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Korea 350 C.E.

Japan 600 C.E.

Afghanistan 305 B.C.E.


China 1-100 B.C.

India 438

Burma 100 C.E.

Siam 1300 C.E.

Spread of

Sri Lanka 300 B.C.

Sumatra 700 C.E.

Java 500 C.E.

As it spread to different countries, Buddhism changed. In China, the Chinese art was used to depict the
life of the Buddha in a Chinese background. On Buddhist monasteries, the Indian language of Sanskrit
was translated into Chinese and was inscribed on them. It was also believed in China that the monks had
powers like controlling the rain, healing the sick, and foreseeing the future. In the beliefs of Buddhists, a
Buddha is someone who has avoided the poisons of desire, ignorance, and aversion; the Chinese took
these Buddhist doctrines and reinterpreted them in a way that they could recognize them. In Japan,
Buddhism also had an association of magic powers like Buddhism in China. In Korea, the religion of
Buddhism was combined with Shamanism and was then called Korean Buddhism.

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