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This paper is based on the critical analysis of leadership in governance.
Paper also deals with the leadership selection process in India. It argues that
Indias failure in some extent is related to lack of effective and efficient
leadership. Hence the decline in moral and discipline caused by weak rules,
eroded professional standards and ethics and weakened the system of
governance. This paper observes that for India to overcome the lack of
effective leadership, need to do something on its strict policies and
leadership building approach among its emerging leaders. This paper
conclude that leadership that focus maximum on empathy for the people can
be relevant for achieving success at all level in this world. The success of
government in any political system is determined by the level of quality of
leader and their leadership effectiveness. The data for analysis is sourced
from the secondary method of data collection and it is in some cases used
the survey report and research survey of other agency.

Keywords: Leadership, Governance, Independence, Nigeria crisis,

Electoral systems.

The socio-political and economic development of all countries
depends largly on the ability of their leadership in governess to
sustain good governance ,to practice good activities and
promoting legal and lawful act.

Leadership in governance is one of the important and most observed

phenomenons. A call for focus on leadership in governess is timely, very
important and needed, in present scenario of political and economic
liberalizations. This research brief about leadership in governance. It starts
with the basic idea of leadership like factors influencing leadership, model of
leadership and characteristics of leaders. Leadership in governance is the
important area where focus is done, in this research.
The aims of this study are concentrated to:
Understanding leadership in governance
Contribution of leaders in effective governance
Governance and leadership
Source of effective leadership
Leadership in governance :Nigerias Case study facts and analysis
Leadership in governance :Indian scenario
Leadership in governance decides the effectiveness of the governments in
terms of approach and success in brining prosperity to the masses.

Literature review
Leaders come from a many different backgrounds. In different situations
Leadership from business, civic centre and academic has provided more
Proactive than institutional arenas. This leadership is essentials in bring
communities forward and to support vibrant economic, social and cultural
base which can generate quality of life .A balanced ,integrated approach is
needed while nurturing leadership culture.Leadership in governance is the
creation of condition, by decision making and efficient communications,
which organizational bodies to the service of institutional purposes.
Leadership is a very important component of good governance. Here focus of
discussion is on national governance and leadership not on the corporate
governance. Important objectives such national governance and leadership
as creating environment for shared and collaborative national prosperity. For
a firm or corporations, Leadership is about creating values or increasing
competitive advantages in the market share. Leadership in governance is
efficiency in bringing people together to dedicate themselves to the pursuit
of a common goal. Such goal is set by the organization, firm or nation and in
some cases; the leader motivates /mobilizes people and material to attain
these goals.

Leader contribute for effective governance: The important

role our leader play in effective governance is by promoting interagency,
collaboration and keeping focus on local issues and outcomes. The
leadership has to set their own direction-if we dont have strong
leadership that works on vision for governance framework then it will
never get delivered. We cant have effective governance without effective
leadership. if we have poor leadership there will be lack of clarity about
processes and accountability which good governance need to have.
Governance support effective leadership: Government
support effective leadership by providing strategic directions for Leader
and helping them to foster commitment shared aim and perform actively.
Government framework motivate leader to establish accountability.
Accountability is important and central to the effective leadership.
Effective leader think deeply and creatively about government framework
and Arrangement so that there is equal participation and shared
responsibility and Accountability so that the partnership is long lasting.
Governance describes what you can do as leader and how much you can
do. Governance direct leadership and give boundary for leadership.
Leadership builds the direction and make sure about executions. There is









Overlapping features of governance and leadership is very important.















responsibities.Strong leadership Focus on need of local populations.

1. Leadership Agenda : Making the case

for openness.

4. Governance initiatives: Highly innovative

2. Leadership Tactics: How to influence








and work differently.













Approach and investment Capability.



Exhibit:1 Leadership and Government Collaborative Approach

Case studies of Nigerias leadership in governance

There is a strong linkage between the transparency and honesty of political leaders as
well as burocrats and nation developments. Thus any effort made for accelerating the
pace and development must be checked by the counterparts of effective governance.
Nigeria present the important case in Africa whose development is underestimated and
retarded by the corrupt practices. This corruption was deep rooted in leaders soul. This
information is supported by the investigating panels that has been framed various times
by different administrations of Nigerian government. Since Nigerian independence a
number of reforms had been initiated and carried out in various public sectors to make
public burocracy more efficient and result oriented. however anticipated result was
nullified by the factors such as corruption and ineffective leadership.
It was connected with moral and dishonest act in leadership in governance. Through
study it has been found that there are more than twenty categories of corrupt practices
present in many developing nations that was also observed in the Nigerian states too.
These categories of practices includes bribery, unethical use of ofiice
materials corruption and commissions, unethical use of resources. Corrupt
practices in different ways was continue to exist in Nigeria as a normal way
due to the attitude and lack of commitment of leadership in Nigerian








