Sunteți pe pagina 1din 12

Sonic Heroes (??. ???? ????? ??????? ??:??:????

???????????? ???? ????? Sonic t
he Hedgehog. ??????????? ???????????? ?????????????? ???????? Sonic Team, ??????
??? ????????? Sega. ????? ????????? ?? ???????? GameCube, PlayStation 2 ? Xbox ?
2003 ???? ? ??????, ????? ????? ? ???????? ???????, ?????? ? ?????????[1][4][3]
. ???? ????? ???????????? ?? ???? ???? ??????????, ????????? ???? ???????????? ?
?????? ??????? ??????????? ?? ?? ?? ? PlayStation 3 .
????, ??? ? ?????? ????? ?????, ????????? ? ????? ???????????. ?? ????? ????? ??
??????? ?? ????? ??????????, ? ????? ????????, ????????? ?? ???? ??????. ?? ????
? ??????????????? ?????? ???????, ? ????????? ??? ? ?????? ??????? ??????????? ?
Knuckles Chaotix ??? ??????? Sega 32X, ? ????? ?? ????? ? ??????? ???? ??? ?? So
nic Adventure 2, ????????? ???? ?? Sonic Advance 2, ? ??? ??? ?? Sonic Adventure
. ????? ????? ???????? ????? ????????
????? E-123 ?????.
?????????? ???? ???????? ????? ?????? Sonic Adventure 2 ??? ???????????? ???????
?? ?????? ??????? ? ????????? ???? ????. ? ??????? ?? ??????? ?????? ?????, Soni
c Heroes ??????????? ????? ??? ?????????? ??????? ???????? ? ????? ???????? ????
? ???????. ????? ?????? ?????? ???????????? ? ???????? ???????????? ??????? ????
, ????? ? ?????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ? ??????????? ?????????????, ?? ????????
??????? ?????????? ??????????? ??????? ? ??????????? ??????????.
?????????? [??????]
1 ??????? ???????
1.1 Special Stages
2 ?????
3 ??????????
4 ??????
5 ???????????
6 ??????
6.1 ?????????? ? ???????
7 ??????????
8 ??????
??????? ???????[??????? | ??????? ????-?????]
??????????? ?????? ?????? ??????????? ?????? ????????, ????? ??????????? ? ?????
??? ????. ?? ????????? ?????????? ??????? ???? ?? ????????? ?????? Sea Gate
Sonic Heroes ???????????? ????? ?????????? ??????????. ? ??? ?????? ???????????
????????? ????????, ????????? ?? ???? ??????????[6]. ??????????????? ????? ?????
???? ????? ?? ??? ??????, ?? ?? ???? ????????????? ?? ????? ??????? ??????? ????
?; ???????? ??? ????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ????? ?? ???? ?????????. ? ???? ??
????? ??????????????? ????????? ???????[7][8]:
??????? ??????, ????????? ?? ?????????? ??? ??????, ??????? ?????? ? ?????? ????
??????? ????, ????????? ?? ??? ?????, ??????? ???? ??? ? ?????? E-123 ?????;
??????? ????, ????????? ?? ????? ??? ????, ????????? ???? ? ???? ????;
??????? ???????, ????????? ?? ????????? ?????, ????? ????? ? ????????? ???????
??? ????????? ??????? ?? ??? ????: ??????????, ???????? ? ???????[7]. ? ?????? ?? ???
???? ???? ???????????? ?? ????? ????[9]. ????????, ????????? ??????????? ???? (?
????, ?????, ??? ? ?????) ????? ?????? ??????, ????? ????????? ????? ? ????????
? ??????, ????? ?????? ???????? ?????????. ?????, ? ??????? ??????? ???? (?????,
?????, ??? ? ??????), ????? ???????? ?? ??????? ?????? ? ?????????? ????????? ?
??????????. ?????????, ??????? ?????? (?????, ???, ???? ? ?????), ????????? ????
??? ?????????? ????? ???????? ??? ?????????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????????[10]. ???
?? ????, ???? ????? ???????? ? ??????? ??????????? ?????????????. ? ???????, ???
?????????? ????????? (????? ???) ????? ???????????? ?? ??????; ????? ????? ????
??????? ?????????; ????? ????? ???????????? ?????-????????????? ? ?. ?.
?????? ? Sonic Heroes ??????? ?? ??? ?????, ?????? ??????
??? ????? ? ??????. ??
??? ???? ???: ??????? ?????????, ??????????????? ?????, ??????, ??????, ??????????

? ???, ????? ? ???????????? ? ?????? ????????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ???????[8

