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The Call For Physical Education

The Call For Fitness In Saudi Arabian Female Schools

Nadia Shihabuddin
Imrana Iqbal

The Call For Physical Education

The couch potato motto is currently attracting the lifestyle of an abundance of Saudi female
teenagers. Due to the fact that it isnt safe for women to wonder the streets for exercise nor
are there as many female fitness centres (compared to men), women tent to share a singular
characteristic: laziness. These women sadly live a life filled with a plethora of diseases, and a
paucity of both mental and physical well-being. It wasnt till 2014 where the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia allowed both public and private high schools to incorporate physical education
into their curriculums, and sadly they have paid little attention to it. By abandoning the
incorporation of a solidly build physical education class in all female high schools, the
country is abandoning all of the physical and mental benefits that come along with it.Prophet
Mohamed once said "A strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than a weak
believer, while there is good in both he indicated the uttermost importance of having a
healthy a society built of both females and males. This alone should be an incentive for the
Kingdom to strengthen their physical educational system within female schools. By
incorporating a strong, solid, and stable physical education program, female teenagers will
grasp the essential benefits allowing them to excel in psychological, physiological, and
sociological aspects.

The Call For Physical Education

The Call For Fitness In Saudi Arabian Female Schools

Sit. Eat. Sleep. Repeat.
Recognise the child as she builds sand castles on her IPod instead of physically
building one made out of real sand. Observe the teenager as she sinks in front of the
television watching series all day. Witness her skin as it moves in ripples as she wobbles
around from couch to kitchen. Notice the lady, as she gets bigger, fuller, and heftier in size.
This is the grotesque truth many Saudi Arabian females deem to know. The couch potato
motto is currently attracting the lifestyle of an abundance of Saudi Arabian teenagers female
teenagers. Women, in Saudi Arabia, lack the privilege of freely roaming the streets to
exercise. The women gyms in this country are both limited and not affordable for the
majority of the population leading most women to share a singular common characteristic:
laziness. This lazy, inactive, slothful behavior directs females to live an unhealthy lifestyle. A
lifestyle filled with a plethora of diseases, and a paucity of both mental and physical wellbeing. Lazy teenagers become lazy adults simple. Unless Saudi Arabia takes pride in having
the worlds third laziest nation (Saudi Arabia Worlds Third Laziest Nation -Study, 2012),
immediate actions must be made, particularly focusing on female teenagers. By incorporating
a strong, solid, and stable physical education classes, in both public and private female
schools, female teenagers will grasp the essential benefits allowing them to excel in
psychological, physiological, and sociological aspects.
It took Saudi Arabias Ministry of Education exactly sixty one (Ministry of Saudi
Arabia Higher Education, 2006) years to realize that there is no harm in providing females

The Call For Physical Education

in both private and public schools a physical education class. It was only on May 4th,
2013 where the Saudi Press Agency broadcasted that private girls schools were granted
the ability to implement a physical education program (Saudi Arabia: Let All Girls Play
Sports, 2013). Then following an introduction of physical education to public school
females in the year of 2014 (Physical Education for Saudi Girls Stirs Debate, 2014) so
long as they wear decent clothing and are supervised by female Saudi instructors within
the tight regulations, of the countrys Ministry of Education (Saudi Arabia: Let All Girls
Play Sports, 2013,). Although they allowed schools to incorporate PE classes into their
daily schedules, students attending these schools are skeptical towards the eligibility of the
sports program, due to the fact that the Ministry of Education hasnt put a set standard to
the proficiency of female physical education, in addition to the fact that there are rarely
any qualified Saudi Arabian physical educators, teaches, to start with (Saudi Arabia: Let
All Girls Play Sports, 2013). According to a survey distributed to a number of female
high school students schools, exactly 59% stated that the level of physical education at
their school needs improvement (Nadia Shihabuddin, 2014). Although efforts have been
made to include sports in private schools, limiting the classes to a total of 80 minutes per
week is, obviously, not enough. The Harvard School Of Public Health revealed studies
that proved that healthy young adults, and adults needed a minimum of 120- 150 minutes
of vigorous exercise per week, in order to obtain the average amount of health benefits
from exercise, also they recommended Doubling the amount of activity (5 hours
moderate- or 2-1/2 hours vigorous-intensity aerobic activity) provides even more health
benefits (Women and Health Initiative, n.d), also the World Health Organization states
that Children and youth aged 517 should accumulate at least 60 minutes of moderate- to

The Call For Physical Education

vigorous-intensity physical activity daily (Physical Activity, 2013)(7 Benefits of Regular

Physical Activity, 2012).

