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Lesson Plans

Lesson Plan #1What are the various genres of

Childrens Picture Books?
Grade: Grade 7
Subject: Humanities
Unit: Childrens Books
Lesson Duration: 50 Minutes (1:40-2:33)


General Learning Outcomes:
GLO 2: Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences
GLO 5: Respect, support and collaborate with others
Specific Learning Outcomes:
5.2 Work within a Group
Students will take responsibility for assuming a variety of roles in a group,
depending on changing contexts and needs
2.3. Understand Forms, Elements and Techniques
Students will identify various forms and genres of oral, print and other media
texts, and describe key characteristics of each
Students will:
1. Work within a group responsibly
2. Contribute to the group discussions
3. Identify various forms and genres of childrens picture books
4. Describe key characteristics of each genre
Key Questions:
Observe group conversations
1. What makes a good childrens picture
Observe if the students are
filling out their worksheets
What are the genres of childrens picture
Observe if students are
understanding directions
Written/Performance Assessments:
Students will fill out the worksheet for each genre
Resource #1: Smartboard Presentation for Class 1
Resource #2: Genres Worksheet
Resource #3: I Can Worksheet
Resource #4: Sticky Notes Worksheets
Resource #5: Extra Information Handout for added genres characteristic
Smartboard Presentation

Genre Worksheets (4 for each student)

I Can Worksheet for Assessment As Learning (1 for each student)
Student Exemplars of Childrens Books
Examples of each genre of childrens book (list attached)
Information cards for each genre (early childhood, traditional, fiction,
Sticky Notes
10 minutes
Hook/Attention Grabber:
-Put Smartboard presentation on smartboard
To introduce myself to the students I am going to use the same program that
they can use to make their own childrens book( I will have
this online (link in the smartboard presentation) and a laminated printed version
to show them what it will look like.
I will also hand out an I Can Worksheet for each student to fill out during the
unit for him or her to assess their own learning.
Assessment of Prior Knowledge: I will assess prior knowledge by observing which
students seem to know more about childrens books during class discussions.
Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: Students will be expected to listen
attentively to the smartboard presentation, and ask questions if needed.
Students will also be expected to participate in group discussions, and fill out
their genre worksheets.
Advance Organizer/Agenda:
1. Go over smartboard presentation- Show exemplars of childrens books,
and hand out I Can worksheet
2. Expert Groups to learn the genres of childrens picture books
3. Exit Slip
4. Handout genre characteristic worksheets for their extra information
Transition to Body: I will hand out students a card and have them get into 5
groups. While the students are getting into their groups I will put the necessary
materials on each table. (1 genre for each table)
Body ( 35 min.): Genre Expert Groups
Learning Activity #1: Heterogeneous genre groups (10 minutes)
-Students will get a card and all of the students with same colour will get find the
table of that colour
-Students will have one main book that they will flip through. Inside the book
there will be various sticky notes that will have information about that genre. In
their table groups, students will use the book and sticky notes to answer the
questions on their worksheets.

-If students are done their worksheets before the 10 minutes are up, they can
spend the rest of the time to look through the books to get a better
understanding of the genre
A list of which books can go in each group will be attached to the lesson
Assessments/Differentiation: By walking around to the separate groups, I will
assess if they are working collaboratively in their groups. I will also be looking
over their genre worksheets as I am walking by to ensure they are filling them
out correctly.
Learning Activity #2: Expert Groups (25 Minutes)
- Students will then get into new groups by having one of each number in their
group (1-5)
- Students will then take turns explaining to the other members of the group
the genre that they have been studying
- While the students are explaining what they learned about their genre, the
other students are to be filling out their other worksheets with that new
Closure ( 5
min.):Exit Slip
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning:Students will fill out an exit slip that
answers the following 2 questions:
1) What genre do you think you will use in your own childrens book?
2) Name 2 genres and give 1 characteristic of each
Transition To Next Lesson: I will explain to students that in the next lesson we
will be exploring different elements of childrens book such as plot, theme,
characters, setting, and point of view

This lesson seemed a bit chaotic. The grouping took up a bit more time
than I would have liked. Next time, maybe give them their group when
they walk through the door and have them sit in their groups right
We didnt quite get done the genre worksheet, I will go over it again in
the next class.
I needed to explain the expert groups a bit better- they didnt realize
they had to write down the other genres that the other students looked

Overall, from this lesson I want to improve on going through

instructions slowly. Sometimes in my mind I think that I need to power
through the instructions so the students have more time to work. I
should try to slow down, and explain each aspect of the instructions.
This way, I wont have to stop and start the class, and the students will
understand what I am asking for clearly.