]. ?? ?????? ????????? ?????? ??????? ?? ?????? ?? ?????, ??????? ????????? ????
??? ? ??????? ??????, ?????? ????????? ?????? ??????? ?? ??????, ? ??? ????? 100
???? ?????? ?????????????? ?????[7]. ???? ????????? ????? ??????? ????, ?? ?? ?
??????? ??? ??????, ? ??? ??? ??? ????????? ????????? ?? ????? ?????????, ? ????
???????? ?????? ? ????????? ??????????? ?????. ?? ???? ????? ???????? ??????, ?
?????????? ? ??????????? ???????? ? ????? ??? ???????? ????? ??????????? ???????
?? ???????????. ??? ????? ???? ?????????????? ??????, ????????? ?????? ??????-????
?? ?????????, ?????????? ???????? ?? ???????????? ????? ??? ????????????. ?????
????? ????? ????????? ?????? ?? ??????, ??????????? ????? ?????? ????????? ?????
?????????, ??? ????? ????????????? ??????????? ?????? Team Blast (???. ?????????
?????), ????????? ??????? ????? ?????????? ??? ??????[9][11].
????????? ??????????? ??????? ?? ?????? ???????: ??????????? ?? ??????? ???? ???
????? ????? ?????? ?? ????; ????????? ???? ?? ??????? ?????? ???????? ??? ??????
?; ? ?????? ??????? ????? ?????????? ??????? ?????. ???? ?? ?????? ??????? ?????
???? ????????? ???????????? ??????, ????????, ????? 10 ??? ??? ??????? ?? ??????
?. ????? ??????????? ??????? ?????? ? ?????? ??? ?????? ???????? ???????????? ??
?? (??????). ????? ??????
E, ??????
A[12]. ????? ???? ???????? ????? ??????? ???
??, ???? ?????? ??? ?????? (? ???????, ? ??????????????) ?? ????? ?. ????? ????
???????? ?????? ?? ??????? ??????.
? Sonic Heroes ???????? ????????????????????? ????. ????????? ?????????? ????????
???? ??????, ??????????? ???????????? ?? ???? ???????[13]. ?? ????? ????????????
????????? ???????. ?? Action Race (???. ????? ????????) ???????? ????? ?? ???? ???
???????? ???????, ? ??????????? ??????????? ???, ??? ??????? ????? ?????? ?? ???
????? ?????? ??????. ??? ???? ???????? ?????, ? ??? ????????? ??????????? ?????
????? ?????? 20-? ???????[14]. ? Battle (???. ?????) ??????? ??????? ???? ? ??????
, ?? Special Stage (???. ?????? ????) ???????? ????? ?? ??????? ?????. ??????? ????
??? ????? ????? ?? ???????????? ????? ????? ? ?????? Ring Race (???. ????? ?? ???
?????), ? ?? Bobsleigh Race (???. ?????????? ?????) ???????? ????? ?? ???? ????????
?? ???????; ? Quick Race (???. ????? ?? ????????) ?????? ????? ?????? ????????? ??
????? ?????? ? ??????, ? Expert Race (???. ????? ??? ???????) ???????? ??????????
? ??????? ?????? Action Race ? ???????? ?? ?????? ???????.
Special Stages[??????? | ??????? ????-?????]
? Sonic Heroes ????? ????????? ?????? ??????, ????????? ? ?????? ????? ?????
Sonic Heroes ????? ?????? ?????????? ????? ????? Sonic the Hedgehog, ??? ???????
?? Special Stages (???. ?????? ??????). ??? ????????????? ??? ????? ???? ?????????
?????, ?? ????? ????? ???????? ? ?????????????? ?????. ????? ??????? ????, ????
? ????? ?? ??????? ???? ????, ?????????? ? ??????. ????? ??????????? ????? ?????
?? ??? ?? ????? ??????[15]. ?? ????? ?????????, ???? ???????? ????? ???????? ???
????????, ???????? ?????? ??? ?????? ? ????????. ?????? ????????? ??, ??? ?? ???
??? ????????? ????????? ??????[16]. ????? ??????????? ?????? ? ??? ????? ???????
?? ??????????? ????. ? ??? ??????? ????????? ???????????? ?????? ??????? ?????,
??????? ??? ???? ???????????? ????? ? ???????????? ?? ?????-???? ? ??????. ? ??
???, ? ??????????? ?? ?????????? ????????? ?????, ?????? ?? ????? ?? ???? ??????
???????? ??????.
????? ???????? ??????? ?????, ???? ??????? ?? Special Stage ?? ?????? ????. ????
? ?????????? ???????? Emerald Challenge (???. ???????????? ?? ???????), ? ???????
????? ???????? ??????????? ??????[15]. ????? ???????, ?? ?????? ?? ???? ?????, ?
???? ?? ?????, ?????? ????? ?? ?????? ????????, ??? ???? ????????? ??????????? ?
?????? ??????? ?????????????. ???? ???? ???? ?????? ? ??????????? ??????? ????
??????? ?????? ???????????? ???????? ????[17].
?????[??????? | ??????? ????-?????]
????????????? ??????? ???? ???????? ?????????? ?????????? ????? ?????: Sonic Adv
enture ? Sonic Adventure 2. ?????? ?? ??????? ?????? ????? ???? ??????????? ????

???? ?????, ??????? ???????????? ????? ?????[11]. ????? ????? ????????? ?? ? ???
?? ???????, ? ????? ?? ????????? ? ????? ???? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?????,
????????? ???????. ? ??? ???????? ??????????? ??????? ????, ??? ??????? ??????
?????????? ????? ?????.
??????? ?????, ?????????? ?????????? ?? ??????? ???????, ?????? ? ??????? ??????
? ?????? ? ??? ??????. ???????, ??? ?????? ????? ??? ??? ?????????? ????????? ??
?, ?????? ?????? ?????????? ???[18]. ? ??? ????? ??? ???????? ????? ????????? ??
???? ???????, ?? ?????? ????? ??????? ??? ?????, ???????????? ??????? ????? ???
???? Sonic Adventure 2. ??? ?????? ??? ?? ???????? ??????? ???? ???????????? ???
?????? ?????? E-123 ?????. ????? ????????? ??? ??? ????????, ??? ? ??? ???????,
? ????? ??????? ????????? ??????? ?? ??, ??? ??? ????? ??? ????. ??? ??????, ???
??? ?????? ????????????, ????? ????? ???????[19].
????? ??? ????? ? ?????? ?????????? ??????, ????????? ??? ?????? ? ????????? ???
???, ???????? ????????? ???? ? ???? ???? ??????????????. ?????? ? ???? ??? ?????
??????? ?? ?????? ????????[20]. ? ??????????? ????????? ???????, ??? ???????? ??
?????? ?????, ???????? ?????? ? ????? ?????, ???????? ??????? ? ?????? ??????. ?
? ??? ??????????? ?????, ?????? ??????? ??????????????, ?????????? ?? ?????????
??? ??????. ???????? ?? ???????????? ?????, ??????? ???????????? ? ????[21].
????? ??????????? ??????? ???? ??????? ??????????? ????????. ????? ????? ? ?????
??? ??????? ???? ??????? ?????? ? ??????[22], ? ??? ?????? ?? ????? ?????, ? ???
???? ??????????? ? ??????????????? ?????????? ?????[23]. ?????? ??????? ????? ????
???, ??????? ??? ?????? ????? ???????. ?? ????? ???? ?????? ?? ???????? ???????
??? ?? ??? ??????, ? ??? ???????[24]. ????? ????? ???? ??????? ??? ?????? ??????
? ?????? ? ?????, ? ?????, ????????? ?????? ? ??????, ???? ???????? ???????????
????? ???????? (????. Metal Overl
????? ? ?????????????????? ? ???? ?????? ?????
ord)[25]. ????????? ???? ????????? ?????, ?????, ????? ? ????? ???????? ?????-??
???, ????? ???????? ??????[26]. ? ????? ????????????? ?? ??????????? ????? ? ???
?? ??? ?????????? ? ????? ??????? ??????.
??????????[??????? | ??????? ????-?????]
[??????]????????? ??????????
Microsoft Windows[27]
???????????? ???????
Windows 98SE, Windows ME, Windows 2000 ??? Windows XP
??????????? ????????? Pentium III ? ???????? ???????? 866 ??? Pentium 4 ? ????
???? ???????? 1,4 ??? ??? ????
????? RAM
128 ?? 256 ?? ??? ??????
????? ?????????? ????? ?? ??????? ????? 0,8 ?? 1,5 ?? ??? ??????
?????????????? ???????? CD-ROM
Direct3D-??????????? ?????????? ? 16 ?? ???????????
-??????????? ?????????? ? 64 ?? ??????????? ??? ?????
??????? ?????????? 640 480, ??????? ????? 16 ??? ??? ?????
???????? ????? DirectSound-??????????? ???????? ?????
????? ????????, ???????????? ? ??????????????? ?????? ?????? ???? Sonic the Hedg
ehog, ??????? ?? ????????????? ????????? Sonic Team ???????? ????? ?????? Sonic
Adventure 2[28]. ???????????? ?????? ??????? ?? ????? ?????? Sonic Heroes ? ????
???? ??????????? ????? Sonic Adventure. ?? ??????????, ??? ?? ????? ?????? ?????
????? ?????, ? ?????? ???? ??????? ????, ? ??????? ????? ?????????????? ? ??????
?????? ?????? ????????, ?? ???????? ? ??????[29]. ???????? ???? ???? ???? ??????
, ??? ??????? ??????? Sonic Adventure ?????????, ? ????? ?????? ????? ?? ??????
? ???????? ??????, ?? ????? ?????????????? ???????? ??????? ? ???[9]. ???????? ?
?? ??????? ??????????? Sega ???? ????????, ??????? ????? ???????? ??????? ? ????
???? ??????????? ??? Sonic Adventure 2[30].
????????? ?????? ????????????? ??????? ??????? ??????????? ? ?????? ??????? ? ??
????????? ????? ???????????[9]. ???? ????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ??????
????, ??????????? ? ????? ????? ???? ??? ??? ????, ????????, ??????? ??????? ??