Saudi Arabia, in general, is not the best location to promote female physical
activity -and a total of 61% of high school females strongly agree with that phrase (Nadia
Shihabuddin, 2014). The extremely hot weather does not motivate females to exercise
outdoors. It isnt normal or safe for females to be roaming the streets exercising without a
male guardian at nighttime either. The numbers of fitness centers that are available for
female use compared to male are very scarce, many can not afford the unbelievably
expensive costs of the uncommon gyms the high prices of gyms are putting off women
from daily physical exercise (High rates of obesity in Saudi Arabia behind diabetes and
heart disease, 2012) . All these are factors pushing females of all ages to live on the
couch potato lifestyle. The fact that Saudi Arabian traditional foods are high in calories
and fat does not make it any better that female activity is non-existent, these factors are
the main reasons allowing 66% of Saudi females to hide their fat under the Abaya -an
outspread black piece of cloth (Naeem, 2012). Obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure,
depression are only some of the diseases Saudi Arabian females suffer with. These
sicknesses all relate to an unhealthy living styles; basically meaning an unhealthy diet,
along with an inactive life(Obesity Research Center, unknown)(Naeem ,2012)(7 Benefits
of Regular Physical Activity, 2012)(Benefits - Why Sports Participation for Girls and
Women: The Foundation Position, 2012) .

The prophet Mohamed once said "A strong believer is better and more beloved to
Allah than a weak believer, while there is good in both God and the Prophet have never
differentiated between the male and the female gender when it comes to mental and physical

The Call For Physical Education

health, this is why the Prophet used believer and not the male. If the prophet was saying
that, one of the main resources that is this country is built on, then it is clearly important of
having a healthy society. The rationale behind why both God and Prophet prefer the healthy
strong to the weak is because the healthy can create change. They can help others. They can
be active members to the Islamic society. While the weak need extra care, extra help, and can
sadly not do much. By incorporating physical education to females, the Saudi Arabian
government will be following gods and the profits wishes of having a healthy, strong society.
Having an eligible sports program, in both private and public female schools, will
automatically derive mental and physical wellbeing benefits, (Benefits - Why Sports
Participation for Girls and Women: The Foundation Position, 2012) something the Prophet
and the holy Quran rooted for. The most obvious benefits of having a strong physical
education class would be the physiological benefits. The fact that activity level in a solidly
built physical education class would be relatively high, girls involved in this will have a
lower probability of being overweight or obese. (Benefits - Why Sports Participation for
Girls and Women: The Foundation Position, 2012)(Women and Health Initiative, n.d) . The
benefit goes beyond the obvious, Sports regulate blood pressure and improve cholesterol
levels reducing the risks of cardiovascular diseases. With only 120 150 minutes of moderate
intensity activity can also reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes(Women and Health Initiative,
n.d). Simply being active for four hours a week reduces the risk of a female getting breast
cancer by 60%. (Physical Activity, 2014). In school a student is still developing, thus
protecting bones, joints and muscles are an essential part being fit and function human being.
The incorporation of solidly built physical education classes

will allow females from a

young age fight the battle against these horrible diseases and lower the rates of obesity in this

The Call For Physical Education

country. Studies done by the World Health Organization are show that benefits of starting
physical activities at young ages help develop healthy a musculoskeletal tissues, a healthy
cardiovascular system, and help maintain a healthy body weight. Developing those tissues,
and systems, and maintaining body weight have been noted to be a start for preventing
diseases that were mentioned previously (Physical Activity, 2014). These are only some of
the many reasons making it crucial for Saudi Arabia to incorporate a strong physical
education program in both their private and public schools. By doing so the government will
promote females to exercise in a safe and affordable, or even free -in the case of public
schools-, environment. The Saudi Arabian government needs to realize that by incorporating
athletic program for females in schools will, in fact, strengthen their country as a whole, due
to the fact that their population, both boys and girls will be stronger and healthier. By being
active and playing sports, females can slow the loss of bone density; build strong muscles
with muscle-strengthening activities. These benefits allow women to live longer, healthier
lifestyles. Sports for women, till this very point, have been proven to be accepted by the
principles of Islam, proven to benefit the society, and lastly benefit one's physical health.
What exactly is the main purpose of hiding this cure to the couch potato lifestyle from
"No blessing other than faith is better than well-being", the Prophet Muhammad has stressed
many times on the importance of well-being. One of the uttermost important factors of wellbeing would be: mental-wellbeing. The World Health Organization defined mental well-being
as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope
with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a
contribution to her or his community (Physical Activity, 2014)(Naeem, 2012)(Exercise for

The Call For Physical Education

Stress and Anxiety, n.d)(Thompson&Alexander, 2012) Many people think that mental wellbeing can only be achieved when an individual's surroundings are near perfect. However the
World Health Organization, The Shanghai International Mental Health Association, The Sport
and Dev Organization, and many more, that physical activities have showed it is a major key
to achieving mental health. The increase of physical education can often reduce levels of
depression and anxiety, by transmitting endorphins and neurotransmitters to the brain, also
known as happy chemicals, these endorphins stimulate the human brain to make the human
feel, generally, happier. The increase in physical activity also increases the temperature of the
body that has been proven to be a way of calming and relaxing the body (Psychological and
Social Benefits of Playing True Sport, n.d)(Exercise for Stress and Anxiety, n.d). According
to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America exercise has been the number one cure
and prescription given to depressed pupils (7 Benefits of Regular Physical Activity, 2012).
Exercise is found to be a stress reliever, exercise can allow the sufferer to discharge
frustration and muscle tension, often helping to reverse stress and anxiety symptoms. says
the studies from the Shanghai International Mental Health Institution. However the most
relevant benefit that is achieved by physical education is the increase of an individual levels
of confidence and self esteem, due to the fact that physical activity results to the fitness of the
body, women are said to be more confident about their image and their character
(Psychological and Social Benefits of Playing True Sport, n.d)(Exercise for Stress and
Anxiety, n.d). Physical activity has proved that it may just be the easiest cure to stress,
depression, and low self esteem. It is important for women in Saudi Arabia to feel confident
about their selves, due to the fact that they still gaining their rightful slots into the society.
Women in Saudi should have the right to feel self worth and confident and release their stress
levels, if physical activity is the easiest way to obtain that, why take it away from them?

