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Nicole Ruggiero

Period 8 1:50-3:10
Grade 4
Poetry Terms Scavenger Hunt
Subject/Topic/Activity: Writing
1. Standards:
W.4.3.D Use concrete words and phrases and sensory details to
convey experiences and events precisely.
W.4.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development
and organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
(Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in
standards 1-3 above.)
RL.4.10 By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature,
including stories, dramas, and poetry, in the grades 4-5 text
complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high
end of the range.
SL.4.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions
(one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on
grade 4 topics and texts, building on others' ideas and expressing
their own clearly.
2. Objectives: SWBAT identify examples of specific poetry terms
within poems that are placed around a room through a scavenger
3. Materials: Anchor chart on poetry terms, marker, scavenger hunt
worksheet, pencils, clipboards
4. Procedure
Connection: Call students to the rug with a pencil and a
clipboard. (Good morning/afternoon) writers! So we have
recently started our poetry unit. After reading all of the poems
that you wrote the other day, I noticed that many of you are
doing some really great things in your poems, like using rhymes
and descriptive language. Today I am going to introduce you to
some poetry terms. Some you may already know, but some will
probably be new to you.
Go over Poetry Terms anchor chart. Read each and give an
example: Alliteration, rhyme, onomatopoeia, personification,
metaphor, simile, repetition.

Hand out scavenger hunt worksheet. Today we are going to do a

scavenger hunt for examples of each of these poetry terms in
the poems that are hung around the room. As you can see on
your worksheet, I have included the definition of each of the
poetry terms and an example in the first column. Also, notice
that for some of the poetry terms, I am asking you to find two
different examples around the room. When you find a poem
that contains an example of these poetry terms, I want you to
first write the name of the poem in the name of poem column.
Then, write the example in the next column.
I will allow you to work in partners of your choosing as long as I
see that everyone is on-task and getting the work done. When I
call your name, pick a partner and get started. Allow students to
walk around the room to complete the scavenger hunt.

Call students back to the rug and go over the scavenger hunt.
Allow students to share.
So, we will all be creating a collection of poems. As you write,
you can actually use all (or some) of these things in your own
poems. I know a lot of you are good with using rhymes, so for
those students, I challenge you to try using some other
technique to write your poems. This will make your poems so
much more interesting! So, who thinks that they are willing/able
to try a new technique in writing their poems? Thumbs Up.
Awesome! Cant wait to read them. Send them off to write
poems if there is extra time. Then have them pack up to go
5. Assessment
I will be listening to the examples of the poetry terms that are given
during the closing assessing whether they are actually examples of
that term. I will also be assessing the poems that they will write for
the use of the new poetic techniques they learned through this
scavenger hunt.
6. Management Issues, Transitions, and Differentiation:
I will be calling the students to come to the rug by tables to bring
a pencil and a clipboard to the rug.
Once on the rug I will use the attention grabbing techniques:
Clap once if you can hear me. Clap twice if you can hear me.
And/or 1-2-3, eyes on me. (and these will be used during the
lesson also, if need be)
Hand signal: 2 fingers up, if students get too loud on the rug

Hand signals for students to move their clip up or clip down

on the behavior chart depending on whether or not they stay on
task and follow directions
Students will be working with partners during the scavenger
Students will be working on their own to write a poem on a topic
of their choice.

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