Knuckles Chaotix ??? ???? ???? ?? Sonic Adventure. ?????? ?????? ????????? ?? ???
??????? ? ????????? ????? ?????????? ??????????? ???, ? ????????? ?? ????????. ?
???????? ???? ? ????? E-123 ????? ???? ?????????? ??????? ??? Sonic Heroes, ????
?? ????? ?????? ????????? ? Sonic Advance 2[31]. ??????? ????????????? ?? ??????
????? ???????? ? ???? ????? ??????, ?????? ??-?? ???????? ?? ??????? ??????? ???
????????? ??????? ????????? ? ??????? ??? ??????? ??????. ?? ?????????????? ????
?? ??????? ???-???????? Sonic Team ???????? ??????[30].
? ??????? ?? ???? ?????????? ???????? ??? ?????, Sonic Adventure ? Sonic Adventu
re 2, ? Sonic Heroes ??? ??????????? ?????? RenderWare, ??????? ???? ????? ?????
???? ??????????? ?? GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox, ? Microsoft Windows[32][33].
???????? ????? ???? ???? ????? ? ??????? ??????????????? ????????? ????? ??????
????? ??? ??? ??????[34][35]. ???????? ?? ??????????? ???????? ????????? ???????
? ??????? ?????????? ?? ??? Sonic Adventure, ??????? ????? ????? ???? ?????? ??
????[33]. ????????? ??? ???? ?????? ????, ??????????????? ??? ?????????? ???????
?, ??? ?????? ? Xbox ? PlayStation 2 ? ??????? ???????? ?????????????? ????????,
??? ??? ? ??? ???? ????? ???? ????? ?????? ? ??????? ???????????.
???? ???? ? ?????? ??????? ??????? 2003 ??? ????? ?????? (????. The Year of Sonic)
[36]. ?????? ????? ?????????? ???????? ????????????? ??????? Sonic X, ??????? ??
10 ??? ????????? ??????? ?????????? ????? ? ???? ?????????? McDonald s, ? ???????
??? Sonic Pinball Party ? Sonic Battle ??? Game Boy Advance, ? Sonic Adventure
DX: Director s Cut ??? Nintendo GameCube ? ??[36]. ???????????????? ?????? Sonic H
eroes ???????????? ? ??????????????? Mario Kart: Double Dash?[37]. ????? ???? ?
2003 ???? ????????? ?????? ? ??????, ? ?????? ??????? ??? ????????? ? ?????? 200
4 ???? ??-?? ?????????????? ???????? ? ??????????[1][4][3].
??????[??????? | ??????? ????-?????]

??????? ???????????? ??????? Complete Trinity: Sonic Heroes

Original Soundtrax
??? ??????? ? ???? ???????? ??????????? ?? ?????? Wave Master[en]: ??????? ?????
, ?????? ???????, ????? ??????, ???? ????????, ????? ????? ? ??????? ???????[38]
. ???? ?????? ? ?????? ??????? ?? ?????? Crush 40, ????? ?????????? ??? Sonic Ad
venture ? Sonic Adventure 2, ????? ??????? ???????[38]. ??? ????????? ??????? ??
?? ???? Sonic Heroes, ? ????? ????? What I m Made Of , ???????? ?? ????? ????? ? ??????
?? ??????[39]. ????? ???? ???? ?????, ? ???? ???????????? ??? ?????? ????????? ?
?????????, ?????????? ???????????? ?????? ??????. ????? We Can
???? ??????? ??????
???? ????????? ????? ???? ? ???? ?????????, ????? ??? ? Crush 40[39]. ?????????
?? ????? ??????? ???? ???????? ????? This Machine ?????? Julien-K, ??? ?????[en] ?
???????? ???? ??????? ???? Follow Me, ? ?????? ???????[en]
??????????? ????? ?????
?? ???????[39]. ????????????? ???? ?????? ????? ??????? ????? ??????, ??????? ??
?????? ????????? ??? ??????? ? ????? ????? ??? ??? ????? ????? ???????????? ????
??, ??????? ????????? ????????? ? ??? ??? ???? ??????. ?? ??? ??????, ??? ??????
? ???????? ??????? Dolby Pro Logic II, ??????? ?? ?????? ????????. ? ??? ?????????
???????? ????? ???????, ?????????? ? ???? ? ????? ?????[40]
????? ????? ?????? ?????????? ? ????. ?????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ????????? Tr
iple Threat Sonic Heroes Vocal Trax (??. ????????? ???????? ?????????? ??????? ??:
??:??? ???????? ??????? ????:?? ??????????) ????? 4 ??????? 2004 ????. ? ???? ??
??? ??? ????? ????????? ?????????? ???????? ? ????, ? ? ???????? ?????? ????????
???? ??? ????? ????? ?? ???? Sonic Adventure[39]. ?????? ?????? Complete Trinity
: Sonic Heroes Original Soundtrax (??. ????????? ??????????? ????????????? ???????
??:??:??? ???????:?? ???????? ?????????? ??????????????) ????? ?? ???? ??????,
? ??? ????? 3 ????? 2004 ????[38]. ???? ????? ???? ?????? ?? ???????, ?? ? ?????
????? ??????????? ??????????? ???? ??????. ????? Geneon Entertainment ??????? ??
???? ?????? Sonic Heroes Official Soundtrack, ????? ???????? ????????? 9 ??????
2004 ????. ? ???? ????? 30 ??????????, ?????????? ??? ???????????? ?????? ??????
, ??? ? ??????? ?? ???????[41]. ? 2011 ???? ?? ??? ????????? ??? ????????? Sonic
Heroes Original Soundtrack 20th Anniversary Edition[42].

