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Philosophy of Teaching

As a teacher I think you cant have just one philosophy because not all of your students
are the same. I have multiple theories and beliefs I would like to incorporate into my classroom. I
believe that each student should be taught on a developmentally appropriate level. Each student
learns different and should be taught to their own personal level and learning style. As I have had
the opportunity to intern in two local elementary schools I have seen firsthand students growth
in a short time. Some students will not always meet the state expectations or standards, but I will
always be enlightened and amazed by the growth I do see in my students.
I believe that parents and social institutions play a vital role in students learning. Students
are raised in different societies with different histories and backgrounds. I as a teacher must be
prepared to reach these students from all different levels and backgrounds. I feel that since
parents play a large role in students learning I must get them involved in the learning process.
I believe that each student should be given an equal opportunity to learn. A students
opportunity to learn should not be based on ones social or economic history. I as a teacher
should be available and dedicated to make an equal opportunity education possible for my
students. My classroom should be creative, active and exciting for my students. My classroom
should incorporate real-world lessons for my students. My students should be able to see the
relevance of my lessons to their everyday life.
I believe as a teacher I should be committed to a lifetime of learning. I need to never quit
learning because just as society and the world progresses so does education. As society and the
world progresses so does the needs of students. So my teaching philosophy will change over the

years. I need to be prepared as an educator to change my methods for learning to reach the needs
of my students.

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