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Name: _______________________________________________ Date: ________________ Period: ________

STAAR Biology EOC Preparation

Category 1: Cell Structure and Function
1. Prokaryotes are considered by the scientific community as the most ancient life-forms on Earth. Yet, these primitive
cells share many common characteristics with the more modern eukaryotes. However, one significant difference
between these two cell types is that only eukaryotes contain
A membrane-bound compartments to carry out specialized functions
B a selectively-permeable cell membrane to maintain homeostasis
C deoxyribonucleic acid to serve as a template to produce proteins
D a rigid cell wall which provides structure and support
Use the information below to answer the following two questions.
Identical lengths of potato cores were cut and massed. One potato core was then placed in 100 ml of each of the
following solutions; 0M sucrose, 0.2M sucrose, 0.4M sucrose, 0.6M sucrose, 0.8M sucrose, and 1M sucrose. These
were left to equilibrate overnight after which the potato cores were then removed, patted dry, and massed again. Data is
recorded in the table below:
Initial Mass
Final Mass
0M sucrose
2.2 g
2.4 g
0.2M sucrose
2.4 g
2.4 g
0.4M sucrose
1.9 g
1.8 g
0.6M sucrose
2.0 g
1.8 g
0.8M sucrose
2.2 g
1.8 g
1M sucrose
2.3 g
1.8 g
2. What is the most likely cause of the potato core gaining mass when placed in the 0M sucrose solution?
A Sucrose moved into the potato core from the solution.
B Sucrose moved from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration.
C Water moved down its concentration gradient.
D Water concentrations stayed the same inside and outside the potato core.
3. The isotonic point in this potato core experiment is closest to
A 0M sucrose because sucrose moved into the potato core causing it to gain mass
B 0.2M sucrose because water didnt move into or out of the potato core
C 0.2M sucrose because equal amounts of water moved into and out of the potato core
D 1M sucrose because the potato core lost the most mass due to water loss
4. Viruses are considered non-living because they lack the machinery to reproduce on their own and must rely on a
cellular host cell to survive. Structures common to both cells and viruses include
A protein capsid
B nucleic acids
C cell wall
D nucleus
5. Differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes which are readily observable through the light microscope include
prokaryotes are much smaller than eukaryotes
ribosomes are smaller in prokaryotes
prokaryotes lack nuclei
A I only
B II only
C I and II only
D I and III only

6. Cells often need to take in materials from their

environment, many of which are found in lower
concentrations outside the cell compared to inside the
cell. In order to do this, cells must use the energy
from ATP to move these materials
A against the concentration gradient through
active transport
B with the concentration gradient through
active transport
C against the concentration gradient through
passive transport
D with the concentration gradient through
passive transport
7. The cellular organelle most directly involved in
maintaining homeostasis is the
A plasma membrane
B cell wall
C chloroplast
D mitochondria
8. Viruses are able to infect cells because they share a common genetic code and are able to use host cell enzymes to
carry out protein synthesis. There are some structures which are unique to viruses and not found in cells. These
I. Protein capsid
II. Nucleic acids
III. Cell wall
A I only
B II only
C I and II only
D II and III only
9. Which of the following most accurately shows diffusion ?

= solute



A. 2
C. 5

B. 4
D. 6

12. Which organelle is responsible for maintaining homeostasis by controlling what enters and exits the cell ?
A. 3
B. 7
C. 1
D. 5

13. During an infection, some viruses remain inside cell but do not cause symptoms of disease. The graphic above
depicts the
A lytic cycle and the host cell is destroyed by rapidly reproducing viral particles
B lytic cycle and the viral nucleic acid inserts into the host cell chromosome
C lysogenic cycle and the viral nucleic acid inserts into the host cell chromosome
D lysogenic cycle and the viral nucleic acid replicates independently of the host cell chromosome

14. Before a cell enters Mitosis, all of the following events must occur during Interphase EXCEPT
A The cell passes through a series of 3 checkpoints.
B The cell grows in size.
C Nuclei are divided.
D Cellular organelles are synthesized.

