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If you

(not/hurry), we will be late!

2. If Enrique

(pass) his exam, he will be very happy.

3. However, if Enrico fails, he

(not be ) very happy.

4. If you stay awake all night, you

5. Alan

(be) very tired tomorrow.

(not \ win) the lottery if he doesn't buy a ticket.

6. If you eat too much chocolate you

7. We

(not \ go) to the restaurant if you're not hungry.

8. If Rick drives too fast he

a) If you

(become) fat.

(have) an accident.

(help) me with my homework, I

(finish) it in time to

go to the cinema.
b) If it

(not/rain), the students

(practice) sport in the

c) Jane

(come) home early if she

(not/be) very busy at

d) Our teacher

e) If Robert

(be) pleased if we

(play) football with us, we

(do) our homework.

(win) the match.

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