??????????? ????????????? ???? ? ???????? ???????????? ??????? ?????????. ??????

??? ????? ????? ???????, ??? ???????? ?????????? ?????? ? ????? ?????? ??????? ??
????? ????????? ???? ? ????????? ???????[12]. ????? ????? ?? GameSpot ??????? ??
???????? ????????? ????? ?? ??????? ?????????, ???????? ??? ?? ?????? ??? ??? M
ega Drive/Genesis, ?????? ??? ????????????? ?????? ?? ???????? ???????????, ? ??
??????, ??????? ????????????, ?, ?? ??? ??????, ??????????? ??????????????? ????
?????? ?????? ?????[43]. ????????????? ????? Game Revolution ???????, ??? ?? ???
?????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ? ?? ???????? ??? ????? ???????, ??
? ????? ??????? ???????????? ?? ??????? ???????[13]. ?????? ?? IGN, ????????? ??
?? ??? GameCube, ?????? ???????? ?????, ???????? ? Sonic Heroes, ????????????? ???
??????? ????, ?? ???????? ?????? ? ???????? ???????? 7 ??????[11].
?????????? Sonic Heroes ? What I m Made Of ????? ????? ? ??????????? ?????? True Blue:
The Best of Sonic the Hedgehog[44], ? This Machine
?? ?????? ??? ?????, ??? ??????
??? True Colors: The Best of Sonic the Hedgehog Part 2[45]. ??????? ?????? Seasid
e Hill ???? ???????? ? History of the 1ST Stage Original Soundtrack Blue Edition,
???????????????? ? ?????? ??? ?????????????? Nintendo 3DS-?????? ???? Sonic Gen
erations[46]. ?????? ?? Sonic Heroes ????? ???? ???????? ???????????? ? ????? Se
ga Superstars Tennis (2008), Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games (2009), S
onic & Sega All-Stars Racing (2010) ? Sonic Generations (2011).
[????????]Triple Threat Sonic Heroes Vocal Trax
[????????]Complete Trinity: Sonic Heroes Original Soundtrax. ???? A
[????????]Complete Trinity: Sonic Heroes Original Soundtrax. ???? B
[????????]Complete Trinity: Sonic Heroes Original Soundtrax. ?????-?????
[????????]Sonic Heroes Official Soundtrack
[????????]Sonic Heroes Original Soundtrack 20th Anniversary Edition
???????????[??????? | ??????? ????-?????]
Sonic Heroes ???? ?? ????????? ???, ? ??????? ?????????? ?? ?????????? ???? ????
?????? ?????? ?? Sonic Adventure, ? ????? ?????? ? ???????????? ?????, ? ???????
????? ???????? ????? ????? ??????[47]. ??? ? ????????, ??? ? ? ?????????? ?????
?, ??? ????????? ??? ?? ?????, ??? ? ???????? ?????[48].
?????? ???? ??? PlayStation 2 ? Xbox ????? ??? ?????? ???????????, ?????? ? ????
??????. ??? ???????????? ? ?????? ? ??????? ???????? ???????. ? ??????????? ????
?? ??? ??????? ???????, ? ??????????? ??????????? ? ???????????? ? ????????. ???
???? ??????????? ????????? ??? GameCube ? ?? ??-?? ????????? ???????? ?? ???????
???????? ???????????? ?????[48] ?????????? ???????????? ?????[48
?? ?????, ????? ????? ???????? ????????
????? ????????[en]
????? ????? ??????
?? ????????
?????? ???????[en]
?????? ?????
???????? ????? ????? ??????
?? ?????
????? ???
????? ??????[en]
??????? ???? ???
???? ?????[en] ???? ???????
E-123 ?????
?????? ????????[en]
???? ????-????
??? ????
????? ??????[en]
???????? ????????
????????? ???? ????? ????
???? ???????
??? ??? ?????? ????????[en]
???? ????-????
???????? ????? ??? ??????
???? ???????
????? ?????
??? ??????????[en]
????? ???????
???????? ?????? ????? ?????[en] ???? ??????
?????? ?????? ????? ?????[en] ??? ???????
?????? ????? ?????????[en]
???? ???????
??????[??????? | ??????? ????-?????]
[??????] ????????
?????????? ???????
??????? ??????
Xbox C+[6][49]
B-[50] C[51]
Allgame 2.5 ?? 5 ?????2.5 ?? 5 ?????2.5 ?? 5 ?????2.5 ?? 5 ?????2.5 ?? 5 ?????[5
2.5 ?? 5 ?????2.5 ?? 5 ?????2.5 ?? 5 ?????2.5 ?? 5 ?????2.5 ?? 5 ?????[7
2.5 ?? 5 ?????2.5 ?? 5 ?????2.5 ?? 5 ?????2.5 ?? 5 ?????2.5 ?? 5 ?????[5
2.5 ?? 5 ?????2.5 ?? 5 ?????2.5 ?? 5 ?????2.5 ?? 5 ?????2.5 ?? 5 ?????[5
Computer and Video Games
Gaming Monthly 6,67/10[57]
Game Informer 7,75/10[57]
GamePro 4 ?? 5 ?????4 ?? 5 ?????4 ?? 5 ?????4 ?? 5 ?????4 ?? 5 ?????[57]
4 ?? 5 ?????4 ?? 5 ?????4 ?? 5 ?????4 ?? 5 ?????4 ?? 5 ?????[56]
Game Revolution B[13]
GameSpy 3 ?? 5 ?????3 ?? 5 ?????3 ?? 5 ?????3 ?? 5 ?????3 ?? 5 ?????[61]
3 ?? 5 ?????3 ?? 5 ?????3 ?? 5 ?????3 ?? 5 ?????3 ?? 5 ?????[62]
3 ?? 5 ?
????3 ?? 5 ?????3 ?? 5 ?????3 ?? 5 ?????3 ?? 5 ?????[63]
Nintendo Power 4,2/5[57]
Nintendo World Report 6,5/10[69]
Official PlayStation Magazine (US)
Official Xbox Magazine
PC Gamer UK
78 %[72]
?????????? ???????
Absolute Games
60 %[12]
PC ????
?????? ???
??????? ?? ????????? ?????????? ????????
74,68 %[75]
60,00 %[76]
70,60 %[77]
75,36 %[78]
Game Ratio
70 %[79]
65 %[80]
67 %[81]
73 %[78]
Sonic Heroes ???????? ?????? ??????, ?? ??????????? ?? ??? ???? ??????????????.
?? ????? Metacritic ?????? ??? PlayStation 2 ???? ??????? ?? 64 ????? ?? 100[88]
?? 73 ?????[89], ??? GameCube
?? 72 ?????[86], ? ??? ????????????? ??
, ??? Xbox
???????? 66 ??????[87]. ?????? ?????????? ???????????? ?? Game Rankings
75,36 %
??? Xbox[78], 74,68 % ?? GameCube[75], 70,60 % ??? PS2[77], ? 60,00 % ??? ??[76]
. ??? ????????? ????????????? ????? ??????? ??? ?????? ????? ?????????? ???????,
???????? ???????? ??? ?????[67][62], ?? ??? ????????? ???????, ??? ? Sonic Hero
es ??????? ?????? ????????[91][92]. ? 2010 ???? Official Nintendo Magazine ?????
? ????? ????? ??????????? ?????? ?? ???? ?? ??????? ??? ?????. ?? ?????? ????? ?
????? Sonic Heroes ?????? 8 ?????[93]. ? 2012 ???? ???? GamesRadar ???????? ?? ?
? 9 ??????? ? ?????? ?????? ??? ?????[94].
??????? ???????????? ??????? ??????? ???????. ???? ?????????? ??????? ? ????????
??????? ???? ??????? ??? ????? ????????? ?? ????????? ? ??????? ?????? ????????,
?? ????????? ?????????? ???? ?????? ???????????? ? ???????. ????? ????? ??????
Sonic Adventure ? ???????????? ?? ??? ???????????, ??? ?????? ??????? ?? ?????,
??????? ?? ?????????? ????????, ?? ????Sonic Heroes ???????? ? ????????? ??????
???, ?????????? ?? Mega Drive/Genesis[62][12]. ?? ??????? ?????????, ??? ??????
????????? ??????? ???????, ? ?? ??????? ???????[53][43]. ? ???????? ??????? ????
?? ?? Allgame ?????? ?????? ????????? ??????? ?? ??????? ??? ????[53]. ???? ????
??????? ? ?? ????? ???????????? ??????? ??????? ????????????? ??????? ????? ????