leadership and its public governance. Nigeria governance is going through

economic and social growing pains. Nigerias is continuously ranked as one
of the corrupt sates in the world by international monitors. TI(transparent
international) as well known group, under his survey in 2006 highlighted that

among 163 countries Nigeria is top most corrupt nation in the world based
on organizations perception index.

Statement of problem: leadership crisis in Nigerias public sector

governance since independence in 1960. This was due to ineffective and
inefficient leadership and poor governance has led to the instability in
governance and various economic crisis and setbacks. The slow economic

and poor governcne is resulted due to corruption,social inequality

and injustice nad political instability. This research study has examined and
critically analysed problem in leadership of Nigerias governance. The role of
leadership in governance is critical to subpolitical and economic growth of
the nation. During 1950s and 1960s Nigerias governance was regarded as
one of the best in Africa .but today is in list of top worst and poor governance
system in world .
Research questions:
1. Upto what extent the leadership influence Nigerias governance?
2. How different types of leadership effect the public sector governance?
3. What is the relationship between poor governance system and corrupt
4. How much effective is the current reforms?
5. What strategies used by Nigerias leaders to manage government?
This research associated the link between leadership and governcne from
Nigerian context. This research has taken Nigeria as a base to study practical
application and role of leadership in governance.there is a problem of
leadership related to the public sector governance.this problem has created
a huge devastating effects on social and human development ,social
infrastructure and perception about Nigeria in international arena.

Through research it is observed that root cause of Nigerias poor

leadership ,poor governance system and corruption is inherent in leadership
style. The research has examined wheeather the leadership and are process
of operation of governance are responsible for corruptions or leader is
lacking training for enhancing their leadership skills.

Reform in Nigeria : Nigeria is capable enough with the natural and viable
resources of improving socio-economic and living standard of the citizen by maintaining
believe among the people.various public sector reform which is a complex process that
result in sudden and

drastic change in the policies ,strategies and program in

governance which make them more responsible in context of public expectations and
demands was proposed and implemented .it is observed that without radical change like
other African countries it is too early to expect fruitful result in context of welfare and
growth. The government needed to respond to the poverty and income inequalities by
improving services delivery to the citizens to promote the system of transparency and
credibility. These reform was failed to attend their goals and objectives. this study
proposed that role of leadership either it is civilian or burocratics or milllitary is very
important for performance eof governce.
It is assumed in this research paper that secondary data taken for analysis provides
accurate information based on facts and historical data on governcne of nigerias public
sector and role of leadership between year of 1960 to 2007.

Challenges of leadership in governance in Nigeria

Lack of rule and Law: it is general trend that leader in Nigeria dont respect the rule of
law especially judicial system and its values. Badly effect judiciary to continue their
duties. Judicial system is characterized by weak enforcement capacity.
Absence of development focused leadership: many researchers observe that
development and crisis in Nigeria is due to poor leadership has greater effect.most of
the leaders were not focused and committed to development.

Absence of transparent system and accountability :In Nigeria ,there is lack

of transparent system and accountable leadership. A Government is accountable when
its leaders are responsible and committed to its citizens demands. Rule of law play very
important role in this case. However Nigeria failed in all these and corruption has been
at all levels.the leader at all levels abuse public office for their own gains.

Corruption challenge :Nigeria at all level of its governance suffer from corruption.It
was common believe that corruption is in Nigerias culture. The number of reforms and
lack of truthiness and integrity of their leader Nigeria remain corrupt forever.politicians
are expelled and later-readmitted in to their role ,then ,what hope for the good

Electoral challenges :Electoral malpractices and malfunctioning has common

fashion in Nigerias politics. Electoral system was detoriated.leader are atchitect of fraud
and agent of electoral malpractices. This bring dishonesty among the people and it is
great challenge before country to bring prosperity and to check illegal activities. It
promote the unauthorized and illegal power and money to enter into the governance
system which ultimately led to collapse of systems.

Conclusion from case analysis.