Genres in Childrens Picture Books

1. What is the name of the genre?
Are there any sub-genres of books
involved in this genre?

List Examples of Books in this genre

2. What do you notice about this genre?





3. Would you consider using this genre for your own childrens
(Please circle one)




Lesson Plan #2Investigating the Elements of a Story

Grade: 7
Subject: Humanities
Unit: Childrens Books
Lesson Duration: 50 minutes


General Learning Outcomes:

GLO 2: Comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts

Specific Learning Outcomes:

2.3 Understand Forms, Elemetns and Techniques: Understand
techniques and elements
2.3.3 Students will discuss connections among plot and subplot,
main and supporting characters, main idea and theme in a variety of
oral, print and other media texts

Students will:
1. Understand the terms setting, plot, characters, conflict, and theme
2. Apply the above terms to the genre of childrens picture books

If students are participating in
class discussions
Are able to fill out their worksheet
on their own

Key Questions:
What are the 5 main elements of a story?
How are these main elements used in a variety of
childrens books?

Written/Performance Assessments:
Students will fill out a worksheet with the definitions of plot, setting, characters,
conflict, and theme
Students will also fill out a worksheet with the plot diagram
Students will participate and follow along while constructing the elements of a
published childrens book as a class

Resource #1: (Shake

it off video)
Resource #2:
search_query=5+elements+of+a+story+rap+with+subtitles (Elements
rap video)
Resource #3: Worksheets for Rap Video
Resource #4: Worksheets for Plot Diagram
Resource #5: Themes handout
Resource #5: Smartboard Presentation

smartboard for youtube videos

Rap Video worksheets (1 for each student)

Worksheets for Plot Diagram (1 for each student)
Robert Munsch- Andrews Loose Tooth
Smartboard Presentation
Themes handout (1 for each student)

Introduction ( 5 min.):

Hook/Attention Grabber:
Put the Rap Video (elements of a story) on the smartboard- watch the video
from start to finish without stopping
Have students try to recall the elements of the video as a whole class
Expectations for Learning and Behaviour:
Students are expected to watch the video attentively
Students are expected to either participate in class discussion or
respect/listen to others as they are participating
Advance Organizer/Agenda:
1. Watch Rap Video and list the 5 main elements
2. Handout the rap video worksheet
3. Rewatch the rap video while pausing it so students can fill out worksheet
4. Hand out plot diagram worksheet and fill it in as a class
5. Brain Break- Ask students to think of one or more questions that they may
still have about these elements- play Shake it off and the students have to
walk/dance around the classroom. When the music stops they have to find
someone close to them and share what they still have questions on.
Repeat a few times.
6. Read Andrews Loose Tooth to the entire class
7. As a class, fill out the rest of worksheet 2 according to the Robert Munsch
8. Thumbs up, Thumbs down, Thumbs to the side of how they feel about
elements of a story
Transition to Body: Have students sit back in their desk.

Learning Activity #1: Re-watch the Video (8 minutes)

- Hand out the rap video worksheet (1 for each student)
- Explain to the class that we are going to watch the video again, this time we
are going to be filling out the worksheet
that I just handed out.
- I will pause the video as an answer pops up and give them time to write
Make sure to ask if there are any questions after!
Learning Activity #2: Plot Diagram (5 minutes)

