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The New World Disorder

-A present yet distant day-

I remember no, I cant say that truly. It feels like such a long time ago perhaps being an entire lifetime
away. Yet this tale us about how we got here, how the world got here. The old man leans back on the debris hes
sitting on. Well like all stories there was a beginning. When it truly started I dont know; however this is the first step I
know off that led the world to this.

-A time that many have forgotten-

Students and Professors of UNCC. I have come here to share my piece like I
have to a number of other places of higher learning. I Nagash v*$)# W%@:%-#^?m
have come here to speak of the state of our land and what I believe needs to be
done. Throughout history we as a nation have been split between two political
parties. They may hold different names, but they are the very same parties that
debated over the constitution our nation is based off. Which are the Federalists and
the Anti-Federalists or for their modern names the Democrats and the Republicans.
Yet the division between these two is closing, for an example foreign policy. How
long ago was it that we had a president who wasnt a gun-ho interventionist, as well
as having a president who wanted to get rid of social security, a program that I
might add was established with belief it wouldnt become permanent. But even with
this common ground these two parties have become radicalized by both their
constituents and their true voters. Thus is why I have taken the field wearing no
banner but my own in this battle for debatably one of the most powerful political
positions on this planet: where billions of dollars are pulled into, where the
speculation of fellow warriors of this field starts immediately after it is finished, and
where not by popular vote but by electorate vote the winner is decided.
As you can see the odds stand against me, titans I prepare to battle against
as but a gnat. And yet for this great difference of chance it grants me one greater
strength, the power to be different. Had I joined the titans and stood with them as
equals I would fall the moment my thoughts shifted and with great force banished
from politics by my former comrades. Though I am not and I stand alone giving me
the freedom to dissent, giving me the ability to stand against the political grain, and
giving me the power to change more than myself but the nation and there by the
Clearing throat The changes I would attempt to make. To begin with our
overly interventionist policies. Many nations are in need of aid; however bullets
aren't always the best answer. Therefore a reduction of foreign bases are in order so
that we can have our fine men and women of the military come home. It should

however be noted that there are places that require our presence so that peace can
continue to sustain. I do not mean the Middle East, I mean Asia. The Pacifist
constitution of Japan requires us to come to their aid should they be attacked. As
well as the armistice between North and South Korea; which may come to a
conclusion if we fully pullout of the region. Yet the issues of the Middle East
shouldnt be ignored, but looked over carefully. Many lines have been drawn in this
land by foreigners and thus have destabilized the region. As such the need to aid in
the reorganization of the Middle East will be required if the Middle East is ever going
to reach a state of peace.
The movement from outside to within is key to our nations progression. The
economic policies of preceding presidencies have reward those who shook the
economic world. As such movements must be made that such reward shalt no
longer take place. The bailing out of larger companies is required; however the
continued ruling of their upper hierarchies is not. In the world of Laissez-faire such a
company would die. Yet in our world it is resurrected. The nationalization of such
companies is the only fair way to treat such a dying corporation. For you see if it
failed the issue should be the company is no longer of benefit, that it has been
surpassed. As such the nationalization of said company will bring its lower hierarchy
employees to a gradual landing. So that neither the goods nor the work of the
company is immediately lost.
A more immediate issue is learning. I should begin by saying I dont support
corporal punishment nor does what I say mean the minor tolerance of it. With
bullying and falling performance what is needed is discipline. Discipline.

-A time forgotten yet known to a few-

And the electoral colleges votes have come in and... republican candidate )$*@$^ Bush
is the winner! the news anchor goes on about how this election was already in the bag the
moment Bush entered the race, as a family watches the TV.
UGH~~~, I knew this wasnt going to be good says a male young adult leaving the room.
Not a single state was won my Nagash, but he still the winner of the popularity vote. Seriously
how the F*CK IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE! something breaks in the room the young man is in.
Remember what he said at the interview. The popular vote doesnt actually mean
anything. Its just there to make us feel better. A woman still on the couch says looking
...Is that how me and your mother raised you. To vote for some... wait what party was he
a part of? says an old man wearing camo pants.