This research analysis of leadership in governance in Nigeria suggest clearly that those
who is going for electoral fight should carefully and strictly checked to ensure that
credible candidate should get elected for the office. Every selection to the sensitive and
strategic position must be based on merit system. In addition to above electoral process
should give people opportunity to interact with all contestant from all parties fighting
elections to enable people to elect right candidates based on their mission and vision.
This will allow to get good choice by the people.

Leadership in Governance: Indian Scenario and need: A changing India,

demand efficient leadership.Politically, democracy system in India is suffering a setback,
at regional and national level every time new government is formed and after some time
people demand for the change in government than ruling one. Economically, India is

performing well despite of inefficient policies and lack of Good approach of government.
According the current scenario our claim of India as raising power is proving incorrect
as we are suffering from a serious crisis. The government at New Delhi always failed
to clear credibility test as the nation is suffering from corruption and scandals at every
level .From Commonwealth game to telecommunications every level our government
even Failed to bring honest agency to inspect the corruption to punish those who is
responsible. Indian government is failed to show will to take tough decision. On
economic Level question is always raising on government ability to bring second
generation economic reforms. The strategic failure of Indian foreign policies is India
major setback in this 21 st century. India is lacking behind Indian foreign and security
policy decision making. India failed to highlight its growing military and economic
capability on global level for its influence. India is still suffering from weak administrative
capability in area of policy making. There is leadership deficit in India at political level.
None of the parties present Leader who can face and solve national challenges smartly
and brilliantly. No parties has vision as where should the India be heading in these 21 st
century. At this stage, India need leadership that can take some tough decision against
Corruption, bring economic reform and inspire people and bring back confidence in
them for Indian democracy. How long we will look to bollywood and cricket pitches in
search of leader and heroes?

Supply of effective leadership:

A real and conscious effort is need to be made to strengthen the institutions that
encourage the emergence of honest and effective leadership. The Politics of today
needs urgent reforms. When politics is not led by ideas, there Is no appreciation for
people of vision and capability to emerge. The political parties and process require
major and basic reforms. Politics which is driven by money lack honest but poor people
from reaching? Leadership positions.
To move progressively, we need to encourages and implement strictly the followings:

Free and fair transparent electoral system: It is the important

ingredients to bring leadership emergence in governance. An Efficient electoral
system counts every votes and place political parties under pressure to contest

only the candidates that possess leadership Skills. if people votes is respected to
choose candidates then only leader at all Level will face pressure to work through
examplanary leadership to retain in power. Without effective electoral system

effective leadership cannot emerge.

Competitive politics: under effective electoral systems competitive Politics
provide choices to the electorate .Major political parties based on Ideologies can
provide choices rather than having dozen of parties and very few know for what
they are contesting election .

Course on Leadership and governance it should be mandatory in

Secondary school Curriculum.

Mandatory governance and leadership workshop for newly elected

leader from different background. such as workshop should provide facilities to
the executive and legislature to put their vision of development ,governance
Support to bring it to relality.Such workshop should be given priority and
Organized before each budget year.

It is observed from the research analysis that leadership is very important for
governance. Without leadership the role of government agency is nullified. because the
government is for the welfare and for fulfilling the basic need of the people. if leadership
is not effective in any government it will lead to illegal practices like bribery, corruption
and illegal and unethical uses of resources. Failure of leadership is threat to nation and
organization too. Practical case analysis of Nigeria since its independence in context of
leadership is suffieicient to prove the importance of leadership in governance. A series
of problem started if there is inefficient leadership exist. and the solution for the failed
leadership is successful and efficient leadership. There is always need to check the type
of leadership needed for particular country and its style matters a lot for the success.
Nigerias failure and controlling the corruption was due to complete and deep rooted
effected of inefficient leadership. even after fifty to sixty years after independence it is
observed that reforms and proposals to check the corrupt practices has no meaning
until and unless the desire and dedication of leadership is not gained. Process of
selection of leaders also play a vital role in the success of governance in implementing
rule, regulations, laws and ethics in the country. if selection of leader is based on
publication acceptance than the background, ability and ideology of his/her party must
be clearly presented to the each and every citizen of country. If it is some position at
strategy and important decision making is there then it must be merit based. Regular

training for the leader must be the target of the government. Strict policy and laws to
punish the violator of rules and for those who are involved in illegal practices also useful
tool to discourage the illegal activities in the country. Leader are role model to their
followers and responsible for people welfare. So it is responsibility of leader to work for
them and keep always away from illegal practices.

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