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Title Slide: The Ear

In this presentation we will cover the medical terminology of the anatomy,

some common pathologies, diagnostics tests and therapeutic interventions
related to the ear. Upon completion of this lesson the learner will be able to
state the terms and combining forms for the various components of the ears
anatomy. Additionally they will be able to describe some of the diagnostic
testing related to the ear and the assessment of hearing.
2. Anatomy

3. Lets first look at the anatomy. The ear is divided into three parts: the
external ear, middle ear and the inner ear. The external ear is comprised of
the outer tissue which is referred to as the pinna or auricle which help
capture the sound waves and the auditory or ear canal. The opening of the
canal is the external auditory meatus. The canal secretes cerumen or wax
that protects the ear. The ear drum or tympanic membrane is the divider
between the outer ear and the middle ear. There are two combining forms
for the tympanic membrane: tympan/o and myring/o.
4. Sound waves which are captured by the outer ear and travel down the
auditory canal vibrate the eardrum moving the three small bones or ossicles,
combining form ossicul/o, which comprises the middle ear. The bones are the
malleus or hammer, incus or anvil and stapes or stirrup. The combining form
for stapes is staped/o. The Eustachian tube connects the middle ear and the
pharynx or throat. The combining form is salping/o and its job is to equalize
pressure in the middle ear.
The stapes connects to a membrane called the
oval window which divides the middle and inner ear.
5. The oval window connects to the snail shaped structure of the inner ear
called the cochlea or combining form cochle/o. This contains fluid and
sensory hairs or fibers in which the vibrations will be conducted. The inner
ear also contains the semicircular canals which impact balance and the
vestibular and cochlear nerves which conduct the messages to the brain.
6. Pathology
7. Now that you have an understanding of the anatomy, we can discuss a
common pathology. Otitis media or a condition of inflammation of the middle
ear. Children are especially prone to middle ear infections due somewhat to
the positioning of the Eustachian tube which is in a more horizontal position
and then becomes more angled towards the vertical as they grow. In this
picture you can see the tympanic membrane or ear drum as seen on
otoscopy, visual examination of the ear. The ear drum appears very red and
inflamed and may even bulge.

8. If the pressure builds in the middle ear it can even spontaneously rupture the
tympanic membrane. This will affect the hearing but it will be restored upon
9. Diagnostics
10.There are a few different diagnostic tests which can be done to assess
hearing and the ear. An audiometer is an instrument to measure hearing and
the result is an audiogram or record of hearing.
11.Bone and air conduction can be assessed with a tuning fork, and documented
for both the right and left ears, using the Weber and Rinne tests.
12.Otoscopy is visual examination of the ear using an otoscope, instrument to
visually examine the ear.
13.Therapeutic Interventions
14.Those with a profound hearing deficit caused by damage to the sensory fibers
in the cochlea of the inner ear may benefit from a cochlear implant. This
device includes an external microphone, processor and transmitter and then
an internal receiver and electrode system which will conduct the impulses to
the nerve.
15.It is my hope that this has helped provide an overview of the ear and that you
are able to state the terms and combining forms for the various components
of the ears anatomy and can describe some of the diagnostic testing and
assessments related to the ear and hearing. Please review the presentation
as needed and as always continue to spend time with your flash cards and
word components daily for optimal learning.
The following slides provide photo credits for images used in the

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