15. The stage of the cell cycle pictured above may be best described as
A Cytokinesis: the cytoplasm of the cell is divided
B S phase: DNA is copied, resulting in identical sister chromatids
C G2 phase: the cell grows in size and prepares to divide the nucleus
D Mitotic phase: the nucleus is divided

16. Leaves are plant organs specialized for photosynthesis. Through the light microscope, which organelle would be
expected to be seen in greater numbers?

17. Each of the following statements describes the importance of the cell cycle and Mitosis to an organism EXCEPT
A The cell cycle and Mitosis are important to produce identical new cells so that a multi-cellular eukaryote can
grow larger.
B The cell cycle and Mitosis are important to produce identical new cells so that a unicellular eukaryote can
C The cell cycle and Mitosis are important to produce identical new cells so that a multi-cellular eukaryote can
repair damaged tissue.
D The cell cycle and Mitosis are important to produce identical new cells so that a multi-cellular eukaryote can
18. When harmful mutations occur in genes that contain the information to make cell cycle regulatory proteins, this
may result in accelerated cell division. The result of these mutations is most likely
A cancer
B slower cell growth
C a halt in mitosis
D entry into G0 phase
19. Nucleic acids differ from carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins because
A They are composed of amino acids.
B They only contain the atoms C, H, O.
C They are self-replicating.
D They are formed through hydrolysis.

STAAR Biology EOC Preparation

Category 2: Mechanisms of Genetics
20. Which of the following illustrations depicts a nucleotide, the building block of DNA?

21. Which statement most accurately describes how deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) carries the genetic code for building
an organism?
A The order of nitrogen bases provides the genetic code
B The genetic code is based on the number of hydrogen bonds found between nitrogen bases
C The number of deoxyribose sugars along the sides of the DNA ladder is used to determine the genetic code
D The shape of the DNA molecule provides the genetic code
22. Which of the following structures would pair with the nitrogen base Adenine in a complementary strand of DNA?

23. Restriction enzymes isolated from various bacterial spp. have been extensively used in the biotechnology laboratory
for cutting human genes from DNA samples to insert into bacterial plasmids. This is made possible because
A Nitrogen bases form a common genetic code for all organisms.
B DNA is maintained in both bacterial and human cells within nuclear membranes.
C Small, circular pieces of DNA called plasmids are common to both humans and bacteria.
D Restriction enzymes cut at random sequences so it does not matter that humans and bacteria use a different
genetic code.

24. The model in the graphic above illustrates translation, the latter part of the process of protein synthesis. Which
other necessary components for translation are absent from the graphic?
A messenger RNA and transfer RNA
B ER membranes and ribosomes
C ribosomal RNA and DNA
D transfer RNA and ribosomes

25. Which of the following statements is NOT

correct regarding the process in the illustration
A I must be complementary to an mRNA
B This process occurs in the nucleus of a
C III shows the first two amino acids of a
growing polypeptide chain.
D The process shown is translation.

26. Bacterial species genomes are arranged somewhat differently than those of eukaryotes. Their circular chromosome
contains clusters of genes which code for proteins that work together to accomplish a series of related tasks. In this
way, groups of genes can be turned on when the gene product(s) are needed, and turned off when they arent needed.
This confirms the fact that
A Gene expression is a regulated process.
B Genes are arranged similarly in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
C Eukaryotes have circular chromosomes.
D Bacterial genomes are much larger than those of eukaryotes.
Use the illustration that follows to answer the next two questions:
27. Changes in DNA sequences are called mutations. Mutations
may affect only one nitrogen base in the sequence, or may affect
large regions of a chromosome. The particular type of gene
mutation that is illustrated above is called a
A point mutation
B insertion mutation
C frameshift mutation
D nonsense mutation
28. The significance of this gene mutation is that
A A different amino acid sequence results which is likely to
affect the functioning of the final protein product.
B A different amino acid sequence results which is not likely
to affect the functioning of the final protein product.
C No protein product will be produced.
D The protein product is unaffected.
29. Maize is a variety of corn that is often used to illustrate genetic crosses. Since each kernel of corn on a cob is an
offspring, much data can be obtained from observing a single corn cob. Kernels are found as one of two colors; either
purple (P) which is dominant, or yellow (p) which is recessive. If two heterozygous purple plants were crossed, what
would be the predicted phenotype ratio of the resulting offspring?
A 1PP: 2Pp: 1pp
B all PP
C 3 purple: 1 yellow
D all purple

