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Cassie Tolhurst

COMM 2110-002
Proposal Assignment

I want to be able to accept feedback and criticism from my boyfriend, parents, and
others close to me without getting defensive or upset with them.
When my loved ones give me feedback that I dont like, I usually get really
defensive and snap back at them. Even though they have the best intentions and
arent trying to hurt me, I usually still feel unfairly targeted and sometimes lash out
back at them and dismiss what they are saying. If I can learn to accept feedback
from them, it will improve our relationship, and help me improve my own self.
1) I will help cultivate my understanding of what is being said by my loved
one. I wont jump to conclusion and assign negative hurtful meanings to the
feedback I am given. (Beebe, 2013 , p. 122)
2) I will be aware of my personal emotional noise, and try to avoid selective
listening when receiving feedback. I will try to look at the whole picture and
understand the entire message, even though the content might be a
sensitive subject for me. (Beebe, 2013 , p. 127-128)
3) I will think before I reply with an active verbal response. I will do my best
not to (Beebe, 2013 , p. 295)
4) I will actively avoid internal polarization. If I receive criticism I wont take it
as an attack on my character and the either you are with me or against me
approach. (Beebe, 2013 , p. 168)
I will begin implementing my strategies starting right away. I will start to actively
seek advice and suggestions from my loved ones so I will have an opportunity
practice the strategies I have chosen. I will focus on my listening, my understanding
of the message, and my response. The motivation I have to complete my goal is
improved relationships with those close to me, and an improved self, due to the
feedback I receive.

Works Cited
Beebe, Beebe, & Redmond. (2013). Interpersonal Communication: Relating to
Others (7th Edition). Boston: Pearson HE, Inc.

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