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Jung 1

Suyeon Jung
CAS 137 H, sec. 005
Prof. Lori Bedell
Oct. 13 2014
Nothing to Kid About
Smoking cigarette causes more than 480,000 deaths each year in the United States, and
those numbers are increasing year by year (Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking, par.2). Smoking
cigarette even caused more deaths than numbers of deaths combined all caused by HIV, illegal
drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries and firearm related incidents (Health Effects of
Cigarette Smoking). Thus, there are many advertisements based on anti-smoking. This antismoking advertisement uses a negative impact of the second-hand smoking to compel people
who smoke to quit smoking. By using persuasive, advanced and designed rhetorical devices, this
advertisement achieved its goal Anti-smoking effectively.
Historically, there have been numerous campaigns, advertisements, research and
experiences due to danger of smoking. According to WHO, there is no safe level of exposure to
tobacco smoke. It is obvious because when smoke fills restaurants, offices or other enclosed
spaces when people burn tobacco products, everyone is exposed to its harmfulness. Therefore,
there is no effective solution to decrease numbers of second-hand smoking other than making the
world smoking-free. Nothing to Kid About is one of anti-smoking campaigns, and it used
rhetorical devices to compel people who smoke cigarette and others who are exposed to the
second hand smoking.

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They used characters, style and setting as rhetorical devices to remark negative impacts
of the smoking more about so second hand smoke. These devices are used as a remark why
audiences should quit smoking. The advertisement foremost reveals the danger of the second
hand smoking. World Health Organization announced 10 Facts on Second Hand Smoke, and it
says second-hand smoke causes 600,000 deaths per year, and in adults, it causes serious
cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, in infants, it causes sudden death, and in pregnant
women, it causes low birth weight (WHO). Those are appeal to ethos, because WHO is a wellknown and very big organization in the world, and it also appeals to pathos by reminding them
risks of lives from smoking. This video evident this claim with little and innocent children are
saying, I smoke when to urge that there is no such difference between the second hand
smoke and smoking cigar directly.
Through the use of characters of innocent children, the advertisement intends to make
audience to be sympathetic about children exposed to second hand smoke. To be specific, this
advertisement appealed to pathos with sad-faced children showing their expression that they do
not like second hand smoking, but they do when they eat, watch television and take a nap. This
use of characters also appeal to logos that remark us the negative impact of smoking and to
pathos that their children are exposed to the second hand smoking since second hand smoking
are extremely bad for children.
In this video, since music is slow and composed of low toned melody, music adds the
impact of the emotional component, melancholy, to express how bad cigarettes are to humanbodies, and how those harm our health negatively. In this video, children say that I smoke
when to remark how serious the second-hand smoke is to specifically young children.

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Through those uses of persuasive language, this appeals to pathos by reminding people who
smoke negative impacts of the second hand smoke, and this also appeals to logos to remark those
who smokes that their children or close people may face risks of getting health problems with
exposure to second hand smoke and there is no difference between consuming those bad
chemicals from cigarette directly and consume those from second-hand smoking.
This commercial states, When you smoke around your kids, its like they are smoking,
If you smoke around children from birth, by age 5, theyll have inhaled over 100 packs to
show how horrible second hand smoke is to children. For five years of life, children who are
exposed to second-hand smoke, they inhaled 100 packs of cigar. 100 packs of cigar is a large
amount of cigarette for children, even for adults. This appeals to pathos by letting them know
detailed information of second hand smoke, and appeals to logos by making them to logically
think about those negative impact. In the commercial, we also hear a child saying I tried to quit,
and I need to try again in teary voice to express they do not want to second-hand smoke, so they
want their parents to quit smoking, but it is very difficult to. Therefore, it also refers to nonsmokers not to start smoking, because once they do, it will be extremely difficult to quit it.
This commercial achieved its goal by using suitable rhetorical devices. With childrens
sad faces and teary voices saying sentences, it was very compelling and persuasive, and by using
tone down and depressed music, they shaped a well-designed setting for the topic. Overall, I
believe, this commercial definitely was successful with compelling audiences not to smoke, and
even not to begin with smoking.

Jung 4

Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking. (2014, February 6). Retrieved October 6, 2014.

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