30. Lentil seeds can be found in two varieties based on the different sizes of spots which may be observed on their outer
surface. Seeds with larger spots are called spotted, while seeds with smaller spots are called dotted. The different-sized
spots are inherited in a co-dominant pattern. Predict the resulting phenotype of offspring if a lentil with spotted seeds
were crossed with a lentil that has dotted seeds.
A Seeds are both spotted and dotted.
B Seeds have intermediate size spots.
C Seeds have no spots.
D Seeds are all spotted.
31. Horse coat color is inherited in an incomplete dominance pattern. If a dark brown colored stallion is mated with a
cream colored mare, what would be the expected phenotype(s) of the offspring?
A all dark brown
B all cream
C both dark brown and cream patches
D tan
32. In pea plants, tall (T) is dominant over short (t), and purple flowers (P) are dominant to white flowers (p). Given
two parent plants which are heterozygous for both of these traits, what is the probability of producing tall offspring
with white flowers?
A 9/16
B 3/16
C 1/16
33. Variation is the raw material for change in organisms, providing a mechanism by which populations may evolve
and adapt to changing environmental conditions. Meiosis provides a number of opportunities for increased variation in
sexually reproducing populations through each of the following events EXCEPT
A crossing over
B independent assortment of alleles
C random distribution of homologous chromosomes
D fertilization
34. Using the gel electrophoresis and DNA fingerprinting to
the right, which set of parents are most likely to be the childs
biological parents?
A Parents A
B Parents B
C Parents C
D Parents D
35. The process of meiosis occurs in sexually reproducing
eukaryotes and is important for the continuation of these
species because of all of the following EXCEPT
A Chromosome number is halved in the daughter cells.
B Crossing over during Prophase I provides increased variation.
C Diploid chromosome number is maintained in the zygote.
D Gametes produced are 2n.
36. A baby is born with phenotypic characteristics of Downs syndrome; a rounded face, small chin, almond-shaped
eyes, and shorter limbs. Evidence from which of these techniques would best confirm the child has an extra
chromosome 21?
A gel electrophoresis
B DNA fingerprinting
C karyotype analysis
D gene therapy

STAAR Biology EOC Preparation

Category 3: Biological Evolution and Classification
37. Homologous anatomical structures such as those
in the illustration above, provide evidence that these
A are equally related to one another
C are not related to one another
D share a distant common ancestor
E share the same parents

38. The complete amino acid sequence was determined of a protein

shared by all primate groups. The data provided in the graph above
shows the percentage of amino acids each primate protein shared with
the human protein. According to this molecular homology data,
A The gorilla is least related to humans.
B The gorilla and chimpanzee are most closely related.
C The chimpanzee is most closely related to humans.
D The chimpanzee is least related to the gibbon.

39. The rock strata were excavated in an area as illustrated above and
the fossil remains examined. According to this information, the most
likely scenario is that
A Layer I is the oldest, followed by Layer II, III, and IV.
B Fish suddenly appeared on Earth at the time of Layer III.
C A marine environment gradually filled with sediment and
became a terrestrial environment.
D A terrestrial environment was covered by a shallow sea for
a period of time.