-Explain that the video did not explain plot as well as I would have liked
- Hand out plot diagram
- On the smartboard fill in the different elements of plot (class discussion)
Learning Activity #3: Identifying the elements in a published childrens
- Ask students to take 1 minute to think of something or a questions that
they still have after learning about these elements
- Play Shake it Off- Have the students walk/dance around the classroom
while the music is playing- when they music shuts off the students are to
find the person closest to them and share their thoughts are questions
that tey just thought about
- Hand out worksheet #2 for the Rap song. Explain to the class that you are
going to be reading a childrens book out loud. While reading students
should be thinking about the 5 elements that we just learned about.
Explain that once we read the book we will fill out the worksheet together.
- After reading the book, start with characters and have students list and
discuss the characters in the chidlrens book, after do the same with
theme, setting, plot, and conflict
Note: When learning about the elements ensure to observe students
understanding for the review in next class. As well as observing it will be
beneficial to ask students what they would like more review on in class 3.
Closure (1 min.):
Thumbs Up Thumbs

Have students give a thumbs up if they feel like they understand and could use
these elements in their own writing
Have students give a thumbs to the side if they think they still need some
more practice with the elements
Have students give a thumbs down if they are completely lost and dont think
they could use these elements
Transition To Next Lesson:
Let the students know that in the next class we will be reviewing these
elements, I will give them time to take a first look at the various types of
illustrations, and that they will begin their book proposal.

The students really liked the rap video!! They were singing along by the
second verse in the song. I was really happy that I was about to find a
song that the students enjoyed and could connect to. During the second
viewing of the video, I found it difficult to know if the students were

following along and able to fill in their accompanying handout. This was
because I had to sit at the computer to start and stop the video when it
was time to put in the definition of examples. Im not sure how I could fix
this other than if there was a clicker or something where I could control
the video while walking around. Or maybe I could have the students work
in their table groups. Have the table check over each others work to
ensure they were able to write everything down.
This is a very busy class and there are specifically two students with
behaviour plans. It makes teaching a bit difficult, but I went over my
expectations for the class clearly.
They seemed to understand that elements of a story pretty well! We will
review periodically to ensure they are remembering.

Lesson Plan #3Point of View, Illustrations, and Book Proposal

Grade: 7
Subject: Humanities
Unit: Childrens Book
Lesson Duration: 50 minutes


General Learning Outcomes:
GLO 1: Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences
Specific Learning Outcomes:
1.2 Clarify and Extend: Extend Understanding
1.2.3 Students will talk with others to elaborate ideas, and ask specific
questions to seek helpful feedback
2.3 Understand Forms, Elements, and Techniques: Understand techniques and
2.3.3 Students will discuss connection among plot and subplot, main and
supporting characters, main idea and theme in a variety of oral, print and other
media texts
Students will:
1. learn about the different point of views in childrens books
2. explore various ways of illustrating a childrens book
3. apply the key elements of a story to their own writing
Key Questions:
Observe if students are understanding How is point of view used in childrens books?
the material during class discussion
What are the ways in which a childrens book can
Observe which students are
be illustrated?
participating in the review- if they
How are the elements going to be used together to
arent do they understand?
create your own childrens book?
When filling out their book proposal,
observe if they are struggling with
answering the questions regarding
elements or are finding it easy
Written/Performance Assessments:
Students will begin their book proposals in this class. They will be provided with
a checklist that they must attached to their finished book proposal.
Resource #1:
Resource #2: QR code for web address
Resource #3: Book Proposal
Resource #4: Smartboard Presentation

Resource #5: (Diary of a

Resource 6: Andrews Loose Tooth
Book proposal (1 for each student)
QR Code for internet access
Smartboard presentation
Andrews Loose Tooth
Introduction ( 8 min.):
Hook/Attention Grabber:
Put Smartboard presentation on computer
I will give the class an overview of todays class on the smartboard and ask if
there are any questions. I will then go over point of view in a story by using the
posters in the power point. Students will make notes on the 3 POV on the back of
their worksheet from the last class
I will then put on the youtube of Diary of a Worm that shows 1st person point of
view. Ask the class what POV Andrews Loose Tooth was in
Advance Organizer/Agenda:
1. Point of View
2. Review from last class
3. Illustration Website Investigation
4. Begin book proposals
Body ( 40 min.):
Learning Activity #1:Review from last class (8 minutes)
-This will consist of review of the elements from the last class
- I will not make the details of this review until I receive formative feedback from
class 2
Learning Activity #2: Illustration Website Investigation (15 minutes)
- Students will be given 15 minutes to search through the class website.
Explain that this is just an introduction so they can start thinking about
how they might want to illustrate as they are writing their rough copies
- Ask if they know how to use a QR code (they can either go to to scan the QR code which will take them to the website
or they can type in
- Students can look at each of the sections or just focus on one more in
Learning Activity #3: BrainBreak ( 2 minutes) / Begin Book Proposals
(15 minutes)