The Call For Physical Education

Studies about physical activity are continuously proving the need of a solid built physical
education classes in the Saudi Arabian school for females, if the country wants to have
solidly built females that are mentally capable of working, and serving to the community then
it is very important to incorporate excellent physical education classes throughout its
Sports are known to be one of the most important socio-cultural learning environments in
society, and they have clearly been restricted for the male gender in Saudi Arabia. The
opportunity for women to work for public sectors has finally been accepted by the Saudi
Arabian law, this only leads to the need of teaching the these ladies how to act, handle, and
deal in a professional environment. Sports and physical education classes have been thought
to directly link with the way people deal with one another, particularly sports that involve
teamwork (Womens health Foundation: Benefiting Socially, 2013)(Thompson&Alexander,
2012), According to the Womens Sports Foundation team sports, in all its forms, allow
individuals to learn lifelong skills that will help an individual be capable of socializing and
handling other people. Physical education that is done throughout the involvement of a team,
teachers, teammates stresses on the importance of cooperation, an American soccer coach in
Saudi Aramco taught his students one rule when they entered the Desert Wind Soccer team
You are part of a team that is bigger than just you, you are no longer the priority, your team
is. The act and feeling of having to work with other individuals to get to your goal is a very
shrewd technique to teaching life skills. In sports and in the workforce, pressure, deadlines
and competition are commonplace. Sport gives players the experience of dealing with the
workforce realities and learns to enjoy and conquer their challenges (7 Benefits of Regular
Physical Activity, 2012)(Moving Into The Future: National Standards for Physical Education,

The Call For Physical Education


2004). Work organizations are in the habit of hiring individuals that are able to meet
deadlines, and enjoy competition. As these rules have shown proven, sports have the ability
to teach individuals how to survive in a professional environment. Women should be granted
the opportunity to learn all these lifelong skills. With the idea of Saudi strengthening physical
education in their schools will allow females to absorb all these helpful skills, which, will not
only help them in their sports classes, however in their lifetime careers, and daily lives
(Womens health Foundation: Benefiting Socially, 2013).
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was once asked to allow female schools to include
physical education classes, today, the Kingdom is asked to strengthen these the physical
educational classes, and provide more emphasis and care towards them. Strengthening
physical education classes allow women to be healthy and safe and powerful. Through out a
numerous amount of studies and researches, physical activity has been proven to help cure
many of Saudi Arabias worst forms of diseases and disorders. Just 120 minutes of physical
activity can help remove Saudi Arabias name of the top ten countries with high female
obesity rates. Physical activity engraves high-quality characteristics and admirable habits in
female students through out the country, characteristics that will later on benefit in a
professional work force. Saudi Arabia is a country that follows the religion of Islam and the
wise words of the religions prophet Mohammed PBUH. If both the religion and the Prophet
encourage physical and mental well-being, which is commonly obtained from physical
activity and physical education classes- for both males and females, the country has no reason
to not put its attention to strengthening the physical education classes through female schools.
Once physical education in female schools will be provided females will know the true
meaning of being psychologically, physiologically, and socially benefited.

The Call For Physical Education


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Benefits - Why Sports Participation for Girls and Women: The Foundation Position. (n.d.).
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Exercise for Stress and Anxiety. (n.d.). Retrieved April 27, 2015, from
High rates of obesity in Saudi Arabia behind diabetes and heart disease. (n.d.). Retrieved
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Naeem, Z. (2012). Increasing trend of Junk food use in Saudi Arabia and health implications.
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Nadia Shihabuddin. (2014). Physical education survey [online survey]. https://
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The Call For Physical Education


Physical education for Saudi girls stirs debate. (2014, April 13). Retrieved April 19, 2015,
Psychological and Social Benefits of Playing True Sport. (n.d.). Retrieved April 27, 2015,
Saudi Arabia world's third laziest nation - study. (2012, July 12). Retrieved April 19, 2015,
Saudi Arabia: Let All Girls Play Sports. (n.d.). Retrieved April 21, 2015, from http://
Thompson, K., & Alexander, B. (2012). The women's fitness book. DK Publishing.
Women and Health Initiative. (n.d.). Retrieved April 21, 2015, from http://
Women's Health Foundation: Benefiting socially. (2013, September 22). Retrieved April 27,
2015, from

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