40. How does competition for limited resources within and between species drive evolutionary change?
A Individuals with favorable adaptations will out-compete others and produce more offspring.
B Competition makes some individuals stronger than others, and more of the stronger individuals survive.
C Stronger individuals develop different adaptations than weaker individuals.
D Competition produces variation between populations.

41. Each of the finch varieties pictured evolved from a common ancestral finch species. This diversity of species likely
developed due to
A individuals evolving different traits during their lifetime living longer than others
B finches being born with beneficial variations reproducing more successfully
C immigration of finch species providing a greater variety of traits in the population
D selective predation of one particular variety of finch
42. Cheetahs are the fastest land mammals, yet can only maintain
their top speed of about 70 mph for a few seconds. Since all
cheetahs are nearly genetically identical due to a past bottleneck
event, development of future diversity in this species is most
likely to occur by
A gene flow
B immigration
C emigration
D mutation
43. Which is the best description of how the fossil record provides evidence of
common ancestry?
A Analogous structures can be identified between related groups of
B Homologous structures can be identified between related groups of
C Molecular homologies can be identified through trace remains.
D Developmental homologies can be identified through fossilized soft
44. Duck feet are especially well-adapted for life in the water. Sharp claws
allow them to better navigate the wet, slippery environment and webbed toes aid
in their swimming ability. These adaptations probably came about as a result of

A one duck developing these favorable traits over its lifetime and passing them to its offspring
B variation in the duck population; ducks born with one or more of these traits were more reproductively
C nature selecting against these adaptations
D selective breeding of ducks with these favorable traits over many generations

45. An organism was recently discovered and displayed the following characteristics; red coloration, eukaryotic, nonmotile, photosynthetic. This organism is classified in the kingdom
A Plantae
B Animalia
C Fungi
D Protista
46. Given the characteristics described in the information box above, this species belongs in kingdom
A Archaebacteria
B Fungi
C Eubacteria
D Protista
47. The organism pictured above, Escherichia coli, is a common symbiont in mammalian digestive systems. This
organism has a circular chromosome located in a region of the cell called the nucleoid (A), a rigid outer cell wall (B),
and a semi-permeable cell membrane (C). To which kingdom does this organism belong?
A Archaebacteria
B Eubacteria
C Protista
D Fungi
48. Fungi are unique among eukaryotes in that they are
A unicellular
B multicellular
C autotrophic
D decomposers
Use the information in the illustration and table below to answer question #49.
(bony fish)
(cartilaginous fish)

Cold- blooded

Smooth skin


Body covered in feathers

Gills in young, adults respire through

lungs, skin


Body covered in hair



Body covered in scales



Body covered in scales



Body covered in scales


49. The animal species in the illustration has the following characteristics; it breathes with lungs, maintains a constant
body temperature, has hair, gives live birth, and nurses young with milk. These characteristics place the animal in the
A Amphibia
B Aves
C Mammalia
D Osteichthyes

STAAR Biology EOC Preparation

Category 4: Biological Processes and Systems

50. The simple sugar glucose, C6H12O6 , is formed through the process of photosynthesis as depicted in the chemical
equation above. Simple sugars are unique among bio-molecule monomers in that
A They are used by the body for long-term energy storage.
B They do not dissolve readily in water.
C Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms are always found in a 1:2:1 ratio.
D They are the building blocks of proteins.
51. When comparing the reactants and products of photosynthesis and cellular respiration, which statement is true?
A Carbon dioxide is a product of photosynthesis.
B Oxygen is a product of cellular respiration.
C Solar energy is converted to chemical energy in the process of photosynthesis.
D Energy is stored in the bonds of glucose in the process of cellular respiration.
52. When compared to the process of photosynthesis, cellular respiration produces more
A I only
B II only
C I and II only
D I and III only
53. Enzymes are proteins which function in both metabolic and anabolic pathways in living things. Which of the
following is NOT a characteristic of enzymes?
A Enzymes act as biological catalysts.
B Enzymes slow down chemical reactions.
C Enzymes reduce activation energy needed for a chemical reaction to proceed.
D Enzymes are re-usable.
54. Lactase is an enzyme which breaks apart the disaccharide lactose, the sugar found in milk products, into the
monomers galactose and glucose. Most species of mammals, including humans cease production of lactase as they
reach adulthood. Which is NOT a conclusion that can be drawn?
A Lactose is a sugar that is indigestible by mammals.
B Adults who wish to consume milk products should consider a dietary supplement which contains the enzyme
C Lactose fits into the active site of lactase.
D Adults who dont produce lactase cannot metabolize lactose.
55. Which of the following conditions affects the rate of enzymatic reactions?
substrate concentration
A I only
B II only
C I and III only
D I, II, and III