Brain Break: Pull a card from the brain break section

Begin Book Proposal- After students finish the brain break, have them sit back
down in their desks. Go over the instructions on the book proposal. Ask if they
have any questions. Give the students the remainder of the class to work on
their book proposal. Remind them that it is due at the end of next class so they
will want to get a good start on it
Closure ( 2 min.):
Feedback From Students:
Students will be handed a sticky note. On the sticky note they will put a number
from 1-10 on how they feel about beginning to write their childrens book. 1= I
need a lot more help, I have no idea where to start. 10= I got this, let me start
Transition To Next Lesson:
In the next lesson, students will be given the class to finish their book proposals.
Book Proposals are due at the end of next class.
I wasnt able to get the laptops for this class so we will look at the
illustrations in the next class. This wasnt a big deal because there arent
any students ready to work on illustrations at this point. This also allowed
the students to work on their topic proposals for a longer period of time.
For the topic proposals, I created a checklist for theme to consult and use
to ensure they are filling in all of the requirements. If I was to do this
again, I would create more of a proposal with blanks rather than a
checklist. Students sometimes didnt do the checklist in order, or they had
very little for each section (such as plot). I believe a sheet with space to
write each answer would work out better.
When we reviewed the last class a few of the students remembered the
rap. One of the students was even able to re-rap the main verse for the
entire class! Im really class the rap helped the students remember the
elements of a story!
POV was a review for the students as well.
This class is very noisy. It is an option class so this is the first time many of
the students are seeing each other for the day. Also, some of the students
dont take the option as seriously as they would a regular humanities
class. Sometime the class is so noisy that I cant hear another student
talking to me when we are trying to discuss their book. For the next class,
Im going to put a noise meter on the smartboard during the next class.
They will just be working on their book proposal on their own so it

shouldnt be that loud (group work would be different if they were still on
Ive been trying to do brain breaks in the class but sometimes they are
really noisy during them too. Often they get too out of hand and the class
seems to be out of my control. Maybe this is just me being used to a
generally quiet classroom. I dont mind when classroom are loud during
group work but Id prefer if its mostly quiet during individual work. I feel
that some students may not be able to work efficiently when the class gets
that loud.
Overall, it was a good class and the students seem to be understanding
the elements and plot of a childrens book!

Book Proposal Checklist

Completing this book proposal will ensure you are doing the prewriting required to produce an exceptional childrens book. Before
handing in your book proposal please make sure you have
checked off all of the boxes. Please ensure it is clear in your
proposal what questions you are answering.
Put your name on the checklist and staple your book proposal to
the back before handing in. If you need help at any time while
filling out this checklist or feel as though you cant produce your
best work by this due date please come and talk to me.
o A tentative title
o The genre or genres of your book (Early Childhood,
Traditional Literature, Fiction, Non-Fiction)
o A list of characters (please indicate which characters are
the main characters)
o The point of view (first person, third person)
o The Theme
o The Setting

o A brief explanation of the plot

o Indicate the age group you are planning on writing for
o How you are going to illustrate your book (online, paint,
pencil crayon, other)
o One area (or more if applicable) that you will need more
assistance to ensure you are able to produce your best

Class #4 Introduction to Illustrations and Book Proposals

Grade: 7
Subject: Humanities
Unit: Childrens Book Creation
Lesson Duration: 50 minutes


General Learning Outcomes:
GLO 2: Comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts

GLO 1: Clarify and Extend: Extend Understanding

Specific Learning Outcomes:
2.3 Understand Forms, Elements and Techniques: Understand
techniques and elements
2.3.3 Students will discuss connections among plot and subplot, main
and supporting characters, main idea and theme in a variety of oral,
print and other media texts
Students will:
Explore the various ways in which they will illustrate their childrens book
Share their book proposal with one other student in the class before
handing it in
Key Questions:
Observe if students are able to
1) What elements are included in a childrens
brainstorm what they want their
2) How do the various elements work together
childrens book to be about
in a childrens book?
Observe if students are able to
give effective feedback
Written/Performance Assessments:
Students will complete a book proposal
Resource #1:
Resource #2:

