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Teacher Candidate: Chai Sanders
Grade Level: _5_
Title: Lesson 5: Use Models to Multiply Fractions
CONTEXTUAL FACTORS (classroom factors)

My Math Chapter 10 Lesson 2 of 6

Contextual Factors:
21 Students=9 males + 12 females
13 Caucasian; 3 Spanish; 3 Polynesian/Pacific Islander; 2 Native
American Navajo
3 ESL (all WIDA L6)
7 (IEP)=5 low level learners (1with ADD), 2 with speech disabilities
5 Reading Interventions (internal with a Specialist)
2 Math Interventions (external with a Specialist)
1 Counseling
Classroom environment: The classroom is set up with students desks in 5 groups of 4 to 5 students each.
There is plenty of room for all of the activities. Each group consists of a high level learner, middle to high
learner, middle to low learner, and low level learner where possible. This class has access to Chrome Notebooks
for online activities and a Smart Board System for teaching tools and presentations.
WALK-AWAY (As a result of this lesson, what do I want the students to know, understand, and be able to do?)

State Standard/Objective:
Domain: Number and Operations-Fractions
Standard 4: Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication to multiply a fraction
or whole number by a fraction.
Obj. b. Find the area of a rectangle with fractional side lengths by tiling it with unit squares
of the appropriate unit fraction side lengths, and show that the area is the same as
would be found by multiplying the side lengths. Multiply fractional side lengths to
find areas of rectangles, and represent fraction products as rectangular areas.
Content Walk-Away: I will explore using a model to multiply a fraction by a fraction.
Language Walk-Away: I will be able to draw and use models to explore using a model to multiply a fraction
by a fraction.
Vocabulary: Review-Multiply; Denominator; Numerator, Bar Diagram
Multiply-to find the product of by multiplying
Denominator-the number in a fraction that is below the line that is used to divide the number above the line.
Numerator-the number in a fraction that is above the line that is divided by the number below the line.
Bar Diagram-a model or graph that is a rectangular box that is divided up to model number parts.

ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE (What evidence do I need to show the students have

learned the Walk-Away?)

Modifications/Accomodations (ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.)

Formative Evidence (checking for understanding throughout the lesson):

The students are engaged and show understand during their participation
during explicit instruction and group activities.

ELL and IEP. Use of the

SMART Presentation with
interactive problem solving.
IEP-Use the Dry Erase Board

to post several example

Content Walk-Away Evidence (Summative):
The student explore using a model to multiply a fraction by a fraction.
equations. During
Independent Work: Small
Language Walk-Away Evidence (Summative):
The student will be able to draw and use models to explore using a model to
group sessions to work
multiply a fraction by a fraction.
Activate/Building Background Knowledge: (Choose a student to share half an apple with) Okay
5 Min.
so I have half an apple here. I'll give it to _____ . Before you eat it though I want you to share half
of it with your face buddy. If I gave you half of my apple and you gave half of your apple, how much
of the whole apple do you actually have? (a quarter or 1 4th). Every day we are making decisions to
give everyone equal parts of what we have. Just like we talked about yesterday, Pizzas are often
times cut into smaller sections so that more people can have an equal share.
Today we are going to continue learning about models to help us solve real world problems.
...But let's start by easting an apple. Pass out a whole apple to each student.
Our objective today is, lets read this together (written on the Wall):
Review the vocabulary words from yesterday.
Formative assessment:
Learning Goal
Students will be able see how we are
constantly making decisions about

Success Criteria
The students are eating the apple.

Assessment Strategy
Students show their participation by
raising their hands to answer my
questions about the apple.

Modification/accommodations: (ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.) ELL and IEP students will be able to view the presentation on
the SMART board. They will have a vocabulary list written on the front dry/erase board for easy referencing during
activities. IEP w/ behavior will have continued attention through proximity and eye-contact.

10 min.