56. Which of these best describes how human body systems interact to protect the body from injury or illness?
A The skeletal system releases calcium ions into the organs of the respiratory system to encapsulate bacteria and
viruses in the lungs.
B Immune system B-cells are produced in the bone marrow of the skeletal system and introduced into the blood
C The nervous system stimulates the digestive system to release toxins that kill invading microbes.
D Hormones released by viruses increase both blood pressure and body temperature which work to inactivate

55. Which is the best description of how the organ system pictured above
interacts with the circulatory system to deliver nutrients to cells?
A Nutrients are taken in through the respiratory system and are picked up
by the thin walls of capillaries in the lungs for delivery to the rest of
the bodys cells.
B The digestive system processes food into smaller molecules which are
picked up for delivery to the bodys cells by the circulatory system
through capillaries in the small intestine.
C The circulatory system moves the secretions from the liver, gallbladder,
and pancreas through the bloodstream for delivery to the stomach
where they are used to break down large particles.
D Water recovered from the large intestine is picked up by capillaries and
delivered to the stomach to aid in digestion.

57. Which of the following statements does NOT accurately describe how the reproductive system interacts with
another organ system?
A Pituitary gland hormones are sent through the circulatory system which stimulate secretion of sex hormones
from ovaries and testes.
B Reproductive organs release hormones into the circulatory system which control sexual behavior and cycles.
C Oxygen and carbon dioxide collected by the respiratory system are delivered through the bloodstream to the
reproductive system.
D The sex hormones stimulate the development of secondary sexual characteristics, including muscle

58. Which is the best explanation of how the muscular system aids in delivering nutrients to cells?
A Layers of smooth muscle line the organs of the digestive system, pushing the meal through the system by
involuntary contractions known as peristalsis.
B Teeth mechanically break down food into smaller pieces so enzymes in the digestive system have a larger
surface area to work on.
C Microvilli in the small intestine have a large surface area for small molecules to diffuse from the digestive
system into the bloodstream.
D Large muscles require large amounts of energy to do work.