Introduction ( 20 min.):
Hook/Attention Grabber: Have students get a computer from the laptop cart, log
on, and go to
Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: Students are expected to either look
in depth at the medium of illustrating their picture books or they can take a

quicker look at each of them. While working the classroom should be fairly quiet.
Headphones should be used for the youtube videos
Advance Organizer/Agenda:
1. Have students each take a computer
2. Once they are logged on, they can go to the website
3. Give them 20 minutes to go through the website
4. The rest of the class will be given to students to finish their book proposal
5. They must have one other person look over it and peer review their ideas
before handing it in
Transition to Body: Have students log onto the website
Body (30 min.):
Learning Activity #1: Students will have the rest of the class to work on
and finish their book proposals. The book proposals will be handed in
by the end of this class.
The book proposal should be detailed enough that I can read it
and know exactly what your book will be about
It is okay if your plan doesnt turn out exactly as planned
If finished right away, have at least one student read it over and
give suggestions, ask questions, etc.
Students are expected to stay on task at an appropriate noise
level- a visual of their loudness in the class will be put on the
smartboard while they are working
Closure ( 2 min.):
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: Students will hand in book proposals at
the end of class. This will be given feedback and returned Monday for students
to work from
Feedback From Students: Students will write one (or more) area(s) that they
need additional instruction or help in in order to be successful in writing their
childrens book
Transition To Next Lesson: In the next class students will organize their
childrens book into the pages they are going to use and begin writing.

With only having this humanities class Monday and Thursday
sometimes students forget what was told to them in the previous class.
When I went to start the students on the website, I realized the
majority of them didnt have their headphones. Because of this I
decided that rather than having the students go through the site
individually based on what they thought they would want to do their
illustrations, I went through the website together as a class. This may

have worked out better in reflection because I knew what the students
had seen.
Again, this is a fairly loud class. Im still trying to work on keeping the
class at a lower level. In this class, I tried putting a noise tracker on the
smartboard but the microphone didnt work. Oops.

QR Codes Used in The Classroom to Direct Students to

the Website

The Website I created to introduce the


Story Jumper


Pencil Crayons

Class #5 and #6 Rough Copy of Childrens Book

Grade: 7
Subject: Humanities
Unit: Childrens Book Creation
Lesson Duration: 50 minutes


General Learning Outcomes:
GLO 2: Comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts

GLO 1: Clarify and Extend: Extend Understanding

Specific Learning Outcomes:
2.3 Understand Forms, Elements and Techniques: Understand
techniques and elements
2.3.3 Students will discuss connections among plot and subplot, main
and supporting characters, main idea and theme in a variety of oral,
print and other media texts
Students will:
Begin writing the rough draft of their childrens book
Key Questions:
Observe if students are able to
3) What elements are included in a childrens
begin their rough copy of their
4) What is the purpose of creating a rough
childrens book
copy of a childrens book?
Written/Performance Assessments:
Students will complete a book proposal
Resource #1:
Resource #2:
marked book proposals
elements review
Introduction (5 min.):
Hook/Attention Grabber: Hand back the book proposals that students handed in.
Explain that in a few of the book proposals I suggested they write the plot
completely on paper before beginning the rough copy.
The students who have not handed in their book proposal need to have one
handed in before they start their rough copy of their book

Advance Organizer/Agenda:
6. Hand back book proposals from the last class
7. Review the elements that should be used in their childrens book
8. Give students time to work on their rough copy of their childrens book
Body (30 min.):
Learning Activity #1: Hand back book proposals from the last class
Learning Activity #2: Have students go over what should be included in
their childrens book. Remind students that picture books are about 32
Learning Activity #3: Students who did not hand in their book proposal
in the last class should have it finished and checked over. Those who
did finish their book proposal will have the rest of the class to work on
their rough copies
Closure ( 2 min.):
Transition To Next Lesson: Students will have the next class to work on their
rough copies of their childrens book. In the next class we will go over how to
use quotation marks.

