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Michael Williams

Ms. Marissa Ball

LT 3210
30 April 2015
Technology in the Classroom: A Reflection

As a future educator, technology integration is always in the back of my mind when

creating lesson plans or brainstorming about my future classroom. Technology integration in

the classroom has been talked about more and more in recent years. Educators, now and in the
future, face the task of deciding which technology is beneficial in their classrooms. This can be a
daunting task because sometimes it seems we are introduced to new technologies on a daily
basis. Over the course of this semester, I have continued to think critically about how and when
to use technology in the classroom. After completing this class, I have a clearer sense of the
kind of technology integration I want my classroom to have. My future classroom will use
technology in three primary ways: building a classroom community, preparing students for the
real world, and aiding students with physical and mental disabilities, as well as English language
learners (ELLs).

Technology integration can have a profound effect on classroom community. Teaching

students tolerance and respect for other should be present in every classroom. I will foster a
strong and healthy classroom community that emphasizes social justice. America is a melting
pot of culture and that diversity will only continue to grow. Teachers should promote respect
for others, as a primary goal of the classroom. Technology can be instrumental in developing
this respect and understanding of others. For example, we can look no further than that of the

digital introductions we created in this class. Digital introductions can give students the ability
to share things about themselves that others may have never guessed or thought to ask about.
Technology can also give students a voice in the classroom, which they may not have had
otherwise. Bringing democratic values into the classroom through the use of technology is
something I plan to enact in my future classroom. Sites such as Edmodo allow students and
parents to have a bigger role in the classroom. Having students and parents be active
participants in the classroom, is essential to building a healthy classroom community.

Technology in the classroom is also a great way to begin preparing students for the real

world. Technology is not going anywhere. It has taken root in almost every aspect of society,
including most employment opportunities. Introducing students to technology as early as
possible is essential in preparing them to enter the workforce. Students will need to be well
versed in things such as Microsoft Office and Google Docs before they are ready to join the
workforce or even go to University. Educators must recognize the role they play in preparing
students for the real world. We must introduce technology early and use it effectively. I want
students in my classroom to recognize the need to learn about technology, and I will be there
to guide them in this process.

Technology in the classroom can also be used to aid in the instruction of special

education students, as well as English language learners. Students with physical and mental
disabilities and ELLs can often feel disadvantaged in the classroom. Using proper technology to
accommodate these students is essential in todays classroom. Innovations such as cochlear
implants have allowed some students to excel in areas that they may have struggled with
before. Speaking devices, such as the one that Professor Stephen Hawking uses, allow students

that literally have no voice in the classroom, to be heard. I expect to see more innovations in
this aspect of technology in the years to come. As a future educator and special education
teacher, I am excited to learn about new technologies and use them to help my students excel.

Technology integration will continue to be a hot topic well into the future. Technology

has made leaps and bounds in such a short amount of time and continues to grow every day.
Educators must stay up to date with the latest technological advances and implement them in
the classroom when appropriate. The implementation of these technologies in the classroom,
when done in the proper way, is sure to create a better learning environment and therefore
create better learners. As a future educator, I have a commitment to better my practice
throughout my career and keeping up to date with the newest technology is part of that

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