? ????????, ??? ???? ????? ????????? ????? ???????????. ????? ????? ???? ??? ???
???? ??????? ?????????? ????????????? ????????? ????????? ?????? ??? ?????? ? ??
???????? ???????, ?? ??? ?????, ?? ?? ??????, ???????? ????????? ???????? ??????
??????????? ?????? ? ?????????? ????? ??????????? ??? ?????????, ????? ? ???????
, ? ????????????? ???????? ? ????????????? ?????? ??????? ???????[11][43]. ?????
??? ?????????? ????????? ?? ??????? ?????? ? ???????? ??? ???????????[67]. ?? ??
?? ????? ????????, ??? ??? ?????? ??????? ????? ???? ??????? ????? ??????, ? ? ?
????????????? ?? ????? ????-???[53][62]. ???????? ?????????? ???? ????
????? ?????? ???????[11][43]. ??? ???? ??? Xbox, GameCube ? ?? ?????????? ?????
?? ??????? ??????, ???? ? ????????????????????? ?????? ???? ????????????? ?? ???
????? ??????????? ???? ???????????? ???????? ??????? ?????????? ??????? ????, ??
????? ??????? ??? ????????[49] ? ?????????????? ?? ??????????[43]. ??? ?????? ??????
????? ?? ????? ???????? ???????[72]. ??????? ????? ??????????? ?????? ??????? ?
???????? ? ???????? ???[53]. ? ??????? ????????? ????? ??????, ??? ????????? ?????
??? ?? ???????, ??? ?? ????? ????????????? ????????? ????? ??? ?????????? ??????
?[13]. ????? ??????? ? ??? ???? ???????????? ??? ??????????? ???????????, ?? ???
?? ??? ???????????[62].
??? ????? ??????????? ??????? ????????? ??????????? ????. ??? ???? ?????????????
??? ??? ??????? ? ?????????? ?????? ? ???????? ???????[43]. ????????? ??????? ? ????
?? ???????, ? ????? ??? ??????????, ??????? ?????? ????????? ???????, ??? ?? ???
???? ???? ????? ???????? ????????, ??? ? ??????????? ??? ? ??????[62]. ???????????
? ?? Eurogamer ????? ??????????? Sonic Team ???????? ?????? ???? ? Nintendo ???
Naughty Dog[58]. ????? ????? ??? ?????????? ???????????????? ?????? ?????? ?????
? ???????. ???????? ??????, ????? ??,
?????? ?? ???????? ???????, ?? ?? ?? ??????
?????: ????????????? ??????? ????????? ?? ??????? ????????? ????[12]. ???? ??????
????? ? ?? ????? ???????????? ??????? ????????? ????????? ? ???????????? ? ?????
? ??????????? ?????????????[67].
????? ????, ?????? ??? PlayStation 2 ???????? ????? ?????? ??????? ????[59][88].
? ???????? ?????? ???? ??????? ?????????? ??????? ? ????? ?????? ??????? ??????
?? ????????? ? ??????? ????????[67]. ?????? ?? GameSpy ?????? ??????? ????? ????,
??????? ???????? ? ??????[62]. ????? ????? ???????? ?????????? Sonic Heroes ???
??????? ?? Sony ???????????? Sonic Team, ?????? ??? ?????????, ?????????, ? ????
?? ?? ?????. ????????????? ?? ??????? ??? ??? ??????????? ???????????: ?? ???????
?????????, ??? ?????????????????? ???????, ?? ????????????? ?????????? Bump mapp
ing ? ??????? ???????????. ? ????? ?????? ???????????? ??????????? ??????????? ??
???? ?????? ? Sonic Heroes ?????? ?? GameCube[59]. ????????????? ?? IGN ????????
??? ? ???????? ?????? ??????? ? ????????, ??? ??-?? ?????????? ??????? ??????? ? ?
?????? ????? ?????? ??????[67].

?????????? ? ???????[??????? | ??????? ????-?????]