This class went pretty good. A few of the students had trouble trying to
think of their own idea. I was kept busy helping students and keeping
them on track. Im really glad Im able to help the students but I wonder if
I am missing some students who need help but are maybe too afraid to
ask for it. This is a very busy class and Im loving how they are able to
work on their stories independently.

Class #7 Closer look at StoryJumper, Work on Rough Copies

Grade: 7
Subject: Humanities
Unit: Childrens Books
Lesson Duration: 50 minutes


General Learning Outcomes:
GLO #2
GLO #3
Specific Learning Outcomes:
2.2.4- Students will create a variety of oral, print, and other media
texts to explore ideas related to particular topics or themes
3.4.2- Students will use appropriate visual, print and/or other media
effectively to inform and engage the audience
Students will:
Create their own childrens book using the genres, themes, and elements
previously learned
Key Questions:
Observe if students are able to put
5) What makes a good childrens book?
6) How do illustrations add to the words in a
their ideas down on paper
Observe if students are able to use
story jumper effectively
Written/Performance Assessments:
students will create their own childrens book
Resource #1:
marked rough copies
rubric used for good copies
mini-conference worksheets
Introduction (15 min.):
Hook/Attention Grabber: Have students arrange themselves in the classroom so
those who are using storyjumper are able to see the smartboard. Go through
story jumper more closely, show them how to use it, what they can do on it, etc.
Assessment of Prior Knowledge: We have already gone through storyjumper
quickly, many of the students said they wanted to use it so I will go over it again
to show them a more in depth look

Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: Those who are using storyjumper are
expected to follow along, those who are not are expected to work on their good
copy of their childrens book
Advance Organizer/Agenda:
1. Hand back the marked rough copies of their childrens books
2. Go over storyjumper with those who are using it on the smartboard
3. Give students the rest of the class to work on their rough copies, make
changes to their rough copies, or to begin working on their illustrations.
Transition to Body:
Body (35 min.):
Learning Activity #1: Give students the rest of the class to work on their
childrens books. Those who have handed in their rough copies can make
changes, and continue working. They may also begin on their illustrations for
their childrens book. I will also hand out the rubric used for marking their good
During this time, I will also have mini-conferences with the students to ensure
they are on the right track. These will be used as formative assessment.
Closure (0 min.):
Transition To Next Lesson: In the next class, students will continue working on
their childrens books.

On the book proposal checklist many of the students wrote that they were
going to be using storyjumper and they would like more help with how to
use it. I decided that it would be best to go over the website as an entire
class to ensure every student is getting the additional help they need. The
students who were not using storyjumper worked on their rough copies
while I showed the class the website in further detail. The class was very
engaged during this and asked a lot of questions which I was really liked.
I handed out a rubric for the childrens book in this class. The students
asked several times how many pages it had to be. I didnt put a minimum
or maximum number of pages because I didnt want students to add
pages just for the sake of meeting the requirement or to stop writing when
they met the minimum amount of pages. When the students asked what
the minimum requirement was a explained to them that childrens books
are usually 32 pages so they should try to aim around that but just to
focusing on producing the best work they can.

I told the students that there will only be one more class to work on rough

Class #8Last Class to Work on Rough Copies

Grade: 7
Subject: Humanities
Unit: Childrens Books
Lesson Duration: 50 minutes


General Learning Outcomes:
GLO #2
GLO #3
Specific Learning Outcomes:
2.2.4- Students will create a variety of oral, print, and other media
texts to explore ideas related to particular topics or themes
3.4.2- Students will use appropriate visual, print and/or other media
effectively to inform and engage the audience
Students will:
Create their own childrens book using the genres, themes, and elements
previously learned
Key Questions:
Observe if students are able to put
7) What makes a good childrens book?
8) How do illustrations add to the words in a
their ideas down on paper
Written/Performance Assessments:
students will create their own childrens book
Resource #1:
marked rough copies
mini-conference questionnaire
Introduction (15 min.):
Hook/Attention Grabber: Remind students that this is the last class that they will
have to work on their rough copies- Tell them I hope to have them in by the end
of class but if they arent they will have to hand them in Monday before class.
Hand back rough copies that I have already marked
Remind students of the rubric I handed to them in the last class- they should
make sure they are writing according to the requirements