59. Which is the best description of the interactions of plant organ systems to produce the response illustrated above?
A Stem tips produce a growth hormone which travels through phloem tissues to other parts of the plant where it
causes elongation of cells on the dark side of a stem.
B Leaves which receive excess sunlight produce a wilting hormone that travels to other parts of the plant
through vascular tissues.
C Bright days cause leaves to lose water rapidly, which draws water up from the roots through vascular tissues
at such a pace that stems bend due to the increased water weight.
D Certain chemical substances in the air are taken into leaves through stoma and as they are carried downward
through vascular tissues in the stem the increased weight causes stems to bend.
60. Glucose produced by photosynthesis is stored as starch in storage organs such as potatoes, onions, and carrots.
Which of these is NOT part of the plant system interactions involved in this process?
A Leaves produce the sugar glucose through photosynthesis.
B Sugars produced by leaves are moved from sink to source by xylem vessels.
C Sugars produced by leaves are moved from source to sink by phloem vessels.
D Root systems store glucose as starch.
61. Which is the most correct description of two plant systems interacting to perform the function of reproduction in
A Carbon is obtained from the air as CO2 through stoma in the leaves to build all of the macromolecules needed
for reproduction.
B Carbon is obtained from the soil through the root systems and delivered with water and other nutrients to
reproductive organs.
C Most water is obtained in the form of water vapor through leaf pores and delivered through phloem tissues to
reproductive organs.
D Most water is absorbed directly through stoma during rain events and transferred to all parts of the plant by
phloem tissues.
62. Many plants have the ability to respond to herbivores. Some plants produce substances which are distasteful or
toxic in response to an herbivore attack. Which of these is the least correct description of the plant system interactions
A Carbon dioxide diffuses through stoma into leaf tissues, where it is fixed into organic compounds which may
serve as building blocks for chemical defenses.
B Root systems obtain water and key minerals from the soil, where they are transported to the affected site.
C Shoot systems carry carbon dioxide, water and nutrients from leaves directly to the affected plant part, where
chemical defense molecules are produced.
D Chemicals found in a herbivores saliva trigger chemical messengers which trigger production of defense
63. A tissue would be a component of each of the following EXCEPT
A organ
B cellular organelle
C organ system
D organism

64. Which term contains all of the others?

A tissue
B organ
C organ system
D cell
65. Which of the following statements is least accurate in describing internal feedback mechanisms?
A The excretory system plays a major role in controlling water balance, salt concentrations in the blood, and
removing nitrogenous wastes.
B An imbalance in blood sugar regulation by the competing hormones insulin and glucagon may result in the
disease diabetes.
C Cold-blooded organisms expend less energy than warm-blooded organisms because they lack control
mechanisms to maintain body temperature.
D Positive feedback mechanisms work to maintain levels within a narrow window of parameters, whereas
negative feedback mechanisms push levels beyond the normal range.
66. Microorganisms such as E. coli inhabit the digestive systems of a variety of higher organisms, including humans.
These microorganisms help their hosts maintain health by all of these EXCEPT
A breaking down food
B producing key nutrients
C infecting adjoining tissues
D competing with harmful microorganisms

STAAR Biology EOC Preparation

Category 5: Interdependence within Environmental Systems

67. As the process of ecological succession progresses with time, species diversity tends to
A gradually decrease from colonization to climax community
B be limited in early stages and increase over time
C increase during intermediate stages, then rapidly decrease during the climax community stage
D be highest in the colonization stages

68. Which of these statements best summarizes the change in populations which has occurred during the stages of
succession illustrated above?
A Populations of freshwater fish and aquatic plants are gradually replaced by populations of weeds and grasses
as a pond fills with silt.
B A terrestrial ecosystem is replaced by a freshwater ecosystem.
C A marine ecosystem is replaced by a terrestrial ecosystem.
D Populations of freshwater fish and aquatic plants die off as their habit becomes filled with silt.
69. Hummingbirds are attracted by large, brightly colored flowering plants. The flowers provide a food source for the
hummingbirds in the form of nectar and in exchange, the hummingbirds transfer pollen from one flower to another.
This relationship is best described as
A parasitism
B mutualism
C predation
D commensalism
70. Cowbirds do not build their own nests, but rather they lay their eggs in the nests of other birds. When the eggs
hatch, the cowbird young are then taken care of by the birds who built the nest, often at the expense of their own young.
This relationship is an example of
A parasitism
B mutualism
C predation
D commensalism

71. Based on the adaptations listed in the table below, which organism is best suited for life in the desert ecosystem?

Root Adaptation

Stem Adaptation

Leaf Adaptation

A Water lily

Roots and root hairs

Aerial roots to absorb
from the air
3 sets of roots to collect
Extensive roots survive
fire and grazing animals

Stems bend with water flow

Stoma restricted to
upper surface of leaves
Large, broad leaves

B Bromeliad
C Sagebrush
D Fescue

Smooth stems and leaves with

drip tips allow water to runoff
Stems store water
Soft stems bend in the wind

Leaf hairs direct sunlight

away from leaf surface
Narrow leaves prevent
water loss (desiccation)