Sonic Heroes ???? ??????????? ????????. ?? ??????? 2004 ???? ? ?????? ???? ?????
?? ????? ?????? ???????? ????? ????[95]. ? ?????, Sonic Heroes ???????? ?????? ??
????????? ?? ???? ????????: Greatest Hits/Platinum ??? PlayStation 2, Platinum Hits/C
sics ??? Xbox, ? Player s Choice ??? GameCube[96]. ? ????? 2005 ????, ???? ???? ?????
??? ? ???????? ?????? ? Super Monkey Ball Deluxe ?? Xbox ? Super Monkey Ball ??
GameCube[97], ? 2009 ???? ????? ? ?????????? Sonic PC Collection ??? ???????????
?? ??????????[98], ? ? 2012 ???? ???? ???????? ?? PlayStation Network[5].
Sonic Heroes ??????? ??????????? ?????? ?????????: ?????? E-123 ?????. ? ??? ???
??, ??? ? ?????? ???????, ????????? ? ??????????? ????? ??? ??????. ? ????? 20????? ?? ??? ?????? ?????? ????? Sonic the Hedgehog ???? ???????? ???? ??? ?????
???? Sonic Generations, ?????????? ? ???? ???????? ???????? ???????? ? ??????? ?
? ??????? ?????? ?????. ? ?????? ???? ????????? ????? ?????? ?????? Seaside Hill,
????? Egg Emperor ? ??????????? ??????[99][100][101]. ????? ????, ?????? ?? Sonic

Heroes ???????????? ? ????? ????? ??? Sega Superstars, Mario & Sonic at the Olym
pic Winter Games, Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing, Mario & Sonic at the London 201
2 Olympic Games, Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed ? Sonic Dash[102][103][104
? 2004 ???? ????????????? Prima Games[en] ??????????? ?????, ??? ??????????? ???
???????? ? ?????????????? ?????????? ?? ????[105]. ? ???????? Archie Comics[en]
?????? 2009 ???? ????????? ?????? ????? ??????? Sonic Universe, ??? ?????????? ?
???????? ??????? Sonic Heroes ? ?????????? ????[106].
??????????[??????? | ??????? ????-?????]
? ?????????? ?????????
? ??????? ?: 1 2 3 4 Tochen, Dan. Sonic Heroes Japanese release delayed (????.).
GameSpot (5 ?????? 2003). ????????? 1 ????? 2015.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 Calvert, Justin. Sonic Heroes ships for GameCube (????.). GameS
pot (6 ?????? 2004). ????????? 1 ????? 2015.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 3 4 Sonic Heroes (????.). Eurogamer. ????????? 1 ????? 2015.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 3 Golze, Benjamin. Sonic Heroes coming to PC (????.). GameSpot
(18 ??????? 2004). ????????? 1 ????? 2015.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 Sonic Heroes hits the European PSN Store quietly (????.), Digita
lly Downloaded (23 ??????? 2012). ????????? 1 ????? 2015.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 1UP Staff. Sonic Heroes (John R) (GC) (????.). ???????
?? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ??????? 2012.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 3 4 Sonic Heroes (PC) (????.). Allgame. ????????? 1 ????? 2015.
???????????? ?? ?????????????? 4 ?????? 2015.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 3 jkdmedia. Sonic Heroes
PC Review (????.). GameZone (20 ??????
2004). ????????? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 4 ?????? 2015.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 3 4 Yuji Naka interview by CVG (May 27, 2003) (????.). Sonic Re
tro (27 ??? 2003). ????????? 1 ????? 2015.
? General Game Tips // Sonic Heroes: Prima's Official Strategy Guide / ????? ? ?
???? ?????.
Prima Games, 2004 ???. ?. 3-5.
160 ?.
ISBN 9780761544494.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Casamassina, Matt. Sonic Heroes (GameCube) (????.). I
GN (5 ?????? 2004). ????????? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ??
????? 2012.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 3 4 5 ????? ?????. ???????? ?? Sonic Heroes (???.). Absolute Ga
mes (22 ?????? 2005). ????????? 1 ????? 2015.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 3 4 Dodson, Joe. Sonic Heroes Review (????.). Game Revolution (
06/04/04). ????????? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ??????? 201
? ??????????? ???? Sonic Heroes / ?????? ??????. Sega, 2004 ???.
2P Play Mode.
. 29.
32 ?.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 Special Stage // Sonic Heroes: Prima's Official Strategy Guide
/ ????? ? ????? ?????. Prima Games, 2004 ???.
?. 132.
160 ?. ISBN 9780761544494.
? Enemies & Items list // Sonic Heroes: Prima's Official Strategy Guide / ?????
? ????? ?????. Prima Games, 2004 ???.
?. 157.
160 ?. ISBN 9780761544494.
? The Final Boss // Sonic Heroes: Prima's Official Strategy Guide / ????? ? ????
? ?????. Prima Games, 2004 ???.
?. 133.
160 ?. ISBN 9780761544494.
? ????? ???????: ??-??-??! ???????, ????? ??????? ? ???????? ?????????? ??????? ?
?????! ????? ??? ??? ? ?????? ???! ??????? ?? ???? ??????????? ??-??-??!
Sonic Te
am USA, Sonic Heroes. ???. Sega. PC, PlayStation 2, GameCube, Xbox, PlayStation
3 (5 ?????? 2004). ???????/????: Seaside Hill.
? ???: ??? ???! ? ????? ?????? ????????? ???????! / ?????: ????! / ???: ?????! /
?????: ?????? ????????? ???? ??????? ???????! / ???: ?? ??, ?????????! ?????? ?
??????? ?????? ? ???????, ??? ??? ??????! ?? ??????? ?? ???????, ?????? ??? ??? ?
?????????? ? ???? ???????! ? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????????? ??????? ??????????! ? ??
???? ?????? ??????? ??????! Sonic Team USA, Sonic Heroes. ???. Sega. ??, PlayStat
ion 2, GameCube, Xbox, PlayStation 3 (5 ?????? 2004).
? ???: ??, ??? ?????????, ??? ?????? ?????? ? ???! / ????: ???, ???? ????????????
? ????? ???????????? ????????! / ???: ?? ?????, ????????! ??????? ????, ???. /
???: ?????? / ????: ?????? / ???: ?? ???????? ??????! ?? ?????? ??! ??? ??????? ??

???? ?? ?????! ??????!

