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receiving the letter he sends us a new bill and 8

e sends us a new bill and 8 hours creatively
creatively becomes
15hrs. and we are charged 5.3hrs for less than 30 actual minutes
5.3hrs for less than 30 actual minutes of Hometown
Pimp-Slapping by JUDGE PROTEM
JUDGE PROTEM/Judge Candidate GRAINNE WARD in-Chambers
Chambers with
Judge Daniel T Brice. Apparently Jeffery Stark
Apparently Jeffery Starks ego couldnt handle learning
learning that he was an
impotent LAW-EUNUCH in Orange County and then
in Orange County and then called out by his client he attacked after
he attacked after
the client received 40% more support than
40% more support than he did by knowing the rights the attorney
attorney was
supposed to protect

Perrys Fiduciary
Fiduciar JUDGMENT=$$$
efunds unable
to file for-never paid
2512+$3403= $5915

$240 to review the documents of which he used

nothing to address the $8K Marital Dissolution
Judgment or Breach
Breach of Fiduciary
duty. This
chronicled abuses prior to his 2/21/2002 O/C
Hometowning and predicted this abuse

4.5 hrs = $1300

1300 to prep 5 pages ?

5.3 hrs =$1600 to get HOMETOWNED ?

Order income set @$29K/
$100 less than
guidelines not paid/ it was not garnished
$300 more to address the new $1500 in arrears
owed by Perry 5/10/02
Bergen wants money Baby 5mo. old
1817 E/R bill from 8/2001

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