Focus Lesson (I do it): (Using the My Math presentation on the SMART board going through
each slide.) Remember that our Essential Question for this chapter is ,"What strategies can be used
to multiply and divide fractions?". I can build a square or rectangle from the given equation to help
me find the answer. In this case I can see that my math problem is 1 3rd times 1 4th. I will draw a
box to start with. I remember that the denominator represents all of the parts in a whole. So first I
think I will make 3 equal rows in the box (draw 2 lines from left to right to making 3 equal rows).
This will represent the 3 from 1 3rd. Now to represent the 4 in 1 4th I will draw lines to make 4
equal columns (draw 3 lines from to bottom to make 4 equal columns; the drawing should have a
checker board pattern). In order to show 1 3rd correctly I need to shade in 1 of the rows (shade in
the bottom row with red) from end to end. That looks really good, I can see that my drawing
matches the equation because I have 1 3rd of the rows shaded in. Now to make my drawing match 1
4th, I will shade in 1 of the columns (shade in the far left column with green). Wow, this is really
looking like art work. In order for me to find the answer to this equation I have to add ALL (circling
the whole diagram) of the squares in the box. I am counted 12. Remember that the denominator
represents all of the parts of the whole. Now that I have 12 pieces in the box, I'll write a 12 and put
it under a line. To find the numerator using this model, I will count all of the squares that have both
red and green marker in it (point at the bottom left shaded box). I see there is only 1 that has both
colors. So this is the number I put above the 12. My answer based on the amount of squares in the
box and the number of squares that have both colors is 1 12th. I wonder if I can check my answer? If
I take the 1 3rd and times it to 1 4th remembering to multiply straight across, numerator to
numerator and denominator to denominator, I also get 1 over 12. Are there any questions on how I
did this? (answer any questions or go over any process as needed).

Lets open up your books and you will see that I worked out the first example. Let's put all of the
numbers in their correct spots. Now that you can see this on paper, are there any questions that we
have not gone over?
Formative Assessment:
Learning Goal
Students will be able to identify the
purpose of using a square or
rectangle to make a model to solve
a fractions problem.

Success Criteria
Students are following along and
watching as I work through the
equation using the box.

Assessment Strategy
I will be able to immediately locate
students eyes as they watch the
presentation and their body is
adjusted facing me, showing their
intent to pay attention.

Modification/accommodations: Students

will be asked to open their books to the example page and enter
in the numbers that I just worked out on the board.
10 min.

Guided Instruction (We do it): The Try It page has a problem that we can work on together.
Let's do this one up here on the board. As you can see it is already laid out for you including the
square. However, to help with our understanding I want each of you to shade in the whole row to
indicate 1 half, remember from end to end. Now let's do the same for the 2 3rds. Again we want to
shade in both of the columns from top to bottom. For this to work best, I personally like to use
different colors for the rows and columns. Now if you look at what you shaded, you will be able to
compare that the boxes that have both colors are the same boxes that your page has shaded in gray.
The books purpose was to show you only where you would have both colors in a box. I want you to
see from the beginning how we get to this point so later with your home work you are not confused.
Formative Assessment:
Learning Goal
Students are able to follow the
example in the book and
understand how the model is used.

Success Criteria
Students successfully enter in the
correct information and solve the
equation using the model.

Assessment Strategy
Proximity to table groups shows
students books are filled in
correctly. Students express

Modification/accommodations: ELL

students will be seated in groups with higher level learners to aid in

any comprehension issues. I will make myself available to help with give cues to produce creative
ideas and thoughts. IEP's will be assessed as I move to each table group.
5 min.

Collaborative/Cooperative (You do it together) : Discuss with your table groups the bottom 3
questions and put your collective answers on each of your sheets.
Formative Assessment:
Learning Goal
Students will begin to work in a
group to think through ideas

Success Criteria
Students have completed the listed
odd numbers correctly and their
pages show the appropriate work.