I have their username and password at my desk if they are wanting to use
I will be going around to each students during class with the formative
assessment questionnaire to ensure students are getting the help and feedback
needed to be successful in this unit.
Advance Organizer/Agenda:
4. Hand back the marked rough copies of their childrens books- go over the
expectations for the class
5. Have students put their name on the board with where they are at in the
class (Working on rough copy, working on good copy or other) Have
students put a star by their name if they really want to have a miniconference with me today. Have students do it one by one
6. Give students the rest of class to work on their childrens books
Transition to Body: Have students in their chair ready to work on their childrens
Body (35 min.):
Learning Activity #1: Give students the rest of the class to work on their
childrens books. Those who have handed in their rough copies can make
changes, and continue working. They may also begin on their illustrations for
their childrens book.
During this time, I will also have mini-conferences with the students to ensure
they are on the right track. These will be used as formative assessment.
Students are expected to hand in their rough copies of their childrens books by
the end of this class. If they are not done, they can hand them in on Monday
before class
Closure (0 min.):
Transition To Next Lesson: In the next class, students will continue working on
their childrens books.
This class went really well! Today, our school was participating in the We
are Silent campaign to raise awareness to children who dont have a
voice. I took some time at the beginning of class to go over this campaign
and why we are doing it. We then had a class discussion about who might
not have a voice in our world today. I am really glad I was able to adapt
and include this in my lesson. I challenged the class to stay silent for the
first 10 minutes to understand how these people in our world feel every

day. This was a challenge for many students but I was proud that they
were able to do it.
Most of the students have completed their rough copies and they are
looking really great! I gave formative feedback on the rough copies with
how to improve and what they are doing well on. I am hoping students are
finding that the feedback is helpful.
One of the students was having trouble writing his childrens book. He still
hadnt started his rough copy. We decided that it would be beneficial for
him to write an early childhood book because he found ideas to come to
him easier. I am glad this unit allows for such easy differentiation!

Class #9 and #10 Begin Good Copies of Childrens Book

Grade: 7
Subject: Humanities
Unit: Childrens Book Unit
Lesson Duration: 100 minutes


General Learning Outcomes:
GLO #2
GLO #3
Specific Learning Outcomes:
2.2.4- Students will create a variety of oral, print, and other media
texts to explore ideas related to particular topics or themes
3.4.2- Students will use appropriate visual, print and/or other media
effectively to inform and engage the audience
Students will:
Create a childrens book related to their own choses topic or theme
Create illustrations that relate to the theme
Key Questions:
Observe if students are able to
9) What makes a good childrens book?
10)How can illustrations add to a story?
create a childrens book with
illustrations on their own
Written/Performance Assessments:
Students will begin good copies of their childrens book that include
Resource #1:
laptop cart
mini-conferences questionnaire
Introduction (5 min.):
Hook/Attention Grabber: Remind students that rough copies of their childrens
books are due at the beginning of class.
Remind students to be looking at the rubric that was handed out. As if any
students need a new one.
If students are ready to use storyjumper, they can get their username and
password from me at the front of the classroom.
Remind students that I am going around to do mini-conferences. If anyone
needs help they can come see me directly.

Have students put their name on the board with where they are at in the class.
Assessment of Prior Knowledge: Students have already gone through
storyjumper and have been working on their childrens book for a few weeks
Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: Students are expected to be working
during class time.
Advance Organizer/Agenda:
1. Go over the expectations of the class
2. Give the rest of the class to students to work on their childrens books.
3. Go around to each student and have a mini-conference with them
Transition to Body:
Body (45 min.):
Learning Activity #1: While students are working on their good copies
of their childrens books I will be going around having mini-conferences
with students. If students need help they can come see me and I will be
able to help them.
Closure (2 min.):
Feedback From Students: On a sticky note, have students write down how far
they are in their childrens book. This will ensure students are keeping track of
their own progress. This will also ensure that I am able to assess the learning of
the students
Transition To Next Lesson: In the next lesson we will continue working on the
good copies of the childrens books.

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