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Description for this torrent:

V2-vocaloids folder contains V2-libraries preactivated for V3/4

V3-vocaloids folder contains V3-libraries released by AlexVox at different times
V4-vocaloids folder contains new V4-libraries released by AlexVox at different t
FE-library releases:
SeeU (19.12.2011), Yuzuki (07.01.2012), Clara (10.01.2012), Bruno (11.01.2012),
Mew (22.01.2012), Oliver (22.01.2012), IA (18.02.2012), Tone Rion (19.02.2012),
Gumi V3 Extend (20.02.2012), CUL (20.02.2012), VY1V3 (20.02.2012), Aoki Lapis (1
4.04.2012), Megpoid Native (06.06.2012), LilyV3+Native (09.06.2012), LUO TIANYI
(12.07.2012), Gackpoid Extend (13.07.2012), Galaco (05.08.2012), VY2V3 (19.10.20
12), Avanna (25.12.2012), MAYU (11.01.2013), Megpoid English (28.02.2013), Kaito
V3 (25.02.2013), ZOLA (03.07.2013), Yan He (19.07.2013), Project575 (30.07.2013)
, Miku English (02.09.2013), Yohio (21.09.2013), MikuV3 Append (20.10.2013), MAI
KA (19.12.2013), Merli (24.12.2013), MeikoV3 (05.02.2014), Macne Nana (06.02.201
4), Kokone (14.02.2014), AnoKano (19.02.2014), Galaco Red&Blue (26.02.2014), v_f
lower (16.05.2014), Tohoku Zunko (28.05.2014), IA ROCKS (13.08.2014), MikuV3 Viv
id (13.09.2014), MikuV3 Light (13.09.2014), Gachapoid V3 (16.09.2014), Rana (18.
09.2014), Chika (16.10.2014),VY1V4 (03.01.2015)
V4-editor folder contains newest Vocaloid4 Free Edition v4.0.1 (which includes 1
: Vocalistener v1.0.2.0 with english interface; 2: more than 100 job-plugins; 3:
additional interface languages)
any AE\FE libraries are supported by V4FE
last torrent update 03.01.2015
------------------------------------------Vocaloid Free Edition International Project
In fact this is vocaloid fandom project (not full fandom, but huge part of it),
we are not involved in cracking other programms (don't even ask), this project i
s only to let free usage of vocaloid at home\for fun.
The other target of the project is worldwide advertising of Vocaloid technology.
If you have money - buy it! If you using Vocaloid for commercial benefits - buy

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