Seeds can float
Animal pollinated
Seeds germinate in
response to rain
Wind pollinated

72. Eliminating microorganisms from an ecosystem would have all of the following effects EXCEPT
A increased carbon dioxide available to plants
B plants starved of key nitrogen-containing nutrients
C food chains disrupted
D decomposition would halt
73. Termites are incapable of digesting the wood fibers they ingest, but maintain a population of symbiotic bacteria in
their gut which break down the wood fiber for them. This relationship is best described as
A parasitism
B mutualism
C predation
D commensalism
74. The deer tick must feed on the blood of warm-blooded mammals in order to survive. At times, as the tick feeds it
also transmits harmful bacteria to the host which cause lyme disease. This relationship is an example of
A parasitism
B mutualism
C predation
D commensalism

75. In the food web above, which organisms are most likely to become overpopulated if there were a larger than
average production of seeds during a growing season?
A grouse
B chipmunk
C elk
D grizzly bear

A. Snowshoe

Adaptation #1
Large, furry feet

B. Kangaroo


C. Prairie
D. Tarsier

Adaptation #2
Rounded and reduced ear

Large ears with lots of

blood vessels to release
body heat
Sharp teeth to eat Strong hind legs allow
tough grasses
them to stand upright to
guard burrows
Arboreal, living
Flattened nails assist in
capturing insects
exclusively in

Adaptation #3
Extra thick fur
Burrows underground
during the day
Lives in underground
tunnels to escape extreme
temperatures and predators
Large eyes with excellent
sight for nocturnal hunting

Adaptation #4
Fur changes color;
brown in summer,
white in winter
Increased ability to
concentrate urine
Receive water they
need from food
Long limbs and tail
make the tarsier an
excellent climber
and jumper

76. Based on the adaptations listed in the table above, which organism is best suited for life in the tropical rainforest
A. Snowshoe hare
B. Kangaroo rat
C. Prairie dog
D. Tarsier
Use the pyramid below to answer questions #75-76
77. An herbicide is sprayed on foliage to eliminate weedy
plants. This herbicide remains on the leaves of sprayed
plants, is ingested by grasshoppers and accumulates in
their tissues. Songbirds then feed on the grasshoppers
and the herbicide accumulates in their tissues. Finally,
the coyote feeds on songbirds and the herbicide
accumulates in the coyotes body. At which trophic level
do the toxins become most concentrated?
A producers
B primary consumers
C secondary consumers
D top consumers
78. What is the best explanation of why the numbers of
organisms at each trophic level decrease from the bottom
of the pyramid to the top?
A The organisms increase in size as you move up
the pyramid.
B Energy is used for life processes and lost as
heat at each trophic level.
C Energy is wasted at each trophic level.
D There is more sunlight available to the first trophic level.

79. Carbon flows cyclically through organisms and the environment.

Which of the following descriptions of the carbon cycle is NOT
A Major reservoirs of carbon include tropical forests, oceans
and fossil fuels.
B Carbon dioxide is produced through photosynthesis and
used in cellular respiration.
C Humans may disrupt the carbon cycle by burning fossil
fuels which may result in global warming.
D Carbon is released to the atmosphere in the form of CO2
through respiration in living things.

80. In an ecosystem, the simple food chain above shows the movement of matter and energy from one organism to the
next. If disease reduced the number of organisms at the producer level, which other organism would feel the greatest
A the mouse because it is a producer
B the mouse because it eats producers
C the cat since it is a 2nd order consumer
D the coyote because it is the top consumer in the food chain

81. The graph depicts the growth of a population of yeast cells over time. The top, straight line most likely represents
A the limit of tolerance of the yeast cells to environmental conditions
B the highest number of yeast cells the population can achieve
C the carrying capacity of the environment
C population size of a predator which preys on the yeast

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