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FEIN 3 The mostimportant.thing that the Construction Management degree holds well than any other is the job outlaok, As previously mentioned the information that + is learned in college will be autdated in tour years when a young American is ready Sy ge to enter the workferce, but this is oot quite true as fer the design and construction flelds will always be around and will always be needed, The building sectur will always be needed arid thus the subs wilt always be there, Now is the litne to becume interested 1b this carver field as the job oul looks is projected to increase by 16%. This is higher than any ather job Ernymert of contruction rans, 0 ae May 2074 accupation outlook, This high autook is duc ta the demand for much needed improvements on national infrastructure that is becoming oulduted, as wellas retrofitting buildings to make them more energy efficienL. These are jist (wo reasons for this career field te have an inorvase br demand, fer further Infarmatian ahout this check out the [huread nf Lallvot Slabistics waetest be, Brom Bats Su Ww wrap things up Lhe wemereninene Construction Management degree isa very wise invesimem of your educational Limy and maney and Will surely repay you with a great paying jo in the end. nape try hep ww hj ces emer se OAK. pe Kigh ug 6Gleoondly

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