Independent dad. Yelling from the separate room the young man ,and a damned good
one at that sounds of a fridge opening coming from the separate room.
hrmf, back in my da Back in your day the presidential runners were actually different
dad. Not now, well just for a fleeting second and poof gone again. In an annoyed tone
interrupting her father.
It would seem reporter Cruz has gotten an interview with the independent runner
Nagash. Cruz over to you. Hearing this the young man and woman focus back on the TV.
Cruz here, Nagash what are your plans now that youve lost? On the TV a slightly
overweight man, Cruz, stands to a not much taller but... odd man wearing many shades of grey.
(chuckling) Well Cruz, Im going to go to a dark corner a cry a little the man standing
next to Cruz looks like hes trying hard not to laugh. (clears throat) on a more serious tone
Ive got one last card to play looking confused Cruz questions the man But youve lost
Ahh, but you see. How many electoral fdfvotes did I win?. Cruz looks like he wasnt
expecting to require to remember how many votes the odd man actually did win Uhhh 3, 1
from Maine and 2 from Nebraska. Cruz looking slightly relieved he didnt actually have to
answer is thrown another hurtle Now what percentage of the popular vote did I win?.
Cruzs face pales (clearing throat) Ill put it like this, in not a single state did I win
majority, but in not a single state did I get less than 25%. So I ask you did the actual
winner truly win? Uhhh, yes Cruz says body tensing up as if expecting to be either
physically punched or mentally punched. A matter of perspective I would say says the
odd man If you believe the Electoral College is the place to decide who should be
the head of this nation then by all means the winner did win, but if you dont. Well
to bad for you eh?. The conversation continues, but what needed to be said has been said.
So, thats it? Is he even going to run again? the young man storms out of the room
Well its true isnt it. That since the Electoral College decides who is president and with
how they decide to vote it was impossible for him to win even if the electors sided with him.
And thus is why I shall start a petition for a number of referendums. Says the
smiling odd man. What? Yes for you see if the states were proportional like Maine
and Nebraska I would have most likely won. Therefore to make sure another popular
runner such as I doesnt lose because of archaic practices. For the Electoral college
existed so that the uninformed populace of the age of the founding of this nation
could vote, but ultimately one who was informed would have the last call. Now that
we exist in an age of information such a practice is no longer need. As such these
referendums will put to direct vote if the state should become proportional, and the
last one. The odd mans smile extends Is for another time. It has been a pleasure
talking with you Cruz. See you next time Im interviewed. Says the odd man walking
out of the cameras view.

In actuality the referendums were started by citizens of said state. Even so however the
state governments fought against this revolution. Attempting to keep alive that which kept them
in power, the old ways.
Yet it would be this very act that had already been predicted, and a stronger attack
waited in ambush.

He had however expected this action the old woman says. But how? My boy I dont quite know, but it
was a time of repetition, and he planned to lose since the very beginning. So that he could this

-A time remembered as the start-

(radio) You have seen what these relics of the past will do to keep their power.
They would destroy everything that makes this nation great. They have taken away
your right to vote, your right to talk with one another, and your right to defend
yourself with arms. They imprison those that openly speak out against them. They
have taken the property of those that simply dont think like them. And so I say this
knowing all that, protest. For not doing so will only leave you as nothing more than
slaves to them. Our nation was founded by freedom fighters. Those that would lash
out against Tyranny unjust. Something these husks have forgotten. Teach them the
American spirit, teach them the march of time, and teach them that Liberty, Justice,
and the pursuit of Happiness shall always overthrow Evil such as them.
Thus sparked the 2nd American Civil War. Though the death count never did
reach such a height as the one before it. The most notable thing is that Nagash 6#
%(@$)% was at this point of time supported by the UN. Though he had a number of
Isolationist policies he treated all nations, and while in exile spoke for a number of
causes. Primarily within Africa, a continent often ignored by politicians due to its
instability. His exile wouldnt last for with the massacre of congress, judicial, and
executive he returned to change not just the nation, but the world.

