock to help them tell
time. They could physically put their hands on the clock
and represent the time I asked them to.

Other Considerations

For this lesson we have to consider a few things that might

come our way. The materials that we will need for this lesson
is the clock, worksheet, pencil, dry erase boards, and lined
paper. There will be no technology for this. For classroom
management, make sure the students are staying on topic,
remind them that they need to raise their hand when asking
or responding to a question.


Common Core Standards

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