Assessment Strategy
Students have been engaged in
academic language and have
correctly completed the tasks.

Modification/accommodations: ELL

students will be seated in groups with higher level learners to aid in

any comprehension issues. I will make myself available to help with give cues to produce creative
ideas and thoughts. IEP's will be assessed as I move to each table group.
15 min.

Independent (You do it alone): Today on the Practice It page you will work alone. I have left
my example on the board and of course will be available to answer any additional questions. First,
do we have any to start with? (any students with questions should be invited to small group to be
helped first, unless there are multiple issues to be dealt with in whole group. Use the re-teach page
as needed.) Great let us get started. I'll call us back together in 15 min.

Summative Assessment: Students will complete the Practice It in class and will see immediate
results through SMART board grading. Home Work pages will be assigned to be completed and
turned in for grading on the next class day.
Modification/accommodations: ELL

students will be seated in groups with higher level learners

to aid in any comprehension issues. I will make myself available to help with give cues to produce
creative ideas and thoughts. IEP's will be invited to sit in a small group with me to work out
each of the concepts and will be excused as they become comfortable with working on their
5 min.

Closure/Review of walk-aways, vocabulary, and essential questions

(Note: Closure includes student interactions, reflection, and/or demonstrations.)
Using models such as these can really be helpful because it gives you a chance to use another one of
your senses to help solve an equation.
Did we hit our objective today? Lets read it out loud together.
I will be able to draw and use models to explore using a model to multiply a fraction by a fraction.

SIOP Indicators (Add SIOP number and description within the lesson plan)
Preparation: 1-Content objectives, 2-Language objectives, 3-Content appropriate, 4-Supplementary materials, 5-Adaptation
of content, 6-Meaningful activities
Building Background: 7-Linked to background, 8-Linked to past learning, 9-Key vocabulary
Comprehensive Input: 10-Appropriate speech, 11-Clear explanation, 12-Variety of techniques
Interaction: 16-Opportunity for interaction, 17-Grouping supports objectives, 18-Wait time, 19-Opportunity for L1 students
Practice/Application: 20-Hands-on materials, 21-Activities to apply content/language knowledge, 22-Language skills:
reading, writing, listening, speaking
Lesson Delivery: 23-Content objective supported, 24-Language objective supported, 25-Students engaged, 26-Pacing
Review/Assessment: 27-Review vocabulary, 28-Review concepts, 29-Feedback, 30-Assessment

What do I need to remember to do? What materials do I need to have ready? What is the approximate time needed for
this lesson? Have apples ready for each student, including one cut into half and the other part into quarters to use as the
opening demonstration. This lesson just requires the students hand books and the My Math presentation for Chapter 10
Lesson 1 to be used interactively on the SMART board.


How can I use the assessment data to reflect on & evaluate the outcomes of teaching and learning? How can I transfer
what I learned from teaching this lesson to future teaching? What was effective and not effective? What goals can I set
to improve my practice and student learning?

I had a great time with this lesson. It was a treat to see the excitement in the students faces as I brought out
an apple and shared it with them. I learned that this kind of opening to a lesson will draw an immediate positive
response to learning. They were engaged from the start. And because their mouths were busy, they also
remained focused longer.
When I read through this lesson initially I felt that the diagram that was being displayed along with the
information for teaching it were confusing. The lesson had only mentioned the end result of the square (the
shaded area). This I felt would confuse my students so I chose to teach this concept from the beginning by
having the students shade in the whole row or column. Then identify that the product was the result of where
both the row and columns met. This would seen by the square being shaded in 2 colors. This would be
correlated with the books version of the area shaded in gray. This turned out to be a good decision because as
we started to open the book after my instructions, there were some immediate questions about the gray areas

that were already colored in. Being able to reflect back at the lesson, the students almost immediately began
answering their own questions. Several of the on level and above level learners also took it upon themselves to
answer questions within their own groups.

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