So what the hell happened? Did the 1st coming of Jospeh Hitler nuke the world? Says a teenager in rags.
Well lad, the old man sits up. Many things happened and you could say it wasnt even his fault that we got here,
but ourselves. Tch, just keep telling the story. He sounds like your typical modern warlord who actually found a
school not bombed into the dirt.

-A time once lovedWith the destruction of practically all of the nations foundations. Nagash was
left with a blank slate that he took as a dictator. Knowing the need for the people to
return to daily life he once more built the states. These however were more closely
resembling the old federal, yet items such as district drawing as well as law making
was heavily inspected by Nagashs federal. The bill of rights was once more written
with some changes, as well as a constitution that more directly supported a secular
government with a diverse populace. A judicial court system was created with
Nagash as the sole supreme judge. The infrastructure destroyed in the war was built
again with combined forces of laborers and military forces. A multitude of the
remaining large corporations were nationalized and broken into smaller federally
run companies. A number of other federally run companies were created to fill in
the gaps of supply of goods and jobs. The debt of the United States of America
increased dramatically due to the war and its effects, yet the favor of the UN gave
Nagash enough leeway to survive with such debts. Education was changed to create
a more loyal and disciplined child. Texts books on America were tweaked to show
the former government in a slightly negative light. A Federal healthcare system was
built with the usage of the medical divisions of the army. An effectively free system.
Still for all that happened there were still rogue elements of the military that viewed
Nagash as illegitimate as well as some turncoats who werent happy that the old
system wasnt reinstated. Through out the gorilla war and the constant moving of
Nagashs Federal, Nagash offered amnesty to the rebels and followed under UN
supervision the Geneva Convention (which he signed again, as a sign of a new
U.S.A.). Once the rebel forces were crushed Nagash believed it was once again time
for taxes. Primarily on corporations, and more so on corporations that started in the
USA yet moved else where with the Loop-hole Tax, named that after stating it was
such a great loop-hole and it would be a shame if something were to happen to it.

so~~~ are you ever gonna get to the part that turned everything into
rubble says a annoyed teenager. Perhaps, perhaps not. Depends on the time,
says the old man Ahh, as I thought let us continue this story at a later date..
Finally those corporations get what was coming to them. says a young man.
Yes, but isn't what he is doing a bit extreme? If it wasn't for the reinstatment
of the bill of rights I would have thought we were living in an Totalitarian
Dictatorship. says a woman
... Do you leave the house often anymore? Because apparently you haven't
seen the Utopia outside of it. Nagash's works to destroy the walls of race, gender,
sexuality and religion. Giving us a world of coexistence and not just tolerance.

But he holds nothing true to the works of democracy!

Sis, what book or other medium had a democracy as the base of a utopia. I
give it to you, none. Because democracy only breeds corruption and creates a mask
of freedom; while puppet masters bend and twist laws to their favor with no
consequence. But now they have been dealt a grand blow. Resulting in not just
concern but action in the fields of education and health. If you didn't notice we are
now second in the world when it comes to education.
For you who are apparently more foolish than I, absolute power corrupts
Fine then you want to play that tell me a case where he has used his power
in a corrupt means.
...Seizing power
So that he could implement ALL the changes he needed without the weight
of corrupted individuals weighing him down.
...Implementing a Hitler Youth style system
...Ever heard of the Boy or Girl scouts, it is the same thing. Also I will add
since then literacy in tested subjects have increased, while things like bullying have
Alright, fine, you have your utopia in all it's grandure, but what happens
when he dies? says the young woman.
Silence broke between the two of them, as neither did for sure know what
would happen when he died.

A Dystopia?

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