Sonic Team USA, Sonic Heroes. ???. Sega. ??, PlayStation 2
, GameCube, Xbox, PlayStation 3 (5 ?????? 2004). ???????/????: Sea Gate.
? ??????????? ?????: ? ?????? ? ??? ????? ????????, ? ???????? ? ????? ??????????
? ???????! ? ????? ??? ???????! / ?????: ? ???? ?????? ????????????!
Sonic Team U
SA, Sonic Heroes. ???. Sega. ??, PlayStation 2, GameCube, Xbox, PlayStation 3 (5
?????? 2004).
? ???: ??????! / ???: ???-???-???!! / ????? ????? ??????: ?????? ????? ???????????
! / ????: ???, ? ??? ?? ???? ????! / ???: ???-???! / ????: ??! ??? ?? ?????? ???
??? / ???: ???! ? ??? ?????! ?????! Sonic Team USA, Sonic Heroes. ???. Sega. ??,
PlayStation 2, GameCube, Xbox, PlayStation 3 (5 ?????? 2004). ???????/????: Fina
l Fortress.
? ???: ????? ? ?????-?????? ????????, ??? ????? ????? ? ??????? ?????! / ?????: ?? ?
????? ????? ????????? ?????? ???? ???-?? ?????.
Sonic Team USA, Sonic Heroes. ???.
Sega. ??, PlayStation 2, GameCube, Xbox, PlayStation 3 (5 ?????? 2004). ???????
/????: Final Fortress.
? ??????: ?? ?????, ????? ?????? ???! ?????? ??????, ??? ? ???????!
Sonic Team USA
, Sonic Heroes. ???. Sega. ??, PlayStation 2, GameCube, Xbox, PlayStation 3 (5 ?
????? 2004). ???????/????: Final Fortress.
? ?????? ??????: ???????-?? ????? ????? ?????????????????! / ?????: ??? ????? ???
??? / ?????? ??????: ??????????! ????? ????? ????????? ???? ?????? ? ????? ?????
, ? ?????? ?? ????? ?????-????! ?? ?? ?????? ???????? ???. ???? ?????? ? ??? ???
? ?? ???? ????????? ?????! Sonic Team USA, Sonic Heroes. ???. Sega. ??, PlayStati
on 2, GameCube, Xbox, PlayStation 3 (5 ?????? 2004). ???????/????: Final Fortres
? ?????: ??????, ??????? ??????? ???. ?? ??????? ?????-???? ????? ???????! Sonic T
eam USA, Sonic Heroes. ???. Sega. ??, PlayStation 2, GameCube, Xbox, PlayStation
3 (5 ?????? 2004). ???????/????: Final Fortress.
? System Requirements // ??????????? ???? Sonic Heroes / ?????? ??????.
Sega, 20
04. ?. 1.
45 ?.
? Barker, Ben. Sonic Heroes
An Interview with the Creators (????.). ??
??????? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 2015-04--4.
? Edge Staff. Interview: Nights Watchman (????.). Edge (30 ??????? 2007). ??????
??? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 4 ?????? 2015.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 Sonic Heroes (2003) GameCube credits (????.). MobyGames. ??????
??? 3 ????? 2015.
? Yuji Naka interview by Sega Europe (January 30, 2004) (????.). Sonic Retro (30
?????? 2004). ????????? 1 ????? 2015.
? Sega Chooses RenderWare For The Creation Of Sonic Heroes (????.). Gameinfowire
.com (27 ??? 2003). ????????? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ??
????? 2012.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 Bedigian, Louis. Sonic Heroes Zooms, Spins and Dashes To a Cons
ole Near You (????.). GameZone. ????????? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ????????
?????? 4 ?????? 2015.
? Yuji Naka interview by Euro Gamer (May 23, 2003) (????.). Sonic Retro (23 ???
2003). ????????? 1 ????? 2015.
? Yuji Naka interview by (June 14, 2003) (????.). Sonic Retro (14 ????
2003). ????????? 1 ????? 2015.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 Takashi Iizuka interview by EGM (February 3, 2004) (????.). Son
ic Retro (3 ??????? 2004). ????????? 1 ????? 2015.
? Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (Bonus Disc). IGN. ????????? 3 ????? 2015.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 3 Complete Trinity: Sonic Heroes
Original Soundtrax (????.). VG
Mdb. ????????? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ??????? 2012.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 3 4 Triple Threat: Sonic Heroes Vocal Trax (????.). VGMdb. ????
????? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ??????? 2012.
? Jun Senoue interview by for Sonic Heroes website (????.). Sonic Retro
. ????????? 1 ????? 2015.
? Sonic Heroes Official Soundtrack (????.). VGMdb. ????????? 1 ????? 2015. ?????
??????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ??????? 2012.
? Sonic Heroes Original Soundtrack 20th Anniversary Edition (????.). VGMdb. ????
????? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ??????? 2012.

? ??????? ?: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Davis, Ryan. Sonic Heroes Review (GameCube). GameSp

ot (6 ?????? 2004). ????????? 1 ????? 2015.
? True Blue: The Best of Sonic the Hedgehog (????.). VGMdb. ????????? 1 ????? 20
? True Colors: The Best of Sonic the Hedgehog Part 2 (????.). VGMdb. ????????? 1
????? 2015.
? History of the 1ST Stage Original Soundtrack Blue Edition (????.). VGMdb. ????
????? 1 ????? 2015.
? Joscelyne, Svend. Sonic Voiceover Cast Replaced. The Sonic Stadium (12 ???????
? 2005). ????????? 1 ????? 2015.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 3 Sonic Heroes Cast (????.). IMDb. ????????? 1 ????? 2015.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 1UP Staff. Sonic Heroes (CJ) (GC) (????.). ????????? 1
????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ??????? 2012.
? 1UP Staff. Sonic Heroes (PS2) (????.)(??????????? ??????
???????). ??
??????? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ??????? 2012.
? 1UP Staff. Sonic Heroes (XBOX) (????.). ????????? 1 ????? 2015. ?????
??????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ??????? 2012.
? Sutyak, Jonathan. Sonic Heroes (GameCube). Review (????.). Allgame. ?????????
1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 4 ?????? 2015.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 3 4 5 Sutyak, Jonathan. Sonic Heroes (PlayStation 2). Review (?
???.). Allgame. ????????? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 4 ??????
? Sutyak, Jonathan. Sonic Heroes (Xbox). Review (????.). Allgame. ????????? 1 ??
??? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 4 ?????? 2015.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 3 4 Sonic Heroes (PlayStation 2). Reviews (????.). Game Ranking
s. ????????? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ??????? 2012.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 3 4 5 Sonic Heroes (Xbox). Reviews (????.). Game Rankings. ????
????? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ??????? 2012.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 3 4 5 Sonic Heroes (GameCube). Reviews (????.). Game Rankings.
????????? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ??????? 2012.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 3 4 Bramwell, Tom. Sonic Heroes Review (????.). Eurogamer (13 ?
?????? 2004). ????????? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ???????
? ??????? ?: 1 2 3 Davis, Ryan. Sonic Heroes for PlayStation 2 Review. GameSpot
(26 ?????? 2004). ????????? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 4 ?????
? 2015.
? Davis, Ryan. Sonic Heroes Review (Xbox). GameSpot (26 ?????? 2004). ?????????
1 ????? 2015.
? Fischer, Russ. Reviews. Sonic Heroes (GameCube) (????.). GameSpy (6 ?????? 200
4). ????????? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ??????? 2012.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 GameSpy Staff. Reviews. Sonic Heroes (PlayStation 2)
(????.). GameSpy (31 ?????? 2004). ????????? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????
????????? 17 ??????? 2012.
? Fischer, Russ. Reviews. Sonic Heroes (Xbox) (????.). GameSpy (31 ?????? 2004).
????????? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ??????? 2012.
? jkdmedia. Sonic Heroes GC
Review (????.). GameZone (20 ?????? 2004). ?????????
1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 4 ?????? 2015.
? jkdmedia. Sonic Heroes PS2
Review (????.). GameZone (30 ?????? 2004). ????????
? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 1 ?????? 2015.
? Casamassina, Matt; Lewis, Ed. Sonic Heroes (PC) (????.). IGN (10 ??????? 2004)
. ????????? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ??????? 2012.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Casamassina, Matt; Lewis, Ed. Sonic Heroes (PlayStati
on2) (????.). IGN (23 ?????? 2004). ????????? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ????
?????????? 17 ??????? 2012.
? Casamassina, Matt; Lewis, Ed. Sonic Heroes (Xbox) (????.). IGN (23 ?????? 2004
). ????????? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ??????? 2012.
? Cole, Michael. Sonic Heroes (????.). Nintendo World Report (20 ??????? 2004).
????????? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ??????? 2012.
? Sonic Heroes (PC). Reviews (????.). Game Rankings. ????????? 1 ????? 2015. ???
????????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ??????? 2012.

? Semsey, Rob. Sonic Heroes Review (Xbox) (????.). TeamXbox (27 ?????? 2004). ??
??????? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 4 ?????? 2015.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 Ingrassia, Tony. XboxAddict Sonic Heroes Staff Review (????.).
XboxAddict (11 ??????? 2004). ????????? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ??????????
???? 17 ??????? 2012.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 3 Sonic Heroes (???.). ????????? 1 ????? 2015. ???
????????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ??????? 2012.
? Sonic Heroes (???.). ????????? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ????
?????????? 17 ??????? 2012.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 Sonic Heroes for GameCube (????.). Game Rankings. ????????? 1 ?
???? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ??????? 2012.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 Sonic Heroes for PC (????.). Game Rankings. ????????? 1 ????? 2
015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ??????? 2012.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 Sonic Heroes for PlayStation 2 (????.). Game Rankings. ????????
? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ??????? 2012.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 3 Sonic Heroes for Xbox (????.). Game Rankings. ????????? 1 ???
?? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ??????? 2012.
? Sonic Heroes Cheats GameCube Cheats, Codes, Hints (????.). Game Ratio. ???????
?? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ??????? 2012.
? Sonic Heroes Cheats PC Games Cheats, Codes, Hints (????.). Game Ratio. ???????
?? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ??????? 2012.
? Sonic Heroes Cheats PlayStation 2 Cheats, Codes, Hints (????.). Game Ratio. ??
??????? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ??????? 2012.
? Sonic Heroes (GameCube) (????.). GameStats. ????????? 1 ????? 2015. ??????????
?? ?? ?????????????? 3 ???? 2012.
? Sonic Heroes (PC) (????.). GameStats. ????????? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ??
?????????????? 17 ??????? 2012.
? Sonic Heroes (PlayStation 2) (????.). GameStats. ????????? 1 ????? 2015. ?????
??????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ??????? 2012.
? Sonic Heroes (Xbox) (????.). GameStats. ????????? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?
? ?????????????? 17 ??????? 2012.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 Sonic Heroes for GameCube (????.). Metacritic. ????????? 1 ????
? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ??????? 2012.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 Sonic Heroes for PC (????.). Metacritic. ????????? 1 ????? 2015
. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ??????? 2012.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 3 Sonic Heroes for PlayStation 2 (????.). Metacritic. ?????????
1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ??????? 2012.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 Sonic Heroes for Xbox (????.). Metacritic. ????????? 1 ????? 20
15. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ??????? 2012.
? ??????? ?: 1 2 3 4 Sonic Heroes (????.). MobyGames. ????????? 1 ????? 2015. ??
?????????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ??????? 2012.
? cynicwithagamepad. Then and now (????.). Another Cynical Gamer (9 ???????? 200
8). ????????? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ??????? 2012.
? Where Did Sonic Go Wrong? (????.). IGN (20 ??????? 2009). ????????? 1 ????? 20
15. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 21 ????? 2013.
? East, Thomas. Your Best Sonic Games (????.). Official Nintendo Magazine (15 ??
? 2010). ????????? 1 ????? 2015.
? GamesRadar Staff. Best Sonic Games (????.). GamesRadar (16 ??????? 2012). ????
????? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 18 ??????? 2012.
? Van Autrijve, Rainier. Sonic Is Sega s Hero of Sales Figures (????.). GameSpy (2
9 ??????? 2004). ????????? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ?????
?? 2012.
? Cook, Chris. Sonic Heroes Goes Greatest Hits On Home Consoles (????.). Game Info
rmer (28 ????? 2005). ????????? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 4 ?
????? 2015.
? Sonic Heroes/Monkey Ball Xbox (????.). Game Rankings. ????????? 1 ????? 2015.
? Sonic PC Collection (????.). GameSpot. ????????? 3 ????? 2015.
? Sonic Generations. ?????? ???? (Stage) (??.).
???????? ??????? ?????? ???? ??? X
box 360, PlayStation 3 ? ?? ?? ??????????? ???????? ????? Sonic Generations. ???
?????? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 28 ???? 2012.

? Sonic Generations. ?????? ???? (Stage) (??.).

???????? ??????? ?????? ???? ??? N
intendo 3DS ?? ??????????? ???????? ????? Sonic Generations. ????????? 1 ????? 2
015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 28 ???? 2012.
? Shadzter. Nintendo Power Sonic Generations 3DS Details (????.). The Sonic Stad
ium (25 ??? 2011). ????????? 1 ????? 2015. ???????????? ?? ?????????????? 17 ???
???? 2012.
? Usher, Anthony. Sega officially announces Blue Blur-themed endless-runner Soni
c Dash for iOS (????.). Pocket Gamer (4 ????? 2013). ????????? 1 ????? 2015. ???
????????? ?? ?????????????? 24 ????? 2013.
? Edward@Sega. Sonic Dash Update: Introducing Seaside Hill! (????.). SEGA Blog (
17 ???????? 2013). ????????? 1 ????? 2015.
? Lewis, Ed. E3 2004: Sega Superstars Hands-Off (????.). IGN (11 ??? 2004). ????
????? 1 ????? 2015.
? Sonic Heroes: Prima's Official Strategy Guide / ????? ? ????? ?????. Prima Gam
es, 2004 ???.
160 ?. ISBN 9780761544494.
? ?? ????? (w), ?????? ???????? (let). "Old Soldiers" Sonic Universe ? 3 (??????
2009), Archie C

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